Incest Kliq Ep. 1-01: Inside Secret

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

HEADNOTE* I would like to point out that this series isn't going to simply cater to the average horny reader's sexual needs. Though that will indeed be in this series, it's actually going to be more like a tv drama. Kind of like an incest version of The L Word, or Sex and the City... shit like that. Anyway, enjoy.

Nikolai Larionov slipped his thumb underneath the shoulder strap of his book bag, pulling it further up onto his shoulder. He kept his grip on it the entire time he walked from the plane, through the connecting walkway, and into the airport. However, that grip was lost once his eyes found his younger cousin, who’s flight had arrived an hour earlier, waiting for him. He let his bag drop from his shoulder, landing it beside the woman’s feet. “Carmen!” he exclaimed, happily embracing her. Nikolai picked Carmen up in his arms, giving her a spinning hug before setting her down again. “How’s my favorite cousin?”

“Nicholas,” she replied, still adjusting to saying ‘Nikolai’. “I’m your only cousin.”

Nikolai sighed slightly, but kept his head lowered to his much shorter cousin. He had at least six inches on her. “Carmen,” he silently pleaded, “you know it’s ‘Nikolai’ now.”

“Oh yea, I forgot. You and your Russian Pride.”

True, Nikolai was indeed of Russian ancestry. However, his family had moved to America four generations ago, now merely Americans with a Russian background. Nikolai was the first american born in his family to take pride in his heritage. “Hey, don’t forget,” Nikolai reminded his cousin, “you’re half Russian yourself, Miss Larionov.”

“Ci, but do I look like it?” Carmen countered, striking a slight pose. Of course, she did not. Had it not been for her Russian last name, no one would ever know. Physically, she completely took after her Puerto Rican mother. They shared a quick laugh as they picked up their luggage and started the long walk across the airport. Nikolai only had his book bag until they reached the luggage terminal, but Carmen already had her things: her own book bag, and one large suit case on wheels. She already had everything else that she owned shipped to her new place via FedEx, as did her cousin.

For the past few months, Nikolai and Carmen had been included into a bit of an online Clique, or “Kliq”, as they liked to spell it. There were only six of them, excluding the newly joined cousins, and while they all now lived in the same city, each had initially met online. They were close, e-mailing, writing letters, video chatting, and flying out to one another on occasion. Carmen hadn’t been a part of such a close group of friends since high school.

“So who’s picking us up?” Nikolai asked.

“Kat,” Carmen replied. “She said she’d meet us in the lobby.” The two retrieved Nikolai’s two suit cases and headed straight for the front lobby. Sure enough, there was Kat, the most beautiful (in Nikolai’s opinion) member of the Kliq. Besides the fact that she was Japanese, which Nikolai found especially attractive, he also found her rebellious style enticing. She always wore her short black hair in spikes that pointed in multiple directions, like a character from a popular fantasy play station game.. Her sexily slanted eyes were always circled by a dark ring of black eye liner. Kat also kept her lips coated in black lipstick, hard as it was to get that around the pair of rings pierced through the left side of her bottom lip. She was dress in a pair of loose black jeans, a short sleeve, black denim button down, a pair of gothic buckle boots and a silver studded band on each wrist.

“What’s up?” Kat greeted them as she stood, pulling her headphones down to her shoulders. She gave them each a quick handshake-hug and began leading them out the front doors. “Listen, sorry you couldn’t meet the whole gang right away. You know, prior engagements.

“It’s cool,” Nikolai assured.

“So this may sound like a weird question right off, but… you two don’t get weirded out easily, do you?”

Nikolai and Carmen exchanged glances as if contemplating the point of the question, but finally shrugged it off. It was Carmen who actually answered. “Nah, we can handle shit.”

“Good,” Kat commented with a sly smile.


The three of them would actually be living together. Kat had owned a duplex, but had not previously rented out the second floor. But now, Nikolai and Carmen would be splitting the rent for it. It only had one bedroom, but Nikolai had agreed to sleep on the futon in the living room. At least, that’s how things would start…

The two quickly got a little settled in, though they knew it would take a few days to get all the boxes they shipped in ahead of time completely unpacked. That could wait. They chilled with Kat downstairs for most of the night, playing card games and watching DVD collections of their favorite animated sitcoms.

“So when will we get to meet the rest of the group?” Nikolai asked.

“Actually, they should be on their way,” Kat replied, pulling her phone from its case on her belt. She turned it on and recalled a number from her phone book. “Hey, where are you guys? Well, hurry your asses up! I’m already back with our newbies!. Okay, see you in a few.” Kat hung up her phone and dropped it onto the table. “They’ll be here in about five minutes.”

It was actually more like two minutes. There were five others total, Kat introducing them as they walked in, four of them apparently two couples. The first couple was Jesse and Cynthia, who sort of resembled one another. The second was a gay couple, Sean and Orlando. Like Nikolai and Carmen, they each took after different backgrounds. The fifth was Jeremy, whom Kat introduced last. “…and this is my brother, Jeremy.”

With that introduction, she wrapped one arm around his shoulders, closed the small gap between them and kissed him passionately.

“Oh my God,” said Carmen, though she was trying to laugh it off. “You just kissed your brother.” She sound surprised, but not altogether shocked. Nikolai’s facial expression only suggested that he could not care less.

“And that’s the big secret,” Sean interjected. “We’re an incest group. Orlando here, besides being my lover, is my half brother. We have the same mother.”

“Jesse and I are fraternal twins,” Cynthia added with a warm smile, leaning her head on Jesse’s shoulder.

Kat took it from here once again. “You two are actually the first we’ve let into our little Kliq who aren’t actually an incest couple. But we all feel that we can trust you to keep it within just us. Can we?”

“Of course,” said Carmen, “but why the big secret? I mean, who gives a shit what anything else might think, right?”

“True, but last I checked, incest is illegal.” Carmen nodded her head, acknowledging that obvious reminder.


The rest of the night was pretty fun for Nikolai and Carmen, the two of them getting along quite well with their new friends. Granted, they’d known them for quite a while online, but hanging out with a person face to face was something completely different. The two of them were fitting in well. Near the end of the night, Carmen finally got a chance to speak privately to her cousin. Kat and Jeremy were busy washing the dishes (Kat’s dishwasher currently was not working), and the others were caught up in a four player video game.

“What do you think?” Carmen quietly asked Nikolai.

“About what?” he replied.

“Well… you know…”

Nikolai nodded. He knew she was asking for his opinion on their friends being in incest relationships. “Doesn’t bother me in the least bit. I think love can bloom anywhere and anytime, between any two people. And so what if those two people happen to be related?” Carmen could not have been happier to hear her cousin say that. She had always tried to deny it, even to herself; but she had a crush on her Russian cousin ever since they were young teens. Even now, she found her gaze falling to him, longing for his love in more than just a family way. Carmen tried denying this fact even now, something in her mind telling her that it was wrong to desire a family member, but with what Nikolai just said, it was no longer easy to suppress such feelings. Maybe soon, she would not have to…

FOOTNOTE* I'm taking a break from requests. I have a number piled up right now, plus I have my books to work on (yes, I write outside of this website). Hence, I will not be taking anymore requests until further notice, unless you are already waiting on one. Again, please be patient, they're all on their way.

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