Life is Wonderful
Her father became a strict disciplinarian since his wife died while giving birth to Ida. He would not let his daughter wear lipstick and she had to wear long dresses. They read the bible every day and revealed in the glory of god. They did not have a television. Her dad, Clute Jones, said the devil invented television and he would have none of it.
Sex with a woman was only to make babies and those who fornicated without marriage would suffer eternal damnation.
Clute was out of work and decided to go to Little Rock to find a good paying job. The family moved into a run down rented house. Clute found a job as a laborer in a large construction company. Her brothers worked with her dad.
Ida enrolled in the local high school. Her brothers did not go to school. They quit when they finished the eighth grade. Her father thought school was a waste of time for a girl. A girl should only be taught how to clean and cook and prepare herself for marriage to a god fearing man. Anything else was the devils work.
Ida's first day at school was a shock. Girls were walking down the hall before class and wearing short skirts. They had on lipstick. The students gave Ida strange looks and laughed at her. Ida felt out of place with her long plain dress. Her first class was traumatic. She found the rest of the class was ahead of her.
Maybe it was because the only book she was allowed to read was the bible. She used to think she was a smart girl, now she wasn't so sure. She kept her mouth shut and hoped the teacher would not call on her.
Finally school was over. Ida was walking home when a girl joined her. She was very pretty and Ida had seen her in class.
"Hi, i'm Betty Wendel" she said.
Then the girl smiled at her and ask:
"What's with the granny dress?" she giggled.
Ida had never been ashamed of her clothes before, but now she was.
"My dad is religious and thinks that a girl should be covered before god" she said.
"Oh" was all the girl said.
Ida found her first friend.
"You know the kids will make fun of you" said Betty.
Ida started crying. She wanted desperately to fit in.
"Don't cry, you can come to my house and change into some of my clothes before you go to school and your father will never know"
"Please, can I?" she sobbed.
Of course you can. We are the same size." said Betty.
"Where do you live?" ask Ida.
Betty gave Ida directions to her house and the girls parted company.
"See you tomorrow morning" said Betty as she waved goodbye.
Ida had never defied her dad before. She knew her dad had a temper and the consequences could be dire. When she was seven her dad caught her stealing candy. He stripped off her clothes and whipped her butt with a wire coat hanger until it left bloody welts on the sobbing terrified little girl. Her big brothers looked on with approval starring at her little naked body. This time it cold be worse.
Ida went to Betty's house the next morning before school. Betty and her mom greeted the girl and invited her in. Betty had told her mom about Ida's plight. Shelly Wendel hated religious zealots and was happy to help this unhappy girl. Betty dressed Ida in one of her short skirts. Ida put on one of Betty's white blouses. Betty showed her new found friend how use lipstick. Ida was beautiful!
This time Ida was not laughed at in the school hall. A good looking boy whistled at her as she walked by. Ida blushed and was pleased with her success. She was now like the rest of the girls. She was no longer a freak.
The school day went well and Ida was happy. After school the girls walked to Betty's house talking and giggling.
Her dad and her brothers were driving home early from work in his old car. He saw his daughter and stopped the car by the curb so that she could not see him.
"Is that Ida?" ask Frank.
"Yes that is your little sister dressed like a slut" snarled Clute.
"Are you going to whip her on her ass?" ask Brad.
"I'll do worse things to the whore" said Clute.
Charly, Ida's other brother was silent. He felt his prick grow in his shorts. All the boys wanted to see their little sister stripped naked and severely punished.
When Ida entered the house her father and brothers were waiting for her. Clute punched Ida in the face knocking her to the floor.
"Rip her dress off boys" he demanded.
Her brothers tore off the dress and undergarments from the surprised frightened girl. They dragged the naked sobbing Ida to her bedroom. She lay there helpless and afraid. Clute shoved his hand up his daughter's cunt. She screamed out with pain when he broke her cherry.
"Now rape your sister!" he demanded of his sons.
The boys whooped and hollered and undressed exposing their hard pricks. Ida had never seen a boys 'thing' before. She closed her eyes. She did not want to see what was about to happen to her. Charly punched her in the face.
"Keep your eyes open whore" he snarled.
Ida's opened her eyes when Charly pulled her nipples, stretching them until they hurt. She screamed:
"What have I done to deserve this?" she bawled.
"You dress like a whore, we will treat you like a whore" said her father.
The boys gleefully fucked their little sister until they were exhausted. The poor girls cunt was filled with incestuous sperm. Clute stood over his daughter with an evil smile. He grabbed Ida by her small tits and lifted her off the bed. He hit her in the face with his fist so hard she fainted. Clute shoved his big prick down the unconscious girls throat and fucked her until she woke up coughing sperm from her mouth. Ida was fucked in every hole she had. Her asshole and pussy were bleeding on the bed. Finally her molesters fell asleep. Ida silently crept out the front door and ran to Betty's house.
It was Saturday night and Betty and her mom was watching television. They heard a soft knock on the door. Shelly Wendel opened the door and found naked Ida bleeding and abused.
"WHO DID THIS!" she shouted.
"My father and my brothers" she sobbed.
Shelly saw cum dripping from the girls pussy. OH god, the bastards raped her! Shelly took the girl to her daughters bedroom. She got a warm wash cloth and gently washed the girl cleaning the blood off her face. Ida had a black eye and bruises all over her breasts and body.
"I'm going to call the law" she screamed.
Ida pleaded with her to forget it. She did not want to be known in school as a rape victim and she did not want her father and brothers to go to prison no mater what they did to her.
Shelly took Polaroid pictures of the abused girl and vowed to use them to hurt the girls father.
"You girls go to bed now" she said as she closed the door.
Betty turned off the lights.
"I love you Ida" whispered Betty.
Ida and Betty kissed each other until they fell asleep.
Shelly looked at the horrible pictures of the raped girl. She was angry. She was more angry than when her husband left her for another woman. She put them in an envelope and went outside to the mail box and mailed them to her lawyer. Shelly knew what she to do. She would black mail Ida's father with the pictures and tell him to get the hell out of town or she would tell the police about his rape of his little girl. She would make him sign papers so she could adopt Ida. Shelly wanted the girl. She knew Betty loved Ida. She wanted them to grow up together.
Shelly awoke with a start. It was daylight. She had fallen asleep on the couch. She went upstairs to wake the girls. Shelly went in her daughters bed room. Betty was snuggled up to Ida and had her finger in Ida's pussy. They were so cute! Shelly smiled to herself and let the girls sleep. She went downstairs to make breakfast. Now it was time to wake up. She again went upstairs to Betty's bed room. She kissed her sleeping daughter on the lips.
"Mommy?" said the sleepy girl.
"Kiss Ida and wake her up sweetheart."
Shelly watched her daughter kissing her sleeping friend. Ida woke up and put her arms around Betty.
"You girls have ten minuets before breakfast" said Shelly happily.
As soon as her mom left Betty got between Ida's legs, something that she had wanted to do for a long time.
"What are you going to do?" gasp Ida.
"This" said Betty as she softly licked the girl pussy.
"OH MY GOWWD, THAT IS WONDERFUL" shouted Ida in orgasmic pleasure..
Shelly laughed when she heard Ida. Her daughter must be doing something naughty to the girl.
Betty and Ida came downstairs for breakfast. Ida had a sheepish look on her face. She knew that Mrs Wendel heard her loud cry of passion last night.
Mrs Wendel was a very liberal mom.
"Now eat your breakfast girls"
"We have a lot of things to talk over when you are done" said Shelly....
The girls finished breakfast went to the living room. Shelly Wendel was waiting for them.
"Ida, did you have a climax when you were raped?" ask Shelly.
"Not at first, and then yes" said the girl shyly.
"Woman can't help but having those even when sex is forced on them"
"Don't feel ashamed of it" said Mrs Wendel.
Shelly Wendel told the girls her plan to keep Ida. She would black mail Clute Jones and his sons into signing adoption papers for Ida.
"Will it work?" gasp Ida.
"Of course it will work - he does not want to go to prison." she said .
Both the girls smothered her with kisses and squealed with delight. Shelly prepared herself to confront Clute Jones.
Shelly drove her car to Clute's house She barged into the front room. She saw Clute and his sons standing in a circle and praying. These disgusting creeps were praying for Ida's return.
"You bastards are in deep trouble" she said.
"Are you the bitch that has my daughter?" snarled Clute.
"Yes, and I have pictures of your abuse"
"So what" said the defiant Clute.
"You will do exactly what I say or I will turn those pictures over to the police and all of you will go to prison" shouted Shelly.
Clute was speechless for the first time in his life. He signed the papers.
"Good, now go back to where you came from!" growled Shelly.
Shelly took the papers and drove home to tell Ida the good news. She opened the door and found her daughter kissing Ida. She had her hand in the girls panties.
"Can't you kids keep you hands off each other for a minute? said Shelly.
"But I love her mom" said her daughter.
"I know you do sweetheart"
"You can love her all you want - she is ours to keep."
Shelly told Ida that her father and brothers left town and would never bother her again. Ida, with tears in her eyes hugged her new mom.
Later Shelly told the girls that she knew what they were doing in bed at night. Ida and Betty avoided her eyes and were silent.
"I don't care if you little horny twits fuck each other to death, just don't let anyone else know about it"
"We will keep it secret mom" gasp her daughter.
Ida kissed Shelly on the lips and thanked her for being so understanding. Shelly could see why Betty loved this girl. Her kisses were sweet and exciting.
Shelly took the girls to a clinic and got them birth control pills. The next thing they might fuck was boys. Shelly thought Ida was lucky she hadn't got pregnant from that awful rape. When they were home Shelly said:
"Now you girls can fuck boys if you want"
"Which ones mom" Betty giggled.
"Anyone you horny little twits can find" laughed Shelly.
The girls giggled. They could not wait to go back to school.
Shelly heard the girls making love that night. She listened to their cries of passion when they got each other off. It made Shelly excited and she masturbated herself to orgasm. She fell asleep dreaming of Ida's little naked pussy.
Shelly was making breakfast when the girls came down stairs. She heard a lot of giggling when they took a shower together. She knew they must have been doing something nasty. Shelly smiled to herself. They were so happy.
Betty and Ida walked down the hall in school before class. A boy was standing by the wall and whistled at them. He had done it before.
"Are you whistling at me, or both of us" giggled Betty.
"Errrr - a - both of you" he stammered.
"Good, you can take both of us to the drive in movie tonight" said Betty.
Betty and Ida introduced themselves as sisters and gave him their phone number. He said his name was Berry Mathews. The girls walked away proud of their boldness. Betty whispered into Ida's ear.
"Should we let Berry fuck us tonight?"
"Why not, we are on the pill now" she whispered back.
When school was over the girls rushed home and told their mom.
"Both of you?" gasp Shelly.
"Yes - yes, yes" said the excited Ida.
"Lucky boy" said Shelly.
Berry Mathews ask his father what it meant when two sisters wanted to go on a date with him.
"Both of them? said Carl Mathews.
"Yes" said his son.
"It means that you won't try any funny stuff while they are together.
"Oh" said the disappointed Berry.
Carl laughed to himself. Sometimes his son was so dumb he didn't have a clue. He was a typical teenager.
Betty and Ida were dressed in the sexiest clothes they could find. The girls waited for Berry. Berry Mathews knocked on the door and Shelly let him in. Shelly could see what her girls were so excited about. He was big strong, handsome boy. The girls went outside and saw the beautiful black Cadillac Berry was driving.
"Is that yours?"
"No, it's my dads" he said.
Berry drove to the drive in move and parked in the back row. He did not even bother with the window speakers and kissed Ida.
"Take her clothes off and do her" she said excitedly.
Berry could not believe what he heard. This girl wanted him to fuck Ida right in front of her! Berry clumsily undressed the girl. Ida helped him remove her panties. Berry ripped his clothes off in excitement. He had a huge hard on already dripping cum. Ida helped him guide his prick in her cunt hole. Berry fucked Ida like he was possessed. Betty panties got wet with climaxes. She saw Berry's dick slipping back and forth in Ida's cunt. It was so damn beautiful!
Ida started moaning with pleasure. She shoved her pussy up to meet every thrust. If her father and brothers had fucked her like this it might have been different. Instead they raped her, and the bastards beat the hell out of her. This was exciting and wonderful. Berry groaned and filled her pussy full of sperm. It leaked past Berry's wilting prick on the leather car seat. Ida kissed Berry sweetly as if to thank him.
"I want some now!" cried Betty.
She climbed into the back seat and took her clothes off. Berry was panting and out of breath. He didn't know if he could do it again. His dick got hard when he saw the nude betty waiting for him, her legs spread wide, waiting to be fucked.
Berry got in the back seat and mounted the waiting girl. She whispered in his ear that she was a virgin. That made the boy excited past his wildest dreams. His prick slowly entered Betty's pussy until it hit an obstruction. Betty pushed her cunt up hard on his penis and broke her cherry.
Ida was playing with the cum that oozed out of her cunt when she heard Betty "Yelp". She looked around and saw her sister, with her legs high in the air being fucked.
Betty had a gigantic climax and peed on Berry. The excited boy fucked Betty furiously and shot sperm into her pussy. Betty felt faint from her climax.
She told him she was sorry she pissed on him but that she couldn't help it.
"It sure surprised me" laughed Berry.
Betty started crying and told him she would never do it again.
"NO, I loved it when you peed on me"
Betty kissed Berry and said that she loved him. Berry was silent. He loved both Betty and Ida. He hoped that this could go on forever.
"Can we go out tomorrow night? pleaded Berry.
"Of course we can" said Ida.
The kids got dressed and Berry drove the girls home. Shelly was waiting for them.
"Did you girls let him fuck you?" she ask.
"Oh god, did we" said Betty.
"He broke my cherry and it made me feel so good I peed on him" she giggled.
The girls described the night of sex to their mom. Shelly listened with interest.
"Ida, did you like it?" ask Shelly.
"It is wonderful feeling when you are not getting raped and beaten" she said.
The girls ran upstair to bed. They cleaned each others pussy with their tongues. Ida fell asleep with her arms wrapped around Betty. The girls looked like little angels. Betty woke up before dawn to find Ida sucking her cunt hole.
"Pee in my mouth" whispered Ida.
Betty peed a morning gusher into Ida's mouth.
"Now do it to me" said Betty.
Ida squatted over Betty and let squirts of piss in the girls mouth. Then she raised her ass and peed on the her tits. The girls kissed and licked each other sharing the pee.
"Get on your knees and put your ass in the air" whispered Betty.
Ida did as she said and soon felt a tongue licking her little butt hole. She squealed with approval as Betty's tongue reamed her hole.
The girls got dressed and fixed their own breakfast. Shelly got up to join them.
"You girls are up early" she said.
"Yes mom, we like to make love before we go to school" said Betty.
"I hope you girls brush your teeth afterwards" said Shelly.
Ida giggled and said:
"We like the smell of raw fish"
The girls went home with Berry after school. He wanted them to meet his dad. Ida thought Carl was a dream. He was good looking and he was single.
"Will you come to our house to meet my mom?" ask Ida.
Carl was surprised at her brash request. This lovely little girl was fucking his son, and so was her sister. What if their mother was a horny bitch also? Maybe he could get a piece of ass from her. He was a lonely man after his divorce. He hadn't stuck his dick in a cunt for years. Carl eagerly accepted.
"I'll be their tomorrow evening" he said.
Berry drove the girls home. While Berry was driving Ida unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. She gleefully jacked it off until it exploded all over the car. The girls giggled and laughed and had a great time. Berry kissed Betty and Ida goodbye. He said he and his dad would come by for drinks tomorrow so Carl could meet Shelly.
The girls told their mom about Carl Mathews.
"Does he really want to meet me? she ask.
"Yes he does, and he is divorced just like you" said Betty.
"Is he handsome?" ask Shelly.
"Extremely, I would jump in bed with him anytime" giggled Ida.
Shelly was speechless. She went to the liquor cabinet to see if there was enough booze. It seemed to be full of everything. Shelly did not drink much because she got horny and did stupid things, like going out to bars and picking up any man she could find.
Shelly picked out what to wear and washed her hair. She felt like a teenager on her first date. The girls watched their mom. She seemed so happy.
"She wants a dick rammed up her cunt" said Betty.
"I know, I hope she will get fucked silly" said Ida.
"She is silly already" giggled Betty.
The girls ran to their bed room. Betty lifted ida's skirt and stuck her fingers in her cunt. Neither of them wore panties or a bra.
"OUCH, watch the nails" said Ida.
"Oh poor baby" muttered Betty kissing her tenderly on the cheek.
"I'll lick it all well for you"
Ida flopped back on the bed and pulled up her skirt. Betty stuck her tongue in the girls cunt hole. Ida sighed and relaxed.
Carl and Berry knocked on the door. Shelly answered it. Carl instantly liked the woman. She was lovely! She had large breasts and was almost as slim as her daughters but taller. Shelly invited them in and fixed drinks. Ida had never drank any kind of alcohol before. Her father said it was a sin. What did that religious creep know anyway. She was Shelly's daughter now.
Ida looked at her drink and gulped it down. It almost made her gag. Ida smiled, It was like drinking Betty's pee. It was good when you got used to it. Every one drank mixed drinks and talked. Carl started kissing her mother and Betty was kissing Berry.
"Can we go somewhere else?" whispered Carl into Shelly's ear.
Ida heard that.
"No you don't, we want to watch you fuck my mom!" said Ida.
Carl did not believe what he just heard. These girls wanted him to fuck their mom right in front of them.
"I don't mind" said Shelly sweetly.
Betty undressed her mom. Then the girls undressed. They undressed Berry and played with his prick. Carl could not keep his eyes off Shelly's big tits and her hairy pussy. Ida took Carl's shirt off and pulled his pants and shorts down exposing his prick. Cum dripped from his pee hole.
Betty coaxed her horny mom to lay on the floor in front of the couch. Shelly spread her legs wide and smiled at Carl. Ida helped Carl stick his dick in her mothers cunt. Carl fucked Shelly like a race horse. He went off several time in her but did not stop. Shelly always had wet climaxes. She had a big one this time. Her pee hole shot out her female juice drowning Carl's balls.
"That's it, drown his balls with your cum" shouted Betty.
Ida applauded with glee.
"Fuck my mom until she shits" said Ida.
Carl had never fuck in front of an audience before. It made him excited. He wanted to please this woman AND her daughters. He shot a huge load in her cunt hole. It leaked out of her pussy when his prick wilted. Shelly trembled as Carl removed his prick. She had a gigantic wet climax. She shot a clear stream of female cum all over the rug. The girls giggled and applauded.
"Now it's our turn" said Betty.
Betty told Ida to lay on the floor and put her legs behind her head. Ida giggled and did what her sister asked. Betty licked Ida's cunt and stuck her ass in the air for Berry to fuck. The boy slipped his prick in Betty's cunt hole and fucked her slowly. He did not to spoil Ida's fun.
Carl and Shelly sat on the couch watching the kids have sex. Carl played with Shelly's big nipples. Shelly kissed Carl and told him to stop or she would cum again.
"Do it" whispered Carl.
Shelly spread her legs and Carl saw the clear liquid squirt from her pee hole wetting the couch.
"Can you do it in my mouth?" he ask.
"Maybe" she whispered.
Carl got between her legs and put his mouth to her cunt. Shelly stiffened and had a wonderful climax. Carl could not belive the volume of fluid that filled his mouth. It as sweet as honey. Carl could not drink it all and pulled back. He let it spray on his face and hair. He licked her cunt and it made her do it again. Shelly was a mess. She could not help farting every time Carl made her climax. Carl loved it and he knew he loved this woman. Carl was a wet mess. He sat on the couch and whispered in Shelly's ear.
"I want to marry you" he said.
Shelly gasp and a said in a soft voice:
Carl and Shelly watched Berry go off in Betty's cunt. When Betty knew that berry was done she said.
"Watch this mom"
Betty squatted over Ida's face and pissed all over her.
"Damn, you've got some nice girls" said Carl.
"You have a good looking boy, and he has a nice prick" Shelly replied.
Shelly kissed Carl on the lips shoving her tongue in his mouth. She loved this man and soon she would be his bride.
Shelly made an announcement.
"I'm going to marry Carl" she said.
The girls were excited. Now they had a new father and their mom had a lover. It could not get any better than this!!
Shelly sold her house and she and her girls moved in with Carl and Berry. Carl and Shelly were married in Reno Nevada. They had a beautiful life. Shelly got pregnant and had a baby girl.
Life is wonderful...
Part 2 of my visit with John... |
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