Incest Buddies: Part 2
*** Note : This story is completely fictional!
Lara pulled Lesley into an unused classroom. She shut the door and said ‘Holy crap! That was the hottest thing I have ever seen! I can’t believe I got to watch your dad take your anal cherry. I must have came 3 times! And you look so sexy naked.’ Lesley said ‘Well, I am glad YOU enjoyed it. That hurt like hell. My dad really seemed to like it. I am glad you didn’t get caught. You did a great job hiding.’ Lara said ‘Don’t worry about how much it hurts. You do eventually get used to it.’ ‘You’re dad has done that to you too?’ Lesley asked. ‘Oh sure’ Lara said. ‘It happened the first time I was on my period. Now it barely even hurts when he does it. And he LOVES it. You should totally watch me and my dad have sex. That would be such a turn on for me. And it would be easier on your ass.’ ‘Ha, anything that would be easier on my ass sounds great.’ Lesley said. ‘How do you want me to sneak into your house?’ Lara said ‘Why don’t you sneak in while we are having dinner sometime next week? Park at the end of the cul de sac and I’ll leave the basement door unlocked. Come up the stairs of the basement and go directly to the left of the basement door. If you open the door quietly and tip toe upstairs, you should be able to make it without getting caught. My parent’s room is the last one down the hallway on the right. There is a closet in there that you should be safe in.’ ‘Ok, sounds good. Text me when it is a good time.’ Lesley said.
Lesley was sitting at her desk doing some homework when she got a text from Lara saying ‘We are getting ready for dinner, you should probably start heading over now. Wait at the cul de sac and don’t come in until I text you.’ Lesley went downstairs and told her parents ‘I totally forgot, is it ok if I go study at Julie’s? We have a test tomorrow and I promised her we would.’ ‘What about dinner?’ Lesley’s mom asked. ‘Just leave me some leftovers. I will be fine.’ ‘Make sure you don’t come back too late’ her dad said as he winked at her. Lesley smiled and said ‘I won’t be back too late Daddy.’ Lesley’s mom rolled her eyes. ‘Ok, I’ll see you when I am done studying. Bye.’ Lesley was even more excited. Sneaking and watching is hot enough, but to know that her dad will fuck her when she got home would make tonight even better.
She drove and parked her car and waited. Her phone rang again and all it said on it was ‘Now.’ She put it on silent and snuck into Lara’s backyard. She opened the basement door quietly and took her shoes off. She could hear people talking upstairs, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. She quietly walked up the stairs and could gradually make out what the people were saying. It was Lara and her parents and they were just talking about normal stuff at dinner. Lesley took a deep breath. She opened the basement door and quietly starting tip toeing up the stairs. Lara’s mom was still telling everyone what happened to her at work that day and no one seemed to notice. Lesley got upstairs and snuck into Lara’s parent’s closet. She got comfortable and closed the door most of the way but still left a crack that allowed her to see the bed. She could still hear talking, but could no longer make out what anyone was saying. After about 15 minutes, she heard someone coming up the stairs. Actually, it was two people coming up the stairs. Lara’s father was carrying Lara up to his bedroom. Lara was giggling and her dad opened the door and threw Lara on the bed.
