Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 4)
The Background
In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately and we were hoping this trip away from the kids and life would help to rekindle some of what seemed to be missing. Sex had become somewhat infrequent and only when we had time.
Let me give you a little background on both of us. Joy was raised in a very propper and conventional family enviroment. She was born 2nd of twin sisters. She always weighed more than her twin sister so she always felt uncomfortable about her weight. When they were in high school and running around with all of their friends, everybody else was allways getting laid while she always felt like a fifth wheel. It wasn't that she wasn't fooling around, it was mostly with guys that got really drunk and then only oral play. But she really didn't date much. She mostly hung out with her sister's on-and-off boyfriend, Rick, because the girls would all go do girly things and Joy and Rick would go to car shows and other stuff. Rick was really the only person that Joy fooled around with sexually when she was younger. The first time she ever had sex was with her first husband and she said it was never anything to write home about. Most of the orgasms she had were the result of her own doing.
When we first met she would cum just from me entering her and wanted it over and over again. She is truly the only woman who has ever sucked my dick and was able to go all the way down! It drove me crazy and she knew it. Sex with Joy is still really great, when it happens. We have been together now for four years. We are both 40 and have 5 kids between us from previous relationships. Joy is 5' 5", beautiful long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and she weighs around 230lbs. She carries her weight proportionately. I would describe her as stocky. She played softball most of her life so her muscles are definately developed. Her legs are smooth, beautiful and allways tan. She keeps her pussy smooth shaven for me almost all of the time. She has the cutest little chubby feet(size 6 4e) with perfect little short toes. Her tits are not what you would usually see on a bigger girl. They are between B and C cup which is the perfect size in my eyes. Her hands are small with cute short chubby fingers. She leaves me breathless. She is very uncomfortable with her body. She only shows herself in a bathing suit for very brief periods. And then she covers up as soon as possible. She prefers sex in the dark and usually only in our bedroom. She just has the attitude that she doesn't want to gross anybody out which she knows upsets me.
The following is just one of the true stories from our trip to cancun. As the days progressed, the stories become longer as a result of us being less inhibited. Be sure to get all six stories, we wouldn't want you to miss out on a single moment. Not all of the facts were completely clear(thanks to alchohol) but I tried to recall everything to the best of my abilty. Regargless, everything I'm writing happened. It was only six days but we had a blast!
Cancun Day Four
On our fourth day we got up and decided that since we didn't have anything specific scheduled to do, we would go down town to the bus station and find out what we needed to do to take a bus to Playa Del Carmen so that we could take the ferry over to Cozumel. When we were preparing for our trip I purchased several new bathing suits for Joy. Some one piece suits and a couple of two piece tankinis. She wears a size 20 comfortably(she likes them a little tight) but I bought all size 18. She didn't really mind since she really liked the colors. During the whole vacation I had convinced Joy to only wear her bathing suit. When we went out in pulic to shop she would wear a tank top cover up over her suit that didn't go down past her waist that left her crotch and ass exposed. I loved this because the tightness of the bathing suit would give some extra ass exposed and showed alot more of her shaved plump mound on the sides. If you have ever seen a bigger girl wearing a bathing suit that's a little too small you would know what I mean. We wore our sandals everywhere and I lived in my swim trunks. From all that had happened on our vacation thus far, Joy was less inhibited than she would usually be. I think she was starting to realize that she did, in fact, turn many other guys on. Duh, not news to me. We showered, dressed and headed downstairs.
We spent the first part of the day at the pool planning our trip and getting some rays. As soon as we got settled in our lounge chairs Hector came over to say hi. "Hola! How are we today?" he said. "A little sore, but good." Joy said with a smirkish grin. "I bet." Hector said. He sat down on the end of Joy's lounge chair like it was second nature to him. We picked his brain for info on the bus system and for the do's and don'ts of traveling in Mexico on our own. While we lay there chatting, Hector pulled his sunblock out of his pocket and began rubbing some on joy's legs, making sure to go all the way up her thighs so that he could slip his fingertips just inside the crotch of her bathing suit. Without thinking about it, Joy spread her legs to give him better access without missing a single word in our conversation. I asked if they wanted to go to his room for a few before we got started on our trip, but Joy said she was just getting warmed up for the day. Besides, Hector said he got talked to for leaving the towel hut unattended yesterday. So they settled for the playing around like they were already doing. I did notice that Joy's nipples were showing through her suit already. Hector was telling us to take one of the shuttle busses to the downtown bus station and catch a route one bus south to Playa Del Carmen. While he was explaining our path of travel, the guy setting in the lounge chair on the other side of me said, "We went there yesterday. It's sort of a long trip but well worth it". I turned to see a guy in his late 50's, with a pretty good size beer belly, and balding. His name was Dave and he was from New York. He sat and explained what they encountered on their trip. The whole time he was talking he was trying to subtley look past me to watch Hector rubbing on Joy. I also noticed that all of the chairs around us had filled with men also watching and trying not to be obvious. I'm sure they were thankful for sunglasses!
