Kissing Games

(Part 1 from 2)

'Angel, over here' called Sissy, my best friend she was waving at me so I waved back. 

'Seen any cuties yet?' I asked as I walked ova to her

'Not yet, let's wait till after highschool... the basketball team.' 


Another academic year, another year to battle books down. New students, good looking guys, and even more good looking boys on the basketball team.

I smelled the fresh air and smiled. 'You think this will b my year?' I asked Sissy. Senior year and last year, 18 years, a cute bottom, shoulder length black hair, and even more of a beauty than Sissy, but she got more attention....well, she was also flirty.

Sissy looked at me unsure then turned away and nervously said 'o... of course this is ur year.'

I looked at her, her ears had gone red and she looking far away. sisi stood about 5'9 and would b perfect for a model except she didn't want to be as skinny as her 55 kilos and tended to eat a lot. Kissing games 

'Angel, over here' called sisi, my best friend she was waving at me so I waved back. 

'seen any cuties yet?' I asked as I walked ova to her

'Not yet, let's wait till after school... the basketball team.' 


Another academic year, another year to battle books down. New students, good looking guys, and even more good looking boys on the basketball team.

I smelled the fresh air and smiled. 'you think this will b my year?' I asked sisi. senior year and last year, 18 years, a cute buttom, shoulder lenght black hair, and even more of a beauty than sisi, but she got more attention....well, she was also flirty.

sisi looked at me unsure then turned away and nervously said 'o... of course this is ur year.'

I looked at her, her ears had gone red and she looking far away. sisi stood about 5'9 and would b perfect for a model except she didn't want to be as skinny as her 53 kilos and tended to eat a lot. I was just 5'8.

we were more sisters than friends but the difference was clear sisi was outgoing, feisty, very independent ...for her social d academic status...lets just say she's a C-average she was also half black half Japanese and very fair-skinned. moi on d other hand was the total opposite an ice queen (totally not my fault), depended on my dad and was brilliant in school and was all black (not to mention church going too)

'U just lying gurl!' I told her

'Well what can I say? It's partly ur fault why guys don't cum on to u...'

'Hey, I...'

'Oh puh lease. you is as cold as Alaska. And you never give anyone the chance to know you.'

'Your right. but it ain't ma fault u know, I just feel so self-conscious and it's like I'm always on the verge of...'

'Can't talk now, Tyrone's calling.' she said interrupting me and ran to meet him leaving me all by myself. I rolled my eyes, Sissy just couldn't understand what friend were for. 

By the end of the first day I had tried smiling twice to two guys in my class that literally ran before I could do more. 

'Ooops' my books had dropped to the ground and collided with my wall.... Kz linebacker and captain of the football field for two years, we had been friends back in the 5th grade...but he grew popular and more social....

'Hey, watch it baby.' he said

'Sorry kz, wasn't lookin'.'

'thas iight...'

He helped me carry my books and instead of giving them back to me, walked with them. 'Where u headed?' 

'My car' I said. Ok gurl, I said to myself, keep yo cool and just talk...or not...

We got to my car and I opened the passenger sit for him to deposit the books.
'So you ain't gonna invite me in?' 

'oh, uhm...sorry...wanna cum in?' I asked nervously

He grinned and just about killed me with his gorgeous white and perfect teeth and marvelous face which clearly showed cos he had braided his hair. He was about 3 or 4 inches taller than me so I made it a point not to stand too close cos I always felt intimidated when I was with him. 

'So how's life been?' he asked.

'Cool,' I said 

'Three years as an honor student huh? Wow, wish I was as smart as you.' he said

I smiled and said 'well you're doin pretty good fo urself. Captain 'o d football team, most popular guy and most desirably-wanted guy in the ...' I closed my mouth ' did I just say what I said?' 

He laughed and smiled 'yep, most wanted. And just who wants me?'

'Oh puh lease, like u don' know every skirt in the school is chasing u.'

'Every skirt?' he asked grinning

I decided not to comment on that last one

'So how about it?'

