Great new story! Katelyn is a wonderful new character, and I loved the idea of her saving the grocery store. Can't wait to see who else "joins the wall!" Thanks!
Posted by MiDee
Great story, Katelyn gets more than her five-a-day that's for sure. Dedication to her work is admirable.
Posted by bill
yes i would like to fuck her and be suckeg of . i think that is my faforite treat
Posted by Kayli
Thanks alot - your answer solved all my prboelms after several days struggling
Posted by Blaze
Alright alright alright that's eaxclty what I needed!
Posted by Helene
It's always a relief when someone with obvious expertise asenwrs. Thanks!
Posted by Retno
If you use one of those Early Response ones, they SOMETIMES show a true positive and you can take them up to 5 days BEFORE your miessd period. However, the best is to just wait until after you miss your period, but if you can't wait, get one of those. They are way more expensive though, and if you do get a negative, you're gonna wanna take another one just to be sure a week later.Good luck!
Posted by Jasspreet
Pastor and Mrs Erickson are amazing ppolee! I wish I lived closer to their ministry!! I would definitely be a part of what they are doing there at the church. What an awesome family!! Love and miss you all lots!!!!
Posted by Gurvir
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Crossdresser cruising the park gets more than she bargained for from a youth gang...