Laverne - you have been a very bad agent!
I didn't intend on going swimming so I brought no swimwear in the cramped
overnighter case. I wondered what Non vegitarians, or those not Environmentally
concience could do to pack for one night in Adams Corners KANSAS. This old road
side motel had an olympic sized brand new 24 hour pool in the middle of no where
flats western Kansas. The COMPANY *** sent me to find out why a 18 year old
girl was cracking passwords at ten a day and could hack any of our servers she
chose to. Luckily she was not a trouble maker. We emailed her and got an
invataion to come visit and bring a 1000 x100 gig cd retriver so she could down
load all this stuff back to us and let us unravel it later. My highest security
protocals had been breached and loaded with Barbie .com or High pocket Henry
mathgames. The hacker was either a screwed terriorst or, a little girl with a
mind beyond belife. We were devestated that we couldn't stop it in 46k attempts.
It wormed its way through and hit in another location. I was the genius that
said" lets write an email and see if they answer it". SHE DID. IN 8 MINUETS. My
jaw dropped just as far as the CEO and ten other Secure posts privy to the
Mission did also. Only the Pres. and Speaker of the House were held up from this
headbanging party. I had twenty years of intense computer input in my 31 years
as a" Gifted One ". So they were paying me the big bucks to know some thing
other than who Spun the bosses roledex on his day off. At age eleven I was
"Adopted by the Federal Avation agency"
Because I built a science project of old Macintosh parts that could land a plane
without a live pilot. It was not practical for commercial use so they bought my
patented rights and gave mom and dad 2.4 million in a working trust for us as a
family. But I was thrown in to a system of Covert studies and Clandestine
decyphering and audio retrivers. My first contributionat 15, was a listening
post that could hear an echo, three minuets after the noise was made. It used
magnatism and airwaves to move hairs of a steel spider web (altrap'ensitive
electron mic), hung in a quite corner. Once, in the test, WE heard a noise 12
minuets after it was made, But it was a gunshot and a car motor. Now here I was
investagating another Little girl, that would most likely, Soon,become a target
like I am. My mind raced over the tid bits of normalcey in my life after the
Mister Chieaster had given me all the schools defunct MACs and a few APPLEs,
that went out, with the replacemet by, new 3.1 H/ps we got from Child- lern.
com. Honestly , I just did some compairative evaluations on them and the
autopilot of my uncles 180 commanchee spray plane. Then, we began to take over
the controls, a little at a time ,until he could land it safely, from on board.
We then went to a bag phone, and later to a selected radio signal. But the bag
phone system was the most interesting to the M,I.B. who came to my house the
last evening of the Final Fair prizes. I got third after a Trick cabnet cloiser,
and a Farm truck bed improvement. My sixth grade Video crew and a bag phone on a
desk didn't impress my guests. The week before Fair, I was a virginal nun
prospect with my eye on a convent in Colorado. That next 2 weeks I Became , a
well rounded" Woman" with Sexuality and Humanatarin knowledge, ten times the
Norm for a collage graduate. Add to that,about fifty "lab" hours to make me
practical in the use and teaching of it to others. All steming from My first, in
school, Disipline by a teacher in six years. The princpal had caught me throwing
back a giant spit wad back to the offender once and kicked me off of the bus for
a week. But this was much more serious than that, belive me.
My best bud, was an efeminate guy called" Gary GAYLORD" his name was Gary Baylor
but his lipwristed ways got him chastized a lot, even by the adult staff and
Administrators. He took it well, The other girls in our class invited him to
every thing and listened to him when he spoke.He took a liking to me in grade 4
and we just hung like vines thru a lot of BS by those who didn't like BRAIN
BITCH or GAYLORD. I was "period positive" the last week of fourth grade in a
30AA bra, and The first week of school in fifth grade I was into 36Bs on a size
3 frame. I couldn't walk straight, or avoid bumping my boobs, into every thing
with in three feet of me, including other people. My glases became an object ot
attention because I wore them on a neck loop of hemp braided by my grand mother
they were unbreakable but several people tried to grab my nipples and got
tangled in my glasses. Art Bills was a lady killer Delux and everyone wanted a
piece of his bulging bugle boys "hung los', everyone , but me and Gary and I
wondered about GARY. I had burshed ART, off three times, in school, before I
called his wonderfull grandmother, told her to leash her lap dog. She and I were
READERS at the hospital on sundays after Church. He backed off alright, but just
to take a run at my hymen.
. I was in a rush to get to church and was running thru the City Golf and
Exersize Area on a blacktop trail for golf carts and walkers. my feet suddenly
were in the air and my elbows were in the hot simi-soft blacktop oil /chert
surface. I hoped the slamming fist was not an animal attacking me from behind.
