John and Sarah
Note : This story is completely fictional!
My sister and I were on holiday with our parents in Scotland, I was 19 and Sarah 18, we had been there three day’s, part of the visit was so they could visit old collage friends, not wanting have to listen to all the old collage stories, Sarah and I stayed at the hotel, we could have room service in moderation, we knew our parents could be back late and wasn’t bothered when they hadn’t got here when we went to bed. It was around 2am when the phone ringing woke me up, I answered it and the receptionist said there was someone here to see me, could they come up. With Sarah still sound asleep in her bed, I said I would go down, partly due to not knowing who wanted me, as I left the lift I could see two police officers talking to the receptionist, she saw me and told the officers I was there.
John, I’m sorry to have to tell you, your parents were killed earlier on their way back here, not ready for this I dropped to my knees, “No it cant be right, they only went to see their friends, you have the wrong person, it’s not our parents” “I’m sorry but it’s correct, Peter and Dawn Summers” I was too shocked to cry, I had anger in me, ‘how, why, it just can’t be right’. I sat and they told me what had happened but I wasn’t listening, I heard Sarah’s name mentioned, this brought me back to the now, “What”? “Do you want a police woman to tell Sarah”? “Tell Sarah What”? “Your in shock and can’t understand what’s happened” one of the officers called the station and asked for a police woman to attend, the officers stayed with me until she came.
She sat down with me and calmed me down, then explained what had happened, they were coming back to the hotel when their car was hit by a foreign lorry driver, he had been driving more than his allowance time and had fallen asleep at the wheel. She did say he was in the cells and was in court in the morning and it looked like her would be locked up for a long time; this was something the Scottish courts came down hard on.
With me now understanding this she asked about Sarah, did I want her to talk to her, I asked how they knew about us, not thinking about the photos they had of us to show their friends the officer told me this, she did say we could have them back later, but for now this wasn’t important. “I don’t know, she’s sound asleep and I wouldn’t want to wake her to give her the bad news” “She has to know you cant keep this from her” I know”, she talked with me for another hour and I was calm enough now to be able to tell Sarah myself, she gave me her card in case I wanted her to talk with Sarah and me.
I went back to our room and sat in the chair looking at Sarah asleep, when she started to wake up I sat beside her on the bed, “I pulled her to me and said I had something bad to tell her” she pushed back from me and looked into my eyes, I had started to cry, “No, it’s not true” seeing as how I hadn’t told her I was puzzled, “What’s not true”? “I had a dream last night, mom was sitting on the bed, she hugged me and said she was sorry but she and daddy were leaving us, I was to be strong and look to you and together we could get threw this, then she faded away, saying she was sorry, bye love you” I hugged her, “There dead aren’t they”? “Yes, an accident last night” we cried together for half an hour, there was a knock on the door, I wiped my face, then answered it, it was the police woman, she had come to see how we were, I invited her in, Sarah was still in her pyjama’s in bed, she asked how she had took it, I told her about the dream she had, this didn’t surprise her as much as it had me, she had come across this before.
She stayed with us for a while and said as the room was paid for we, the manager said we could stay, but if we wanted to get back home she would arrange transport for us, either way this would be done to get us home, Sarah asked me if we could stay, I agreed, the officer left saying they would contact the station near us and someone would be out to see us, also our parents thing would be sent home for us. I thanked her.
When she had left Sarah went for a shower, I could here her crying in the bathroom, I called to her asking if she was alright, she didn’t answer, I pushed the door open a little, she was in the shower, her head in her hands, I asked again if she was alright, she looked up and held her arms out towards me, I went in and hugged her, water cascading over us, there were so many questions she wanted answering, ‘where we going to live, how were we going to live, what would we do for money, and so on, and so on, I told her we would cross each path when we came to it.
We hugged under the water for about ten minutes, finally I suggested we get dry before we use all the hotels water, she laughed, not much but it was something, dripping wet she grabbed a towel and started to get dry, I had to take my wet clothes off before I could dry off, there was no concern about being naked together, it was just something that happened.
By now the news would have got around the hotel about the accident, I didn’t want all the sympathy from the staff and guests, so I called down asking for our meal to be brought up to our room. This was ok, as we were eating our parents friends call asking if we would see them, they were sorry for our loss and invited us to go to their house for a few days, we declined, they understood and offered to take us home when we were ready.
Two day passed and we were ready to go home, I called the police officer and she told me her brother had his own small airplane and he would fly us back to Birmingham, as we neared home he asked where we live, then flew over, we saw some of our neighbours tending the garden, a police car was waiting at the air port and took us the rest of the journey.
Our neighbours rallied around and got us threw the next few weeks, we put on a brave face but once alone at night Sarah broke down.