'How about wat?' I asked

'Well, y don' we make wat u said right. Make sure every skirt IS chasin' me. I know how much u hate been wrong'

'Not gonna happen.' I said. Then an idea came to mind and I leaned closer like I see in damovies when the girl is doing the teasing and licked my lips innocently. 

He grinned again 'so we're just gonna play a game here huh? it's iight I don't mind doin da chasin'

'Then ur gonna b chasin for a long time' I smiled then winked at him. 'u gotta pen?' I asked after a minute of silence.

He brought out one from his pocket and handed it to me. I took it with his right hand in mine, leaned into his body and very slowly and carefully wrote my cell phone number in his palm. I drew a heart around it, claiming him as mine. Before I could pull away he pulled me back and kissed me on my lips lightly then drew his head back, my eyes were close and mouth slightly open wanting more. His lips were on mine again, gently nibbling and then sucking then later biting. His tongue carefully circled my lower lips and every minute he would lick my lips. Then without warning he went for my mouth, into it. His tongue drifted in and out. And it tasted of vanilla and heaven. He sucked on my tongue 4 several seconds while his hands rounded my waist. We fit perfectly and knew it. But I wasn't about to just give in to him, just so he could go hang another trophy on his wall. We continued like that for 15 minutes or so then I pulled back slowly. Walked to the driver-sit got in and drove away without even a goodbye or last look at him.

'Baby gurl, do you like him or not?' sisi asked, we were in my room and as it was the weekend we were just chillin'. 'you know if you don't grab him, there's gonna b other hussies checkin his ass out 'n gettin' on wit 'em.'

'Of course I like 'em. But it's a lot more than just like. I really really like him, and I don't wanna b just another one o his trophies. cos thas all girls are to him.' I explained. And as much as I wanted to be on of his trophies I wasn't sure I wanted to get hurt, to him it was just 'give them lovin' n leave em beggin for more'. He'd never go for a real relationship. 'and it's partly his fault i'm ice-cold to other guys.' I said

'right, just don't tell him that. it wuld b one-way ticket then. He'll just run. But you know wat? u really got style, u play it cool in front of him whenever u see him. Me, i'll just be like drippin' on him n shit if I was the one with a 5-year crush.'

i smiled. five years sounded like a life time. when I was 15 i'd imagine him and me in his room i'd b all naked and his hands would just b caressing every part of me and i'd b moaning. And through the years my imagination went deeper and my moans got louder. My smile got wider. yes, I was gonna have him and I'd make him want me.....then i'd lose him....i just hoped my heart would endure the pain. 

Next day at school as I was coming out of the chemistry lab, I bumped into kz again. 'Careful there angel almost like yo stalkin me.'

'u wish!' I retorted and stood there watching him.

'so wat u be doin dis friday? There's gonna b a bash at j.j Johnson's house, I really think you shuld cum cos it's gonna b da bomb, and you know how j.j throws parties.'

'i really don't think it's gonna b possi..'

'o cum on, you can hang out with know i'mma protect your sweet ass from gettin' hurt.' he said and winked.

i looked down, trying to fight the blush coming to my face. 'it's not that. i'm still not allowed to go out.' 

'o yea, I forgot. the almighty angel, good and pure inside and out. u know u really shuld take risks.'

'Oh u mean like you do everyday with yo husslin' n shit?'

'Touch?, ok well why don't we do sumpin together. Just the two 'o us. like a pick-nick or I could cum ova and tell yo dad you're my tutor cos ma grades ain't all tha good.'

'You know ma dad doesn't want 2 see ur black nigga ass anywhere near me. Not since 5th grade when u tried drownin' me in Mrs. Andretti's pool!' I said

'o yea, I forgot about that. dat was a long time ago, I can't believe yo ol' man wuld still have a grudge against me!!' he had come closer to me while we spoke and right now I could smell his cologne which was tickling sum sexual parts of me. His hand had started rubbing mine where we were leaning on the wall I could feel goosebumps all the way from my neck to my spine. 