He jumped on top of her and they started making out. Lesley stuck her hand down her pants and was already wet with excitement. Lara’s dad sat her up in the bed and raised her arms above her head as he took her shirt off to reveal a beautiful baby blue bra. Lara responded by taking her father’s shirt off. Lara’s dad reached behind her and took Lara’s bra off. He kissed her down her neck and started sucking on her tits. Lara moaned. She started unbuttoning his jeans but couldn’t take them off in her current position. Her dad stood up next to the bed and pushed them down to his ankles. Lara got up and kissed him again. He took off her jeans and she just had her baby blue panties on. He pulled those off of her as well and put his hand on her pussy and slowly stroked it. He put his mouth next to her ear and whispered ‘Can I get one of your world class blow jobs?’ ‘Of course.’ Lara replied as sexily as she could. She slowly started kissing down his chest and stomach until she reached his boxers. She grabbed the front of the waistband with her teeth and, without using her hands, pulled his boxers off. He was rock hard already and Lara happily put his cock in her mouth. She started by sucking just half of it, but she gradually put more and more in her mouth. Her father was moaning, and kept saying how much he loved his little girl. Then Lara really started deepthroating. In and out, in and out, she was getting nearly his entire cock down her throat every time.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It started to open as Lara’s mom said ‘Listen, I know you two are doing something gross in here, but I really need my slippers, my feet are freezing downstairs.’ Lara’s face was pure horror as she saw her mom open the closet door. ‘Who the fuck are you?!’ she screamed when she was saw Lesley, with her pants and panties at her ankles and her fingers in her pussy. Lara’s mom grabbed Lesley by the arm and threw her out of the closet. ‘This is too much’ she said to Lara’s father. ‘I mean it is one thing that you and Lara are doing that’ she gestured at the nude father and daughter ‘But to hide strange girls in the closet…’ ‘Wait, wait one minute.’ Lara’s father said. ‘I have no idea who the fuck that is either. In fact, I am calling the cops.’ ‘Wait, no!.’ Lara said. The entire room stopped and looked at her. ‘Mom, dad, this is Lesley, a friend of mine from school. I, uh, invited her to watch.’ ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?!??’ her father screamed at her. ‘Do you have an IDEA how much trouble we can get in for doing this? Any IDEA?’ ‘I know exactly how much trouble we would get in, and so does Lesley.’ Lara responded, lips quivering. ‘I watched her and her dad have sex last week.’ ‘Oh you people are unfuckingbelievable.’ Lara’s mother said as she slammed the door and went downstairs.
Lara’s dad stared at Lesley. What a cute girl, he thought. I can see why her father wants to fuck her. ‘Sit on the bed, girls.’ he said. ‘Listen, I know you think it is fun to watch people have sex and everything, but we could all get in serious trouble. We can not let other people find out about it. No one would understand. I am very disappointed in you Lara, for doing this without telling me. However,’ he said, with a big grin on his face ‘I am pretty excited to see how your friend here will finish my blow job.’ ‘NO!’ Lesley screamed. ‘My dad would kill me if another man touched me.’ Lara’s dad considered this. He realized he didn’t want some pissed off father blowing his cover. He also thought about how pissed he would be if Lesley’s dad discovered Lara and fucked her. ‘Hmmm… Lara’s father said. ‘Your dad would be upset if another man touched you, huh?’ ‘Oh yes.’ Lesley replied. ‘That’s true, he probably would be upset. But, I bet he has said nothing about a girl touching you, has he?’ Both of the girls shot concerned looks at Lara’s father. ‘Listen, you both need to be punished for what you have done here, and I still need something to finish me off. You two are going to get on the bed and do exactly what I say, or there will be serious repercussions.’ Lesley and Lara looked at each other. What choice did they have?
‘Lara, start by taking off Lesley’s shirt and bra. I want her completely naked just like you.’ Lesley raised her arms in the air as Lara pulled off her shirt and then took off her bra, exposing her beautiful tits. ‘Very nice’ Lara’s father said. ‘Now Lesley, stand next to me and raise your hands over your head again.’ Lesley did as she was told. ‘Now, slowly, turn around so I can check out your body.’ Lesley started turning and Lara’s father was very pleased. She was sexy as hell and had the same great body as Lara only with better tits. And she was completely shaven, unlike his daughter who had a small patch of hair covering her pussy. Lara’s father slowly started jerking off as he stared at Lesley. ‘Now Lesley,’ he said ‘Go sit back on the bed next to Lara.’ He stared at the two stunning, naked teen age girls on his bed and couldn’t believe his luck. He smiled and said ‘Now I want you two to kiss. Not a peck on the lips either. Tongue and everything.’ They leaned in and kissed each other, hesitantly at first, but soon they were going at it pretty good. He continued to jerk off as he said ‘Now Lesley, slowly, I want you to kiss down Lara’s neck and start to suck on her right breast.’ Lesley did and Lara started moaning. Lesley put Lara’s nipple in her mouth and alternated between sucking and sensuously licking it. ‘Very good’ Lara’s father said. ‘Now, both of you stand up next to the bed.’ They both stood up and faced him. ‘Now, start kissing again.’ They quickly brought their faces together and passionately made out. Their hands were rubbing all over each other back’s and asses. ‘Now, I want both of you to stop kissing and to take your right index and middle fingers and stick them inside the other girl. And make eye contact with each other while you do it.’ They both stared deep into each other’s eyes as their hands started exploring each other’s pussies. They both started moaning and Lesley said ‘That feels really, really good.’ ‘Now rub each other’s clits.’ Lara’s father commanded. Both girls had trouble staying still as the other one gently rubbed their clits.
