Jo Blows Frank and Burt

(Part 1 from 1)

The day that lovely JoAnne met Frank and Burt was Valentines Day, so she wanted to look EXTRA special. She wore a nice, tight white sweater, front-pleated, two-pocket camel-colored dress pants, and black heels; not the spike heels the older girls tend to wear, but the broad heels more fashionable among the young. JoAnne, herself, was just 22 years old.

She then went to the big bathroom mirror in her apartment and bent over to see if her panty line was showing through her pants. Sabrina, her best friend and room mate, had said that Burt especially liked panty lines. That was why Jo had worn the camel pants… light colored and with no pockets in the back, they were perfect for showing panty lines, almost as good as the white pants she had, but which were in the wash.

The panties she wore were baby blue satin bikinis, and she had long ago decided that they gave a very cute panty line. In her white pants, even a bit of the blue color showed. As she bent over to admire her own exquisitely cute little bum, she was very pleased. Bum perfect. Panty line perfect.

It was nineteen year old Sabrina who was going to introduce JoAnne to Frank and Burt. Sabrina had been seeing the two older gentlemen at least twice weekly for almost six months. Word of Sabrina had spread like wild fire through the senior’s apartment high rise the two octogenarians lived in, so that now Sabrina was too busy. The security guard, who worked Monday through Thursday nights, had been letting Sabrina in after hours (against regulations… but no one cared). Sabrina now was visiting the place every night of his shift and staying for several hours. Every night except Wednesdays, of course. That was the night that Sabrina worked a hockey team of thirty-year olds playing pick-up down at Kingsley Arena.

So that was why Sabrina had asked her friend, JoAnne, to move in and start working along with her. Jo had been working for an Agency, but hadn’t been that busy, only doing one or two calls a night, often in the wee hours of the morning. The Agency just had too many girls and many of the older girls had regulars who always requested them. If only they had seen JoAnne, they might have changed their minds.

Jo was a beauty… not just wonderfully cute like Sabrina. She had long, dirty blonde hair, the prettiest face imaginable, and a sleek, slim figure. At five foot two, she seemed to be the perfect height for most guys, especially when she was on her knees. She was not very busty, but had the sweetest ass imaginable, which she almost always displayed proudly in tight pants or jeans. So Sabrina was sure that Frank and Burt, and all her other regulars, would be very happy having JoAnne service them when Sabrina couldn’t.

Sabrina usually arrived at the building at around eight o’clock in the evening when Tom, the security guard she now knew so well, started his twelve hour over night shifts. But this evening, she and JoAnne arrived at about five, because Sabrina wanted to introduce Jo to ALL her customers in the building.

Sabrina was wearing Frank and Burt’s favorite tight dark navy jeans and top, as well as sneakers. She was very impressed at how nice Jo looked. But then, Lauren at the Agency always insisted that her girls dress very nice.

When Sabrina and Jo arrived at Frank’s apartment on the seventeenth floor, Burt already was there. Bonnie, an elderly nurse who did rounds in the building, was just finishing giving Frank his medicine. Sabrina introduced Jo to Bonnie, and the older nurse smiled.

“The horny old men in this building sure will like YOU,” she said, eyeing Jo appreciatively. 

Jo just smiled.

The two old men, the old nurse and the two young girls sat in Frank’s living room for a few minutes. Frank sat in his recliner with his legs up. Burt sat between Sabrina and JoAnne on the couch. Bonnie sat in a wooden chair facing them, her eyes darting back and forth between Frank and Burt, who obviously were quite gaga over JoAnne.

“You brought a pretty one, Sabrina,” Bonnie said.

“Oh yeah,” Frank said.

“Frank told me you were coming, so I made sure he took a nice, long bath,” Bonnie said.

“Thanks,” Jo said meekly.

“I can’t speak for the other one,” Bonnie said, nodding towards Burt, with mock disgust in her voice. 

“I’m ALWAYS clean,” Burt said grandiosely. “I even changed me underwear this week.”

Sabrina laughed.

JoAnne laughed nervously.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Sabrina assured her friend quietly.

Bonnie asked JoAnne a few questions… like how old she was… when she had started escorting… how much she had worked. Jo told her she was twenty-three, and had started escorting when she was nineteen, but only off and on.

“Never that much,” she said.

“She was working for an Agency and not getting that much work,” Sabrina explained. “Only one or two calls most nights. I told Jo how busy I was and she offered to help out.”

“Good for you,” Bonnie said earnestly to the young blonde.

“Tonight, I’m going to introduce her to all my guys here in this building,” Sabrina added with a big smile.

