Jo’s Fat-Cock Feast
In the weeks following her winning the First Annual 24-hour blowjob marathon and shattering the old record of blowjobs by a single girl in 24 hours (240 blowjobs versus the old record of 163), beautiful, blonde JoAnne found herself even busier than she had been. Of course, the event had been televised. In fact, our station had broadcast 24-hour live coverage. Because of this, EVERYBODY knew about beautiful Jo’s amazingly talented mouth and EVERY GUY with a dick wanted her to blow it. Jo’s cell phone didn’t stop ringing. Since we were responsible for this mess, the station offered to hire someone to take calls and schedule Jo’s appointments, but Jo liked to speak to each client herself. She’d just have to do her best. She started taking calls earlier in the day, usually about one in the afternoon. Her mornings she reserved to play with her new found love, the beautiful chestnut-colored horse she’d bought with some of her marathon winnings. Every day she spent at least an hour with Bucky in his stall, brushing and petting him and finally kneeling for him. Riding lessons were due to start in a couple of weeks and she could hardly wait.
As for the station, response to the marathon we’d organized had been overwhelmingly positive. Ratings of the televised event were the highest we’d ever had. We regularly showed highlights during our late evening hours, almost exclusively of Jo in her relentless pursuit of the World record. Besides being an amazing blowjob artist, Jo also was extremely photogenic, partly because she was so sweet and beautiful, but also because she really knew how to play to an audience. She was PROUD to have a cock in her mouth… and it showed. She didn’t just suck a cock. She explored it with her mouth, trying to get to know it. After five minutes, Jo’s tongue knew every man’s sensitive spots… and she knew just how to make them tingle. When Jo blew me, by the time I was ready to shoot, my cock literally felt like exploding in her mouth, it was so aroused. Consequently, Jo never seemed to get anything less than a complete deluge of semen and sperm to swallow.
And she never missed a drop. Some girls want you to cum on their face. Not JoAnne. She wants every precious drop in her mouth so she can taste it, savor it and finally swallow it.
Jo’s amazing performance had done so much to promote our station, that I truly felt terrible to admit that there was any down side. But, like always, there was at least one.
We had been so careful to include men from every race, religion and creed in our pool of cocks to suck. Men from age eighteen to ninety-three. Tall men, short men (even a couple of midgets), skinny men, fat men, men of every color. But, because Jo was going for the record, and because the cameras were to be on her full time, the station manager and I had decided NOT to give Jo any morbidly obese men to suck. Not because Jo wouldn’t have sucked them gladly... but because it would be difficult for her AND we didn’t want her gorgeous face to be buried in fat. That decision, it turned out, was a mistake. From the first day after the event, we had been receiving irate calls from our local chapter of the Fat Brothers Society demanding we televise another mini-marathon showing some of their members, all of whom had to be at least 400 pounds to belong, being blown. Jackie and Nadine, two reporters who work for the station, both readily volunteered. But the Fat Brothers Society was adamant.
They wanted JoAnne.
And so it was that I set out to find her this Monday morning about three weeks after the event, to ask her for a HUGE favor. I knew where to find her.
I drove into the country just out of town to the boarding stable where Jo kept Bucky. I knew she would be with him. Sure enough, the stable manager said she was around and directed me to where Bucky was kept.
“Jo?” I called out as I entered the barn. “Jo?”
But she did not answer. I recognized Bucky and went over, expecting to see Jo with him. But she wasn’t.
“Jo?” I called out again.
I then heard a muffled sound coming from nearby. On a hunch, I walked over to look into the pen just adjacent to Bucky’s, where a big, black stallion was standing, his big eyes looking out at me. Sure enough, I saw Jo’s running shoes and the legs of her light blue Guess jeans poking out from under the animal’s hind quarters.
“Jo?” I called.
“Hmm hmm?” she answered.
I stepped around so I could see her, kneeling under the big animal, her right hand on his left leg to steady him. Her big brown eyes melted my heart as the always do.
“Hmm hmm?” she asked again.
“Oh… it’s okay, Jo,” I said. “You finish your fun and I’ll just wait for you. But you don’t mind if I take a couple of pictures, do you?” I asked sheepishly.
“Hmm hmm hmm (of course not),” she answered confidently.
I pulled my digital out of my bag and aimed it at her.
Well… as usual with Jo, a couple of pictures turned into a hundred. Jo kept asking me: “Hmm hmm? Hmm hmm? Hmm hmm?”