They were both moaning and they were both dripping wet. ‘Very good girls’
Lara’s father said. ‘Now, Lesley, I want you to sit on the bed. Good. Now,
spread your legs nice and wide for me.’ Lara’s dad got a good look up close at
this beautiful girl’s sweet pussy and smiled. ‘Now, keep your legs where they
are, but lean all the way back and put your hands on your tits.’ Lesley laid her
back against the bed and slowly started playing with her breasts. ‘good girl.
Now Lara, I want you to kneel between Lesley’s legs.’ Lara got on her knees and
placed her hands on the inside of Lesley’s thighs. She knew what her dad wanted
her to do, but she waited for him to say it. ‘Now Lara, don’t disappoint Lesley.
I want you to lick her clit until she tells you to stop.’ Lara put her face in
Lesley’s pussy and started licking her, searching for her clit. Lara found it
and it was clear Lesley was glad she did. Lesley started moaning as Lara’s
tongue gracefully swirled around the top of her pussy. Lesley kept moving and
Lara had to refind her clit, but Lara found if she kept her face pressed up
against Lesley’s pussy, she would move with her and not lose her clit. Lara was
also surprised how much she enjoyed the taste of pussy. Lesley moaned again and
said ‘Oooo Lara I am so close, you are going to make me cum.’ Lara started
licking her clit faster and faster. ‘OO, OO, OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh my god, oh
my god. You made me cum.’ ‘Me too’ said Lara’s dad, as he finished at the same
time as Lesley. Hearing her scream as Lara licked her pussy was too much for him
to take. ‘You girls have done really well so far’ he said, as he cleaned himself
up with a nearby towel. ‘There is just one more thing I want you girls to do.
Lara, sit down on the bed. Good. Now, turn yourself over and put your feet on
the floor.’ Lara put herself face down on the bed as she stood. ‘Good. Now
spread your legs. Very good. Now Lesley, come down and kneel between Lara’s
legs.’ Lara’s face got a huge smile as she knew her dad was going to tell Lesley
to do something that he never would. ‘Now Lesley, I want you to lick my
daughter’s asshole.’ ‘What? No way, that is disgusting’ Lesley replied, making
an awful face. ‘Lesley, that wasn’t a polite request. That was an order.