“They’ll all be VERY pleased,” Bonnie said. Then she looked to JoAnne and smiled. “Good luck,” she said.

“Thanks,” Jo said, her voice still a bit shaky.

“Don’t worry, Jo. These old farts are all great. You’ll have LOTS of fun!” Bonnie said gaily. “Speaking of which, JoAnne should probably get started if she’s going to meet everybody.” She stood up. “Do you mind if I use your kitchen table for a few minutes to do a bit of charting, Frank?”

“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “Knock yourself out.”

Jo watched Bonnie as she left the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw everyone else mobilizing. Frank had struggled up out of his chair, and Burt had stood up from his place on the couch. Sabrina was scanning the couch for a little cushion for JoAnne to kneel on. She found a little pink one. ‘This is cute,’ she said quietly to herself.

Soon, Frank and Burt were standing about two feet away from the couch and facing away from it. Sabrina was sitting on the couch between them, facing JoAnne who was standing in front of the two men. The cute little pink pillow was on the floor at Jo’s feet. Sabrina’s eyes were gentle and encouraging.

JoAnne was only a little bit shorter than the two old men. Her eyes scanned one face and then the other. Then she kneeled. She looked up at the two crotches just inches from her and reached for Burt’s first, her hands deftly undoing his belt and zipper and sliding his pants down, not all the way to his feet, but far enough down to reveal his underwear. She reached up again to peel his shorts down. Then she turned to Frank and did the same. 

Finally, she looked at her smiling friend, sitting on the couch not three feet away.

“Here goes,” Jo said. And with that she leaned forward into Burt’s crotch and took his soft, shrunken cock totally into her mouth.

‘Good job, Jo,’ Sabrina thought.

JoAnne found it a little tricky sliding her mouth along a soft cock, so she just held it in her mouth and tickled the underside with her tongue. With her right hand holding the penis base, she then started opening her mouth wide to take the cock entirely inside, and then just sliding off. Then she opened wide again and repeated the process. After about a minute, she felt the old man’s cock starting to harden, so that she could start actually sliding back and forth a bit.

Frank had mentioned Jo’s cute panty line to Burt, who of course really liked them. Jo decided to give Burt a peek, so she turned now to take Frank into her mouth, her right hand still holding Frank’s penis.

It was at this point that Bonnie came in and exclaimed: “Did you bring your camera, Sabrina?”

As if suddenly awakened from a trance, Sabrina suddenly started fumbling through her purse. “I did,” she said happily.

“Why don’t I take a picture of both you girls with Frank and Burt before Jo gets too far along?”

That sounded great!

The two men stayed as they were, but Jo turned to face away from the couch and Sabrina came to kneel next to her, both now facing Bonnie who had accepted Sabrina’s camera. The first few pictures were just of Sabrina and Jo kneeling back, their bums resting on their shoes, their faces smiling up into the camera from between Frank and Burt. The next several had Jo holding Burt in her mouth, turning her head and eyes to face the camera, and Sabrina doing the same with Frank.

“Thanks SO MUCH,” Sabrina said when she stood up.

“You are MOST welcome,” the older nurse said. “If you get a couple of nice one’s you could make a little poster to put in each of the elevators… if you want even more business.”

“We ALWAYS want more business,” Sabrina laughed. “That’s a GREAT idea!!!”

Still on her knees, Jo waved to Bonnie as she left, then turned back to face the couch and her two cock assignment. Sabrina had resumed her seat on the couch, but now had her camera trained on sweet Jo. She kept encouraging Jo to keep her eyes open and on the camera. JoAnne did as told, her nimble mouth popping back and forth between the two men.

As the two cocks became hard, things became easier. JoAnne relaxed now and started SLOWLY sliding her mouth to and fro along each shaft, leaning slowly in to take each cock deep in her mouth and then sliding back even more slowly, as if sliding off a tasty popsicle. With each plunge, her bum rose sensuously upwards, her pants tightening to show even more of her sexy panties underneath. 

She did not spend too much time on any one cock, lest the other start becoming soft again. Ten slow, steady pumps of one… then ten slow, steady pumps of the other… and so on. At times her eyes panned upwards to see the smiling old face towering above her. At times she watched the camera. And at other times she stared straight ahead into her man’s belly, trying to gauge just how much of each cock she now was swallowing. It was Sabrina who suggested she deep throat, while Jo was blowing Frank… everything always seemed to start with Frank for some reason.

Jo eyed the length in front of her… breathed deep… and then plunged. Soon her little nose was pushing deep into the old man’s belly fat and she could taste wads of pubic hair on her tongue. She wiggled her head back and forth, trying to push his cock even further down her throat. At Sabrina’s call, she held him like this and turned her eyes, as best she could, towards the camera. 

