I had to have her...

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!
My names Nick, I'm a sophmore in highschool, I'm 6'1", about 152, pounds, and I'm on the high schools track team.

It was track practice after school I just got my sweatsuit on and I was walking to the gym. About half way there when i hear the sweetest and softest voice ever...Megan's.

"Slow down there speedy!"(cause I'm in sprints and she's in long distance)she called.
"Haha sure." I told her.

Now Megan has been my best friend since like 7th grade. Shes about 5'6" and 130 pounds. She has shining, long, beautiful brown hair, and beautiful deep brown eyes. But when she walks she has the most perfect hip swing that just makes me go crazy. But she's my best friend so i don't want to ruin that for me or her.

"So what's up?" I asked her.
"Nothing just getting ready for my run. But what i wanted to ask you was are you doing anything after school?"
"No not that i know of why?"
"It's just that i was wondering if you could give me a ride over to my house and then we can work on our projects together." she told me.
"Yea of course thats no problem you sure your mom won't mind me coming over?"
"No in fact she wants to meet you."
"Ok sure no problem at all."

Then she went to get on her sweats and i pulled out a mat and layed down on it. I was about to fall asleep when out of the corner of my eye i saw her walking towards me and she layed down next to me.

"Hey there," she said smiling at me and layed next to me.
"Hey i really don't know why i got here so early haha i guess i should go do some of my homework real fast." I said as i started getting up.

But then she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down so i was sitting next to her. Then as she looked at me through her beautiful eyes she kissed me. Now i was shocked but then i eased up and then kissed her back. As i felt her slide her hands up my thigh i slid my hands up her back to get her bra off.(Now she has a nice pair I would say a mid C maybe low C)But she was faster than me and before i knew it she was licking up and down my shaft.

After she did a few cycles she went up my shaft and then wrapped her mouth around my head and started sucking me off. She went half way down my (7inch) cock and snaked her tounge left, right, up, down, and when she came up she wrapped her tongue around my head. This went on for a few minutes but then she went all the way down my cock and started humming which made me yell out in an orgasm.

"Oh my god I'm cumming!!!"

So then she released her hold on me and opened her mouth and jacked me off until i came all over her face and in her mouth. She swallowed my cum and the we sat there, me panting, her smiling at me triumphantly. So the I leaned forward and told her.

"Your turn babe..."
"Ok but please be gentle..."
"Of course i won't do anything you don't want me to...I promise."
"Thank you" she whispered.

So then I layed her down and slid her sweats off, and then slid my fingers over her pussy through her pink lace panties. She shuddered away from me at first but then smiled and relaxed and let me slide off her panties. Once they were off it felt like i was looking into the greatest part of the Earth.(Which it was!!) Then i smiled and slid down her body until i was face first into her amazing vagina. I stuck my tongue in through her pussy lips and then slid it up and down through her pussy. But when i went to high i filcked my tongue against her clit.

"Oooooo, that feels good please don't stop" she moaned.

I smiled at the thought.(Why would i stop now?!?!! haha) Then i went up and wrapped my mouth around her clit and licked my tongue around it. After a minute of this and her moaning i did what she did. I started to hum and she yelled out in pure exstacy.

"Oh my god!! I-I-I think I'm cumming!!"

Which she did and she filled my mouth and then some with her cum.(Which tasted great fyi ;)) Then as she lay there panting and i sit there with her cum around my mouth, we looked at eachother and smiled. I then took my hand and rubbed up her body and just rubber her for a bit not sexually...but intimately.

"I love you..." she whispered.
"I know, and I love you to Megan with all my heart."

Then we got dressed and we kissed eachother afterwards.

"And to think we got practice soon!!" she told me.
"No we could just say I forgot something at my house and you came to help me find it and then we were late. Just so we can go and get cleaned up so nobody knows what happened." I said to her smiling.
"Ok that sounds great" she said smiling at me and kissed me.

So then we walked to my car holding hands and we drove to my house. But let me tell you readers this...that was the best shower of "our" lives. Haha

If you liked this then you can email me at ncraterfield [at] yahoo [dot] com

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