Jo's Ass to Mouth revenge
Lovely Jo was SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED after making her first Ass-to-Mouth Marathon movie that she could hardly contain herself.
Of course, Jo would NEVER miss an opportunity to work the streets. When I had suggested to her that she might be too tired to do tricks after the six hour movie, she just laughed and said, in her usual way:
“Don’t be silly, you goose!”
Sure enough, less than two minutes after swallowing her last mouthful of semen and shit, she was in The Boss’ luxury bathroom brushing her teeth, taking a quick shower, fixing up her make-up and then brushing her beautifully silky long blonde hair to get ready to go back to work.
In less than fifteen minutes, she was back out in the main hall of The Boss’ mansion, where she’d just kneeled for six straight hours, just raring to go. For extra fun, she’d changed into the new panty outfit she’d just bought earlier that day, replacing her orange half sweater, white satin bikini panties and black spike heels with a white half-sweater and matching baby blue satin panties and heels. And also wearing the too much make-up, especially bright red lipstick and purple eye shadow, she loved to wear to proudly announce to everyone that she was a street hooker.
“Do I look okay?” she asked nervously. She ALWAYS wanted to look her best when she was working, but especially when she was working the street.
“You look GREAT, Jo!” I told her sincerely.
“Thanks,” she said with a giggle and a shrug.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked her.
“Uh huh,” she said, nodding quickly. Even if they didn’t have shit on them, she still couldn’t wait to get more cocks in her mouth.
She thanked Alphonse at the door. He was the big drug lord’s right hand man, who had so thoughtfully arranged all of the afternoon’s fun for Jo. This also was the third porn movie he’d filmed with Jo as the star, since he’d picked her up from the back of his big stretch limo when she was doing street tricks just six weeks earlier. The first two films already were everywhere on the net and being sold in video stores as well. But Alphonse had promised Jo that this movie would replace such classics as Deep Throat and Debbie Does Dallas as the top seller all time… he’d already secured a contract to have one million copies made by the world’s biggest porn distributor.
“Thank you SO MUCH, Al,” she had told him then and told him again now that we were leaving. She’d had SO MUCH fun that afternoon. “It was the most fun I’ve ever had!” she said sincerely.
“Even when we had you hold that second guy’s cock and all that shit in your mouth for fifteen minutes while we took all those pictures, Girlie-Girl?” he asked her, his huge white smile showing.
“That was SO GREAT!” Jo told him, her eyes full of love.
“You’re a good girl, Girlie-Girl,” He told her.
“You’re so sweet,” she told him and kissed his cheek.
Then we left. But she continued to look back and wave at Alphonse as we walked down the long steep driveway to my car.
Jo sat in the front passenger seat, leaned over and blew me as I drove her to what I now affectionately call Jo’s corner. As expected, there was a two block line-up of cars already waiting. Jo excitedly jumped out of the front seat and ran over to the first car in line. His back door opened before she got there and she dove right in. She waved as they drove off. Three other guys were in the car with her and she was very happy.
Apparently, she told every John she blew that night about her fun afternoon. I knew she liked to kneel and provide service in a convenience store parking lot just on the next street over, so that she wouldn’t have to drive too far to get to and from tricks. At one point I wandered over there to find her, on her knees blowing some old business executive and telling him all about her new movie.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm,” she chatted gaily. “Hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.”
She was having so much fun telling everyone how much fun she’d had, even when her mouth was full and no one could understand her. In fact, that may have made it more fun for her. On the other hand, she may have been so excited that her mumbling might not have even crossed her mind.
Anyway, she clearly was hyper because I noticed how fast she was pumping this guy. Usually she bobs her head to and fro fairly slowly. But not tonight. It was as if she just had too much energy.
Sure enough, when she’d finished blowing her last John (I’d lost count after he fiftieth trick), she was back in the car with me telling me how wonderful her night had been.
“Can we go see Bucky now?” she pleaded. Bucky is her horse who she boards in a stable that also boards five other horses fifteen minutes out of town. Every other time after street hooking, I’d driven her to her or my home so she could sleep for several hours before she went out to see Bucky. But I guess she wanted to tell HIM about everything too.
Well… when we got to the stable she blew EVERYBODY. She then waved Goodbye to Bucky and his five pals and we drove back to my place where she blew me too. It was almost ten and she knew she’d have to be up by five-thirty at the latest if she wanted to get back to her corner by seven that night.
“Are you going to be able to sleep?” I asked her, because she still seemed so excited.
“Hmm hmm,” she shrugged, on her knees blowing me a second time.
My girlfriend Nadene already was asleep in our king-size bed when Jo and I crawled in. Jo rested her head on my shoulder and her hand on my chest and whispered… “I love you, Charlie,” in my ear and kissed it.
