Daqmn that is so hot, i too have a wimpy husband with a tiny cock and would love to be a slut for Jasmine, i can only dream of that pleasure.
Posted by titash sarkar
u r nthng more than a dumbass...
Posted by tallmountain56
As I have gotten, frustrated with my husband's loss of desire, the idea of bedding a she-male has become a desire. I have had 2 bisexual relationships, 25 yrs ago. Now it is just my vibrator and me. How do you find a clean, discreet she-male in the RURAL northeast?
Posted by APS
Posted by Dayna dollerschell
Oh baby do i wish my sexy wife would set up an accidental shemale threesome where i could be tied up cockholed and finally enslaved to a huge black cockd
Oh wow fantastic story has to be the best I've read , oh I wish I could do that and watch my wife and clean her like a good sissy
Posted by Caitrionagh
I am not very impressed with your fictional storey ,Tim seems to a normal guy with the average sized cock, and yet Danielle looks a gorgeous wonderful on the outside but on the inside she is very nasty evil bitch. She treated him horribly with mental and phyiscal abuse and in the way she describes him. I dont think that a 12 inch cock would satisfy her. At least he should divorce her or shoot the pair of them he would get away with it.
Posted by Athena
If Danielle has to have a 9 inch cock to satisfy her then she is in for some major disappoint in a year or so time, a shemale like her needs to have a constant injections of Feminine hormones which in time will make his/ her cock smaller an will also reduce the possiblitiy to make Danielle pregnant. Its not Tim's fault that Danielle being a failure as a lover , it takes two. but is she is not playing the loving wife, kick her out and divorce and sue Jasime, mark my words in a year or two she will regret this period, a relationship will not survive on sex alone. Don't take her back.
Posted by bayernhoerl
What a bunch of crap! The slut is divorced asap and her lover is sued soon! So whats your message? That you are gay?