It Was, the worst kind, Rapingwoman, Man. I tried to raise up but his knee was
in my shoulder blades. He pulled the dress up over my head and Cut my Pantie
hose off of me along with my panties and bra strap in one move that caused blood
to trickel down my butt crack and along my spine. Blood was also running from my
elbows and forehead, knees and toe tips. A line of pain ,told me I had been
tripped on to my face, by Weedeater string tied across two posts at ankle high ,
I could see it tangled in my clothing, as he rammed a finger in my privates. He
brutally twisted it around like he was trying to hook something. "WHAT DO YOU
WANT FROM ME " my mind screamed it, but I think it came as a whisper, I never
heard. The next feeling was his penis, on my sun hot butt cheeks, from a
position of seated on my small of back. He managed to get it pointed into me and
then laid forward on to my legs, driving himself fully into my anus, I stayed
consiense for a minute but the repeated slamming back down my bloody legs to
drive it in at such an akward angle was impossible to accomadate . His hands
gripped my ankles to yank me up against his on slaughts. Finelly, He groaned
loudly and rolled off me. I thought he had just climaxed and quit. But there he
layed,out cold with a golf club mark on his naked back. It was turning purple as
we watched it split open on the boney outcrops of spine and shoulders. "RUN!
Laverne, Run for your life, the sommbichis wakin up fast." I ran from the
directions of my pal Gary," Right at the oak, right at the bridge, left over the
dike and into the Horseweeds I'll tie us in a tipi." I never quit full out
running at my hardest until I saw the giant green plants taller than most homes.
he laid me in a soft patch of wild oats grasses, kept weakend by the lack of
sun. Quickly, like a wild animal hiding its young from a preditor., He reached
up and wove several stalks together on one side then several on the other, with
a strand of another kind of weed he laced them together faster than it took me
to type this line. He plopped be side me and hugged me to him telling me not to
make a sound. He Kissed me so deeply sweet I felt an orgasm welling up in my
pelvis. I told him,"YES" "more,Gary., please more" He responded with passion I
didn't know he had in him ,He pulled away to look at my wounds and touch my
nipples to his own swollen buds of brown. " LOOK we,er sisters of the Ibbity-
bitty- titty- committie" I laughed to loud he kissed me quiet again. laying our
nude parts of bodies side by side as our Detractor ran by so close we could
smell this Expensive after shave/cologne. He ran into the street, fifty yards
past us, then dodged into a bush to avoid a cop car crusing the area. WE
breathed a sigh of relife and touched our chests together again. I moaned, due
to a pain some place and he quit instantly" NO gary, Don't quit, please lets do
something rash and Crazy, I want you to make love to me here, With my period
flowing and my bloody cuts from a rapist still dripping form me, to my HERO." he
blushed and stopped me from kissing his penis as I had plans to do someday
anyway. "EL. I can't do that to you ,I love you sis, but your hurting , scared ,
I would be taking advantage of you at a moment of weakness." I looked into his
green gold eyes and kissed him full open, tongue slashing, and my pubic area
consuming his erection. "FUCK, THE ADVANTAGE FULL STEAM AHEAD, MAXWELL" a line
from his favorite cartoon programe with a minor liberty taken.
He giggled girlishly simple and laid his head next to my hipbone. "I must
proceed as I have dreamed, this moment would be, sometime in the future. After
my operation to make me my womanself I want to have a lesbian affair with you
under the nose of your present BUTCH DYKE BIKE MIKE !" We chuckeled over that
also, then laid there and talked for several hours. not touching in passion but
wrapped in friend ship of the soul. OH shit did I ever come for him though, He
laid his chin on my pubic mound and flicked his tongue over the hood to tickel
the tiny tip of my JELLY BEAN (I stuck a very small one up in there once, two
years ago,while mutually masturbating, and he got it out for me, with his teeth)
"Open up laverne, I want at" little hole" you think don't stink. HA HA it does!
like a tuna taco seniorita, I was grinning but thru gnashed teeth as he touched
every nerve of my lower body at once and I nearly flooded his face with my
buildup of girly goop , thats when I realized his penis was in my mouth, it felt
larger than the one reciently in my rectum. I also had more than my jaws could
hold , I never even thought about it I just did it for my friend. We scrambled
back, face to face with our lips trailing strings of fluidy goo up our tummies
and stopped at titties to suck them so hard it hurt my jaws. Fresh hicky bumps
made his even more pronounced than before. "Looky, Gary yours are nearly as big
as mine." He pointed them up and brushed me again, with just the tips on my
tips. "think of me everytime your nippers git a tingle from no where, Its me
thinking of poking my tit into your pussy and tripping your trigger with my own
titty hard- on, brushing your clitor - sis," We didn't laugh that time because
we were scared our lives would spin out of control at a young age and crash us
both. WE were very aware of the suicide rate for Gay and Genius level children,
Even higher than for other Native Americans in- youth- at- risk REZ life.