I was stunned. Jo had blown me and kissed me thousands of times. And she had looked up at me from her knees blowing someone else many, many times with love in her eyes. But this was the first time she’d ever actually told me she loved me.
“I love you too, Jo,” I told her sincerely. “Man! Did I love this girl!”
She smiled contentedly and then nestled her head down on my shoulder again. I felt so in love with both of these girls, Nadene and Jo… but if I had to choose right now, how could I not choose Jo. Luckily, Nadene seemed to know and didn’t mind. She loved watching and learning from Jo as the younger but more experienced girl used her oh-so talented mouth to bring me to levels of ecstasy I never could have imagined even existed. When I shot my load into Jo’s mouth, it was a release of pressure so great it was like an explosion. Jo accepted my explosions lovingly, swallowing everything and then meticulously licking me clean.
Man! I loved this girl!
I awoke that afternoon to the sound of a shower and the unmistakable feel of a warm, soft mouth on my dick. Even before I opened my eyes, I recognized Jo’s talented tongue probing the underside of my cock to find every sensitive spot. It was as if her tongue had a memory of its own. She had blown thousands of men. Yet, amazingly, every man who she blew twice said the same thing:
“How does she remember what I like so much?”
Jo just knew.
I opened my eyes and leaned up on my elbows to peer down at the beautiful blonde in my lap. Jo noticed my movement. Her beautiful, big brown eyes found mine and she sang:
“Hmm hmm hmm.”
“Good morning, Jo,” I returned.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?” she asked, still slowly sliding her mouth up and down my shaft but with both eyes still looking straight into mine.
“I slept very well,” I answered. “How did you sleep?”
“Hmm hmm,” she answered with a shrug. And then her head tilted down again as she started to take my dick deeper into her.
There is something about the top of a silky blonde head of hair that really turns me on now. I guess it’s because I’ve been blown so many times by Jo, Nadene and now even Heather, and of course the top of their heads always were visible. Leaning my weight onto one elbow, I reached down and started to stroke Jo’s hair with the opposite hand.
“Hmm hmm,” Jo said approvingly.
Nadene was still in the bathroom when I shot my load into Jo’s mouth and she started to ever so gently milk the last bit out of my cock. By this time I had noticed that Jo, despite likely having gone to bed quite a bit after Nadene, already had dressed and been in and out of the bathroom. She had changed out of her baby blue panties and heels and replaced them with hot pink panties and white heels, but still wore her new white half-sweater. She hadn’t yet put on the excessive purple eye shadow she liked to wear for the street, so that currently she looked more like the girl next door… an amazingly beautiful and sweet girl-next-door.
After Jo swallowed, I told her that I should get up to pee.
“Don’t be silly,” she said with a laugh. As she had so many times before, she took my soft cock back into her mouth and just waited.
“Hmm hmm hmm. Hmm hmm hmm,” she sang playfully while she waited. And then she started sliding her mouth so amazingly gently up and down my shaft, so softly it just tickled my cock rather than made it hard. Man! It was such a combination of agony and ecstasy when she did this!
Eventually, I felt my stream start, but Jo just kept slowly sliding back and forth, swallowing calmly every few seconds.
“Hmmm… hmmm… hmmm,” she sang and swallowed.
I emptied a bladder full of piss into her mouth, and she swallowed every bit of it. Then she just kept slowly blowing me until I came again.
“Hmm hmm,” Jo said brightly when Nadene stepped out of the bathroom.
“Good morning, Charlie,” Nadene said sweetly. Then she directed her eyes at JoAnne. “Doesn’t Jo look sweet in those panties and heels with that white sweater?”
I nodded.
Nadene was wearing her favorite 5-pocket jeans, a light orange sweater and black heels. I knew from experience that she also would be wearing a matching orange pair of satin bikini panties under her jeans, and the thought of those satin panties rubbing her skin under those tight jeans made my cock twitch. Nadene came over to where Jo and I were. Jo popped her mouth off and swallowed just in time to let Nadene kneel and lean her body over the bed to take my cock into her mouth.
What a way to start one’s day? Three successive blowjobs from two gorgeous blondes.
As Nadene blew me, Jo crawled up beside me again and rubbed my chest with one hand.
“You were a bad boy yesterday,” she scolded me playfully.
“What did I do?” I asked innocently.
“When you had that guy stick his cock up Heather’s ass when she was pooping… how did you know I was going to like it?”
I just shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“What would you have done if I hadn’t? Would you have made me take all that shit into my mouth anyway?” she asked me.
