I save a life

(Part 1 from 1)

I had been working long, difficult hours to save my ailing business after my wife hade left me and took all the company’s working capitol as part of the divorce settlement. Then, months of hard work paid off handsomely and my company was on a sound footing again. Too tired to think and tyo washed out to care, I left my office in the early afternoon and drifted into the Lion’s Den for a drink. It wasn’t planned. . .it just happened! Then, as I walked to the bar, I saw several women eyeing me.

Suddenly, as I walked, I turned and said, “I’m a man of Damn few words. Which one of you ladies wants to fuck?” Then, having delivered my shock to the ladies I smiled to myself and moved on past them, sure that they were properly insulted. My gin and tonic came and I drank.

As I drank, I became aware of a presence beside me and turned to see one of the ladies I’d just insulted. “A tall, lithe, blond woman spoke. “I’d like to fuck.” she said, ”Let’s get out of here!” It was a challenge that I could not reject with those other women watching so I said simply, “Come on, Let’s go.” We left the Lions Den.

Then, as I directed the woman to the parking lot and my car, she remained silent! I opened the door to allow her to enter before getting under the wheel and driving off. “Any place in particular you’d like to go?” I asked and she replied, “No, You decide.” My name’s Rolfe. Mind if I ask, what’s yours?” “Penny,” she said, “Just take me and fuck me and we’ll make a big night of it.”

As we drove, I made plans and, having no protection, I stopped at an all-night pharmacy only to have Penny read my mind and say, “You don’t need protection ‘cause tomorrow I’m going to kill myself anyway.”

Stunned, I replied, “Jeez woman! . . .Are you crazy? What the hell am I doing here with you tonight?”

“What better way to spend my last night of my life?”

“What’s so bad you’re bent on killing yourself?”

“My husband left me penniless. My family’s rejected me for my failed marriage. The F_*_ing internal revenue service says I owe them over two hundred thousand dollars due to something my screwup husband did and I just found out I’ve lost my job. My F_*_ing lawyer’s dumped me because I can’t pay him. Should I go on. . .”

“Hey, you’ve got your health. You’re a beautiful woman. There’s always tomorrow. . .”

“Do you want to screw me or not? I thought that I could at least get that part right!”

“A guy’d have to be crazy to pass up a chance to be with you but . . . .”

“Well, either do it or dump me back at the bar where I can get a guy who will.”

“We’ll go to the company cabin on Blue Ridge Lake where I can try to talk some sense into you as we do our thing.’

Forty minutes later, at the cabin at the lake, I laid the fire and soon had a blaze to take the chill off from the cold night air. I looked at Penny in the bright cabin light and found her to be even more beautiful than I had first thought. Our eyes met and I read nothing in hers. . . only deep, hazel colored pools that revealed nothing. “Let’s go for a walk as the cabin warms” I suggested and took Penny by the hand to lead her out into the clear, still night.

There by the lake, I put my arm around her waist and drew her close to share our warmth as we looked up at the moon and the stars. “It’s beautiful,” she said and I ageed. “Did you ever look up there in the sky and wonder why God made them so beautiful?”

“. . and the moon too,” she replied.

I turned to kiss her on the lips and as our lips touched, I felt her response. . .not the response of an eager lover! I pulled her to me as I said, “You’ve been hurt very badly. I really want to help you!”

“You are helping. You’re making my last night a pleasant one in this sh_*_y world.”

“How can I convince you that there’s a lot to live for?”

With that Penny drew close and kissed me on the cheek. Again, I looked into her eyes in the moonlight and this time I saw fear and concern and needs. I kissed her on the lips. . .this time her response was filled with passion. “I wish you could convince me.” she said without emotion.

We walked! A mile. . .then two and the moon was setting when we returned to the cabin. As we walked, all had been peaceful and serene and life had been good! We talked and I told her of my own situation and of my struggle to save my company and of my fatigue. I explained my actions back at the bar when we’d met. She seemed to find some consolation in hearing my troubles that were strikingly similar to her own. The tension that had been a part of Penny since I’d known her seemed to abate.

Back at the cabin, past midnight, and myself overcome with fatigue, I moved towards the bed, leaving a trail of clothes behind me hoping Penny would follow. She did. It was, after all, what she’d wanted.

Then, once in bed and under the covers, our bodies met and touched and I felt myself aroused. I must stay awake, I kept reminding myself. . .I must keep her occupied if I’m to prevent her taking her life. I reached to embrace her.

As Penny slipped into my embrace, we seemed to fit together naturally; It was comfortable and very intimate. I kissed her on the lips and she returned the kiss with passion this time. Then, as my hands moved to caress her naked flesh I lost control and fell asleep.

I had fallen into a deep, sleep, something I’d been denied for months. It was past mid-morning when I awoke and became aware of my surroundings. The bed next to me was empty.