'kz, we're gonna b late for class.'

'Let's skip it then.' he said

'I really couldn' dad would kil...'

'No he wouldn't, so cum on lets go.' and he held my wrist in a tight grip and dragging me led me to the parking lot where his car was.

'kz, I really think this is a bad idea...'

'then don't think,' he said drawing me close to him and he lowered his head to mine and placed his lips on my already puckered and ready ones and kissed me thoroughly with much passion and lustfulness to last a long time. His hands went to my ass and grabbed them, pulling me closer and he began rubbing them. The sensation was no doubt exquisite and I settled my body into his, my hands went cupped his face and I kissed him with all the passion I could administer.

Then he released himself from my grasp and went to the drivers sit to open the door. I got in the passengers sit and we drove off. We got to a house called the Dump, i'd never been to this part of town but I knew it was the Dump just by looking at it. Kids in school always talked about it and stuff that happened in it. The house looked real creepy from the outside and my guess was that it needed restorations real quick. You could tell that the color on the wall was once white now turned grey on the sides of the door stood two giant lions with their mouth opened. 'You gonna stand there all day' k.z asked

i smiled and went it. Inside was a different story completely, the walls had been decorated with spray paints by a real artist that was for sure. There was a picture of tupac, then biggie, Aaliyah , left eye, big pun. Then to the opposite side of the wall there was alive artist like dr dre, snoop dogg, and a bunch of 'em. I really liked it. it looked classic n all and it was done with a real gangstar look. There were also chairs and in the middle of 'em was a very big round table, but one side of the room was completely void. There was nothing. 'how cum tha part of the room has nothing in it?' 

'das cos it's da dance floor. where all tha shorties go n shake their ass when we got a partai.' he said. 'There's even gonna be a partai soon, not sure when tho. but i'mma holla when I hear sumpin'.'

'iight. soooo.... what are we doing herre?' I asked 

He grinned mischievously and went and sat down on one of the big chairs then patted on his laps for me to come. I shook my head 'you won't catch me dead on your laps.' I said teasingly 'besides I think we should talk.' his eyebrow arched up 'i ain't up for da'

'come on, it's been a long time since we last spoke, then all of a sudden you wanna get down with me?'

He got up and came towards me 'so what u wanna talk 'bout?' he was very intimidating and with him standing real close I wasn't sure I could breath let alone talk. 

'why don't you go sit down then we'll talk.' I said pushing his hard wall back or trying to. he caught my hand and pulled it to his lips and kissed it. Then put it behind my back and leaned into me. 'why should I sit down when I like where I am?' He asked before lowering his head to mine. Then he started kissing me beginning with my cheek then to my forehead then he kissed my eyes and then came to my lips, I moaned loudly as soon as his lips settled on mine. it was pure heaven and I didn't want him to stop. but regaining conscious of myself I pulled my head away and looked at him 'k.z' I breathed 'wait should we...' I tried getting out of his grasp but when I couldn't I turned my back to his facing the wall. 

'shorty, why d fuck you fightin this?' he asked 'you kno you want this.' then reached to grab my boobs I sucked in a moan and waited. He then drew me until he was in a chair then brought me on his laps 'straddle me' he said and I did. Then he took off my top, and I heard him groan. I wasn't wearing any bra cos i'm just a size A and I figured no one would ever notice. he pressed me forward to him and started suckling my breast. it was the best sensation and I was becoming extremely wet I cried out each time he bit my titties and my hands went to his head and held it there. he would alternate from time to time one breast to the other. I started humping on him trying to ease some of the sensations I was feeling, his hands were on my ass grinding them on his dick which I could feel swelling enormously. Our breathing was becoming heavy and the air was becoming too hot. I closed my mouth on his ear and sucked on it.

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"Nobody will ever want me" She said. I didn't have time to even think about what I was doing, in that moment I pressed my hands against her cheeks and kissed her softly, I was expecting her to push me away... but she didn't, instead she smiled...