Janet's Honeymoon
Janet was a bit disappointed as she looked around their room at the all-inclusive resort she and Bob had booked into. It was just like both hotel rooms they had stayed in en route, the first hotels she had ever seen except on TV. Coming from a small northern Ontario town to the Caribbean had been a promise Bob had made her two years previously when they were married but the money wasn’t there for anything but a short driving honeymoon. The two stopover hotels, the glitzy airports, the officious customs men, taxis, all were experiences she relished, but after seeing the glamour of the grounds, beach, and building of their resort, the actual room seemed a bit ordinary. Okay, but definitely not the Riviera. Still, the resort as a whole looked very glamorous, the staff almost obsequious, and, oh, the beach, with water that didn’t turn yours toes blue. Who was going to spend much time in the room? At any, rate, it was more luxury than she was used to at home.
They were there for two weeks, it was late fall back home with the first snow already deep on the ground, and they hadn’t even brought a cell for Bob to answer in the night. Here, there wasn’t even a black fly or mosquito to make them cover any skin. It was heaven. Janet didn’t even mind that Bob was taking three days at a dive resort on another island later in the first week. She would still have this paradise to sulk in. And then there was the couple a few doors down they had met at breakfast. Trudy and Don were older, maybe pushing forty, but lots of fun, and the four of them were easily the youngest of the crowd. Don and Trudy were health club types, not jocks, but toned, tanned, and young at heart. Trudy was an absolute knock-out, lean, lithe, and knowing how to flaunt it, but able to do it without making Janet feel like chopped liver. Janet didn’t even mind that Bob could be seen sneaking extra peeks at the goddess. It was only her due. And it didn’t hurt that Don was a fitting consort.
After a couple days, Janet thought that Don might be spending too much time hovering near her, but it didn’t seem that Trudy was the jealous type. With a body like that, who would need to be? Also, Bob seemed OK, so so was she. She actually quite liked the feeling of having someone besides Bob fussing over her. So when Trudy came out of the office waving a ticket, saying she was taking a field trip to a butterfly sanctuary, she happened to be sunning with Don. Bob was in the shop buying up extra gizmos to dive with, really excited about the reefs and fish he was going to see.
“I’m really glad you two are so close,” Trudy bubbled, “I don’t have to worry
about Don being alone, and I really wanted to see this, and he didn’t, and I
couldn’t leave him alone, so I thought I was hooped. And guess what? Its on the
same island Bob is going to! And I made it for three days, so we can travel
together. Oh, I’m really excited!”
And she bounded off to find Bob. Janet watched her out of sight. “Did you know
about this?” she asked Don.
“I knew she was going to try, but this refuge has a very limited visitor
quota, and it was doubtful she was going to get there with this short notice.
Even so, she won’t be allowed that much time on the actual inside, but that’s
OK, because Bob can only spend so much time underwater, so they will have each
other to pass the time with.” He paused to smile meaningfully at Janet, “She’s a
fun loving girl, he won’t be bored. Are you a fun loving girl? I think you are.
Bob said you are, and he should know. Its so cool.”
“Bob said I’m a fun loving girl? Well, I guess I am, when I think of it..”
They were interrupted by Bob and Trudy coming back, Bob loaded with a new regulator and double tanks, itching to get in the water. Tomorrow they were off, and his first dive was almost as soon as they got off the little ferry. After dinner, even at dinner, both the adventurers were totally preoccupied with the morning’s trip, while Janet and Don leaned back and exchanged many an amused glance. But it was cool, it was why they came here, and Janet really was liking the idea of having Don to herself.
The next morning, the couple were delivered to the jetty and sent off, then Don and Janet strolled back to the terrace for a second cuppa and to plan the day. Don promised to come by and pick her up after she had time to put her room in order after Bob had torn it apart finding last minute things to take. He actually had to be told not to forget he wasn’t in the water all the time, and needed underwear and stuff. But she was glad he was that excited, otherwise, why bother?
