Life After Cassie
I thought my life was over when Cassie passed away six years ago. We'd been married for just a little over 54 years when the doctors found the cancer that had literally invaded her body. They didn't even attempt to do surgery, as the cancer had spread throughout her body, infecting almost all of her vital organs. Her kidneys were the first to completely shut down and, for the last eight months, daily dialysis was the only thing that kept her going. She had long decided against chemotherapy, deciding that when it was finally her time to go she'd do it with dignity, and in her own home. In her final hours she slept in our bed and took her last breath as I sat next to her, holding her hand and telling her how much I loved her. Once she took her last breath I leaned over and kissed her tenderly and said my final goodbye to her. I was 75 and Cassie had been 74.
Today, I'm 83 and still fit and active.
We were without any children, since Cassie had been unable to conceive during our marriage. We finally got used to the idea and decided that we would spend our lives doing what we wanted to do. Both of us came from money, so it wasn't a problem for either one of us. Her father had made a mint in the stock market and could squeeze a penny until he got five dimes out of it. Well, perhaps not literally, but I think you may know what I mean. When he retired he had quite enough to make his life comfortable. Two years after he retired he was killed traveling from New York City to Paris, France. It had been his dream to travel and the Paris trip was to be the last one. The plane went down in the Atlantic and couldn't be recovered. No cause of the crash was ever discovered and up until the day Cassie had been diagnosed with the Cancer had always wondered what had really happened. Her father was an accomplished pilot and had made the trip many times in the past. This was to be his first trip that would have nothing to do with business. It was meant strictly for pleasure that time.
My parents were well off, too, having invested in real estate over the years and their holdings were considerably larger then even I'd suspected. Both of them died natural deaths, only a few months apart. Dad had died in his sleep and mama did the same almost three months to the day since dad had passed. Both didn't want fancy funerals so they were interred with just the immediate family in attendance and the service was very nice. When their lawyer called me into his office two months later, to read their wills, I was totally shocked to learn that I was a millionaire, several times over. Seems that not only did my parents hold a ton of land in the United States, but also in Canada and Australia. Their land holdings in Australia were almost the size of Yellowstone Park! In the city of New York they had property up and down the Hudson River and owned 15 apartment buildings with income from them totaling over $3 million dollars a month! They definitely weren't located in the slums! Their income from the apartment buildings alone would rival that of Donald Trump today.
Being black had its disadvantages when I was much younger. The world was a different place and the racial tensions were always set to explode if the wrong things were either said or done. My neighborhood wasn't like that though. We lived in the best homes, had the best help and could afford anything our hearts desired. All I'd really wanted in life though was a brother to share things with. Alas though, I was an only child and never wanted for anything. My parents sent me to the best prep schools and then to the best college their money could buy. I got my masters degree in drafting from the Harvard Business School when I was only 25 and was soon accepted to one of the better architect firms in New Haven, Connecticut.
Cassie and I met during my first year of school and we were pretty much an item from that first encounter. Before I'd finished school we were married and living in a nice 2 bedroom apartment in New Haven. Like me, Cassie didn't flaunt her money. In fact, until the day we were married I never had an idea that she was worth so much. She never talked about her family but I did know that her parents had divorced when she was ten years old. Her father never talked to her about her mother and she never asked her father about her and never tried to find her. Shortly before he was killed in the crash he did tell her that her mother was dead and she took his word for it. After all, she figured, he had no reason to lie to her about it. It was only after we got our blood tests for the marriage that she learned her mother had been white, thus the reason for the lighter skin tone then that of her father, who was almost the darkest black man I'd ever met. While I considered myself to be quite black, his skin tone was definitely darker then mine. Having a white parent never bothered her at all and she continued on with her life as though she'd never known the truth.
Cassie and I had a wonderful life together, full of love and desire for each
other. We never strayed, never had any affairs, and never spoke cross words to
each other. Now I'm not saying that we never fought, because that would
definitely be lying. We had our disagreements, but nothing that we couldn't
always settle and work out. We never went to be angry with each other. We did
our best to make sure we talked with each other about everything, including her
inability to have children. We thought about adoption at one time but decided
against it. Her reasoning was that if God had wanted us to have children, she'd
have gotten pregnant. So we never had any children of our own, by either natural
means or adoption. Our love was enough to sustain us both and we never
complained and never wondered about 'what if?'.
We were very happy.
Our sex lives was what I'd considered 'normal' for the two of us. While never completely wild in bed, we complimented each other with our needs and always seemed to know what the other wanted. We did our best to satisfy each other and there were never any complaints. Now I know many people wonder about the so-called 'myth' about the black man being more endowed then the white man, and perhaps there's something of the truth in that department, but in my 'department' it's not the case. I've of average size, which is around six inches with a diameter of perhaps three inches. I'm uncircumcised with plenty of foreskin that completely covers my dick head. Cassie always loved to minister to my cock and she was quite good at it, too. I never had any complaints in the sex department. Not one. Cassie stood a little over five feet, six inches, while I'm almost six feet, six inches. Quite a pair we were, too. Got a lot of comments about our 'Mutt and Jeff' appearances, but we never let it bother us. Cassie was not endowed with a large chest, either and her butt, while not the biggest I've ever seen, was just ample enough to get a good hold of when we were in the 'heat of the moment'. Cassie was diagnosed with alopecia after being sick for a couple of months, back when she was thirteen.
