Laverne, you have been a BERRIE Bed agent
(Part 2 from 2)
That ever she wanted to call it that day. You thought she was
screwing the Big Old Black guy ROOSTER Brill club-owner" (they giggled more than
my girlfriends) "Well I was right wasn't I ?".Mom nodded, then dropped it,"DADDY
do you really recall all that?" he slipped an amr around her hips***under her
night gown."OK listen to my side of it first "Tudy" (an old nick name mom has
carried a long with her) Your mom wanted us out of the Room from six am till she
left for work because we didn't let her sleep in all morning, And she wanted
Rooster to be able to come,PRACTICE,without us around". Grpa didn't sound angry
about the cheating though."Dad I remember the day for the same reasons you do,
when I in need,for that little extra boost over the edge, I let my mind ripple
thru that summer. and POOOWWWBANG! I shoot to the Stars. Stan don't like it
cause the MY wet spot creeps under him too".
(more pure laugh'ture and some nice little kisses, his hand was around her naked butt). "WE went to the Branch beach where the old WPA 1920s cabanas were. cemented in Stressed steel tables, always clean, big enough for twenty people. 4 spaced off slab walls with plenty of air over under and around but they made you feel private under the cement canopies that had withstood dozens of hurricanes , tidal waves and teenagers.even some TRUE mexican gangs had tried to take over the area and border guards took them back with gun fire and hand gernades in the 1950s. But you liked them because you could "layout" nude on the steel tables and not be gawked at by anyone. After the announcement about 'Kennedy' the beach cleared completly.We got there about ten minuets after the first radio announcement. took our gear into the cabana with your Crosly transistor and the Poliroid camera. You had a 26.00 bikini to try out for the first time, that one could have been cut from a postcard.It was white spandex unlined tie-in-the- back.the bottom disappeared into your butt and the front was invisable wet,top was same. I was in a speedo diver,like a bandaide with stars and stripes. Your mom had bought them for us and we took them site unseen. I was in the fishing mood so I went one hundred yards south to the tip of the jetty. you swam a while. it turned back to chilly I had caught two twenty pound blue bonitia's, so I was limited out on points for that beach. I came in five minuets before you, packed the fish in ice and met you in the cabana ready for the lunch and a nap.You were nude looking, walking to me and so poised and lovley I had a lump in my throat like a goose egg. You were so chilly the purple was showing all over you. but the windless sun in the gazeboie was nice and toasty.I told you about your back and shoulders being you got out Coppertone and a big beach towel and laid up on the table, popped the strings and pulled it clear of your body while I dried me and your legs to get the sand off and salt residues that you hated crusting up on you. You ask me to roll a towel and bridge your pelvis bones because the table was cutting into you. when you arched up I put it thru and touched your pubs they were sticky, You laid on my hand for a second. Then we Chuckeled about it,I took the cap off and I lathered you up with slow movtion lotion on my hands. I noticed the fact that you were spacing out as I rocked you side to side putting lotion on buttocks and thighs. So I just continued with a goal of Climaxing you. It worked you buckeled up and came so hard the juice tracked back down your thighs. your hands were clenching and you touched my bulge as you brought your arms to your side.I was sticking out over the top of the waist band. you were looking straight at it and smiling so sweet I nearly shot my load on your back., With the extra large coppertone gobs I dumped , I squeezed to hard. I was trying to get it back up on you when you said you,d like to roll over and I didn't stop you. My hands were goopy you stopped half way up on your side towards me and my dick was aimed right at the furry gap. I was leaned over you trying to get more lotion and you guided me into your thighs and it stuck out the back where the worst of the lotion had ran between your legs, A Moment of weakness and I was inside you with my hands and penis and tongue all over the coconut oiled sections of you, then you kissed me and it was far to much. We had a climax together that put you into a state of passed out or something,heat stroke, I don't know but it was several minuets before you came to and started again right where we quit. we went to the cement floor and then You went for the blankets the the car and I proformed orally on you with you on me, for several hours total. I think when we got home you told me we spent 11 hours in the act.We didn't touch each other for two years.Except a two minute kiss at the kitchen sink one night that almost got us caught red faced, You were ready to get me in and the creak of a floor board alerted us just in the nick of time. your shorty fell back over you and I kicked the panties under the table, and my dick wilted in about three minuets as I sat at the table trying to pick up your pantie and she was yellin'at the top of her lungs about you running around the house with out a bra on.It was three thirty in the morning and she was three hours late from work? Her tirade was cover for her tardieness. that was the night the condum ,fell out of her, as she started to get on to the bed, it was full of sperm and black kinky hairs like watch springs. I looked at her face then back to the rubber and packed my things and left without a word to her, as she screamed about her carrer and supporting us (on her 125 a week) Not counting my 800 a month disability check from korea vet. I just left and came back for you the next day but you stayed with her for two more months.I