I ignored ART that Monday, He was obnixious to others but to me he was WHITE
KNIGHT. Gary siddled up to me in the hall and said "LETS GO LICK CLIT S" he
patted his behind like riding a pony and shouted "YIPI KIY YYI YEAI MO FOKR" in
a line from Bruce wilis movies. He loved to kibitz them, for us girls, in his
limpest wrist of all time, making fun of BURCIE. We would literly pee our
nighties, Then have to sleep nude, because he did that routine all night long.
Mom woke us up early to go to a pow-wow as a group in our suburban, We were all
stark naked laying tangled with each other .Gary was laying with his head on my
thigh and his limp little penis in my hand. Mom thought we were doing it that
time, but we didn't. She told me "KEEP IT OUT OF THE BABYs CRADLE" and never got
personal about it. We went to the Dance contest and won as the best all Girl
stompers Gary was our CALLER dressed in lavender Doe skin, and a Hair pte of red
Quills no one questioned his sex. Besides it was ok to have a male caller and
drummer. Dad won a hundred and eighty dollars betting on us. Mom won four
hundred, but never told him, she throwed forty bucks in fives at him in the Van
on the way home and said," YOU may as well, have it all smarty pants!" She faked
an angry for about five miles then we stopped and fed everyone at BUFFALO ANNIES
BBQ. She was dads NAKOTA cousin by marriage. She had us pose for a DRESS picture
and sign it with our Dance NAMES. (it is still on her wall).
This day of School was the BEST in my life ever and the last in public. Mrs
Palmer allowed me a (period pass) to go laydown in the nurse station. We had no
nurse, but band aids and tums were legal and neosporin was accepted. Mister Chi.
had given me a tube of preperation H to really heal me fast and painlessly.(
Only Gary and MR CHI knew I had it with me).I salved my wounds, left my pants
off , and laid face down on the old timey OB- GYN table. I fell asleep and
dreamed I was being made love to, Then I woke up to the reality of a penis
sliding into me and the preperation H was bring used to make it comfortable and
chilling, because the texture was grainy. I rumped up in to the motion of my
"attacker" and admitted him deep inside me as his position was knelt on the STEP
of the table with my knees in the stirups spread so wide I could clear the table
with a leg flex. His chin was in my spine holding my head down to the table.
"PLEASE! let my head go so I can fuck you properly." I spoke into total
darkness( the room had no windows) someone with a light switch KEY had to turn
them off. I took more of him in then dove away, to remove him, but it just made
a good, long stroke of it . He held my waist up with his muscled arm, a pinky
finger, touching down into my furry little clitoris hood, pressing on the shaft,
I moved to get my hand into that mix quickly. I picked a position to stroke my
clit head with my thumb while i could put my fingers on the shaft of the
relentless piston going slowly into the bottom and out to just a tip on my lips.
I was three orgasms into this action when he clinched his chin back to my spine
and I could hear the squishing squirt of our cocktail leaving us at a noisey
rate. Then he stuck his tongue into my rectum in a suprize attack that rammed my
sore head into the solid horsehide cover.
It was not still either, he could move it somehow, I tried to squeeze it off but
it just went in farther and with more actions, He kissed it after I came again
for him that way, twice . He held me in a hug ,as the last of him, pulsed up
against my breathing diaphram." Whats next doctor X"
He chuckeled a moment then kissed my lips, I returned it passionatly as I knew
how. He proceeded to educate me. Few words, only repeats of an action until I
understood the finer points. He layed down and as I pointed to something he told
me the Crude name and the Grays Anatomy version. I kissed him between right
answers he adjusted my kissing slowly and taught me to kiss my own breast to
learn the best tecnique.