I sat and chatted with Dave for a few minutes until a familiar sound caught my ear and I turned to see Hector's hand inside the crotch of Joy suit working her pussy. "OOOHHH-HH!" He had the crotch pulled aside and she was obviously cumming by the expressing on her face. I also noticed that many of the guys around us were standing up to get a better view. I heard Dave say, "My god!! That's is the most erotic thing I have ever seen!" She finished her short orgasm and arranged herself. She thanked Hector, who was happy to lend a hand(grin), and gathered our things so we could set out for out excursion. I told Dave that it was nice to meet him and he said he hoped that he would run into us again. I bet he did!
We hopped the shuttle bus downtown and found the bus station. It was crowded but the lines moved very fast. We found out which bus we were suppose to take and purchased our tickets and boarded the bus. The bus was different than the ones I had ridden in the states. The seats were not lined up side by side. If you looked across the isle from your seat, your seat back would line up directly in between their seats so that you could see into two rows with a little effort. The seats also leaned back further than the busses I had ever ridden. Not way back, but at least twice as far as I thought they would.
The ride down was unevettful and took about one and a half hours. We walked around Playa Del Carmen and shopped a little while we looked for a place to buy ferry tickets to go to Cozumel. Most of the shops had the same items that the market in Cancun had so we were really just killing time until the next ferry left. We purchased tickets and rode the hour trip to Cozumel. The sun was starting to go down by the time we got there and we were getting hungry. We realized now that we had spent too much time this morning at the hotel pool drinking which left us with no time to nude sunbathe somewhere on the island like we had planned. This was very dissapointing to me because it took me quite a while to talk Joy into taking all of her clothes off in daylight at the public beach where everyone could see. Anyway, it was getting too dark for that so we stopped by a food stand and got some snacks and sat along the seawall and ate.
We sat and watched all the people walk by. It's amazingly funny to watch all the guys pretend to not be looking at Joy but being obvious enough that I noticed. I don't know if it was because I was there or if it was becouse they didn't want anyone to know that they were attracted to a plump woman. I don't know, but there were alot of them looking. Joy allways tells me that I'm imagineing it when I notice any other time, but not this time. They were making it so obvious that even she noticed. When I said something I think I even saw her blush. It was hard to tell since we were both already very tan. It was obviously haveing at least some affect on her by the way she was smiling.
We got up and began walking again and I noticed that Joy no longer went through the figiting of rearranging her suit by pulling the ass and crotch down. She left it like it was and it was really riding up. This suit was a little smaller than the other ones. When I looked down, without her seeing me of course, at her crotch I would swear that she was exposeing most of the bare shaved skin of her pussy mound. Only about two inches wide of the material was covering her. I immediately became hard. I couldn't help it. What a beautiful sight. And it didn't seem to bother her. Every once in awhile she would pull the crotch out as if to rearrange it just far enough for all the guys that were following us to get an excellent view of her bare bald pussy, only for brief instant though. She would allways look the other way as if she didn't realize that she was flashing them. I pretented not too noticed although I wanted to give her a high five.
It was getting late and since we noticed that there were very few americans left around and the crowds were getting a little wilder it would probably be better if we returned to Cancun for the evening. While Joy was getting our tickets for the ferry I sat down on a bench next to her facing away from the building. That was when I got my first good glimpse of Joy's crotch. The strip of material was bunched up and just wide enough to cover her slit. And there was now a nice wet spot near the bottom. I guess the exposure had more of an affect on her than I thought. But she still wasn't pulling the suit down. Maybe she hadn't noticed what she was showing or maybe she did know and the turn on was getting to her. I'm not sure but I noticed that everyone who got into crotch view of her was looking. I tried not to noticed but it was pretty obvious. We boarded the ferry and sat down for our ride back to Playa Del Carmen..
