Invasion of Privacy

(Part 1 from 2)

“An underwater fishing camera and innocent curiosity leads a horny teenager into a world
of eavesdropping, and eventually to gay sex

Larry is a classic example of the danger that technology can cause when it finds its way into the wrong hands. Especially when those hands belong to a 17-year old geek with no social life outside of the Internet and no sex life other then his right hand. There was nothing special about Larry that made him stand out among his peer group. If you asked Larry’s classmate for their opinion of Larry, it would either be negative or “Larry who?”

That all changed the day Larry went snooping around in the garage. He came across his father’s collection of Home Shopping Club items that will never get used. Cans of dye that men spray over their bald spots, a fishing pole that was also a mini tackle box and an am/fm radio. He even had a tiny waterproof camera so you could see if there where fish in the area. I suppose that might come in handy if you went fishing in your swimming pool because the visibility underwater in the lakes around us was 2 feet at best. However, Larry had a knack for finding other uses for his father’s impulsive purchases.

On the day that Larry started snooping into the lives of those how lived in his apartment building, his only intent was to determine if the kids downstairs where saying mean things about him. A week earlier, Larry found another one of his dad’s impulsively purchased items. It was called a “Sonic Ear 2000” and according the colorful packaging, you could hear a whisper from 50 feet away. Larry put on the earphones and walked around the area of his neighbor’s front door. The sound was impressive and Larry could here a couple talking by the swimming pool nearly 40 feet away. But he could not hear on the other side of a door less the 10 feet away. 

Larry went back to his apartment and upstairs to his bedroom. It was always warmer on the second floor so Larry opened his window to cool down his bedroom. It was then that he noticed the small vent pipes on the roof just inches from his window. Like a flash, Larry had the solution to his problem. He knew exactly what he needed to do to modify the Sonic Ear 2000 to meet it’s new objective. He cut the cord on the headphones and added 20 feet of wire between the plug and headset. Once that was done, Larry powered up the Sonic Ear 2000 to its maximum setting. He reached out and slowly lowered it down the vent pipe until it stopped. Larry sat at his desk and slipped the headphones over his ears. His jaw dropped by the absolute power of the Sonic Ear. It was so sensitive that Larry could hear a conversation in their living room from the vent in their bathroom.

Larry was so amazed by the clarity of the sound that he hadn’t even focused on what was being said until he heard the word “Cocksucker.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out that his neighbor Kevin and his friend where watching a porno flick. Larry was amazed by the way that having sound with no picture enabled his ability to fill in the missing pieces.

Larry heard his neighbor’s voice at different levels as he traveled around the house. He heard the light switch in the bathroom go on and recognized the sound of the medicine cabinet open and close. With only the ability to listen, Larry had to create the images in his mind to match what he was hearing. By the sound level fluctuating, he could tell that Kevin had left the living room and walked into the bathroom to get something from the medicine cabinet. Kevin went back to the living room and asked his friend a question. “Do you need some of this?” and his friend responded by saying “Just a little bit” It only took a matter of seconds to solve the mystery of what it was. Larry heard a sound that he was very familiar with.
It was the same squishy sound Larry recognized when he masturbated with his favorite hand lotion. Larry was listening to a pair of cocks, coated with lotion, being worked by their teenage masters. There had even been a few occasions when Larry masturbated with a friend just like Kevin was doing with his buddy James. Larry was becoming aroused by the images that he had to create for what he was hearing. It was always exciting for Larry when he found a buddy who liked to masturbate as much as he did and was willing to do it sitting right next to him. 

The ability to listen in on this private moment between Kevin and James was exciting to Larry. But in a different way from the excitement he got when he actually did it with one of his own friends. It gave Larry a since of power and knowledge that he never had before. He had overcome an obstacle that was put in place by Kevin and James. He took control of it and rendered it useless without them even being aware of it. There was no doubt in Larry’s mind that both Kevin and James felt safe in the fact that they where alone in the house and behind closed doors. They felt secure in the notion that what they where doing was a private moment between friends, a secret between just them. They had no idea that there was a fly on the wall named Larry.

The tempo of the squishy sound was increasing. James told Kevin that he was getting close and needed something to cum on. Larry processed the images as he heard what sounded like loose change and the buckle from Kevin’s belt as he stood up and walked into the kitchen with his pants still down around his ankles. Next he heard the distinctive sound of paper towels being torn from the roll. 

The same sound was heard as Kevin returned to where he was sitting. The sight of Kevin’s erection must have been impressive to James. He did not hesitate to share his feelings with Kevin. “Dam Kevin! You’ve got a big one!”

“I know, it just took off last summer. Do you remember the first time we beat off together? It was tiny then, but look at it now.”

“You’re lucky man! It’s bigger then mine but I’ll bet you I can shoot mine further”

“You think so? Let’s just see about that”

Larry listened as Kevin and James prepared for a jack off contest. Kevin went back to the kitchen for the entire roll of paper towels. As they agreed on the layout of the contest, Larry was able to picture the scene. The coffee table had been covered with paper towels and a line was drawn down the middle. With Larry and James at opposite ends of the table, the winner would be the one who shot his cum closest to, or furthest past the center line.

Kevin would be the first to bring himself to the boiling point. “Oh man! I’m going to cum any second. Here it comes! Check this out” Kevin grunted loudly and while he was still shooting he could hear James encouraging his buddy. “Shoot it man! Dang man! Look at all of that cum. Holy shit!