And I kept saying: “Like that’s perfect Jo. That’s great, Jo. Oh that’s so cute, Jo!”
And she was so happy.
Later, after Jo had finished her ‘lunch’ and said a quick ‘Good bye’ to Bucky and we were out by her car in the parking lot, I asked her about her being in the other pen. Now she was on her knees with MY cock in her mouth, but she quickly popped off of me to explain. “It’s just that Midnight (that’s his name) used to look over at Bucky and me with such big, sad eyes.”
‘What a total sweetie you are, JoAnne’ I thought to myself looking down at her as she smiled and took me into her mouth again.
I then told her about the station’s predicament with the Fat Brothers, and that they INSISTED it be her on the show.
“Hmm hmm?” she asked proudly.
“Really,” I confirmed. “Soooo… I know it’s a big favor to ask, but are you willing to blow all these fat men? Some of them will be really huge.”
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm. Hmm hmmmm (Don’t be silly. Of course),” she answered assuredly.
‘God! What a good girl you are!’ I thought as I filled her mouth with more cum.
Now… the station manager and I had decided that we really wanted to have Jo go through a bit of a dress rehearsal with at least one really fat man, just to work on logistics. I mean, what if the guy was SO fat poor Jo couldn’t even find his dick? Jo thought it would be fun. So late one morning a few days later we brought her in to the station to meet Harold, a 6 foot two 480 pounder. He, of course, thought Jo was beautiful.
“Thanks,” Jo said, appreciatively.
Even though it was a dress rehearsal and not the real thing, as always Jo dressed very nicely, wearing white, front-pleated, front-pocket dress pants, a tight pale blue sweater, a white belt and black spike heels. She was VERY pleased to meet Harold. You could tell from the gleam in his eyes that he was SO appreciative that this small, gorgeously slim, sweet-faced blonde was so willing to blow him and he told her so.
“Nooooo problem,” Jo said sweetly as she sank down to her knees to undo his zipper.
We had our camera crew available to capture the action, so that we could review it and maybe make changes for the real event. We encouraged Jo to talk to us throughout the shoot, to let us know any problems she was having.
The first problem became evident quite quickly. Despite his enormous body size, Harold’s cock, when soft, was quite small and very hard for JoAnne to get to because of the huge belly that got in the way. She did her best to push her face into his crotch. By the time she successfully got his cock in her mouth, her face was almost completely hidden by fat… her eyes, her nose… all buried. She couldn’t even breathe. She struggled to suck him as best as she could, but it really wasn’t great television. You couldn’t see her face. And Jo’s big, beautiful, brown eyes looking straight into the cameras while she sucked had been one of the reasons for her well-deserved stardom… but they weren’t there this time either.
Even Jo found it unsatisfactory. She really had difficulty bobbing her head in and out of his crotch, because she was pushing into him as hard as she could just to reach his cock in the first place. He got a little bit hard… but then soft again. And then he just peed. Jo swallowed all of his urine without hesitation, but when his stream had ended she pulled back and told us it just wasn’t working.
“I’m sorry, Harold,” she looked up at him apologetically. “But can we try another position?”
Having Harold sit in a chair definitely didn’t work; poor Jo couldn’t even FIND his cock. We thought maybe having Jo lie on her back on the floor, have Harold in a push-up position on top of her and just let his weight force his cock into her might work. But again, Jo’s face was completely buried. And after about thirty seconds of this, Harold almost totally collapsed down on Jo, coming this close to crushing her. His cock was hard and did go down her throat, which she enjoyed, but clearly this was dangerous. We all laughed and told Jo we wanted her to be around sucking cocks for years to come. Jo happily agreed, so there was no point taking any risks.
Having Harold lie on his back didn’t work, because he couldn’t breathe because of the weight of his own chest. But it did prevent his belly from collapsing down into his groin so much. This gave us an idea. We concluded that the best way would be to put Harold on a tilt table of some kind, having him angled at maybe 30 degrees from upright, and let Jo kneel to service him that way. But where to get a tilt table that would support Harold’s weight was a huge dilemma. Finally, I suggested a tilted fork lift and I knew just where to get one. Lucky for us and Jo, construction was going on across the street and I was pretty sure the crew had several lifts on site. Jo scooted over on her knees to blow me while I made a few phone calls and got approval to rent one of the lifts across the street, and then we moved our rehearsal shoot out into the parking lot.
Three friends enjoy a weekend away without their other halves... |
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