Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 5 - 3 of 3)

(Part 2 from 2)

It took me a few minutes to find the conference rooms. I had been gone for almost half an hour and I figured that Joy was probably getting impatient and ready to start out evening. I found the door that read conference room 4 and I entered. The room was indeed set up as a studio and all of the indirect lighting was on and there were several cameras on tripods and a large backdrop of the pool area along one wall, but there was no sign of anyone. I walked toward the table in the middle of the room. There were a few polaroid pictures laying on the table and as I got closer I could see that they were of Joy. I assumed that these were test proofs and the top pic had her laying on the lounge chair by the backdrop in a sexy pose. Her Ivy vine was just barely covering her plump flesh and I wondered if this was appropriate for a piece of family literature. As I thumbed through the pics, I wasn't prepared for what I was seeing. Each pic became a little more revealing until she was completely naked. This didn't look like hotel literature! I was kinda in shock and hadn't realized that I was stepping on something. I looked down to find the ivy vine laying on the floor. What the hell was going on?

I was just ready to head up to the lobby to find the manager when I heard voices coming from a partially opened door at the back of the room. I slowly walked up to the doorway and peeked inside. I didn't expect what I saw. Mr. Hernandez was laying on several large throw pillows and Joy was on top of him riding his cock like a porn star. She was sitting up on him and rocking back and forth while he gently squeezed her tit. The photographer was naked also and was taking pics of the action. He was directing the action, telling them what to do as he snapped photos. There were a couple of video cameras running with red lights flashing on them. Joy really seemed to be getting into it. God she looked hot!

Joy rolled off of Mr. Hernandez and wiggled up onto her hands and knees. He got behind her and began rubbing the head of his fat 8" cock up and down her fleshy slit which was driving her crazy! The photographer left the camera strapped around his neck as he knelt down and fed her his meat. She devoured it without saying a word. It was nearly the same size. He kept taking pictures as she sucked him off. Mr. hernandez then crammed his fat cock deep into her and they began fucking her from both ends. I could tell by the sounds Joy was making that if she didn't have a dick in her mouth she would be screaming loudly. They fucked like this for awhile, neither one of the men hardly moving. Joy would pump her body forward causing the photographers cock to dissapear down her throat, and then she would rock backward causing Mr. Hernandez's cock to cram into her pussy with a kind of slurping sound. I think the three of them came at almost the same time. Both of the men filled her full at both ends. I didn't want to be seen so I backed out of the doorway and headed back into the studio and scooted one of the chairs our into the hallway as if I had been waiting for the session to be complete. 

Within a few minutes the three of them came through the door and were a little startled to see me sitting there. "How did it go?" I asked as I looked into their direction. They had done their best to rearrange the ivy vine back onto Joy's body. I did notice that they had wound it in the opposite direction from what we had. "It went great!" Mr. Hernandez said, "she's a natural!". I'm sure she was! "Good, did you have fun honey?" I asked Joy. "It was fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. By the way, this is Phil. He was the photographer." Joy explained. I reached out and shook his hand. He looked and sounded like an American. "Nice to meet you." I said. The photographer started, "Hello! I'm Phil Martin. She was incredible! I think I have some more work for her if you guys are interested. I'll be back in The States in the next couple of weeks and I would like to set up a few sessions ar your convienience. I explained it all to Joy and she gave me your numbers and I gave her mine. I really look forward to working with you guys. I have another appointment, so I have to run for now. Let me know what you think. It's been my pleasure. Goodbye for now.". He walked briskly down the hall and dissappeared around the corner. Mr. Hernendez didn't hang around for much conversation. We both shook hands with him and he returned to his office. I'm sure he needed to find a sink to wash his dick before he went home to his wife!

"How was the session?" I asked Joy. "You already know. I can tell by the way you asked." she said as she smiled. "Yeah, I walked back and saw the action. I saw the pics on the table. Was that the only pictures he took for the literature?" I asked. She bagan to laugh as she said, "No. He took about four rolls of film before I accidentally exposed my pussy in the lounge chair. That was their cue to start taking the more revealing shots. He took almost six rolls of me naked and another two rolls of us having sex.". I didn't ask what he was going to do with all the pics but I'm sure Joy was just as curious as I was. She told me that he wanted to use her as a plus size model and told her that she could make a great living modeling. She just thought he was trying to get laid, but by the time they were done, he just kept saying how beautiful her body was and that he could get her alot of work. She said that he took an entire roll of just her feet and hands and was planning on sending some of the pics to people he did business with. Joy said, "I'll belive it when I see it!". I asked if she was ready to go and she said that she needed to stop by a bathroom and freshen up first and then we could start our holiday celebration. It was already after 11:00pm and it kind of sounded like we already had started to me. 

She came out of the bathroom looking a little refreshed. She had fixed her hair and the ivy was a little better arranged. Her faced glowed with happiness and passion. She is so beautiful. "What are you smiling at?" she asked with a curious grin. "'s just that you are so beautiful!" I responded. She kinda blushed and hugged me tightly and looked up at me with those beautiful sleepy blue eyes and said, "I Love you so much!". She really know how to get to me. 

We hugged for a couple of minutes and then walked arm in arm out of the hotel. We walked down to the first club we had planned on going to. The City was a very loud club. We could feel the music as we waited in line to get in. Even if you yelled loudly at the person right next to you it was virtually impossible to hear what they were saying. Almost everyone was wearing a costume, but we saw none that were as revealing as Joy's. Joy even noticed several guys checking her out as we waited in line. I think that she was starting to truly believe me that guys do love all types of women.

We finally got to the door and paid our cover charga and entered. It was a large club with a huge dance floor over the bar. About 80 percent of the people were men. We were only there for a couple of minutes before a guy came up and asked Joy to dance. We mostly went to clubs to party and have fun and maybe once in awhile we would do a slow dance, but she never fast dances. She told him maybe later after she had a few drinks, like she always did when guys had asked her to dance. I know she figured that she wouldn't see him again tonight anyway. We were lucky enough to find a couple of stools at a high table and I told Joy to watch our chairs and I would get us a couple of drinks. She said ok and I headed to the bar.

I had to wait in line for about 15 minutes so when I got up to place my order, I ordered two for each of us. I carefully managed to carry the drinks back to the table to find that Joy already had a drink. "Where did you get that?" I asked. "This is my second drink. I downed the first one. A couple of guys bought them for me. You also missed five different guys asking me to dance. Do you think it has anything to do with my costume?" she asked with a smile. As we finished our drinks, we sat and watched all of the people come and go and dance and talk. This was a very happening club. The drinks were stong and I was really starting to get buzzed. I asked Joy if she wanted another round and she nodded and smiled as she handed me her empy glasses which I set on the only empty table in the place which happened to be next to ours. I walked back up to the bar to get more drinks to find that the line was even longer this time. I talked to just about everyone around me in the drink line. It seemed that everyone was having a blast! It seemed like I had been gone forever when I finally got up to the bar to place my order. I was sure to order 2 doubles for each of us since this took so long. I got the drinks and turned to return to our table.

I made my way through the crowd to find our table. When I got to where I thought we were sitting Joy wasn't there. There were 3 guys sitting at the table so I was sure I must have made a wrong turn. I looked around to get my bearing but it still looked like this was where we had been sitting. I walked up to the three guys and asked, "Was there a woman sitting here before you guys sat down?". "You're talking about Joy, and you must be Scott. She said you should be back before too long. Hi, I'm Mike. This is Brent and Tom." he said as he motioned to the two other guys sitting at the table. They all stood up to shake hands. I set the the drinks down on the table and shook hands with them. I said, "Nice to meet you guys. Do you know where Joy is?" Mike motioned towards the dance floor. I thought to myself, he must be mistaken. She never dances to upbeat music. I grabbed two of the drinks and asked them to watch our two and headed towards the dance floor.

I worked my way through the crowd until I came to the edge of the dance floor. I scanned for her but there were just too many people. I danced my way around and through the crowd as I looked for her, trying not to spill the drinks. I finally spotted her in the very center. She was dancing barefoot with two guys and they were getting pretty nasty. I thought I would dance in place and watch for a few minutes. The three of them were bouncing and grinding all over each other. The ivy wasn't staying in place very well. As joy bounced up and down, so did her tits and her belly. They were almost completely uncovered as was her robust ass. The two guys were all over her. One was directly in front of her and the other was directly behind and they had their hands all over her, up and down and in and out of every crevice. She looked like she was having a blast! Her nipples were very visable and were like pencil erasers! She would kiss the one in front for a few minutes as they bump and grinded, and then she would turn her attention to the other and then start all over again. There were several guys that would dance by them that would reach out and rub her pussy or ass. She must have gotten groped by 30-40 different guys during just one song. She was too busy dancing to really care what they did to her. My poor dick was hard again! 