There was some papers on his bedside table, which she shuffled through. One caught her eye, it being his room assignment, and she hoped that he wouldn’t need it. She even giggled to think of him sleeping on the beach. As she scanned it she noticed ‘one queen bed’, but every room had queens, it seemed, so she thought nothing more about it, and opened the door for Don’s knock. They stopped by his room to pick up spare towels, as they were going to catch the early sun. The papers lying on the dresser caught Janet’s eye, because they were the same letterhead as Bob’s hotel, which wasn’t surprising, since it was likely the only hotel there. She even noted the room number, thinking she might have seen it before. But then it was time to hit the beach. First a sun soak until the sweat trickled, then a charge into the water to bob in the surf cooling off. This was as deep as Janet would go, and why she couldn’t think of diving herself. She had been grown up before she had been swimming for the first time. Just didn’t happen on the Canadian Shield. A few repeats of this, and the sun was too hot even for worshippers, and they parted to wash off the excess oil and dress for something cooler
In her room, with an hour or so to herself, Janet again glanced at Bob’s papers. His room number jumped up and hit her. It was the same as Trudy’s! She read more. Double occupancy, OK, that was standard, one Queen, two people, no, there must be something to explain this. But little things kept bubbling up in her mind now. Bob and Don both calling them fun loving girls. What kind of fun? Then she remembered Don offering to come with her and scrub her back. And Trudy apologising for Don’s snoring. Why would that matter to her? Unless Trudy was making an assumption? And what had Bob said as he left? “Save some for me.” Save some what?
Janet went through the files in her mind again, this time putting two and two together. “The buggers”, she thought, “I’m supposed to be Don’s playmate, alright, and bedmate. How didn’t I see this coming.” She stewed over the implications. Problem was, Bob and Trudy were long gone, maybe already screwing, although she remembered Bob did have a dive almost right away. Three hour boat trip, couple hour dive, no not yet. Then a realisation hit Janet. She wasn’t angry, didn’t feel betrayed, cheated on, or even shocked. She just felt chagrin at being dense enough not see this coming. Put it all together, the other three had been telling her for a day what was planned. “The buggers.” again, this time out loud, and Janet was aware she was grinning as she said it, “And what must Don think, he meant it when he wanted to wash my back. My front too, probably. What a dweeb I am.”
The knock took her by surprise. Keerist, an hour had passed already, and Don
was wanting to know if she was decent so he could come in. Janet quickly peeled
her suit off and scrambled for a bathrobe, fighting with the buttons in her
hurry, then she ran to the door and ushered Don in, looking super cool in board
shorts and Hawaiian shirt, even a palm straw hat. He looked quite appealing.
Janet quickly analysed her reaction, and, senses tingling as she played with her
top button, decided to bite the bullet, as they said back home.
“I’m such a klutz, I’m locked in my robe. Will you help me with these buttons? I
think this thing was made for a man.” She chewed her lower lip watching him
approach, “I haven’t even showered.”
Don raised his eyebrows in a pleased smile as the buttons almost fell open. His eyes widened in surprise and he saw her naked body opening to him. “You really are a fun girl. Wow, I’m so glad. I was afraid Trudy and I might have made a mistake. We never really said anything straight out, did we?”
Janet looked down at what his eyes were devouring, “Not much there, is there? I mean, it all works, but it isn’t like Trudy, is it?” As she talked, she knew it would be alright, she knew how her size and shape affected men, right up to her pixie haircut.
“I have never seen anything so exquisite,” Don murmured, “You’re perfect. I
knew you were, of course, but you should have a bikini. This way is good too..”
He peeled off his shirt, popping a couple button, and pulled Janet to him, her
nipples feeling delicious as they poked his abdomen. He helped her shrug the
robe to the floor, thought about bending to kiss her, instead lifted her to
stand on a footstool. They shyly watched each others eyes, then Janet leaned in
to tough her nose to his, and when she felt his tongue brush her lips, she
answered with her tongue, then opened wide for his kiss. Don was very hairy, and
it tickled her tummy, but it felt so different, and not at all wicked. This is
what her body was made for, and Trudy’s too, for that matter. When she had time
and space, she examined the laugh lines and hair on his chest, teasing her
breasts with the coarseness of it, then pressing close again for another kiss.