had met ROENIA and you were jelouis as hell. Then you came to us at sixteen Pregnant and I introduced you to Steven, Your step cousin, and you married him two months before Laverne was may of 68'. OH yeah we had a nice night while you were pg to about the seventh month, that was erotic as hell too. I had you sit on my lap in your over sized tee shirt while I wiped you with olive oil and we joked With Roenia about TEXAS and the thing "oily" did to us both. then Roenia touched your titty and you climaxed in my lap. We thought you broke water. I laid you on the couch and Roe took off my pants and your nighty and began to oil us up as We did hand magic for a long time. I began the oral and she laid on the floor to take a home movie of us , we never quit till After you got me into your butt and I was wasted to the max. But Roenia took over, laid your head on my stomach and she laid 69 with you and my erection in both her twat just a little and your lips. It gave her the attentions she missed from HER old roomy back in collage, It releived me this fucking Incest taboo supercharge up thing, that makes me jack-off two or three times a day." Mom hit his arm that was holding his self ,You don't have to waste it Dad Iam as willing now as I was then , we just have to keep it really private.I can think of nothing more exiting than you and I again, "LOOK she raised her house coat and wiped her self and licked it from her fingers, then let him do it too, I was hammering my pubic area with both hands. "Trudy if I do this It will be a commitment for me not to look for another wife you know I'll be living with you till you put me in a home don't you?". POPS we'll crossthat stream when we come in it,(SHE LAuGHeD HARDY AND CLEAR) "Tonite is your's do you want to just stay here or go to your room right beside steven and missy. (I felt better, at least the minor thing with my father wasnt incest , he wasnt my father).OHH you are to noisey for that, we need to be, as far from them, as we can get". they had kissed several times in this process, but now his hand was into her spread on the chair arm just where I was a week ago when I let dad get me off with his fingers while, I pumped him under a covers.I let my self go to sleep while they made love in the big recliner. when I woke up, grpa was walking up the stairs and mom was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. I scurried to her side gave her a hug and told her how much I loved her.I could smell grpa s pipe smoke in her clothing and hair. "Mom can I have some hair pie and tube steak for Breakfast?" She roared out loud then ask me where I was all night, I told her and we talked a little about it, I told her it was fine with me and Id like to watch again some time. I wiped my sticky hand on her arm,"OEWEShit, THATS GROSS, laverne" I grined "no worse than you ,fixing food, with grpas semen running down on the floor" she looked and noticed I wasn't lying. Several drips of blood tinged liquid dotted the white tiles. I left in a few days to go 6 weeks of infiltration school.physical training including scuba gear diveing, connecting wires and setting listening devises. Explosives ect. then I got another Week at home before being deployed to north Koreain air space. I am not 18 yet. It had been several weeks since I actually had an orgasm,except the cheap thrills of the scuba gear. Mom put me in the den this time and told me to be very quiet around two am, with a wink, So I knew she was going to do grpa with me watching again.I could not imagine how understated this was, Grpa came in at two ten sat in the recliner turned on the reading lamp , began to masturbate slowly with out any climax just erection. Mom appeared in her panties and squated on the floor facing him. she took over the hand job and laid the chair back flat then got astraddle of him faceing me seven feet from his toes. It was a long time of continuis action on moms part, she climaxed three times and grpa shot once but had one after that also. I had went twice on my wrist twist with my hand clamped tight in my thighs. Then grpa walked to me and touched my free hand "Your welcome to join us 'verny we need you to know how much we love each other." he was serious I declined but sat on the hearth to watch them every night that week and masturbated in front of him before mom came down. I couldn't belive a heart attack prone 67 year old man could pound away like that every night and still funtion well during the day. MOM on the other hand slept till noon and grumped till three. She perked up if grpa and I pestered her.
Missy, finally kneed the floor and let him go with one last kiss.I ask for some explaination as to how often that would take place. She held my face and kissed it warmly, " Laverne I have a confession or two that will intrest you very much, I am fourteen to day thats my birthday party they are going to. My name Is Elizabeth Mona Gradinsky, The little girl you are here to interview for Goverenment Operations techno/teen. But ,the other side of the coin, I go into Cedars Sini in los Angeles , Saturday for brain surgery that is 70% failure rate in adolesents,But the PIN mass is aimed at my Madula sac. and will penetrate monday without surgery.If it hits the sac I may die in a few minuets. If they save my life ,the chances are 80% I will be a veggie terminally incapasitated. If Per'chance I survive this, in decient condition, it could reoccour in two years or less. I was told to live for all its worth for five months. I wish we would have met then not now. But we did and I am much happier for it. And the honor of being considered for a position working with you is like the right hand of god to me. I will cherish the moments video taped and recorded for the last 70 hours ,but tell your Boss GEORGE I have a better offer on the real OTHER SIDE.
what more needs wrote, it is mute.