He could suck his own cock, just the tip with his curled tongue, but it was
enough. He gave me a massage using a pop bottle. I came on it when he took the
ribbed and dotted neck of a CRUSH orange into me far enough to make it fit the
sides of my birth fork. He warned me never to do it with a bottle , because the
air changes inside and creates a vaccuume that can suck a large portion of the
uterine wall into it and you are stuck till you go to the Emergency room and
they drill a fine hole in the bottle to relive the sucker. We laughed about it a
moment until his mouth was over mine again and we just had regular good old sex
and I loved it. He kissed me with the same tongue that was in my poop hole and I
didn't object at all. A knock on the Door brought sudden moves and a white sheet
over me. then A lady Staffer ask me how long I'd Been in there. I said" I have a
pass from Palmer." She told me I had slept the entire night and half the day
there. It was noon Saturday and my folks were about o send out a search party
for me. The Men In Black were at the house looking for me. I righted my self and
slithered into my jeans away from her because I was a bloody mess all up and
down my front except the nipples were clean and shinny. And my navel was full of
semen and Goop that ran out when I sat up. Then, As I walked away ,it ran out of
my happy little beaver skin canoe. I laughed when I jogged down the hall and out
to the Phone in the parking lot. In the Breezey one hundred degree day my wet
spot would dry soon I hoped. Mom was glad to hear my voice as I explained to her
what had happened , only leaving my visitor out of it. I told her I had
masturbated to get relife from my crampy time and it worked far to well. She
laughed and related it to my sisters in our lady language. Then she sent dad
after me. 72 hours later I was in Quincy Illinoie at a fine Collage type
environmental system.
Now , I was going to make some other little girls life into a nite mare of
simplicity. The motel owner brought me a pair of jeans and sissors to cut them
to fit the occation. I thanked him then ask if he knew the Family I was to be
visiting the next morning. She was his god daughter, and the Mom worked for him
in the off season when employees needed full time work elsewhere. We tipped
lightly on her computer wizadry then went on to me in the pool. I closed the
door and chopped the pants off like i would for home use but they hung funny in
the fanny. so i cut off some stylish zigzags to cover the looseness Then i cut a
bra top from a leg and saved the seams to use as ties around the back and tie up
front. A hair tieback came out of the other leg and a bag for my drink, a radio,
and CELL PHONE( leash).It was midnight when I finally made it to the waters edge
to join five other people two couples my age and a teen girl who was in the
water splashing like a little kid playing porpoise
She was so lovely her hair was down to her hips they were ample but not wide
just high out from her distinct back indention. She had almost a pouch for a
belly and it dropped drasticly into her narrow pubes and a tripple wrinkle in
her panties that were serving as a swim suit in the dark. I could even see the
wet cling of her clitty bump that matched her nipples perfectly to size and
responsive ness. I touched her shoulder to ask if the water was warm. She looked
into my face a brief glance then dropped her bibini s flaps to expose THO." to
the point of painful" she grined back to me and said to join her so she wouldn't
feel so stupid in the water alone. I dove in head first and the neatly tied bra
came untied.
I surfaced and she giggled to see my breasts bobbing freely among the denim
strips. "that suits me fine " she thru hers up on the bank at her mothers feet
"throw it back if we have company". S o I did the same and it landed next to the
other lady I had just met "IF You don't mind could you do the same for me?" she
agreed and slapped her hubby person for a wise crack, then ask me to show him
what i had . " Not much different than madonna, only aimed the other way." we
all laughed too m uch about it . But I was in water that bouy-ed them nicely.
My response to a public viewing was evident in the spiking of all my goose flesh
. The Girl came close to me as we finished the public display of attraction."
Ignore my uncle, laverne , He is just a clod from the clodhopper clan." I was
amused It was so typical of a nerd jokeing.
I saw her glasses creases on her nose and temple faded against her translucient
cream skin. Braces ,were the invisable kind, you can see.
We threw a basket ball for a long time. then went to hoolahoops over each other
from a long ways apart, The one couple went in to call it a night . Her folks
told her to get dressed and come along it was late so we grabbed tops and put
them on in front of her dad he even tied her neckstrap while she wrapped me in
mine. (I should have went in with out that part done)When she reached around to
switch ends Her thumbs hooked my withered tips and krinkely areolea then paused
to fondle them forwardly without pretext. she then tied it on and put her hands
on my hips to turn me around."Whos the adult here Missy,(the name her dad
used)?" She waited until Dad bob was out of easy site in the dark. "You, I love
that in a woman" her lips were so hot they sent rays to me a foot away. She
opened her mouth before ever moved her face toward me, so when we met I was not
suprised to feel the minty tongue on my tonsils before the lips met mine." Do
you want to have a smoke before we go to bed laverne?" she made it sound like we
were going to bed togeather right then. "Do you smoke missy?" she poked a
lighter into my waist band and made it drop all the way to my crouch which,
after the water treatment, was a seam stuck in my snatch, with meat curling
around it, almost touching over the denim strip up my butts middle canyon. " see
you have the Fire, I need to fuel it" the lingering index finger was on my navel
,but the longest one was traveling along my center tufts of black fur, She was
not turned off by my exceptionally thick matting from my navel to my shoulder
blades and around both titty centers with a traceing to the strunium and out to
my chin. I did try to keep the chin plucked or deplitorid down to a fluff. But
with my dark DRAKE skin tone of t he Northern Tribes it was easy to ignore a few
wild hairs. She licked my breast top across to the other one then down to my
navel. I shivered to a gut twist orgasm for her to watch in the street light.