I finally danced up to them and got Joy's attention. She broke the dance and wrapped her arms around me and began kissing me like we hadn't seen each other in a year. As we broke the kiss, I handed her the drink and she tipped the glass up and downed it. She must have been thirsty. I downed mine also. She started pressing her jiggly tummy up against mine and started kissing me again as we danced. I could tell that the two guys she was dancing with were still rubbing her ass and back and reaching around to rub her tits and pussy as we danced and kissed. It felt like I was dancing on het bare foot so I broke the kiss to look down at the dance floor. It wasn't her foot I was dancing on, it was the ivy vine. It had completely fallen off of her and she was dancing completely naked and either hadn't noticed or didn't care. I looked around and figured that security would be right over to throw us out, but hardly anyone noticed. One of the guys she had been dancing with bent down to pick up the ivy for her. He took his time making sure to lick the outside of her plump bald pussy on his way up. He wrapped the ivy around his neck and looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. Here she was, danceing naked in one of the hottest clubs in Cancun with a packed house and noone really cared. I reached down to play with her pussy. She was so wet that it was starting to drip down her legs! As soon as my fingers parted her fleshy lips and hit her clit she began pumping back hard which bent my wrist back and I pulled back for a second for my wrist to recouperate. She continued to pump her body even though I had stopped. Man was she fuckin turned on! So was I! I dropped my hand back down to continue what I had started and found that someone elses hand was already there. I looked behind her to see which guy it was and found out that it was a new guy altogether. He spun her around and started kissing her as he masturbated her. Then she was passed back and fourth between four different guys, all of them fingering and kissing her as they danced. I knew that things were starting to get carried away so I looked around for the guy who had Joy's ivy so I could get her off of the dance floor. I finally spotted him and he helped me get her away from the crowd and get the ivy wrapped back into place. Well, sort of. We wrapped it around her crotch and dcouldn't get it to stay up around her tits so we left her topless and headed back to the table with Joy in tow.

As we got back to the table I thanked the guy who had helped me and he introduced himself as Terry. The other guy she had been dancing with was already at the table and his name was Brad. Brad and Terry were there with Mike, Brent and Tom. Mike stood up so Joy could have a seat. Her eyes looked pretty glassed over and she was having trouble speaking. She looked drugged. I thought that maybe it was a good time to call it a night. I gathered our things and tried to get Joy to her feet, but I wasn't having much luck. Now what was I going to do. Mike asked, "Where are you guys going?". "She's had enough tonight. I need to get her back to the room so I can lay her down." I shouted over the music. He saw that I was having trouble getting her to her feet so he said something to Brad and the five of them helped me get her up and out the door.

It was much quieter outside the club. The ivy had fallen back off of Joy as we made it through the crowd and one of the guys picked it up and brought it with them. "Thanks, I really appreciate your help!" I said to them. "Not a problem," Tom started, "we were going back to the room to burn a hootie anyway. Glad we could help.". I explained which hotel we were in and they agreed to help me get her back. Their hotel was next to ours and was closer to the club so they asked if I minded if we stopped so they could get a joint first. I didn't see that I had much choice. I could tell that as we walked, Tom and Mike were rubbing their hands all over Joy's plump body. They tried to hide it, but since we all had several drinks, they were being more obvious than they thought. As we walked down the sidewalk with a naked Joy, several guys were yelling and whistling at her. She was so tan and she looked so fucking hot! She was smiling and talking a little in a very low tone but I couldn't make out what she was saying from the rest of the conversation that was going on. As we got in front of their hotel, we all used our bodies to blocked Joy's fat naked body from the front desk as we made our way to the elevator. Luckily, there wasn't anyone on the elevator or in the hallway leading to their room. They opened the door and we all helped Joy inside.

The room was a large suite with a full kitchen, a full bar, a living room, two bathrooms and three bedrooms. It was beautifully decorated with marble and tropical plants. I thought to myself, this must have cost a fortune! Mike and Brad took Joy into one of the bedrooms to lay her down while they rolled a joint. I noted that they took a couple of minutes to come back out so I figured that they were playing with her naked body before they returned. "Please don't take any offense to this, but she is the hottest fat girl I have ever seen!" Mike said. "And he has seen alot of them!" Brent added as we all laughed. Terry began mixing us all drinks while Tom got out their rolling tray and rolled a couple of joints. "You smoke?" Tom asked as he extened his hand with a freshly rolled hooter. "Every once in awhile." I replied as I took it from him and lit it with the lighter on the table. 

We all smoked and drank a couple of drinks as we talked about where we came from and what we all did for a living. We talked for a what seemed like a long time. I started to feel very dizzy and light headed and everything started to look blurry. I laid down on the floor and heard all of them laughing. I listened to their conversation on and off for several minutes. I felt like I was going to pass out. I heard a familiar voice slur the words, "Where am I...where's Scott?". I opened my eyes to look around. It was Joy. She had come out of it a little and had wandered naked out into the living room of the suite. "I see that you finally decided to join the party. I believe your husband couldn't keep up with us," I heard one of them say. It got very quiet for a minute so I opened my eyes to see what was going on. Joy and Mike were standing in the middle of the room with their bodies pressed tightly against each other kissing. He had both hands on her bare fat ass kneading it like bread dough. It appeared that the others were watching in silence even though I couldn't see them all. Mike pulled his shorts down and off and from what I could tell the others followed his lead, at least the guys I could see. Joy dropped to her knees and started sucking his cock. Brad walked up behind her and reached his hand down between her legs and started playing with her pussy from behind. My vision was starting to blur again. I had to lay my head back down and close my eyes. The last thing I remember before I passed out was hearing one of them say, "Cool! I was hopeing that we were all gonna get laid tonight. Then I was out.

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