Kindness Of Emily
Her attitude noticeably changed at this point. She seemed to be a little more at ease. I mean, she was still Emily - a bit timid and bespectacled - but she suddenly appeared more comfortable. I felt quite strongly again that she really liked me.
"Stand up... on the bed", she said quickly. It was less an order than a polite enquiry. I was caught off guard by both her intention in making the request and its unusual nature. But I nevertheless quite quickly got up and stood on top of the mattress. My head virtually reached the ceiling in the poky little room and I stood there, all student-skinny, with this huge erection protruding from my waist, wondering what was going to happen next.
At this point I would love to be able to tell you that Emily suddenly became a powerful man-eating Dominatrix but the fact is she didn't. For me however, it was the fact that she didn't that made what followed all the more sexy. She was still very much Emily - a little clumsy, slightly inhibited and over-eager to please - but what she did now was in a totally different league to lending me her lecture notes and offering to do my laundry.
She came over and positioned herself in front of the mattress on which I was stood. I was literally trembling with anticipation and noticed that she appeared to be trembling too. Her nerves did not appear to have their basis in excitement however but more a nervous awkwardness about what she was going to do next. It was the most peculiar seduction I have ever experienced. This very proper girl in her prim white shirt and bookish glasses (who looked like she should be at a piano lesson or something) standing before me with her face just a few inches away from my stiff cock. The temptation to take complete advantage of her was overwhelming but I resisted until I had at least seen what she was planning next.
With her arms still at her side, she shifted her weight forward to the front of her feet and rather awkwardly leaned in towards my groin. It was clear what she was going for but she did it rather clumsily, with her eyes closed and her lips puckered out, as if in exaggerated preparation for a kiss. I smiled to myself at the sweet naivety of the gesture but also felt incredibly turned on by it. I shuffled a few half-steps closer to her across the bed until the tip of my penis tantalisingly pressed itself against her lips.
Emily still didn't open her eyes and instead of following through with the kiss that her lips had appeared to be preparing, she simply opened her mouth wide and engulfed the tip of my erection in one swift motion. The exquisitely warm, liquid-wet sensation that it met with caused me to momentarily stagger forward on the bed. My penis popped out from between her lips and I had to reach an arm up to the ceiling to steady myself. This gave me a much firmer footing on the bed however when her mouth returned and this time engulfed even more of my length. I released an audible gasp at the sensation, which managed to feel even better than it just had. I was suspended in a state of the most delirious ecstasy.
Emily's experience at giving a blow-job was clearly limited, although I figured she must have done it before. I wondered how often her boyfriend back home was fortunate enough to receive this kind of attention. The image of it made me hornier.
I soon realised that although she bobbed her head up and down a little, she didn't have a great deal of consistency and was not involving her hands in the process. This led me to desire to add more leverage to what she was doing and I pressed my hand more firmly against the ceiling. It gave more strength to my legs and enabled me to take greater control of the rhythmic movement of my hips, so that I now began to thrust my cock a little more vigorously back and forth in her mouth. She seemed delighted by the new intensity provided by my change in position and resumed what she had been doing before with an added enthusiasm.
It occured to me that the fact Emily was not using either of her hands did not preclude me from using the one that I had free, so I reached out and started to unbutton her shirt. This was not an easy task with one hand so she kindly paused for a moment and let my wet cock spring from her mouth as she unbuttoned her shirt to the waist. She had on underneath what looked like a mother-bought peach-coloured cotton bra. I guessed she was wearing pretty little pants to match. She kept the shirt and bra on and wasted no time in enveloping her lips again around my glans.
I continued to quite vigorously fuck her mouth, supporting myself with one hand on the ceiling, whilst exploring her exposed flesh with the other. She had the cutest little pale-skinned cleavage created by the breasts that were protruding modestly from her bra. I placed my hand under one of the straps and pulled it down an inch. A perfectly-formed white breast fell into view with an enticing looking soft pink nipple at the tip. I loosened the strap on the opposite side and the other one came into view. Emily responded by edging a little closer to the bed. She was still very attentively sucking on my cock, beginning to use her tongue to lap gently at the tip as it slid in and out of her mouth.
I was feeling hornier by the second and moved my supporting arm from the ceiling so that I could reach both hands out to play with the beautiful tits that had just been revealed to me. I took one in each palm, feeling the flesh stand on edge and the nipples stiffen beneath my fingers. Groping her breasts in this way meant that some of the leverage had gone again from the blow-job I was receiving. Emily seemed to realise this and, still not opening her eyes, reached an arm out to steady herself against the wall. This was perfect. With her shirt wide open and her little breasts on display, I was able to hold them both firmly in my hands whilst increasing the pace at which I fucked her mouth. On a few of the more rapid thrusts, my cock was so oily that it slipped completely from her mouth and slid across her cheek. Her lips and chin were drenched in a heavenly syrup of her own saliva and my preliminary semen, as I thrust desperately up and down into the slippery "O" of her lips.