(more pure laugh'ture and some nice little kisses, his hand was around her naked butt). "WE went to the Branch beach where the old WPA 1920s cabanas were. cemented in Stressed steel tables, always clean, big enough for twenty people. 4 spaced off slab walls with plenty of air over under and around but they made you feel private under the cement canopies that had withstood dozens of hurricanes , tidal waves and teenagers.even some TRUE mexican gangs had tried to take over the area and border guards took them back with gun fire and hand gernades in the 1950s. But you liked them because you could "layout" nude on the steel tables and not be gawked at by anyone. After the announcement about 'Kennedy' the beach cleared completly.We got there about ten minuets after the first radio announcement. took our gear into the cabana with your Crosly transistor and the Poliroid camera. You had a 26.00 bikini to try out for the first time, that one could have been cut from a postcard.It was white spandex unlined tie-in-the- back.the bottom disappeared into your butt and the front was invisable wet,top was same. I was in a speedo diver,like a bandaide with stars and stripes. Your mom had bought them for us and we took them site unseen. I was in the fishing mood so I went one hundred yards south to the tip of the jetty. you swam a while. it turned back to chilly I had caught two twenty pound blue bonitia's, so I was limited out on points for that beach. I came in five minuets before you, packed the fish in ice and met you in the cabana ready for the lunch and a nap.You were nude looking, walking to me and so poised and lovley I had a lump in my throat like a goose egg. You were so chilly the purple was showing all over you. but the windless sun in the gazeboie was nice and toasty.I told you about your back and shoulders being you got out Coppertone and a big beach towel and laid up on the table, popped the strings and pulled it clear of your body while I dried me and your legs to get the sand off and salt residues that you hated crusting up on you. You ask me to roll a towel and bridge your pelvis bones because the table was cutting into you. when you arched up I put it thru and touched your pubs they were sticky, You laid on my hand for a second. Then we Chuckeled about it,I took the cap off and I lathered you up with slow movtion lotion on my hands. I noticed the fact that you were spacing out as I rocked you side to side putting lotion on buttocks and thighs. So I just continued with a goal of Climaxing you. It worked you buckeled up and came so hard the juice tracked back down your thighs. your hands were clenching and you touched my bulge as you brought your arms to your side.I was sticking out over the top of the waist band. you were looking straight at it and smiling so sweet I nearly shot my load on your back., With the extra large coppertone gobs I dumped , I squeezed to hard. I was trying to get it back up on you when you said you,d like to roll over and I didn't stop you. My hands were goopy you stopped half way up on your side towards me and my dick was aimed right at the furry gap. I was leaned over you trying to get more lotion and you guided me into your thighs and it stuck out the back where the worst of the lotion had ran between your legs, A Moment of weakness and I was inside you with my hands and penis and tongue all over the coconut oiled sections of you, then you kissed me and it was far to much. We had a climax together that put you into a state of passed out or something,heat stroke, I don't know but it was several minuets before you came to and started again right where we quit. we went to the cement floor and then You went for the blankets the the car and I proformed orally on you with you on me, for several hours total. I think when we got home you told me we spent 11 hours in the act.We didn't touch each other for two years.Except a two minute kiss at the kitchen sink one night that almost got us caught red faced, You were ready to get me in and the creak of a floor board alerted us just in the nick of time. your shorty fell back over you and I kicked the panties under the table, and my dick wilted in about three minuets as I sat at the table trying to pick up your pantie and she was yellin'at the top of her lungs about you running around the house with out a bra on.It was three thirty in the morning and she was three hours late from work? Her tirade was cover for her tardieness. that was the night the condum ,fell out of her, as she started to get on to the bed, it was full of sperm and black kinky hairs like watch springs. I looked at her face then back to the rubber and packed my things and left without a word to her, as she screamed about her carrer and supporting us (on her 125 a week) Not counting my 800 a month disability check from korea vet. I just left and came back for you the next day but you stayed with her for two more months.I had met ROENIA and you were jelouis as hell. Then you came to us at sixteen Pregnant and I introduced you to Steven, Your step cousin, and you married him two months before Laverne was may of 68'. OH yeah we had a nice night while you were pg to about the seventh month, that was erotic as hell too. I had you sit on my lap in your over sized tee shirt while I wiped you with olive oil and we joked With Roenia about TEXAS and the thing "oily" did to us both. then Roenia touched your titty and you climaxed in my lap. We thought you broke water. I laid you on the couch and Roe took off my pants