“You know what I really want?,” Don interrupted her play, “I really want to fuck you, but I’m afraid You might slip away if we don’t wash that oil off you. I have to get naked anyway. My offer still stands.”
Janet quickly looked down at his bulging shorts. Of course they had to go, and of course he could wash her back and front too. She ripped the knotted cord open and eased the shorts over a blazing hard on, and gasped at the size of it. Bob was big, but this was a ripper. The shower was very brief. They didn’t dry at all. Later they could see puddles on the tile where he had carried her back to the bed, sat her on the edge, her feet not reaching the floor, and buried his face in her crotch, and Janet knew that she was going to be fucked by an extremely experienced and good lover. But even as she swooned under the tongue, what she really wanted was that huge cock, although she knew the orgasm that ripped her even now would make the passage smoother. Then Don climbed onto the bed with her, and let her examine the charger that was hers. It was even bigger with her little hand around it, and she was glad that much of its girth was near the base. Even so, she was stretched to get her mouth over it, and when she gagged, Don pulled her over him, filling her mouth with his tongue instead, shifting her to get her pussy close to his shaft. Janet too was ready for the plunge.
She was glad to be on top to control the penetration, was amused to find her cunt was more accommodating than her lips, and came again as she felt her pussy stretch to fit the monster. She was so horny! The feeling of over fill just spurred her on to take more, knowing that she was unlikely to cause any real damage to herself. And then it was in, well, mostly in, and she could only rock gently, her hands clawed into Don’s hairy chest, her eyes drinking up the rapture in his eyes, loving that she could have that effect. Then, suddenly, she was on the bottom, Don still gentle, but definitely fucking her and grooving on her pussy, and grooving on the way her body writhed in response to him. Then, as he climbed the ladder, he had her close her legs, limiting his penetration, and he madly pounded his orgasm into her, whimpering little puppy sounds as the last of his sperm was milked by her contractions.
Janet felt no pangs of guilt as they lay in their afterglow, slowly drying. She was already thinking ahead to the next round, how she wanted to take it all, and feel Don pound her pube. She was keen to find out what he could show her in the arts of love, and equally keen to share the knowledge with Bob. She thought about what Bob might be learning from Trudy, thinking that by now they should almost be into it. She marvelled at how small Don had got, and how harmless his tool looked in this state. She dreamily felt the cum run down her crack, thinking she should go to the bathroom, but the bed was already soaked, and she was so comfortable, even with her wet hair. Besides, when she touched Don’s cock, he chuckled, and she could feel the stallion start to swell.
Over the next three days, they didn’t see as much sun as had been planned. But fucking every time they felt like it with tropical breezes cooling their bodies was just as luxurious. Janet was truly impressed with Don’s power of recovery, considering he was a bit older. Quite a bit as it turned out. When he found she was 21, he laughed to say he was 22 the day she was born. Do men that old still get it up? They do, he said, and be glad, because it means you have a lot of years of excellent fucking ahead of you. And Janet could live with that. She wondered if Bob would get hairy like Don as he aged, and hoped he would. She was glad pregnancy wasn’t an issue, since her doctor had advised her early that she would be a risky mother with her narrow pelvis, and she had had her tubes tied.
The bedrooms were given a bout equal time, although neither kept track. What day it was even wasn’t an issue, because they knew the return of the others wouldn’t be an end to anything. Actually, Janet was quite looking forward to crowing to Bob. She hoped he would be as pleased as she was.