Do I need to remind you of what is at stake here? Besides, my daughter just made you cum, it is time for you to return the favor.’ Lesley unfortunately realized that this was the best thing for her to do. She sighed, and took her hands and spread apart Lara’s asscheeks. Lesley stared at Lara’s asshole with disgust, but slowly put her face down towards it. She stuck her tongue out and touched Lara’s asshole with it. Ick, Lesley thought. It tastes gross. But she stuck her tongue out again, and slowly started to use circle around Lara’s asshole. Lara looked over at her father and discreetly gave him a thumbs up and he winked back at her. Lesley started to circle Lara’s asshole faster. Lara moaned and said ‘Oh Lesley, that feels amazing.’ Lesley started to realize after a while that this wasn’t as bad as she thought. Lara’s asshole slowly started to taste better and better the more Lesley licked it. Hearing Lara moan probably helped as well. Lesley spread apart Lara’s cheeks even wider and stuck her tongue into Lara’s asshole. Lara nearly lost it right there. ‘OH Les! Keep doing that. OH!’ screamed. Lesley got her tongue as deep into Lara’s asshole as she could. Suddenly, Lara’s body started spasming and she came. ‘OH LESLEY!’ she yelled as she finished. Lesley took her face out of Lara’s ass and smiled at her. ‘Wow, that was pretty hot too.’ Lara’s dad said. ‘I got hard again watching you too. Now, Lara, why don’t you give Lesley a nice kiss for making you cum.’ ‘Eww, that’s gross, her tongue was in my asshole’ Lara said. ‘Hey, how do you think it was for Lesley? Now, give her a nice big kiss right on those brown lips.’ Lara leaned over and kissed Lesley. They stopped and Lara said ‘Ugh, gross.’ Lesley replied ‘Eventually, you get used to it’ and winked at her. Lara’s father said ‘Ok, well that was great. Lesley, you can get dressed and head home as long as you swear not to tell anyone.’ ‘Wait, Dad, there is one other thing I thought of’ Lara said. ‘Obviously this is your decision, but I have one more thing Lesley and I might enjoy. Wait here.’ Lara left her parent’s bedroom and then walked back in with a big, red strap on. Both Lesley and Lara’s father eyes widened in excitement. Lara’s father said ‘Uh, yeah, you guys can definitely use that if you want.’ Lara looked over at her father and sexily said ‘How do you want me to fuck her?’ Lara’s father got back into directing mode and said ‘Lesley, up on the bed on all fours. Lara, get behind her. I think you know what to do from there.’ Lara’s father started jerking off again as Lara got behind Lesley.
She tried getting the strap on into Lesley’s pussy, but she was having some trouble. Lesley reached back and stuck the strap on inside herself. She looked back at Lara and smiled. Lara started to hump Lesley with her strap on. She had a little trouble finding the right motion, but eventually she got it and then she started going to town on her friend. She put her hands on Lesley’s hips and started pushing her strap on deep inside her. Lara felt very powerful with her big new cock and Lesley was surprised how well someone who never had a dick before was fucking her. Lara fucked Lesley faster and faster. Lesley said ‘Oh Lara, keep going, you are going to make me cum again.’ Lara gave it to Lesley as hard and as fast as she could. ‘Oh Lara, yes, yes, OOOOOOOH YES!!!!’ Lesley screamed as Lara finally slowed down. Lara glanced over at her father and realized Lesley and him had cum at the same time again. Lara looked down and slowly pulled her strap on out of Lesley. This time they had no problem as they kissed again. ‘Wow, you girls are something else.’ Lara’s father said. ‘Lesley, now you can get dressed and go home, unless you girls have any other tricks you want to try.’ Both the girls laughed and Lesley said ‘No, that’s it for now, I should really get home.’ She got dressed even as Lara did not. She leaned over and kissed Lara again and said ‘See you at practice tomorrow.’
Lesley got home and was exhausted. She couldn’t believe how the night had turned out. She had never been with a girl before, but she had to admit that it was a lot of fun. Besides, having Lara’s dad tell them what to do was very exciting. She took off her shoes, spit out the gum she had chewed on the way home to get the taste of asshole out her mouth and started heading up the stairs to get ready for bed when she heard her dad yell out ‘Les, is that you?’ Shit, Lesley thought. She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to have sex with her dad tonight. Normally she would have been ecstatic, but after all the stimulation she just had, she wasn’t really ready for anymore sex on this particular night. But what could she do? ‘Yeah, I am home’ Lesley called out. ‘Come up here to my room’ her father called out. Lesley sighed slightly, then went up the stairs, dropped her backpack off in her room, then went to her parent’s room. Her mom and dad were in there, watching TV. Lesley’s father looked at her mother and without saying anything, she got up and went into the guest room. Lesley never really could figure out why she stayed with her father. It’s not like Lesley’s parents stopped having sex completely, but he was fucking Lesley a lot more than his wife. Lesley could only figure that her mom didn’t want to start her life over and didn’t want to admit to other people what was happening, so she lived with it. Lesley felt kind of bad, but not bad enough to stop having sex with her dad.