We arrived back in Playa Del Carmen and went to purchase our bus tickets back to Cancun. They told us that it would be around an hour wait for the next bus so we went for a walk down the beach. It was pretty dark in places but there were several hotels and beach side restaraunts/bars that put off enough light to walk by. We walked for at least 10 minutes down the beach and the people became very sparse. This guy approached me out of the dark and asked if I was looking for any smoke. It kinda startled both of us. I said no thanks but he was persistant. I bought a joint just so he would leave us alone. I hadn't smoked in several years and didn't know what kind of affect it might have on me, but I thought "what the hell", I'm on vacation. So I lit it up and smoked some of it. I offered some to Joy but she declined. We walked down the beach as I puffed on the joint. I was getting pretty high. I had smoked about half of it when I heard a voice out of the dark," What have you got there?" I looked in the direction of the voice and saw three guys walking towards us. As they got closer I could tell that they were in uniform and carrying automatic assult rifles. I wasn't paniced because the Mexican Police patrol the coast of Playa Del Carmen and Cozumel consistantly but I didn't know how acceptable pot was here. Hector had told us about them and explained not to be alarmed. He spoke again," Are you smoking weed?" I immediately dropped the joint to my side and tried to hide it in the sand. I was obviously unsuccessful because one of them walked up beside me and bent down to pick it up. He stood up and was holding what was left of my still lit joint between his fingers. He took a big draw off of it and as he let the smoke out as he said, "Pot is illegal in the Republic of Mexico" I was having visions of spending the rest of my life in a Mexican prison. I was now sincerely scared shitless! I carefully spoke back, "I'm very sorry. We are on vacation and I hadn't smoked in a..."."SHUTUP! I didn't ask you to speak did I?" he interrupted. He didn't sound happy. I nodded without saying another word. "Did you know that the fine for posession of pot is 5,000-10,000 us dollars and an included jail term to be determined by the court?" I shook my head to let him know that I didn't. "Do you have that much money on you?" he asked sternly. I said no. We had about $150.00 on us. He demanded, "Do you have any more pot on you?". I told him that I didn't. He directed his coments to Joy, "What about you? Do you have any?" Joy looked scared and answered, "No, I don't smoke it." He walked around Joy looking her over as he did. "Maybe we can work something out. But first we need to find out if you have any more on you." he said as he looked at the other two and smiled. He looked over at me and said, "Don't move unless I tell you to.". I said ok.
He started running his hands over Joy's suit starting at her waist and working up as if he was looking for something. He was standing behind her and reaching around her and acting like he was patting her down. He paused as he got to her tits and looked over at his buddies and smiled. He cupped her breasts and then moved up to the top of her tank top cover up and slid it up and off over her head. She looked over at me and smiled. She didn't look scared. I think she knew what they wanted as did I. I don't know if she knew and just wanted to get it over with or if she was turned on but she reached up to the straps of her bathing suit and pulled them down over her shoulders and on down to her waist. That was the only clue they needed. The soldier that was groping Joy, I'll call him guy number one since I never got their names, grabbed her suit at the waist and pulled it on down, as she voluntarily stepped out of it, and he laid it on the beach. The other two were already getting undressed and I knew what was about to happen. I'm sure that Joy was thinking the same thing that I was...this was better than getting in trouble or going to jail. Anyway, it didn't look like she was objecting any. I had created a monster!
The first guy was grabbing her fleshy pussy with his whole hand and sliding his fingers into Joy and at the same time he was mauling her tit with his mouth. The second guy came around behind her and was running his hands up and down her ass cheeks while bending her head back and passionately kissing her. The third guy grabbed her hand and placed it on his cock and she began pumping the already hard shaft. None of the guys had dicks bigger than mine. Actually, they were all kinda small. Joy had reached her other hand out and was fondleing guy numer one's balls. What a sight! They spread her tank top out on the sand and laid her down on it. Guy number one started munching on her fat bald pussy. The other two were kneeling on each side of her playing with her tits as she was alternating taking each one in her mouth. Guy number three didn't last long and blew his wad in her mouth almost right away. She swallowed most of it just before guy number two climbed onto her face and began to fuck her mouth. I could see that Joy was starting to hump guy number one's face which meant she was getting close to cumming already herself. She reached around behind guy number two and started to play with his balls and tickle his asshole. This was all he could stand. He blew his load in her mouth. He was coming so much that she couldn't swallow fast enough and alot squirted out on her chin and neck. He got up and joined guy number three while they got dressed and watched the action. Suddenly, I saw Joy grab Guy number one by the head and bury his face into her pussy. I'm sure that she didn't realize that she was screaming pretty loud, "YEESSSS, LICK ME...LICK IT! YEEESSS!". I'm sure several people down the beach must have heard. She didn't care. She was in pure extasy! When she stopped cumming, she looked down at the first guy and said, "I want you to fuck me! fuck me hard!". He didn't hesitate in accomodating her. He must have only pumped 10 or 12 times before he let out an AARRRGGGHHH! He filled her pussy and didn't stay on top of her long. He withdrew quickly and got dressed. Joy stayed in that position for several minutes still breathing heavy. We heard them walk off into the dark talking and laughing. When they got just out of sight we heard one of them yell, "You fat american women sure know how to fuck!". Joy laughed outloud. I told her that she had better get dressed or we would miss our bus back to Cancun. She just smiled at me and said, "Are you sure you don't want to buy another joint?" We hugged and held hands as we walked down the beach towards the bus station.