It occured to me that at any moment I was going to blow my load. Although she seemed far less awkward now about sucking me off, I figured she might be disturbed if I was to come in her mouth. But I couldn't bring myself to stop. I was too far gone to care about being polite in her presence anymore. Besides, she was so enthusiastic in her desire to please me (if charmingly lacking in technique), that I thought she might be happy for me to take the initiative. I did decide it would be pragmatic to at least give her a warning:
"I'm going to come", I gasped, sounding like a lust-eaten lunatic. But I regretted giving the warning immediately when she stopped sucking me right away and suddenly kept her head perfectly still, with her tongue sticking out. Where the hell had this girl learned to give a blow-job? To stop at the crucial point! I was too far gone to pull back from the brink but didn't want to force my cock into the poor inexperienced girl's mouth, so I instead pulled my right hand away from her breast and started wanking myself up against her tongue, which she was still conscientiously sticking out.
I found that a rather delicious variation was to gently slap the tip of my penis against her tongue rapidly in succession, and then plunge the head into her mouth for a few strokes. I probably managed this cycle two or three times when an extraordinary sensation of pleasure took over me. I carried on thrusting my cock in and out of Emily's mouth as the most enormous wad of spunk jettisoned from the top and flooded the back of her throat. She closed her mouth briefly in shock and made a distasteful face, spilling the pool of white liquid out over her tongue. But no sooner had she done so than my cock twitched again and a second powerful jet shot out, this time flooding her tongue and gushing over her lips. She threw her head back to avoid another jet and scrunched her face up as the new wad of sperm dribbled down her chin. I was still wanking myself steadily as my spunking cock continued to erupt. As Emily's head was pulled back, the third jet went some distance over her shoulder on to the carpet behind, and the fourth sputtered out across her chest, globules of it landing on her nipple. As the last spasm and last drop were released, I let my penis come to rest against her slippery nipple, and pressed it a few final times against the pool of spunk on her breast. I shuddered from the enormity of the orgasm and collapsed to my knees on the bed.
Emily buttoned up her shirt and wiped her face with a tissue. She had the same pleased expression on her face that she'd had when handing me the lecture notes. She never showed me this kind of attention again.
A morning sick in bed for a student leads to a sexy encounter with a beautiful but nerdy college girl.
There's nothing worse than getting sick at university. Especially when you're living in shared student Halls of Accommodation. Students tend to make a lot of noise, which is fine when you're making it too. But when you're sick and laid up in bed, its the last thing you want to hear. Loud rock music, sudden shrieks of laughter -suddenly your bedroom back home seems inviting, with your Mom fussing around and taking too much care of you. This is how I was feeling one morning a few years ago, laid up sick in my private dorm room, during the first semester of my fresher year at Thames University.
To be honest, it was probably the overindulgence of the night before that was responsible for my illness on this ocassion. In short, I was hungover. Perhaps I had a mild cold virus too. Viruses love hanging out in college dorm blocks. They infect each student one by one, before mutating and coming back to infect them all over again. On this particular morning I hadn't gone to any lectures and had asked Emily - one of the girls who lived on the floor above and who was taking the same History class as me - if she wouldn't mind letting me have a copy of her notes when the lesson was over. I went up to her room before the class and knocked on her door to ask. She seemed delighted to be able to help.
Emily was that rare breed of student who actually spends considerable time being studious. She was a very attractive girl if a bit of a geek; she was petite and a little skinny, but not boyish, and wore rather serious looking spectacles. She had one of those faces that could be truly beautiful if she gave a little more thought to what her hair and make-up were doing. Don't get me wrong, she was clean and smart, but her wardrobe looked like it had been chosen on a shopping trip with her mother, and her appearance was exceedingly conservative. She was only 18 and living away from home for the first time so maybe this was responsible for her seeming a little shy and serious. She was clearly quite a homely girl and looking back, I imagine the social side of university life was quite difficult for her. Maybe this was the real reason she threw herself so hard into her study and earned the reputation for being a lovely girl, if one who was rather 'proper' and fastidious. To make matters worse, she had a boyfriend back home and I imagine she must have really missed him. It was a childhood sweetheart thing. They had been together since they were both 13 - puppy love. I saw the guy a couple of times, when he came to stay with her in Halls. He seemed a quiet, fastidious type himself.
On the day in question, it must have been about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The history lecture had been finished for a couple of hours and, although I hadn't specifically asked Emily to bring me her notes at a certain time, I wasn't too surprised when I heard her knock on the door of my room and announce that she had brought them.
"Come in", I called out, and she opened the door and stepped inside. She was wearing (as ever) her studious looking spectacles and had on a white shirt and long black skirt. She looked rather cute in retrospect, although at the time such a thing was unlikely to have entered my mind.
"How are you feeling", she asked, closing the door behind her. She asked in the formal way that nurses tend to do.
