Jill, the shy slut.
It was after a couple of years that my wife Jill and me finally saw a film in a cinema hall. I hardly get time from my busy work schedule and prefer to watch movies on television.
But after this evening, I realized it was these small pleasures in life which I was missing. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We began with a stroll in a public garden, filming each other on our video camera to preserve the nice moments for posterity. We followed it up by a nice dinner and then saw the Hindi movie ‘Black’. It was a nice film and we both enjoyed watching the movie together.
Our house wasn't really a walking distance from the cinema hall, but the night was pleasant and we were very relaxed, so we decided to walk it up. We were holding each other hand’s as we walked , feeling so much of love for each other. Jill was walking almost reclining on me. We had been married for 13 years, yet we were so much in love with each other, as if we were newly weds.
“I love you Tom” said my wife in dreamy romantic voice.
“oh my baby, I love u so much” came my reply.
We kept talking sweet nothings as we walked. We had all the time and the streets were empty. Normally we aren't demonstrative in front of people, but today we were taking a bit of liberty. And there was no one around. We hardly get such moments. Even holding hands or keeping our arms around each other, is quite demonstrative by our standard.
We cant call ourselves conservative, but we had been brought up in families where we didn't believe in the concept of girlfriends or boyfriends. Though our parents were not against it, but during our unmarried days, we just didn't have any boyfriends or girlfriends. Moreover she was the more emotional kind. She just didn't believe in casual relationships. I was her first love, and for me too she was my first love. And only when we realized we both were serious about each other , that we went ahead. I proposed marriage to her and she very shyly had said yes. Our parents agreed without any hesitation.
Well, that was long back. But walking down the street it still felt as good and romantic like it was 18 years ago. Our family was what one can say as a complete happy family. My wife, me and our 12 year old son. Being in middle of monsoon, the streets were quite empty. We didn't realize that during the movie it had rained outside. But the wet streets added to our carefree romantic mood.
“Tom, its almost midnight” my wife said, not alarmed, but a bit surprised
that we had lost sense of time.
“Ah , its ok, tomorrow is Sunday, and our son is also staying overnight with his
friends. In fact I feel like having coffee now” I said with a laugh. “No lets go
home, I will make coffee for us” She said in her sweet voice.
I was so lucky to have her as my wife. She was smart and educated and well placed in her job, yet not too modern or extravagant. She normally wore dresses in a very decent way. She was very reserved with her friends and colleagues and earned their respect for her modest behavior. She was not like most of the loud frivolous youngsters. She was open with me but for the rest she was almost like a nun. I agreed with her. It was best to go home for coffee as I was beginning to feel a bit tired with the walking. I am 35 and beginning to put on weight. Though I must say, the years have treated Jill well. Despite being 33 she looked fit and trim. Well, just a bit healthier than what she was at 20, but still in proper slim shape and still had her large firm breasts.
The streets were known to us pretty well, but it was empty unlike daytime, when its noisy and crowded. Our house must have been still a kilometer away when we saw this bunch of 4-5 guys walking towards us . We just side-stepped onto the pavement as they were walking on the street. They seemed the usual noisy bunch of youngsters, a regular sight in the city Saturday nights. We didn't bother about them and kept walking without looking at them. They too didn't seem too bothered about us. And moreover Jill does not catch too much of attention as she dresses simply. I heard one of them whistling.
We just ignored, as we thought they must be in good mood, and just being loud among playful among themselves, nothing to do with us. But we were wrong. I clearly heard one of the guys calling out at us. We had even stopped holding each others hands, as we had early itself seen these guys walking on the street. And in no measure did we look like a young desperate couple. We looked and behaved pretty much like well-married couple. I guess these guys were drunk. Jill just nudged me to ignore the guys and walk away. I was feeling irritated, but we kept walking. We thought these guys just made a passing remark and would go away. But we were wrong again.
“C’mon man, lets have a taste of your woman”, another guy said with a laugh. Now my irritation was turning into anger. But Jill kept pulling me away. I was getting older, but I could still lose my temper at times. Jill noticed it.
“Please let us not spoil the nice evening we had, because of these goons” she urged. I didn't reply but kept walking . But that was not the end of our trouble. The guys seemed more emboldened by the emptiness of the road. They began to follow us. I knew there was no way out, and I had to confront them.
“What's your problem” I asked angrily. “Leave us alone or you will be in trouble. We will report you all to the police“
But my words didn't have the desired effect, rather it spurred them on. I could see they were quite drunk and were beyond rationale thinking.
“You are trying to be a hero” one of the guys taunted me. And before I could react a couple of the guys walked up to me and pushed me against the wall next to the pavement. Jill was about to scream, but another guy put his hand over her mouth. I could hear her muffled cried though his hand. While this was happening a fourth guy walked up to me and punched me hard in my stomach. It felt like a hammer and I fell on the pavement breathless, not even able to speak or groan. My voice was stuck somewhere between my lungs and throat .