Alopecia is a virus that attacks the body and literally kills the genes that allow humans to grow hair on their bodies. In other words, Cassie was quite literally bald all over her body. No hair on her head, no eyebrows, no leg hair, nothing under her armpits, and not a single hair on her pussy. Her body was smooth all over and that was one of the things that really turned me on about her. I could run my hands down her legs without having to worry about the stubble left over from shaving her legs. It never bothered her, either. When she was smaller, and younger, her father would insist that she wear a wig whenever she went out, and she did, but only to appease him. Once she left home and went to college she quit wearing it and easily deflected the questions that were always posed to her. Most of the time she would ignore the questions and leave the questioner standing there with a stupid look on his or her face. A lot of the time she'd just laugh it off. After all, she was used to it and it didn't bother her one little bit.
When I first realized that there was no hair between her legs I got turned
on, much more then I was to begin with. I'm the kind of man who loves to use my
mouth on my wife, bringing her to multiple orgasms with just my tongue and
Cassie also loved it. She was great with oral, both giving and receiving and I'd
definitely consider her an 'expert' when it came time to go down on me. I can
still remember the first time she tried oral on me. I can laugh at it now, but
back then she though she was going to choke to death. Since I'm not of any great
size I had to work with her and tell her what I wanted her to do. She'd try it
and time after time she'd start to choke. It wasn't long before I realized that
it wasn't the size of my cock that bothered her, but the excess amount of
overhanging foreskin I had dangling from the end of my cock. Just as she'd get
ready to really take me into her mouth as far as she could, that skin would
trickle down the back of her throat and her gag reflex would kick in, causing
her to have problems. After a couple more of those reactions I thought about
pulling my skin back onto the stalk of my cock, exposing the cock head.
The first time we did that she swallowed me with no problem at all. After a couple more times I let loose of the skin and let it slide the length of my cock until it was one again (I suppose) gathered at the end of my cock. She told me she could feel it sliding down my cock and then dangling into her throat. She also told me she liked the feel of it 'tickling' her throat and she became what I would consider an 'expert' at cock sucking and would suck me without me even having to ask her to. There were many times when she'd come up to me while I was either sitting in the living room watching my shows or on the side of the bed and would either undo my pants or open the fly on my shorts, pull out my cock, and suck on it like it was the best piece of sweet-tasting candy she'd ever had in her mouth. She even got to the point where she could swallow any load I deposited in her mouth, too. She was a real cum-slut in no time and it wasn't unusual for me to wake up some mornings with her sucking on me and begging me to shoot my load on her tongue so she could savor the taste before she swallowed it all. Now, talk about a 'wake-up' call!!!! I would lay there and enjoy it, then I'd pull her around until her cunt was over my face and I'd give her the same thing in return.
She loved to feel my tongue on her clitoris and when I pushed it as far into her as I could. She even got to where she enjoyed me tonguing her ass hole but never would allow me to put my cock into her back there. Not that I wanted to. Her pussy was enough for me and I enjoyed fucking her every chance I got. Being without children had an advantage, too. That meant we could fuck any time we wanted to, any where we wanted to, and we usually did. It was nothing to start out in the living room and end up on the dining room floor, or in our bedroom or even in our hot tub on the back porch. The only thing she made me do was put up a twelve-foot wooden fence around the back yard so the neighbors couldn't see what we were doing out there.
Being 'normal' people, we would sometimes talk about the idea of getting
others to join us in our sex episodes. I told her I would like to know what it
was like to sink my black cock into a white woman's pussy, especially one with
hair. She'd tell me how she'd love the chance to see me fucking a white woman
with my black cock, too. She even revealed how she'd like to know what it was
like to be with a white man, or - to my great surprise - with a white woman. Up
until that time I never knew she fantasized about being with another woman. She
even told me she'd like to see me suck a mans cock one time. Now I'm the first
to admit that sucking a mans cock had never entered my mind. I'm one of those
black men who would never admit it, even if it was true, but I'll admit this,
when she mentioned it that time I got some pretty wild thoughts in my head. It
was thoughts like that that kept our sex lives quite active during our time
together. We would talk about what we'd like to do but never actually had the
nerve to go out and try it. The fantasy still remains in my mind, after all this
time, but I've still not gotten the nerve to actually try it and, without Cassie
by my side, I don't know if I ever will.
Little did I realize at that time, that my mind would be changed for me in only
a couple of months.
After Cassie's funeral I put our house up for sale and moved into an
apartment complex for 'Seniors' and their needs. It was located only about an
hour away in the small town of Smithston. It's a mostly white community with
blacks scattered around. The area is well kept and you won't find any 'slums'
anywhere in the town. The area is one of the fastest growing suburbs in the New
Haven area and it's population is constantly growing. New businesses are
locating there all the time and there's always some sort of construction going
on there. The traffic is nice, the people are nice, and living there is nice, as
Anyway, I've been here about 2 months now and have gotten to meet a lot of nice
people, mostly white, but nice just the same. I've had the chance to sit and
visit with a majority of them from just chatting to having meals with them.