When she went to bed, I would lay on the top of the covers hugging her until she dropped off to sleep, then I’d go to my own bed, the third night as I settled down she came running in asking why I had left her, and she was frightened, she crawled in bed with me and held me tight.
The following night when she went to bed she asked me to get in her bed with her, she started getting undressed, she took her bra and knickers off she just slipped into bed, I was going to leave my underpants on but I slipped out of them and cuddled up with Sarah, she told me how she loved me and made me promise not to leave her, I promised I would never leave her. She hugged me tight and we dropped off to sleep.
This was now our routine, sleeping together in her bed, being a single there
wasn’t a lot of room for us so after a week I made the suggestion we should use
mom and dads bed, “Oh yes, then we will feel close to them” it had been about
month since the funeral and we had been off school all that time, so I thought
we should make an effort. The teachers and or friends were great, they didn’t
ponder on thing and acted normally around us. When we got home Sarah said she
would move our things into the bedroom while I cooked us something to eat.
I made us a nice meal, to us it was, pie, chips and pea’s, for pudding I put a apple pie in then made custard. With this cooking I opened up the mail, there was a letter from social services, they wanted to come and see what we were going to do and see if we needed any help. I called our Uncle and asked him to come over and talk with them with me, he would make the appointment and let me know when.
Sarah and I had our meal and got down to the home work we were set to help catch up on the rest of the class. We sat cuddled up on the settee watching the TV then when it was time for bed, Sarah went up for a shower, she called down saying I could take mine now, I had a quick wash, not that I was anxious to get to bed, it’s just I would have a good shower in the morning. as I slipped into bed Sarah moved over to me and hugged me.
We chatted a little about what we were going to do and did I think the SS would make us live with someone else, I told her I didn’t know, but I knew Uncle John would put up a good argument in our favour, and as I was 18 in six months time, anything that thay might try, we could hold off until then, and then being an adult, they would have no say in the matter, this was something Uncle John had mentioned.
It was early in the morning and I was disturbed, I could hear Sarah mumbling in her sleep, “Yes mom, I know” I couldn’t make out the next few minutes words, then “Oh mom, yes daddy” again nothing made sense, she went quiet for a few minutes but she turned towards me, her arm resting across my chest, then she started up again, “I can’t mom” mumble, mumble, “Teach me mommy” then slowly her hand started slipping down my chest and across my stomach, she stopped there, “Ok mommy” her hand continued down and came to rest on my cock, “How mommy”? her fingers closed around my shaft, I was now becoming hard, as she started to move her hand up and down my length she said “Like this mommy”? I just lay there wondering what she was thinking and was mom talking to her. I also know enough not to wake her like sleepwalkers, it’s better to let them go threw the situation.
Sarah’s hand moved with a steady pace, not too fast and not to slow, for a good five minutes she played with my cock and I was close to blowing my load, she then stopped, but kept hold of my cock, a few minutes later as my pending ejaculation has eased, she started up again, now she held me a little tighter and moved faster, then my time was on me, and my spunk shot out of my cock all over her hand and my stomach, as the twitching stopped she turned over and curled up, I slipped out of bed and washed up, getting back in with her I cuddled up behind her and dropped off to sleep again.
She knew nothing of what happened during the night, I would have know if she had and was trying to act like she didn’t. as we walked to school I asked what she would like for tea, “Toad in the hole” Ok I’m off after second period this afternoon, so I’ll have time to make the batter.
That night Uncle John and aunty Silvia came around to talk, we sorted out what we all would like, they did say if we wanted to stay in the house, then that was up to us and they would stand by us, and give us all the support we needed.
Bed time and Sarah went for her shower, I was in bed when she came out the bathroom, it was so natural now seeing each other naked, she just finished drying her hair and rolled into bed, she cuddled up to me and was soon fast asleep. It was around the same time as last night I heard her mumbling and a few words understandable. “Hello mommy: now: has daddy: Ok” her hand started down my chest, I guessed where this was heading, she reached my cock and started pumping it again, like last night she was sound asleep, and she paused to make it last longer, I washed up and cuddled her tight again. For the rest of the week she played with my cock and knew nothing about it in the morning, for two night’s nothing happened but the next night she started mumbling again, “Hello mommy: Yes: I don’t know: will you: can daddy” her hand started moving down and rubbed my cock for a minute or two, then she started slipping down the bed, then I heard “Show me mommy” she then started kissing my cock, and then I felt her mouth closing over the head, her head bobbed up and down and her tongue swirled over the tip, soft moaning noises came from her throat, my spunk was building up I wondered if she was going to stop, this was answered as the first jerk of my cock sent my liquid to the back of her throat, a second and a third, she swallowed as each wad went into her mouth, finally I was done, she moved off a little, “Yes mommy: she then started kissing my cock again and rubbing her hand up and down its length, I was solid again minutes later, I wondered what she would do now.