“This is GREAT, Jo!” she said. “Hold it! Hold it! Just a couple more. Hold it!”

Jo was gagging now, her body heaving from the cock reaching two inches down her throat. But she continued to patiently watch the camera and wait for Sabrina’s direction.

Finally, Sabrina said… “Now how about Burt?”

Burt’s cock was thicker and about a full inch or two longer than Frank’s. But Jo was determined. She reached a point, with her lips till two inches from the base, where it seemed she’d hit a wall.

“Keep pushing,” Sabrina encouraged.

With a final last lunge, Jo broke past the barrier and soon had her nose lost in Burt’s belly. She was REALLY heaving now, a trace taste of vomit and acid now in her mouth. But she would NOT back off… not until Sabrina told her to. Burt reached down to hold her head firmly in place. Jo rested both her hands down on her lap and just waited.

Sabrina wanted LOTS of pictures of this. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, but which likely was only a minute, Jo was allowed to slide off again. She resumed her slow, rhythmic pumping, alternating between the two, now-rigid cocks.

It was Burt who first jerked. His hands grabbed Jo’s head to prevent her from backing off, which she would not have done anyway. The first couple of jets struck her throat and she gagged again. But soon it became a steady stream of cum, filling her mouth. Finally sliding, off, she opened wide to show the camera her load and then, without swallowing, leaned forward to finish off Frank. It felt funny for Frank to have his cock bathing in a sea of cum inside Jo’s warm mouth. For Jo, it was messy, but she promised herself she would lick everything clean as soon as Frank had cum to. 

Soon he did, filling the beautiful blonde’s mouth with yet another huge helping of semen.

Again Jo proudly showed the camera her mouthful. Sabrina wanted several pictures of this. Finally, Jo rested back with her bum against her shoes, smiled up at Burt and Frank… and swallowed. She decided to clean Burt off first, since he had cum first. She licked his balls and shaft, and then took his shrinking cock back inside her mouth to rinse it with her saliva. She swallowed the remains and then turned to give Frank the same spit-shine.

“Well Jo… that was one hell of a blowjob!” Burt announced when he’d sunk back onto the couch.

“How many more for you tonight, Jo?” Frank asked her politely.

Jo just shrugged, but Sabrina told him that she had ten more clients in the building.

“You’ll be busy for awhile,” Burt informed her gaily.

“That’s okay,” JoAnne said, now smiling with relief. Bonnie had been right. It HAD been fun.

In fact, three blowjobs later they ran into Bonnie again, just going in to see old Mr. Warrell.

“How’s she doing, Sabrina?” she asked her. Then immediately she turned to Jo. “And are you having fun?”

Jo laughed and nodded emphatically. This was LOTS of fun! She asked her new friend Bonnie if she had time to stay and watch her finish this one. 

“Sure,” Bonnie said. “I can do some charting.”

Jo felt SO PROUD showing off for Bonnie as she gave old, old Mr. Warrell the blowjob of his life. And she felt so proud of herself helping these old men out, all of whom were widows or otherwise living alone. Sure, they were paying her. But she and Sabrina had talked about it and, since all these men were on limited incomes, and because there were so many of them, all the needed to pay was $20 per blowjob. The young, working guys they’d charge $80 per, so they’d more than make enough money each week, especially sharing an apartment.

Counting tips, Jo made $337.27 in four and a half hours her first night, much more than the $50 to $100 she made working sixteen hour shifts for the Agency. And, instead of waiting around all night and wondering if and when she’d be called, now she was keeping very busy and having fun.

The next afternoon, Sabrina and Jo followed Bonnie’s suggestion and returned to the senior’s apartment to hang up a lovely poster of Sabrina and Jo… a top picture showing them smiling up from their knees, and a bottom picture showing them staring into the camera with mouths full of senior citizen… each girl’s names printed in large letters under their faces, and Sabrina’s cell number encouraging ALL men to call. Within twenty-four hours, the calls started coming in. There now was DEFINITELY enough work to keep both girls busy in the building four nights a week, at least from 8 until about 11, after which they could take other calls, mostly from other, younger clients.

And when Sabrina introduced Jo to her Wednesday night hockey team, word spread and soon Jo had three teams of her own to blow, on Wednesday nights and Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

But it’s the senior’s apartment that Jo likes best. It’s only been a few months, but it seems that everyone knows her now. And it all started on Valentine’s Day. Yes… instead of chocolate… JoAnne feasted on cock a lot. Man! She has fun eating cock a lot!

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