Then she was startled to see the door open and Trudy’s head poke in, “Yes, they’re here. Oh, are they ever here!!” Janet could only lean mutely on her elbow beside the dozing Don as Trudy and Bob trouped in. She didn’t see any point in hiding her nakedness now, even felt a bit proud of it. But she was aware that the last load of cum was still just now trickling down her left cheek, and it had to be taken care of. Non the less, she took time to kiss Bob, he bending his knees from long practice so she could reach his lips, and giggling into his mouth as his hand found the trail of cum now running down her legs, and he chuckling back, and she wondered if she had ever been more happy.
“Bet we fucked more than you did.” Janet was impish. They were sipping coffee
on the terrace, and had to almost whisper, “How many times for you?”
“You might lose, girl,” Trudy snorted, “Remember my toy boy is a lot younger
than yours. How many, Robert?”
Bob was figuring. Finally he totted it up, “We had penetration eleven times,
you had seventy four orgasms, but I only came in you seven times plus once in
your mouth. So how many fucks is that? Counting the one we just had ? Did you
count the one you just finished before we walked in?”
“Not bad, kid, but I think we’re ahead,” Don leaned back expensively, “We had
three per day, counting today, that’s nine, all with cums. Sorry, no oral. And
I’m sure Janet topped 98 cums. Plus we were sleeping off the first one before
you were halfway there.”
“Oral?,” came back Janet, “I tried, but I can’t fit that thing in my mouth. By
the way, you didn‘t try to cover your tracks, did you? I mean with the hotel
“I’m so happy you caught that, sweetums. It was my idea, just to be sure you
knew what was happening. That body, and brains too.” Bob looked smug and proud.
“I saved some for you. And some more for Don, too. Did you save any for me?” Janet was suddenly hungry to feel her own man in her, unsure that he wasn’t still too tied up with Trudy. As much fun as she had with Don, she had no wish to lose her husband, either through neglect or competition. Much later, as she dozed with Bob’s cum safely soaking the towel between her thighs, Janet really felt complete. She had never managed to get all of Don in her, but Trudy had been trying for ten years, and she hadn’t either. Still, she hoped it wouldn’t be too many days before she got to try again.
It was the next day, actually. Right after breakfast, strolling toward the beach, Don had joked that this was the first time they hadn’t hustled straight back to bed. So they did, all four, in a hurry too. Janet smiled to think she wasn’t the only horny toad. There was only one queen, but two girls sitting on two cocks don’t take much space. Janet was even happier now, with Don’s huge machine in her, and watching the blonde goddess riding up and down on Bob. This was so good and right! Trudy was so beautiful and obviously loved Bob’s boner in her! It was with a start she realized that she was sitting firmly on Don’s pubic bone. She had taken it all in! She could feel the end touching the very bottom of her, but mainly it was the stretch as she admitted the base. Trudy followed her wide eyes.
“Wow!, you got it all! I’ve never been able to.” Now all eyes were watching as she rose up and dropped to engulf it again. Then she didn’t lift again, just rocking and grinding her pube to his, maybe bruising her clit, but right now not caring. She was getting the fucking of her life, AGAIN, and her love was right beside her getting it just as nicely.
Janet felt a bit homesick as she scanned the room for left articles and then closed the door. She hadn’t been impressed two weeks earlier, but the room now held some of her favourite memories. Don and Trudy had already left, and the Northern Ontario winter waited them. But it wasn’t all bad. Don had taken them to a website in the internet café after logging in himself and typed in their hometown. Out of thirty thousand citizens, there were twenty posted ads. And Janet had recognised a tattoo, even with the face obscured. She had been with Fay at the travelling carnival and helped her choose the pattern. They were only school girls, and Fay’s mother had been so disappointed with them both. Especially since the thing was so botched and ugly.
Janet and Bob had drifted away from Fay and Evan last year as the other couple had seemed to find other interests. Janet smirked to think that they were soon to become close again, very close. It was said the only thing to do in winter if you didn’t curl was drink or gamble. Fay and Evan , its seems, had found a better way, where bad weather was actually a boon.
My husbands fetish of me wearing a short skirt in public with no panties turns into a weekly trip to the grocery store!! |
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