We made the bus just in time. When the bus started moving all of the lights went out and it took several minutes for our eyes to adjust. I sat in the window seat so that maybe Joy could play with my dick with the least amount of people being able to see. I was pretty worked up from our walk on the beach. We leaned our seats back and got comfortable while most people prepared to sleep for the trip. I started lightly rubbing Joy's pussy through her bathing suit. I could feel the wet spot developing from her leaky pussy. I did this for a few minutes until I heard a low moan come from her. I then reached across and pulled the crotch of her bathing suit towards me until I could get my fingers in her slit. It was very slick with a combination of her thick juice and Mexican soldier cum. I rubbed up and down her plump slit cuing on her clit every few strokes. She was starting to pump and gyrate slightly to my movements with her head facing the other way. She must have opened her eyes because her body stiffened up and she tried to pull my hand back. I whispered,"What's wrong?". She nodded over her shoulder and tried to casually look to see what she was talking about. Because of the stagger of the seats, the couple in the seat across from and slightly bedind us was getting a good shot from the side of Joy's entire bald mound. I tried not to let them see me but you could tell the man was leaning forward slightly to get the best angle. I think it kinda freaked Joy out because it was a couple and she didn't want to start problems with her in the middle of a bus ride that we couldn't get off of. Not that it would cause problems, you just never know how a woman is going to react to her husband being flashed. I started pulling the crotch of her bathing suit aside so I could continue and Joy tried to stop me. I continued to expose more and more which provoked a result I wasn't expecting from Joy. She became stern and said in a louder than whispering tone,"Why don't you show them it all!". With that she pulled her straps down with the tank top exposing both of her tits. I'm sure she thought I would immediately stop and cover her up but instead I started rubbing her again. She sat there with her eyes closed and very tensed up in anger for the next couple of minutes. I could tell she was either starting to relax or just letting have my way but her body didn't seem as stiff. I stopped rubbing her pussy and grabbed a handfull of her tit and started to suck it. She responed a little so I continued. She was starting to hump the seat and her breathing became somewhat erratic. I thought I was going to make her come just from sucking her tit. Then it hit her all at once. She moaned outload so that I was afraid that she might wake people up so I reached for a bus pillow for her to put over her mouth. That's when I noticed the hand on her bare pussy, working it good. It was the guy across the isle and he was getting her off good. She looked down at his hand but didn't stop him from all of the extasy she was experienceing. I watched him finish her off, extract his hand and lick his fingers clean. His partner just looked at him and smiled. Joy layed there with her tits out and her pussy exposed and slimy until the lights came on and we had arrived at the Cancun station. Noone else had noticed. She arranged her clothes and we got in line to get off the bus. When we got off the guy thanked Joy and they dissappeared into the crowd. As we walked away from the bus station Joy was having problems with rubbery legs and we were both very happy to be headed back to our hotel room.
We hopped the shuttle bus that took us to our hotel. The bus we caught was going away from our hotel so we would have a few minutes longer on the bus because it went south before it came back up the strip. This meant that we were going to travel the entire city before we got back to our hotel. This was ok with Joy. It meant that she didn't have to walk further down the strip to catch the right bus, even though they both ended up in the same place. The bus was packed with locals getting off of work and commuting home. We had to go all the way to the back row of the bus. This bus kept the lights on so people could see getting on and off. The very back seat was elevated higher than the rest, about 2 foot higher. I'm not sure why, maybe it was to accomdate the storage compartment below. I'm not really sure. Anyway, there were five seats across in this back row and the only two seats available on the bus were the middle seat and the one next to it. I let Joy take the middle seat and I took the other. If you looked down the isle the only thing you would see is the person sitting in the middle seat at the back. I decided to play a little. I reached my hand over and lightly started to rub the crotch of Joy's bathing suit. She whispered with a slight grin, "You didn't get enough yet?". I whispered back, "I did if it's going to upset you again.". She apologized and said, "I have no room to complain with the way I have carried on throughout our vacation. I guess I should be glad that you haven't walked out on me.". I lightly grabbed her chin facing her eyes towards me and said with a soft tone, "I love you, that's why.". Wow did I say the right thing! She spread her legs and grabbed my hand and placed it on her crotch. Then she pulled the crotch of her suit way aside, much more than I had, exposing her whole pussy and part of her belly. I looked next to me and the guy sitting there had his eye very wide opened in astonishment looking down towards her pussy. I looked on the other side of her and both of the guys over there were leaning forward to catch a view. This was getting pretty good!