“Bastard, that will teach you” growled one of the guys .
One of them warned my wife as took out a knife. ("listen bitch, we are dangerous, if you scream we will kill your lover”) My wife’s mouth was covered by the guy’s hand, so she couldn't do anything more then just murmur and nod her head. Her eyes were wide open with fear. I was hoping some passer-byes would see us. But there was no such luck. The streets were desolate. But I guess these guys also realized that anyone could come by our way. One of the guys shouted to the rest as he pointed to a broken abandoned building. (“take them both to that building”) I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach. I realized they meant business. Jill was in danger. I began to throw punches at them, but was quickly subdued by another punch and a kick. Each one of them was bigger, stronger and younger to me.
One of the guys warned me. (“hey hero, if you try any stunts we will cut your darling into pieces”). Looking at their ugly scary eyes, I knew they were capable of doing so. We were dragged inside that building. As my eyes got used to the moonlight streaming inside, I realized that no one had used the building for years. It was an abandoned factory complex. “Please leave us” I heard my wife pleading “We are a married couple I am his wife”
“Oh lovely lovely” the tallest among the five said with a taunt “ I like married women”
It was a full moon night, and the light was strong enough to make everything quite clear and visible. My poor sweet wife was crying. She seemed to be in a state of shock. “Please leave us and take whatever money we have” I pleaded pointing at my wallet, “I promise we will not report you to the police, if you leave us unharmed”
“Of course we will take all that too, but we also want a taste of your sweet wife” said the tallest guy gleefully “We wont harm you, if you co-operate”
My wife knew what was in store for her and she began to kick her legs trying to free herself. One of the guys slapped her hard on her cheek. She fell back crying. I couldn't bear to watch Jill go through all this. I was feeling so helpless. If I had a gun I could have killed all those guys then and there. One of the guys pushed Jill back on the floor. And, instantly, two others held her hand and legs. She was weeping relentlessly. Suddenly a wave of anger. There was only one guy holding me. Seeing my chance I screamed and kicked at the guy holding me.
He winced in pain. But the rest pounced on me and began to rain punches and kicks on me. I was screaming, hoping someone will hear us. But quickly they put a handkerchief in my mouth and tied me with the shirt I was wearing. Once they were assured I was helpless again, two of the guys went looking for something. Within seconds, one of the guys said happily(“got it , found a rope”). God knows where they found a rope in this god forsaken place. But luck was with them. They tied me up securely as one of the guys kept his hand on my wife’s mouth.
“If you scream , we will not just tie your husband , we will kill him” said that guy to my wife.
Once I was tied up to a pillar, with a handkerchief stuffed in my mouth, all the guys turned their attention to my beautiful wife. I could see her looking up at them with intense fear in her eyes, and muffled sounds coming from her mouth through her captors hands. The guy they were calling Papi, slapped her hard a couple of times. She was wincing in pain. I was a mute witness. I was feeling ashamed and angry at being so helpless. The woman I loved so much and had taken care so delicately all these years was being treated so harshly right in front of my eyes and I could do nothing !
One of the guys pulled hard at Jill’s dress. It must have hurt her.
Then I heard the tallest guy shout “Pull her fucking dress off”)
“Please leave me. I am not like what you think” my wife pleaded again.
Hearing this the men laughed, (“She is pretending to be Prim and proper, We will show the bitch prim and proper”)
My sophisticated convent educated wife was at the mercy of these lowly filthy goons. It was worse than my worst nightmare. But it was happening. With a final tug, Jill’s dress was pulled off, exposing her to the ogling lecherous men.
(“wow, what smooth legs she has”) one of them commented.
As one of them tried to pull down my wife’s knickers, she resisted and desperately held on to them amid her sobs. Seeing this Papi, nuzzled his face in her breasts and started nibbling on over her bra. My wife raised her hand to push his face away, but this helped the other guy meet his objective. He pulled down her knickers exposing my wife’s pussy to them all.
“Listen slut, if you scream out like that again, I will make mincemeat out of your husband” Papi warned my wife. Instantly Jill’s crying became softer and more muffled as if she was trying to swallow her sobs. In a few seconds the guys tore away her bra, like lions attacking their prey. Her large breasts fell out for all to see. As Papi spoke he kept squeezing my wife’s large breasts and the others were caressing her inner thighs and generally groping Jill. Her sobs suddenly became a scream, when they tried to pull her knees apart, Papi slapped her instantly for her scream. His next words made me shudder. He looked right into Jill's eyes and with a deadpan voice he said "I'm going first". Saying this he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock from beneath his underwear. It was monstrous. I gasped so did my Jill.