She started moving back up the bed as her head came out of the sheet she rolled over me, her hand still gripping my cock, her legs went one each side of me and I felt my cock slipping into what could only be her pussy, she was so moist she got me into her with no trouble, and then her hips started gyrating, I couldn’t of stopped her, even if I wanted, I had been with a couple of my girl friends but it had been almost a year since my last girl friend, I felt her pussy contract around my cock and she shook, as her own orgasm raced threw her body, I was second behind her and my balls emptied their liquid in my sleeping sisters pussy.
As with all the nights before she turned away from me and cuddled up to her, this night I didn’t need to wash, as she was holing my spunk in her body. I was wide awake as Sarah woke up; she pulled a funny face and slapped her lips, “My mouth tastes funny” she slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom, I heard her cleaning her teeth, when she came back out she said that felt better, we dressed had breakfast and went to school.
Uncle John came over after we had eaten with some papers from the solicitors that needed signing, it was to do with mom and dads will’s, everything had been left to Sarah and me, the house, the factory and the insurances were to paid to us, as I wasn’t yet 18 I couldn’t take control of the factory so for the time being Uncle John had control, but on my birthday it was mine, we talked together about the factory and I wanted to keep it going, this would give me a job when I left school and we made what people needed and wanted, so why put 30 odd people out of work.
When Sarah and I were ready to turn in for the night I tried to think of a reason to sleep in my own bed, but without telling her why, I couldn’t how. So here I was again cuddled up with Sarah and she was starting to mumble “Yes daddy” her hand was on it’s way down to my cock, she played with me for a time then she went down again, this time she just sucked my cock for a few minutes before moving up to straddle me, she was rocking back and forth and saying “Yes mommy It does: Oh daddy: do you: she then said “I love him daddy: yes: Ok, I’ll wake up” I was looking into her eyes as she slowly opened them, she blinked a few times and gave a puzzled look, she pushed herself up on her hands and looked down, she smiled “It’s true, mommy and daddy told me I was having sex with you and it’s true” I asked what she was going to do now she knew, she lay back on my chest, “What do you want me to do” “You can do what you want” “Good because it feels nice and I want to carry on” she did and when I filled her belly with my spunk she cried, with love and joy.
We became lovers from that night, later I did talk to Sarah about the things she had done and about talking to mom, she cuddled up to me and said she seemed to recall seeing mom and dad and talking to them, for five months nothing occurred while Sarah was sleeping, but of course we were having sex all the time by now.
On my birthday we had a meal out and took in a show at the theatre, back home we showered together and we made love. The love we had for each other couldn’t be matched or broken by any one. That night as I slept I started dreaming, I was on a sandy beach, there was a light mist off the sea, then mom and dad walked up behind me, we hugged and they told me they were sorry for leaving us, we talked for what seemed hours, dad had ideas for improvements to the factory that he didn’t have the chance to put in place, I listened to them and promised I would sort them out, with the mist coming back over mom hugged me and said, “You’ve made a baby in Sarah tonight, call her after grandma”, turning over to cuddle Sarah she asked who I had been talking with sleepily I said “We’ve made a baby” and I rubbed her stomach.
Nine months later Emily Louise was born, she was the most beautiful baby in the world. 18 months later Edward Thomas came into our lives, dad had come to Sarah the night we made him asking for him to be named after his father. It was three years later Sarah and I seemed to have the same dream, again it was on a beach with mist drifting over, mom told us we had made another baby, she told us she and dad were very happy being grand parents and now our family was complete. Over the last 18 years we have dreamed about mom and dad and they always tell us how happy they are, two night’s ago Sarah was mumbling talking to mom, in the morning she told me, mom had said Emily would come to us soon wanting to know about sex, she looked a little nervous and I asked what was wrong, “Mom said I should let you have sex with her, but I don’t think I could do that” we talked about it for a few minutes then we had to get up to get the kids up for school, I went to the factory and Sarah took care of the house, when I got home she looked frightened, I asked what was wrong, “I fell asleep this afternoon and I dreamed about Emily, she came to us asking about sex and we pushed her away, she went out down the park and got talking to one of the fathers there watching his daughter on the swing, she then went home with them and she asked him to fuck her, when she went to the toilet he made a phone call and when she was in his bed room he tied her to the bad, he fucked her then seven of his friends took her, he left her tied up and later they all took her again, we can’t let that happen to our little girl, so when she comes, you have to show her how lovely sex is” three nights later when her siblings were in bed Emily made us a drink and sat on the settee and asked us about sex. Sarah held her hand and said she should go and get in our bed and daddy will come up and show you.
I have a wet dream about my underclass men... |
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