In a panic, I jumped out of bed and into the kitchen where I found Penny sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee, She was beautiful as she sat totally nude save for my shirt thrown over her shoulders for warmth. Relieved, I said, “I’m glad I found you!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not ready to go yet. We started something last night and I’m not about to let it go unfinished.” she said cheerfully.

A few minutes later, we showered together and prepared to go to the general store for food as there were only a few staples in the cabin. The rest of the morning was spent getting more familiar with each other. . . It seemed the only way I could reach her and prevent her from her planned suicide.

We talked about her problems and several seemed quite simple to resolve. I pointed out that during her divorce, the subject of monies owed to the IRS never came up. . . and was deliberately hidden from her and the court. I suggested as much and offered the services of my legal firm. As for a job, my company was looking for a book keeper at that very moment and she was a logical candidate. She was welcome to stay in my home until she could get established on her own.

One by one, her problems were discussed and solutions offered but Penny remained adamant - she was tired of living! She wanted only one more big event to go out happy.

Back at the cabin, after lunch, Penny began to show signs of wanting to get us into the sexual intercourse that would be the culmination of her life on earth. “Let’s go fishing!” I said and dragged her to the dock with fishing pole in hand.

Penny had never been fishing and I instructed her on casting her line and on baiting her hook, etc., as we whiled away the afternoon. It was about two o’clock when a large crappie took her bait and she reeled in her dinner. Excited, she began fishing in earnest and soon reeled in several more.

It was nearly dark when we brought her dozen fish to the cabin for cleaning. She was rather wildly excited by her afternoon’s activities and we continued it in the cabin as I instructed her on the art of cleaning and scaling the fish. Her excitement continued as she cleaned her fish and I started dinner.

Later, she fried her fish fillets while I prepared the rest of the dinner and she seemed genuinely happy. Perhaps she’d changed her mind about her future.

Then, with the dishes cleared and the kitchen cleaned up, it was Penny who took my hand and led me to the bedroom. There she reiterated her plan to die as soon as we had done the deed. She thanked me for the good times she’d experienced as she began shucking her clothing.

“Come on man! We got some serious lovin’ to make,” she said and I saw my delaying tactics at an end. I made one last plea. . .”Please don’t take your life. I need you with me.”

Then, we were in bed, under the covers with our bodies touching. Unlike the previous night, I was awake, alert and my hormones were boiling. I embraced her and kissed her and I felt her passion like never before. Her body was there, ready and willing, for my touching and her breasts were there for my suckling and laving.

Of course, there was the other matter. . . no matter how good the sex was, there was always tomorrow! I had to save Penny from herself.

I’d known other women before my marriage and had some experience with women but Penny was unlike any other! She seemed to know how to pull the very best out of me; how to improve my performance.

So it was when I moved over her and into position between her widely splayed knees and up to position myself for coitus. Her eyes spoke . . . telling me she was ready! I kissed her. . .again, I felt her urgency! Then, after some minor positioning, I felt my cock settle into her warm, velvety smooth passage and slide deep into her bowels. Only when I felt it strike the barrier of her cervix did the movement stop.

There, we kissed again and lay fully joined, enjoying our completed union. “I wish we could be like this forever,” I said.

Of course, the urgency that accompanied our act didn’t allow more than a short interval before the thrusting began. . . the action that provided the sensations of pleasure that can be found in no other way. Penny seemed to guide and direct my movements although there were no visible signs of her dominance. Together we fucked like I’d never done it before. The sensations were more intense and of longer duration than I’d ever known them.

Beneath me, Penny was crying out in weird animal sounds. . .her words unintelligible. She was clearly beyond reason and moving by instinct alone!

Then, it was over as I felt the jizm rise and spirt into her vagina at an intensity I’d never known before. As I felt the onset, I pressed myself deeply against her cervix and hugged her in a tight embrace. I kissed her.

We lay together for several minutes, still in the embrace and my flaccid cock still in her vagina as we talked and kissed and laughed and played.

Then, slowly I realized Penny’s plan was coming to fruition. I was on the verge of panic. . . It was then that Penny spoke, “Did you mean what you said?” she asked and I thought back to my words. What were they? . . .

“. . .about needing me and wanting me, I mean,” she said and I responded with emotions of joy that I felt, “Every word. Please don’t end a good thing like we have!”

“Could I live at your place until I can get my own?” she asked and I replied, “You can live there as long as you like.”

Later, after a good night’s sleep and a morning love making session before breakfast, we returned to the city and I drove my car as she picked up her personal belongings from the shelter and with various friends, where she’d left them. The big closet in my apartment was more than ample for her clothing.

Of course, things never turn out exactly as planned. Our love making, that first time at the cabin had been without protection as Penny was going to end her life afterwards so there was no need. Well, the seed I planted that night grew and we have a boy together.

We’ve moved to a small acreage with a nice home and room for our son to roam. In a month, our son will have a sister. Penny’s everything in a wife that I’d never had before.

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