Jo teaches Sandy how to suck

(Part 2 from 2)

As it turns out, I was facing out towards the main branch area with Sandy’s back (and bum) to it. Because the light in our room was slightly brighter than that outside, there was a slight reflection of her in the glass, so I could enjoy looking at her bum while she kneeled there.

It was just before Sandy leaned forward to take me into her mouth that I saw her turn her head to her right and wave. My eyes followed suit. On the other side of the glass wall to my left was another similar room, but fully furnished. Another woman who I didn’t know was sitting behind her desk waving at Sandy, with an apparent client sitting across the desk from her. His eyes turned towards us too.

Sandy’s eyes seemed to stay on her friend as she leaned forward, mouth open, and allowed my cock to navigate into her mouth. Then she closed her mouth gently down on my dick and slid slowly back and forth a few times.

Almost immediately, her eyes found Jo and she asked: “Hmm hmm?”

Jo squatted down to get close to Sandy so that she could closely observe her technique.

“Hmm?” Sandy asked, pausing to look right at Jo. “Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?”

Jo leaned back, her eyes taking in Sandy from top to bottom. She then used her hands to position Sandy’s feet a little further apart and gently pushed on Sandy’s bum to have her kneeling a bit more straight up.

‘Try taking him a little deeper in your mouth,” Jo said. And I realized that Sandy truly had only been sucking on the last inch or two of my dick.

“Hmm hmm (okay),” Sandy said, leaning forward so that now more than three inches were inside her. “Hmm mm?” she asked, her eyes back on Jo.

“That’s good,” Jo encouraged her. “Now slide slowly back and forth… don’t use your neck… bend at the waist.”

“Hmm hmm,” Sandy said. I noticed that Sandy DID start bending more at the waist, and was pleased as to what this did to the reflection of her bum in the glass, making her pants a little bit tighter every time she leaned forward, thereby flattering the curves of her behind.

After a bit, Jo suggested to Sandy that she start tilting her head one way and then the other, Like Jo does so effectively to find every man’s sweet spot.

“Hmm?” Sandy asked.

“Let me show you,” Jo said. And so I was allowed to slide out of Sandy’s mouth into Jo’s.

“Hmm hmm,” Jo said cutely, staring up at me cutely with her big, brown eyes.

“Hello,” I returned.

Jo then started to slide ever so slowly to and fro along my cock, running almost the full length, from five inches deep in her mouth to just having my cock head inside. And every time she pulled back, she tilted her head ever so slightly one way or the other, working the right underside of my shaft one time and the left side the next. Back and forth and often humming softly.

“Hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmmm,” she said so sensuously.

There was a dramatic difference in skill level between the two girls. Jo obviously had experience that virtually no woman anywhere could match. Sandy still was a novice. But Sandy watched attentively and when I returned to her mouth, not only was she tilting her head right and left as Jo had done, but she also was taking me deeper… to about 4 inches… sometimes gagging a bit but never stooping her slow rhythmic pump.

After a bit, I noticed that several people had gathered outside the glass to watch Sandy. 
I considered telling her, but decided against it. Ultimately, I didn’t need to as Sandy’s manager came in to introduce himself to me and Jo and ask how Sandy was doing.

“She’s doing great,” I told him, shocked by his calmness in all this.

“She’s learning fast,” Jo said.

“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?” Sandy then asked her.

“Of course, Sandy,” Jo smiled. And then she reached up to undo the manager’s belt and zipper and start on him.

Soon both girls were almost in perfect rhythm, their heads bobbing synchronously in and out of the crotches before them and their eyes riveted to each other… Sandy the student learning from JoAnne the master.

Sandy did manage a bit of deep throating, but gagged so much that we didn’t push it this first time.

“Hmm hmm,” she apologized sorrowfully.

“Don’t worry,” I assured her. “Jo and I can get you plenty of guys to practice on.”

“Hmm hmm,” she said brightly, immediately happy again.

Sandy returned to practicing the technique Jo had taught her, sliding slowly back and forth, bending at the waist and tilting her head side to side.

“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm,” Jo instructed, leaning back a bit to put her bum nearer her shoes and glancing up at the manager’s face, then over at mine.

“Hmm hmm?” Sandy asked.

“Hmm hmm,” Jo affirmed.

Sandy repeated what Jo had done, and soon she was peering up into my face lovingly.

“Hmm hmm?” she asked me.

“You look wonderful,” I said.

She chuckled. She definitely was lightening up a bit.

Ever so skilled, Jo timed it so that the manager shot his load at exactly the same time that I filled Sandy’s mouth with my cum. Jo and Sandy continued to slowly slide back and forth until all the shooting had stopped. Then Jo slid off and Sandy slid off and, looking at each other, they swallowed together.

“How did I do?” Sandy asked me anxiously.

“I think you’ll make a fine prostitute,” I said.

And she beamed proudly.

Sandy received a round of applause from a very appreciative crowd when she stood up and turned to face back towards the main bank area.

She laughed.

“You guys didn’t tell me,” she shook her head playfully.

“We didn’t want to disturb your rhythm,” I rationalized.

Sandy’s boss was great. He gave Sandy the rest of the afternoon off to have lunch with us and discuss details and then to go get some more blowjob practice somewhere.

“Can I get blowjobs now too?” he asked coyly.

“Of course!” Sandy laughed and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

We found a little place to eat right on Oxford Street where Sandy listened with increasing interest as Jo described all the fun things she had done.

“It was YOU who won the blowjob marathon?” Sandy exclaimed, VERY impressed.

“Uh huh,” Jo nodded proudly.

“What did you do with the money?”

“I bought a horse named Bucky?”

“Oh… I love horses,” Sandy said. “Can I meet him some day?”

Jo and I smiled at each other knowingly. “Sure,” Jo said. “I go up and visit him every day.”

“Does he let you sit on him?” Sandy asked innocently.

“Actually,” I said. “Jo spends a lot more time on her knees under the horse than sitting on top of him.”

“It’s really fun and it’s good practice for the really big guys,” Jo pointed out. “You should try it.”

Sandy nodded without hesitation. “That’d be great.”

After they each had a sandwich, Jo asked Sandy if she wanted to take some outcalls.

“Do I look okay like this?” Sandy asked, standing up and twirling around. I told her that she looked great and that I especially liked her ribbon and bow for a belt idea.

“It’s like you’re gift-wrapped.” I said.

“I’d like to be,” she said playfully.

The rest of that afternoon, Jo turned her cell on but let Sandy take all the calls, accompanying her to encourage and guide her but letting her do all the work. After about five hours and eleven blowjobs, Sandy kneeled and blew me in my apartment parking lot.
In just one afternoon she had learned so much, it was amazing.

I popped in to see her at the bank the next day. She wasn’t at the info desk or working as a teller. I glanced over to the room we’d used before and, sure enough, Sandy was on her knees practicing blowjobs on a line-up of soon-to-be-very satisfied customers. Every one of them left a sizeable deposit in her mouth.

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I'm alone in my office and need to act out my long-time fantasy. I call my girlfriend and her boyfriend and we have some after-hours fun!