“No,” I said earnestly. “But I guess Alphonse would have. And with the cameras all running, I am sure you would have done it even if he hadn’t insisted.”
Jo laughed. “You’re right,” she said. “So you were a REALLY bad boy, putting me in a spot like that.”
“Am I in trouble then?” I asked nervously.
Jo laughed again. “Oh… I’ll find some fun way to get back at you,” she said. Then she kissed me and slid down to where Nadene was licking my shaft. The two girls shared me for the next several minutes, but Jo let me shoot into Nadene’s mouth. I was so impressed how these two girls always shared so nicely.
After I’d showered and dressed, we drove over to pick up Heather from her place. Heather was sporting a bit of a new look: tight, light blue Guess jeans, a white bikini bra and black heels.
“Do you want to go see Bucky again?” I asked Jo. “Or go to the mall to look for more panties?”
“You already went to see Bucky?” Heather asked, obviously disappointed. She’d had so much fun practicing her deep throat the last time we’d been out there.
“Would you like to go out and see Bucky, Heather?” Jo asked her friend, clearly giving her the choice.
“Is that okay?” Heather said meekly. She REALLY wanted to go see Bucky and his friends again.
Jo and Nadene just laughed and Heather smiled very happily.
We spent about an hour out at the stables. Heather had never been around horses before but was getting more and more comfortable with the huge animals. The first time, she’d really been spooked by their size and strength and so it took her about five minutes before she got up the courage to kneel under one. Today, however, she was the first girl on her knees and already was having fun with a big brown stallion named Shooter before either Jo or Nadene had found blankets for themselves to kneel on.
Since it was Heather’s first time with Shooter, I kidded her about his name and teased that she might just drown when Shooter shot.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm,” Heather scolded me, wagging her finger. But she was laughing.
“Hold it for a picture,” I told her.
“Hmm hmm?” she asked as she posed prettily.
We almost had to drag Heather out from under her fourth horse. She’d wanted to stay until she’d played with Bucky and all five of his friends. But Jo promised to bring her out sometime during the week, so Heather finally joined us outside and we drove back into town.
We had only about twenty minutes to eat before the girls hit the street. We stopped at Nadene’s favorite fast food place where Jo ordered a chicken sandwich, Nadene a burger, and Heather chicken fingers with a cum dipping sauce.
“And put cum on our sandwiches too,” Jo reminded the same male server they always saw at this time. (Wild horses couldn’t drag him away from this shift.)
An old woman was standing at the counter at the same time. She scowled and gave Jo a hard look. But then she noticed Jo’s panties and smiled excitedly:
“You’re that girl from the weather news!” she announced proudly. She’d seen her blow a variety of male anchors over the preceding several weeks.
“Uh huh,” Jo affirmed. And then the old woman pulled out a camera to take a picture of the three girls together.
The girls hungrily ate their meals and then hid in the bathroom for about ten minutes fixing up their hair and make-up. Make-up wise, Jo definitely had adopted a hooker look for street work; Heather still kept her professional secretary look and Nadene targeted somewhere in between. The girls emerged from the bathroom chatting gaily and ready for me to drive them the last few blocks to the place where they’d be kept busy all night.
And were they all ever kept busy! The other girls working the streets marveled at all the traffic Jo, Nadene and Heather generated. It almost seemed like a parade.
By the next morning, I had completely forgotten Jo’s playful threat to get back at me essentially for filling her mouth with shit. But Jo hadn’t. And by Wednesday, she was ready.
I had gone into work at the news station at about nine o’clock in the morning as usual, when I was approached by Jackie, Nadene’s best friend at work. Like Nadene, Jackie spent a lot of time on her knees, so when Jackie came up to me, grabbed my hand and started leading me away, I didn’t really think too much was unusual. One odd thing, which I should have picked up on but didn’t, was that Jackie was wearing a short, navy blue pleated skirt instead of the tight dress pants she virtually always wears. Another odd thing was that she seemed to be taking me along a very circuitous route somewhere I didn’t think I’d ever been before, almost as if she wanted me confused as to where we were going; but again, I was too horny to care. As she led me up the stairs, I lifted up the back of her skirt to admire her nice, red satin panties. Jackie just laughed and told me to “Come on”, like she would a dog. And like a dog, I followed with my tail wagging.
She led me into a dark studio right next to the main weather studio. It appeared to be empty. I figured Jackie was going to kneel and blow me, but wondered why Jackie was taking such pains to hide all this. Usually, Jackie gave blowjobs right out in the open, especially in the photocopy room, so anyone who needed to find her (for a blowjob or otherwise) could do so quickly and easily.
A young buisnessman finds a surprise in the Tokyo subway at rush-hour... |
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