After Lesley’s mom shut the door, her father turned off the TV, looked at her and smiled. ‘How about we play one of my favorite games tonight?’ Lesley’s father asked. He held up 4 pairs of handcuffs. ‘This was one of his favorites’ Lesley thought. Basically, it was a fantasy where her dad would handcuff her to the bed and fuck her. He always kept track of how long it took him to get her naked and handcuffed. She always wanted him to fuck her, but she wanted to make him work for it. So she would fight him as best she could, but she knew that ultimately he would have his way with her. They already had a safety word and everything, so Lesley knew nothing bad could happen. It was not only one of her dad’s favorite games, it was one of hers too. Lesley looked at her dad and whispered ‘Go’ as he started his stopwatch. She ran for the bedroom door but her father grabbed her before she could get there.
‘This is going to take you at least 20 minutes’ she yelled as her dad tried to take off her shirt. ‘I am looking to break the magic 15 minute barrier. And tonight, it is going to happen.’ Her father replied. He grabbed her arms with one arm and held them above her head while he used his other arm to take her shirt off. He wriggled it off of her and threw her on the bed with her legs hanging over the side. He sat on her stomach facing away from her and started unzipping her jeans. She punched him the back, but she knew that he could take it. ‘Taking too long Daddy!’ she yelled. He got her jeans unzipped and unbuttoned and started pulling them off. He got them down to her knees and then grabbed the bottom of the legs and after a few tries got them off. ‘Might as well take these off too while I have you here’ he said as her grabbed her panties. ‘Remember, don’t rip them or you are disqualified’ she yelled. In next to no time Lesley’s father had her panties off. He stuck his finger in her pussy and said ‘I can’t wait to get my dick in this.’ ‘Wasting more time. Tick tock’ Lesley responded. ‘Now I just have to get those titties out’ he said with a smile. He flipped Lesley on her back and undid her bra and took it off her. Then he slapped her ass pretty hard. ‘OOWW!’ Lesley shrieked. He flipped her over again and grabbed her tits. He looked at his watch. 4:56 and she was completely naked. Good start. Then he grabbed her legs and threw them up on the bed. He put her left foot near one of the bed posts and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. The first limb was always the hardest, since Lesley still had her whole body to fight with, but her dad had done this a few times and knew exactly what to do. He sat on her left knee and Lesley could barely move her left leg. She used her right leg to kick him, and he struggled getting the handcuffs around her left ankle, but after 4 minutes he got it. ‘The rest of this will be easy’ he thought to himself. He sat on her right knee and did the same thing. Lesley punched him, but they were not nearly as effective as the kicks and within 2:30 he had her right leg cuffed to the bedpost. He sat on her chest so now the only thing she could move were her arms.
He grabbed her left arm and after a couple tries got it handcuffed to the bedpost. Her right arm was now her only defense and he grabbed that and in only one attempt had it pinned and cuffed it. ‘13:35! A new record!’ he announced with pride as he showed his daughter his stopwatch. He got off of her, stood next to the bed and marveled at his beautiful daughter, tied up and helpless, on his bed. Even though he knew it was a game, he also knew she tried her hardest and he was always very satisfied when he had her like this, completely naked with her legs spread, with him having complete control. He went in front of the bed and slowly undressed himself. Now that the hard stuff was over, he was going to take his time. He pulled off his boxers and revealed his hard as a rock cock. He climbed on top of her and started to kiss her neck. She tried to bite him, our frustration of being beat so quickly, but he got away. ‘Oh, so it is biting you are into now, huh?’ he asked and started biting her breasts. Not hard enough to pierce skin, but hard enough to leave a mark. He never wanted to really hurt his little girl. ‘Ouch, ouch! I promise, no more biting!’ she screamed. ‘Good’ he said and started kissing her neck again. He moved down to her breasts and sucked them for a bit. Lesley was very sensitive after the biting, but she still enjoyed it. Then he worked his way down until his face was right in front of her pussy. He then started stroking her clit. ‘Ooooo’ she moaned. He started stroking it faster and faster. ‘OOOooo, OOoooo, OOOOOoo!’ Lesley moaned again, really getting into it. Her father looked at her face and could tell she was about to cum.