“Noooo, pleasee, noooo “ My wife begged helplessly. But her pleading was
futile. I could do nothing to stop it. I couldn't bear it. I closed my eyes.
Seeing this I heard one of the guys
“Open your eyes, or we will hit her”. I had to open my eyes.
“How many men has your wife had until now” Papi asked me.
I didn't reply to his question and heard a slap on my wife’s face. She whimpered. Her voice was weak and trembling.
“Just me” I replied instantly, not wanting my wife to get hit anymore.
“Good, so I am going to be the second to part her pussy” Papi said gleefully “ I bet her pussy is tight”
I didn’t care to hear or see him, as I turned away.
“Look here” Papi ordered me as he climbed between Jill's legs”, My cock is going to enter your sweet wife’s pussy, where only you have entered so far” He laughed. And others joined in. My wife’s legs were crossed tight. He had no access.
“Bitch , open your legs for me” Papi growled at my wife.
But she just kept crying with her eyes closed clamping her knees even tighter together. I knew what was coming, but could do nothing. Another tight slap from Papi made her jerk up with a painful groan
“Don’t make it hard for yourself” Papi said “We don’t want to harm you, but like this we will have to harm you both”
But Jill still didn't part her legs. He slapped her again, and again. She was crying and loudly groaning with pain. But her legs were still crossed. I knew that was my Jill determined and self respecting. She was almost pious when it came to sex and I was proud of the way she carried herself in public life. Even with me it was rarely lustful hard sex, it was more of love and emotions. Our lovemaking was soft and tender, almost like poetry. She hardly had any physical needs, it was more of sharing our love. It was never filthy or dirty , intact it was never sex, it was lovemaking. And now what she was going through must have been the worst form of torture for her. I was so helpless to protect my sweet little wife.
Papi got desperate and tried pulling her legs apart. Suddenly Jill seemed to have a renewed energy as he couldn't manage to part her legs. Seeing this the other guys came to his help. And Papi went back to slapping her as she kept crying loudly. What a horrible sight for me to witness. She was finally subdued, 2 of them held her arms above her head, 2 dragged her knees apart and Papi climbed between them. He placed his throbbing hard at the entrance of Jill’s pussy. It was huge, around 10 or 11 inches long. She was trembling with fear. My angry shouts came out as whimpers through the handkerchief.
Papi took hold of Jill hips holding her in position and with one big push rammed his monstrous cock into Jill’s tight pussy. It must have really hurt her. I am hardly 5.5 inches and not so thick. She screamed out. I could see her vagina lips stretching trying to accommodate him.
The guys were so aroused by now, that they didn't even bother about Jill’s screaming and crying. Papi pulled out his cock from her pussy to push it back in even harder as the other guys held her arms and legs. My wife was screaming and crying out of pain. But the mean heartless Papi was not deterred by Jill’s condition , he kept moving his cock in and out of her, amid his own huffs and puffs. The next few minutes seemed unending. I wasn't able to bear her pain, her screams. Her screams echoed in my ears mixed with Papi’s groans.
One of the other guys decided to join in and he began to suck her nipples. This was the only thing that aroused her when we made love. Her nipples were her erogenous zone. But obviously she didn't react, the way she reacts to me when I do the same to her. She kept tossing her head from side to side to try and push him away.
“aaaaahhhh, please stop” Jill cried out “Its aahhhhh hurting ahhhhhh”
The monsters went on.
Jill’s crying kept agonizingly echoing in my ears , “ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhh noooo noooooooo ahhhhh”
I saw her nipples were erect. “But that anyway happens if the nipples are stimulated, even if one is turned on or not, I thought “erect nipples mean nothing. It must be torturous for her” I could hear her crying out for them to stop. The guys were on a vicarious trip, imaging that she might be enjoying it. But they were wrong. There is greater probability of a dead corpse enjoying this crude sexual act, rather than my innocent sweet wife. In fact whenever I would get even a bit rougher, she would stop me saying it hurts. She had told me clearly she doesn't enjoy rough sex and that filthy words put her off. And all the was happening in extremity to her. It must be like hell for her. And her cries made me feel so sorry for her.
“I am coming in the bitch” announced Papi “I am going to fill you with cum bitch”
“Aarrghhh , arrrgh, I am going to give you a fucking baby” yelled Papi
It was shocking to hear. But then I knew even if she got pregnant, we can always get it aborted. Suddenly, Papi went limp and lay down on my sobbing wife, crushing her beneath his weight. His cock, wet with his own cum, fell out limp from my wife’s vagina. I could also see his cum dribble out of her hole. The loud sounds suddenly died down and I could only hear the whimpered sobbing of my wife. He finally got up triumphant. But that wasn't the end of it. The next guy began unzipping himself.
Ted enjoys a picnic with mother and garndparents... |
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