The bus was coming to stops and the people getting off didn't see anything, but the people getting on looked up and the first thing they saw was this plump white american woman showing her pussy and me rubbing it. Pretty soon, most of the people who had gotten on were turned around in their seats checking out Joy, not to mention that the bus driver hardly took his eyes off of the passenger mirror that looked back through the bus. I was surprised he was able to keep it on the road. There were several of the other seats empty so I asked Joy if she wanted to move to a little more private seat and to my amazement she said, "That's ok...I'm pretty comfortable here. Except that it's a little warm. She took my hand off of her pussy and rubbed it for a second herself, with an erotic look on her face. Then she did something that she will probably never do again and I knew it so I tried to take it in as best as I could.
Joy slid the straps of her bathing suit down under her tank top. She then proceeded to take her arms out of the straps one at a time. Then she stood up and pulled it down her legs and off of her feet and set it in my lap. She looked over at me with a very devilish grin and slowly spread her legs. You should have heard the gasps on that bus. There she was, only wearing a tank top that was too short to cover her pussy when she was sitting and showed most of her ass and plump mound when she stood up. You could easily see her tits through the arm holes. The guy beside me said, "Shit, I've never seen anything like that in my life!". I said, "Neither have I!". I motioned my head towards Joy and he didn't hesitate in trading places with me. He began slightly lifting her shirt in the front and running his hand up and down her bulging tummy and pussy mound. She scooted her but towards the edge of the seat to give him better access as she continued to look straight ahead acting as if it was soimething she did everyday. I was horny as hell at this point! He started to gently rub two fingers up and down her slit. The guy on the other side of Joy reached into her shirt through the arm hole and began rubbing her tit. He pulled the tank strap to the side and released her tit for all to see and began gently sucking her nipple. Joy raised her left leg and propped her bare foot on the seat in front of us giving everyone on the bus a plain view of her pussy as the guy playing with her pussy stuck two fingers inside of her. I saw her eyes close and her breathing accelerate. I knew, as she did, that if we didn't get off the bus soon that most of the guys here were going to fuck her and things may get out of control. I waited for her to open her eyes and glance in my direction and then I nodded my head towards the front of the bus. She read my mind, as she usually did.
The bus was about a quarter of a mile away from our hotel and Joy looked over at me and said, "Let's stand and wait for our stop.". I said ok and gathered her suit and headed for the front with her trailing slowly behind. As she stood, I could tell that the two guys who were playing with her were very dissappointed to see us go. I could tell that she was getting groped all the way to the front, but by the look on her face she was really loving it. I thought I heard her let out a quiet "yelp" halfway down the isle, but when I looked at her she was smiling. Joy got in front of me to ask the driver how late the shuttle busses ran and while they were standing there talking he was sticking his fingers up her fat snatch. Many of the patrons watched as he fingered her sweet pussy. I thought she was going to cum right there. A couple of the guys at the front of the bus were trying to get us to continue our ride so they could show us around Cancun, but I could tell that Joy was getting tired and by the way her nipples were reacting to the action I could see that she was ready to fuck. We came to our stop as the bus driver was trying to get our room number out of Joy. We thanked him and got off the bus in front of the hotel. Before the driver closed the doors he said, "No...Thank you!". Several guys got off at our stop and they couldn't seem to keep their hands off of her. They groped her all the way to the entrance of our hotel, rubbing her bare ass and doing their best to play with her plump shaved pussy as we all walked. I walked just behind them and watched all the attention they were showing her. We said goodnight to them as the bellboy smiled at us and opened the door.
The people at our hotel must have gotten used to seeging Joy's bare ass because even though you could see her ass and part of her pussy, the only thing anybody said was "Hola!" and waved to us. Even the women. I think we were starting to be the talk of the resort. We got in the elevator and headed up to our room. When we opened the door, our mouths fell opened. We looked at each other in disbelief. Ther were several bouquets of fresh flowers adorning the room. No cards, just flowers. Joy smiled ear to ear. Man did she ever suck the hell out of my dick that night.We fucked for at least an hour and fell asleep in each others ars, our bodies intertwined. We didn't really discuss what all happened that day but I'm sure we were both thinking the same thing : what would tomorrow bring? What a great day.
Matt talks his mother and aunt into a sexy version of the game... |
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