He abruptly stopped. Lesley looked at him and said ‘Wait, what, why did you stop, I was so close.’ Her father looked at her with a fiendish grin and said ‘I am going to tease this little pussy of yours all night’ he said as he brushed his finger against her clit again. ‘Damn, that is a dirty trick’ Lesley thought. He waited a couple minutes, running fingers gently over her stomach and tits, gently guiding his fingers all the way down her legs to her feet and back to her stomach again. After he thought she had recovered, he started rubbing her clit again. She tried not to get caught up in it, but there was little she could do. Soon she started moaning again. Her father watched her face closely. He had made her cum many times in the past and knew exactly when she was getting close. She started breathing deeper and moaning and then he abruptly stopped again. ‘UUGH, oh my god, please make me cum! This is torture!’ Lesley cried out. He laughed and started massaging her lower legs. He took his time, waited a few more minutes and then got close to her pussy again. He started rubbing her clit again and she said ‘Please don’t touch my pussy unless you are going to make me cum. Or at least give me an arm free so I can finish myself off.’ ‘When you cum is going to be my decision and mine alone’ her father responded, loving every second of it. He rubbed her again and this time she just gave in and started moaning.
She figured better to just try and cum every time rather than try not to and come close anyway. She started getting closer to an orgasm again. Her father looked at her and said ‘You think three time’s is going to be the charm?’ She looked at him and moaned ‘Oh yeah.’ She started panting and right as she got close he stopped again. ‘DAMN IT!!’ she yelled. ‘You know why I did that?’ her father asked her. ‘Why?’ she asked angrily. ‘So I could do this.’ He leaned in and started licking her clit as fast as she could. Lesley really started moaning, this was the best buildup yet. ‘This feels amazing’ she thought. She had never received oral sex as good as this before. Lesley yelled and greatly enjoyed her orgasm as her father kept licking her through her climax. ‘Oh god, that was fantastic!’ she yelled to her father. ‘So you liked that, huh?’ he asked her. ‘NO!’ she yelled. ‘Let’s never do that again. I couldn’t believe you left me hanging three times. I thought you were never going to let me cum.’ ‘Haha’ her father laughed. ‘Glad you enjoyed that last one. Now it is my turn.’ ‘Oh no Daddy, my pussy is way too sensitive, give me a couple minutes, please?’ ‘No such luck, you are not the only one who has wanted to cum all night. My turn, right now.’ He got on top of her and got ready to penetrate her. ‘I will make this as quick as possible’ he said to her and stuck himself inside her. He humped her hard and fast, since he didn’t need too much of a buildup after all the stuff he had been doing. Lesley took it as best she could, even though it hurt a bit since her pussy was sensitive. He pumped her with all his might, enjoying the tight, wet goodness that was his daughter’s pussy. As he got close he pumped at a bit faster, and then pulled his dick out. He quickly jerked off so he came all over Lesley’s stomach and tits. He groaned, completely satisfied. He got up and looked at the bed and smiled. There was no better sight on earth to him than his daughter, tied up, naked and covered in his cum after a good fuck.
The following Sunday, the phone at Lesley’s house rang. Her father picked it up and talked for a little while. He went upstairs and asked Lesley ‘Hey, do you know a girl at your school named Lara?’ ‘Yeah’ Lesley said. ‘She is on my cross country team.’ ‘Her father just called and said he would like to meet with both of us and he didn’t say why. Do you have any idea what this could be about?’ Lesley’s heart started racing. What could it be? Had someone found out? Could Lara’s father want to blackmail us? Lesley shrugged her shoulders. ‘No, I don’t know.’ Lesley’s father didn’t believe her, but just shrugged and said ‘Well, whatever the reason, they want to meet us tonight. Be ready to leave in an hour.’
The Professor’s sexiest student, Julia, moved into his house so that she could do whatever he wanted... |
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