Kevin looked at his wet cum drops that where all over the paper towels on his side of the table. He reported to James that the furthest drop of cum landed about two inches from the line drawn down the center of the paper. “Dam that felt good. I almost shot my load over to your side of the table.” James spoke with a tone of confidence. “That’s pretty good but watch this man! I’m going to shoot a mean load. Oh fuck! Stand back dude, here it comes”

Kevin shouted in a way that sounded as if he was scared. “Holy mother fuck! How in the fuck do you do that? Jesus Christ James! Most of your cum landed way the fuck over here”

James was still breathing hard and Kevin was insistent on an explanation of what must have been an impressive display of cum flying through the air. It would soon be determined that James had shot a wad of cum across the table a distance of 5 feet, 7 inches while James did not even make it beyond 3 feet.

James and Kevin could be heard cleaning up any evidence of their jack off contest. They both went into the bathroom to wash their hands and Kevin reminded James to take his videotape out of their VCR. When Larry heard them making plans to go over to another friends house, he got an idea that would allow him to use his information to make Kevin and James think that he had magical powers.

Larry went outside and stood by his car. He knew that Kevin and James would have to walk right past him. Larry spotted the little dick beaters walking towards his car. He got out and slammed the door causing them to take notice of his presence. Once eye contact was established, Larry gave them a casual nod as to say, “What’s up” and then quickly raised an eyebrow and gave a look of suspicion. “Wow! Look at those guilty faces. What did you guys just do, rob a bank or something?

Kevin and James both looked like two deer’s caught in the headlights. James was unable to speak and Kevin’s voice faltered when he tried to speak. “What? We didn’t rob a bank”

“Oh shit! Never mind, I think I know what the two of you have been up to. I though that I recognized that guilty look from somewhere”

“What guilty look?”

“The same guilty look that I got when my mom walked in my room and caught me and my best friend doing something……….something private”

James and Kevin didn’t say a word and walked away quickly whispering to each other. Larry turned and started walking towards his apartment when he heard Kevin call out his name. Larry walked towards Kevin and James to see what they wanted. “What’s up guys” Kevin seemed to always be the dedicated spokesman. 

“When you said that you and your friend where doing something private, do you mean something private like changing clothes?”

“Hey dudes! If that’s what you want to call it, go for it okay. Forget that I said anything because it’s no big deal. Most guys ‘Change Clothes’ several times a day. One time I “Changed Clothes” 7 times in one day”

Kevin raised an eyebrow not totally convinced that they where talking about the same thing. “So why would you ‘Change Clothes’ seven times in one day”

“Because it feel so good, especially towards the end when you finally get them off, right fellas”

Kevin looked at James and said “He does know” and James replied “See I told you” They no longer seemed to be embarrassed and started to laugh as they ran off towards their bicycles. Larry loved the mind games he was playing and shouted across the courtyard “Hey! I forgot to ask who won”

Kevin pointed towards his friend and shouted back “James won”

“How far?”

“5 feet, 7 inches”

“Bullshit! No way!”

“Honest! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it”

“Jesus Christ! Hey James! Do you got a license to carry that thing?”

They both started laughing hysterically and for the first time Larry felt a new sense of respect from Kevin and James. They normally treated Larry like the village idiot.

As Kevin and James mounted their bicycles they took the time to recognize the new Larry by shouting back as they rode off “See ya later Larry”

“Okay fellas! Be careful”

Later that night, Larry sprawled out on his bed listening to everything being said inside Kevin’s apartment. He could hear Kevin’s mother talking on the phone and then he heard the front door open. It was Kevin. “Mom, I’m home!” The Sonic Ear could easily pick up the sounds in Kevin’s bedroom as long as the door was left open. It sounded like dresser drawers opening and closing. Minutes later he heard the light switch in the bathroom followed by the shower door, and then the shower itself.

It sounded as if Kevin was just having a shower before bed. The sound was so clear, Larry could close his eyes and imagine that he was standing right there in the middle of the bathroom while Kevin took his shower. Larry also imagined what Kevin looked like as he stood there running his soapy hands over every inch of his naked body. Larry’s cock rose to its full stiffness. The position of the Sonic Ear combined with the acoustics of the bathroom, Larry had no trouble detecting the slapping sound of a wet dick and balls getting stroked in the shower. The tempo of the slapping sound became more rapid over the next few minutes and then he clearly heard Kevin suck in a deep breath followed by stifled sex noises. “Oh! Ahhhh! Mmmm! “ It put Larry over the top and he started spilling his warm semen all over his stomach. Once it got late and Larry could not hear any movement, he turned off the Sonic Ear and decided to resume his listening in the morning. 

Larry turned on the television and flipped through the channels when he got an idea. They seemed to come to Larry in the form of bright white flash. The colorful packaging from the underwater camera his dad purchased from a Home Shopping Club danced in the head. There was no way for Larry to fall asleep now. There was work to be done. Larry headed out to the garage to get the fishing camera. He opened the box and was already reading through the instruction manual before he even made it back to his bedroom. The camera was not much bigger then a tube of Chap-Stik attached to a long wire. He tested the camera by hooking it up to his television. It worked and gave a very sharp, wide-angled picture.

Unfortunately, there was no light on in the bathroom and Larry would have to wait until the morning to determine what, if anything, he might be able to see. Once the sun began to rise in the early morning, Larry dropped the camera down the vent pipe and realized that he had actually been listening from the vent in the laundry room. Since the bathroom was the next room to the left, Larry removed the camera from the vent and placed it in the next vent to the left. Instantly, Larry could see some specks of light that only got bigger as he lowered the camera down the vent pipe. The vent cover was located directly in the center of Kevin’s bathroom giving him a perfect shot of the shower, toilet, and about half of the sink.

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