"Much better thanks".
"Can I get you anything?"
"Could you just switch that kettle on for me?"
She smiled. "I can probably manage that". She took the electric kettle from the table by the sink and filled it with fresh water. Although rooms in Hall did not have their own private toilet, they did each have a small sink in an alcove with a mirror above it. This set-up is typically used by female students for brushing their teeth and applying make-up, and by men for urinating in, in the middle of the night, when they can't be bothered to walk down the corridor to the men's toilets.
Emily placed the kettle back on the stand so that its red light was activated. I thanked her. "How was the lecture?", I asked.
She suddenly grew more at ease as she answered this question and grinning, began to tell me an amusing incident involving our cranky History lecturer and a dispute he had had with one of the students in today's class. I laughed in all the right places and when she had finished, I watched her take a red file from her backpack which contained three photo-copied sheets of the painfully neat lecture notes she had made.
"How neat are these notes?" I laughed, taking the pieces of paper from her hand. "I should get you to write them for me every time!"
I was only joking with the suggestion but she surprised me by replying, "I wouldn't mind". She made it sound like I would be doing her the favour. This was the first indication I had from Emily that she rather liked me. Or at least, the first time I had properly noted the fact.
"Do you want to stay and have a cup of tea?" I asked.
"OK" she said, "I'll make it for us".
I suddenly remembered there were only two mugs in the room and that although the mug closest to her was clean, the one nearby on the window ledge had a rather nasty-looking green mould around the inside of it. I had been mentally washing it up for days, every time I saw it, but had still not physically done so. It worried me that seeing this mug, Emily might get a bad impression of me, so I leapt out from under the sheets and picked it up from the window ledge. "No, you're the guest", I announced, "you can't possibly make the tea. I'll do it".
"Are you sure you're well enough?"
"Yeah. I'm really not that bad. It was more a hangover. You sit down and I'll sort it". I indicated that she could sit down at the foot-end of my bed and went over to the alcove to wash up the mugs. The kettle came to a boil and I busied myself with making us both a cup of tea.
Something which had occured to me at the moment I leapt out of bed to retrieve the dirty mug, was that I wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. Emily seemed a little surprised by this at first, but she didn't act as though it phased her in any way. In fact, while I was washing up at in the sink, I turned back at one point and caught her looking at my body.
I finished making the tea, handed her a cup, and climbed back into bed with my own.
"Sorry" she said, beginning to sit up as she felt my feet stretch out beneath the sheets.
"No you're alright", I replied and moved my legs closer to the wall to show her I could comfortably lie back and still leave room for her to perch on the end of the bed.
I can't recall exactly what we talked about over our cup of tea, but I remember Emily laughed a lot at the things I said, only a few of which actually merited laughter. She seemed prettier than I had ever noticed her before, particularly when she was laughing. I liked the almost ceramic-looking paleness of her skin, and the little stray wisps of blond hair that escaped from a hair-clip and curled around her neck.
When we had finished the tea, she took the cups to the sink to wash up and said that she had to be going. She was going to take some of her clothes that needed washing down to the laundry block. She asked me if I wanted her to take any of my clothes too. I was about to politely decline when she saw the dust-bin liner full of dirty clothes in the corner of my room. "I'll take those for you", she said. Perhaps she had spotted the clothes before even making the announcement about laundry and simply wanted to do something else to help me. Either way, it was clear she was eager to be kind to me in some way so I didn't argue. "OK, thanks. Take some of those coins from beside the TV".
"Anything else that needs to be washed?" she asked as she gathered up the bag of clothes and picked up her backpack.
It was at this point that I did something I found myself quite surprised to be doing. "There is one other thing", I said, "just hang on...". From underneath the covers, and with little ceremony, I proceeded to remove the boxer shorts I was wearing and produce them with an outstretched arm. I apologised a little bashfully - I was faking this - and she opened up the laundry bag as I threw the shorts in.
In all honesty, this gesture had been intended as a harmless piece of flirting on my part. I quite fancied Emily and now felt that she fancied me a bit, although I doubted anything was likely to happen. I didn't attach any big significance to removing my shorts, and acted as though it were an innocently genuine desire to have her take them to the laundry. She responded in an equally innocent way, seeming unembarassed and allowing me to toss them into the laundry bag. And yet I must admit I did feel a buzz of excitement that I had just made myself naked under the sheets in front of this very 'proper' young lady.
The feeling of excitement appeared to occur to her too, because something in her demeanour changed. It wasn't that she became any more confident or suggestive, but she suddenly seemed more reluctant to leave the room. She hesitated.
"Have you taken all your clothes off?" she asked, giggling. The question was asked innocently enough but it struck me as provocative because she knew very well that I had. I felt she was asking the question as an excuse to delay the moment before she had to leave the room. This was rather a delicious revelation. Was she excited about the fact that I was naked in the bed?
Coach takes a special liking to me... |
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