I want you in me

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

Ray ray is a very lonely woman and she is pregnant with twins and is grocery shopping. The man in the store watches her and asks her.
"You there can i have sex with you"
"Sure why not"
Ray ray is 21.
The man named Joe led Ray ray to the back room and onto the bed.
She stripped and she was about 5 months pregnant.
He sucked her tits and clit.
"Joe I want you in me"
He stuck his man hood in her and fucked her hard.

~4 months later~
Joe was in love with ray ray.
"I'm here"
"Ok in here"
Ray ray saw five men.
"ray ray there all here to fuck you"
"Oh well then"
She undressed and one man rubbed her stomach.
He stuck him self in and rode her for awhile.
"Just to let you know I'm part dog"
Once he was finished with her he locked in her and her water broke.
"jake (Thats the mans name) I'm Giving birth"
"I can't unlock i'm sorry"
She pushed and pushed and she orgasmed a few times.
"Baby I can't"
"i want my babies"
"Hold on are they girls"
He came out of me and I put my legs up.
"Your cumming"
"I am"
"No the baby is"
"yes the baby is cumming"
"Like the thing that comes out of a man and woman"
I finnaly had the babys.
"Ray there beautiful"
"Thank you but I feel pressure down there AHHHHHH" I let out a another baby
it was smaller than the others.
"Did i get you pregnant"
"I think so" I wanted more of him so I grabbed his manhood and shoved it in me.
"Ohh God Ray what are you doing"
"I'm ficking you"
"Oh god i love it"

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She stepped forward as his hands reached out to caress the sculptured figure that stood before him. She wore only her panties under the robe so her breasts were bare and exposed. The cool summer evening made her nipples erect and hard. He pulled her in and started kissing her belly. His hands traced circles up and down her back and hips...