and your nighty and began to oil us up as We did hand magic for a long time. I began the oral and she laid on the floor to take a home movie of us , we never quit till After you got me into your butt and I was wasted to the max. But Roenia took over, laid your head on my stomach and she laid 69 with you and my erection in both her twat just a little and your lips. It gave her the attentions she missed from HER old roomy back in collage, It releived me this fucking Incest taboo supercharge up thing, that makes me jack-off two or three times a day." Mom hit his arm that was holding his self ,You don't have to waste it Dad Iam as willing now as I was then , we just have to keep it really private.I can think of nothing more exiting than you and I again, "LOOK she raised her house coat and wiped her self and licked it from her fingers, then let him do it too, I was hammering my pubic area with both hands. "Trudy if I do this It will be a commitment for me not to look for another wife you know I'll be living with you till you put me in a home don't you?". POPS we'll crossthat stream when we come in it,(SHE LAuGHeD HARDY AND CLEAR) "Tonite is your's do you want to just stay here or go to your room right beside steven and missy. (I felt better, at least the minor thing with my father wasnt incest , he wasnt my father).OHH you are to noisey for that, we need to be, as far from them, as we can get". they had kissed several times in this process, but now his hand was into her spread on the chair arm just where I was a week ago when I let dad get me off with his fingers while, I pumped him under a covers.I let my self go to sleep while they made love in the big recliner. when I woke up, grpa was walking up the stairs and mom was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. I scurried to her side gave her a hug and told her how much I loved her.I could smell grpa s pipe smoke in her clothing and hair. "Mom can I have some hair pie and tube steak for Breakfast?" She roared out loud then ask me where I was all night, I told her and we talked a little about it, I told her it was fine with me and Id like to watch again some time. I wiped my sticky hand on her arm,"OEWEShit, THATS GROSS, laverne" I grined "no worse than you ,fixing food, with grpas semen running down on the floor" she looked and noticed I wasn't lying. Several drips of blood tinged liquid dotted the white tiles. I left in a few days to go 6 weeks of infiltration school.physical training including scuba gear diveing, connecting wires and setting listening devises. Explosives ect. then I got another Week at home before being deployed to north Koreain air space. I am not 18 yet. It had been several weeks since I actually had an orgasm,except the cheap thrills of the scuba gear. Mom put me in the den this time and told me to be very quiet around two am, with a wink, So I knew she was going to do grpa with me watching again.I could not imagine how understated this was, Grpa came in at two ten sat in the recliner turned on the reading lamp , began to masturbate slowly with out any climax just erection. Mom appeared in her panties and squated on the floor facing him. she took over the hand job and laid the chair back flat then got astraddle of him faceing me seven feet from his toes. It was a long time of continuis action on moms part, she climaxed three times and grpa shot once but had one after that also. I had went twice on my wrist twist with my hand clamped tight in my thighs. Then grpa walked to me and touched my free hand "Your welcome to join us 'verny we need you to know how much we love each other." he was serious I declined but sat on the hearth to watch them every night that week and masturbated in front of him before mom came down. I couldn't belive a heart attack prone 67 year old man could pound away like that every night and still funtion well during the day. MOM on the other hand slept till noon and grumped till three. She perked up if grpa and I pestered her.
Missy, finally kneed the floor and let him go with one last kiss.I ask for some explaination as to how often that would take place. She held my face and kissed it warmly, " Laverne I have a confession or two that will intrest you very much, I am fourteen to day thats my birthday party they are going to. My name Is Elizabeth Mona Gradinsky, The little girl you are here to interview for Goverenment Operations techno/teen. But ,the other side of the coin, I go into Cedars Sini in los Angeles , Saturday for brain surgery that is 70% failure rate in adolesents,But the PIN mass is aimed at my Madula sac. and will penetrate monday without surgery.If it hits the sac I may die in a few minuets. If they save my life ,the chances are 80% I will be a veggie terminally incapasitated. If Per'chance I survive this, in decient condition, it could reoccour in two years or less. I was told to live for all its worth for five months. I wish we would have met then not now. But we did and I am much happier for it. And the honor of being considered for a position working with you is like the right hand of god to me. I will cherish the moments video taped and recorded for the last 70 hours ,but tell your Boss GEORGE I have a better offer on the real OTHER SIDE.
what more needs wrote, it is mute.
Natalie gets a new job though a bit reluctant to tell her children about it. Another first time story about how Mark might just get to see his mom nude, and maybe, his sister as well... |
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