We've become very good friends and it's always nice to run into any of them
during the day. I've even gone shopping with some of the older men in the
community and have gotten close to two of them, one black and one white. The
black man is Andy. He's 81 years old, bald and of a medium build. The other is
Walter, who is also 81 and has a very nice white beard and mustache. Like Andy
he's of a medium build and visits the centers gym about three times a week. I
just joined this past week and am impressed with the exercise machines they
have. I've started walking on the treadmill and usually meet Walter there a
couple of times during the week.
Last week we walked on the treadmills for about thirty minutes and decided to
go outside and walk around the track for a while to cool ourselves off. We did
that for about another thirty minutes and then it was time to hit the showers.
Now I'm not the kind of man who like to take public showers but once I saw the
place I was impressed. Each 'stall' combines two showerheads so that two men can
take showers at the same time. If you're good friends it's not bad to actually
shower with a partner, especially one you've been exercising with all day, as
was the case with me and Walter.
Walter and I stand about the same height, with him being slightly taller than I
am and we're about the same build, too. I may have a slightly paunchier gut then
he does, but otherwise we're about the same. I think we even wear the same size
shoes. Anyway, as we stood there in the shower for the first time, I couldn't
help but notice his 'equipment'. I tried my best not to stare at him, but I
couldn't help myself. Thoughts of Cassie kept coming into my head about how she
would've liked to see me suck another man's cock.
"I wonder if she meant a black cock or a white cock?" I thought instantly.
Here I stood, completely naked with a man I'd only met a couple of weeks ago,
and I was already wondering if I could get him to let me suck on that wonderful
looking cock of his. I couldn't help but look at it. It appeared to be just like
mine, at least in the dimensions part of it. He is also uncut, but his foreskin
isn't as long as mine and it seems to be tighter then mine is. I found myself
wondering if his skin still covered his cock head when he was hard.
"You like what you see, Jimbo?" I heard the question put to me.
"W-w-what?" I stammered.
"I've been watching you, watching me. Or rather looking at my cock there, buddy.
So, I was wondering if you like what you see here?" and with that he grabbed his
cock and swung it back and forth a little bit, throwing water off in different
Without realizing it, my cock was getting hard.
"I have to tell you that I like what I see between your legs, Jimbo."
Only then did I look at my own cock and saw it was indeed getting larger and
longer, and quite hard, at the same time.
Walter looked around, I guess to see if he could see anyone else in the
shower room, and then turned back to me and reached out and place his hand on my
now-hard cock, pulling my skin up and down and slowly exposing my cock head to
his leering stare.
"Yes," he said again, "I do like what I see here. It feels like it's ready for
some 'action'" and he winked at me, "too. Are you ready for some 'action' (he
emphasized the word again), too, Jimbo?"
"I, I, I don't know what you mean, Walter?"
"Sure you do, Jimbo."
"And please stop calling me 'Jimbo'. My name's Jim."
"Not a problem. I was wondering though," and his fingers never stopped massaging
my dick and balls, "if you'd like to come to my place for a little fun together?
Just the two of us, that is."
"Just the two of us?" I asked him.
"For now. I'm sure Andy would love to get into the action at some time, but for
right now I'd like to have you all to myself."
Here I was, in a public gym, taking a shower with a white man I'd only met a few
short weeks ago, and I was being proposed to, asked to go to his place so we
could do something together. I could only suppose what it was we were going to
do together. If I was right, and I was pretty sure I was, I was finally going to
get the chance to suck another man's cock. My cock got harder at the prospect of
the fun. I could feel it as Walter squeeze my cock yet again and I had to admit
that the thought of finally doing something that Cassie had wanted me to do was
beginning to turn me on.
"Sure, Walker," I answered. "Let's go to your place and have some fun together.
I have to let you know though, I've never done anything like this before."
"I figured you hadn't.'
"H-h-h-how?" I stammered.
"By the way you were looking at my cock. I thought you might like to see what
could happen and turns out I was right, wasn't I?"
I thought about it for a few minutes before I answered him.
"Yes, I guess you're right. I would like to see what would happen." And with
that said I reached over and grabbed a hold on his hard cock.
"Yes," I thought to myself, "let's see what happens!"
* * * * * * * * * *
Walter's apartment was an exact copy of mine, only in reverse.
When you walked into my apartment you immediately enter the living room, the
same with Walter's. Directly in front of me is my kitchen with the cabinet and
sink against the right wall, while Walter's is on the left wall. So is his small
bathroom. Through the door leading from the kitchen area in the bedroom, small
by the standards I was use to in my house, but large enough for one person. For
couples the bedrooms were a little larger, but not by much. There's always room
to maneuver around the bed in a wheelchair or with a walker, whichever the
resident might be using.
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