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Leah's Life : Chapter 1 reviews

Posted by David
you need a part 2
Posted by Lorren
TYVM you've soelvd all my problems
Posted by Professional bitch
Who the fuck is Leah?? And that was lame it had no details or exciting parts. Add to it and improve
Posted by Loti
Dis is a fucking gud story.but put more tins
Posted by Dolley
At last, smoneoe comes up with the "right" answer!
Posted by madyampfila
how did master know that alaine also masterbated before?
Posted by Davids
Youre correct about Social Security in that if all the money weve paid into SS were aculatly set aside that program would be self sufficient. Unfortunately, it wasnt. The money went into the general fund and has been used to fund other programs as well. In other words, SS has become just another way to get more tax revenue from US citizens. When one looks at the size and expense of the various programs the federal government is supporting with the tax revenue it gets, SS is one of the largest. This just tells me that we can, and probably will, see some sort of cuts in this program in the future because we cant sustain the overall debt that the government has created. I dont want SS to be cut either because I collect my check just like many others do. But I do think we will see some sort of cut-backs starting within the next 5 years, probably starting with dropping COLAs, and increasing the retirement age for younger workers. Before this happens, I just hope well unload the program from all the free-loaders, including illegal immigrants, before we start cutting back on those of us that have paid into the program for many years.
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As I moved around her resting body I touched her thigh and she opened her legs further exposing her very short trimmed pussy. I moved my face closer to it so I could examine every inch of that part of her body...