"FUCK YOU MISSY, YOU ARE A LITTLE SLUT!" she beamed as she rose to kiss me
she put her hands together" Laverne, Honest, I am a virgin and I have never done
any thing even close to this before. But I am about to make a commitment in my
life and I havent even lived any of it yet. I got screwed by a cousin once but
it hurt and we got caught, My best friend and I discussed jacking each other off
once but we just did our own and watched each other. Then once while we laid
back to belly snuggle
in a bed roll we had an orgasm together but she was rubbing her own button and
mine was on her skinny hard butt muscle. I had a lady touch my nipples in class
one day, she was supposed to be fixing my Civil war era hoop skirt, the bodice
was lace ,so no strap bras, I didn't have one on anyway. I kept pointing out and
getting embarrased as heck because the boys in Blue were pointing back with out
their weapons raised. She just messed with the lace and put a two knuckel pinch
on me, flat, but so good to the tummy, I lost the hard blush after that and it
stayed prety well until we were finished." She hesatated as I kissed her this
time. " That lady came around while we were undressing to get her gowns and
uniforms. The other girls were on a coke run and had gotten their clohes changed
because I was the last one off stage and my gown was an Antique , So she wanted
to be sure I didn't tear it or spill some thing on it in the dressing room. She
let her hand linger on my humps a second, when the hoops were going down. I was
getting nervous and wanting the others to show up, she handed me my panties from
under the hoop frame before I noticed they had came off with them. I was nude
while she was looking at me. But after I was dressed i went out to thank her and
kissed her half a lip. She moved to catch us in a nice meeting kiss. our teacher
was right there with us. I blushed badly. I wanted a better kiss.That was when I
first noticed, I was more cranked by a good beaver shot on a girlfriend ,than a
tight ass in coyboy wranglers. But I never, until tonight, wanted to coi my self
into a womans bed to have a night of sex." I was specchless and proud and shy as
well as wanting to strip with her on the pool side and roll into a recliner. I
told her" It had been a long time since my last FLING, and it was with a guy I
worked with undercover before this job as Security cheif of the Simptin Wirth
computer Service. a division of Smith and Wesson. Mostly government contracs. I
could not have a gay life and a business life. I couldn't even have a sex life
with an S&W life. I masturbated three times a week and got a HOT SPA once a
month that was continous climax for forty-five minuets after they attached the
electrodes to monitor Blood and intrnal body temp. The vibarator lounger was a
reclining Dildo. Then a HUNKY attendant stripped you and oiled you standing up,
toweled the table and laid you down. He arainged the towels to pressure the
monds venus and a thigh thrust to let you cock a leg to change positions for
your climax. I never failed Obrian, He knew my hot spots and the tempo of my
labido. I would hit high c`minor. when sleep for ten in the tan box. But last
month I was over korea in a fuel transport trying to jam a sound generator with
ultra high freq. pain inducers. it was aimed at las vegas to change gambling
patterens of patrons. If they were in the sound sensitive target they would
change Casinos or spending habits and go to their FREE room. no profit in that.
even hookers were pissed at a lack of trade for a month. I got the pesky
"""WASKEL WABBIT''''' .She laughed so nicely I was tempted to ask her to my room
but she was only fifteen. How could I even think about it. Because she was, Her
age was not a factor in her equation of sex and a chance meeting. She ask for me
"HEY DAD! she leaned into the rooms patio exit " I am going up to her room to
share a pizza and watch GOOD tv so you can have your porno. I'll see you about
nine for checkouts" she was grining ear to ear as we
left the area and i followed her up the stairs watching her sweet young ass
comming out of her panties before the top step. she turned to kiss me as I made
the last two steps attached to her face and my simple Deinim creation was in her
hand to take from my feet so we walked naked in the moon lite for the next
fifteen doors ,exposed as we were to the general public of two oclock in the
morning. There were some looking up at us from an old pickup in the lower
lot.nothing to see from there.
The pizza was cold and hard but it was pizza. WE set a pace to try ten new
Shelly learns what really happened between Megan and Araceli and is brought face-to-face with her own feelings... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting