Howie's Happening

(Part 1 from 1)

Howie Giggins was a desperately unhappy man. Married to a beautiful wife, living in a nice home on 2½ acres with a nice six figure income and, blessed with many good friends in a nice community, he should have been happy but he was not. He was frustrated - unable to deal with his lusty needs! Not yet thirty, he seemed cut off from any satisfaction for the rest of his life.

It hadn’t always been that way. Howie was a handsome man, over six feet tall, physically fit, trim and immaculately groomed and dressed and he had been the object of more than a few girls attentions in high school. Now, nearing thirty, he had lost none of his attraction.

On the other hand, Howie had known Elizabeth Hanley forever. He could not remember the time when he hadn’t known Liz. They had played together in pre-school and had been in the same Sunday school classes. She lived neighbors to him.

By high school they had become ‘best buddies’ and it was in their senior year in high school that they began ‘going steady’. It was there that they agreed that there’d be no sex before marriage.

Four years later, they’d completed four years of frustration as they completed their university studies and were married the day after graduation. It had been a small marriage with only their parents and a few close friends in attendance.

Their honeymoon had been the high point of their lives as they had explored and familiarized themselves with each other in all the ways that they’d been denying themselves for years. When, on the third night after their marriage, Howie had moved over her and placed his cock into her waiting orifice he’d found it blocked by her hymen and to him went the privilege of overcoming it.

There had been some blood and some pain but, overall it had seemed to be a very satisfying experience. For the next few days, they had made love in the classic position and perfected the moves of good coitus but always, Liz seemed to Howie to be holding back!

Nine months later, their first daughter arrived. Then, just over a year later, the second daughter arrived.

During those years, Howie had moved up in his profession and was soon able to afford the nice home in the suburbs as Liz worked at being the perfect housewife and mother. Life was good.

It was after the second daughter was born that the problems began. After the initial recovery from childbirth, Liz had grown cold in bed. She’d showed no interest in intimacy or in sex and Howie grew concerned.

To try and revive her interest, he had sent her flowers and taken her out to dine alone and offer little intimate caresses but the more he tried, the more difficult she became. Howie’s frustration soon became a nagging problem for him.

No longer able to hide his growing frustration, he tried to talk to her and reason with her but Liz was adamant, “I’m sorry honey but I’m not feeling well. . . “or, “Not tonight honey, I’m too tired.”

Months passed and Howie suggested counseling to which Liz had responded that there was no need. That night she’s allowed herself to be fucked as she offered no real intimacy. Then, it was back to frustration again.

As he grew more desperate, Howie’s pleas for more intimacy were ignored and his frustration grew. It was after the youngest daughter’s second birthday party that they had retired for bed and he made a more desperate plea for her to allow3 him to have sex with her that she exploded.

In anger at Howie’s insistence, Liz cried out angrily. “Why don’t you just go out and find some other woman who’ll satisfy you and leave me alone.” Stunned, Howie backed off and lay down on the bed - but sleep would not come!

He loved Liz. She was, in all ways but one, the perfect wife but his needs gnawed on him like a cancer. . . The latest rebuff seemed final!

It was morning when Howie’s mind was made up. He arose from his b ed where his wife lay sleeping, dressed, packed some clothes and left. He drove north to tghe lake where he pulled into the Pine Cove Housekeeping cabins park and rentd cabin number three.

Then, he returned to his office and composed an e-mail message to his wife. It read:

I’ve taken cabin number three at the Pine cove cabins at the lake. I intend to fuck somebody here tonight and I’m hoping it’ll be you. If you’re not here by nine o’clock, I’ll assume you’re not interested and go over to the Casino and get me a woman to suit my purposes.
I love you

That night, HowieI purchased some groceries, made dinner and waited for Liz to arrive at his cabin - hoping she’d arrive! By nine o’clock she still had not and he drove to the casino in accordance with the plan. His heart really wasn’t in it. . . It was Liz that he wanted!

Then, on arrival at the casino, he entered. Even as his heart wasn’t into it, he knew he must continue with his plan. Then, there at the bar, Liz sat with two of the working girls and engaged in conversation with them. Howie, surprised at seeing her, hesitated. . .

Liz, on seeing him, arose from the stool at the bar and approached him as Howie tried to find words. Then, on meeting him she said, “My friends and I’ve been expecting you Howie. Meet Holly and Crystal.”

Overwhelmed now, he stood in silence. Liz continued, “Thought that since you seemed to prefer their type to me I thought I might get some pointers on how I might hold on to you! We’ve been talking.”

“You don’t need any pointers. You only. . . .”

“Let’s all go over to your cabin and discuss this.” Liz interrupted.

Five minutes later we four entered my cabin number three.

After directing Holly and Crystal to be seated at the dining table Liz turned to Howie and said, “Now just what the hell can they give you that I can’t”

“Well, some good, hot sex like we used to have,” Howie replied, “You pushed me too far when you told me to go out and find another woman. . .”

“Did you ever think I really meant that?

“What was I to believe?”

It was then that I saw the tears in her eyes as she said, “Well, now you’ve got a choice, Who’ll get the $200 for performing this service for you?”

Well, I’d rather it’d be you but if I’m paying for a woman I want to know what I’ll get for my service. ”Holly, would you suck my cock and fuck as part of the service?”

“Yes, of course.

“Crystal, Would you let me eat your pussy and fuck you?”

“It’d be my pleasure.”

Then, knowing Liz had always objected to either, Howie felt he’d made his point and said, “Well, I guess that about does it.”

Then Liz spoke in anger, “I’ve never done those things before but if that’s what it takes, I’ll do them and you can keep your money.”

“Are you sure?”

Liz was crying now as she said, “If that’s what it takes to keep you I’ll do anything.”

I quickly paid Holly and Crystal for their trouble and bade them goodnight as I turned to Liz and said, “Come here and kiss me.”

She moved reluctantly. She had stopped crying and anger was clearly evident as she moved. She came and pressed her lips to his with no tenderness or affection.

“You’ll have to do better than that.” Howie reminded her gently.

“What if I don’t feel like it?” Liz responded.

“It’s up to you. . . .” Howie replied. “I love you but I need the physical things a woman can give to survive. I need intimacy!”

This time, Liz moved to him and planted a tender kiss on his lips that brought instant arousal to Howie. “That better,” she said.

“That was great,” Howie replied, “Best I’ve had in a long time. Could we do it again?”

“Howie, I‘m sorry. I’m not twenty years old and I’ve bore two children. I just don’t feel attractive any more.” she said as she leaned to kiss him again, “How can you continue to want a mess like me?”

“My god woman! You’re more beautiful today than you’ve ever been. How could you think that way?” Howie responded, “I’ve been climbing the walls to get at you.”

So they talked. [How many marriages would have been saved if the husband and wife had just talked?]

Gradually, Liz’s concerns faded and she began to warm towards him and Howie tried to encourage her. She felt the power that she held with her physical prowess returning.

Several hours passed as they talked and played. As they talked, the power that Liz now felt seemed to press her towards physical action - a test of her power!

Then, suddenly, there on the bed, without warning, Liz was unzipping Howie’s trousers and exposing his very erect penis. “I’ve always been curious. . .perhaps now!” she said as she lowered her lips to the crown of his cock and slowly engulfed it into her mouth. Stunned by her move, Howie lay back to observe.

Gradually, she experimented and sucked and kissed and laved as she brought his tool to near ejaculation; then, reluctantly pulled away to look into Howie’s eyes. “You liked it Yah?”

“I liked it, Yah!” He replied with a broad smile.

“You want to fuck me now? Yah?” Liz quaried.

“More than you could ever know.” Howie responded.

As Liz recalled her discussions with Holly and Crystal she decided to experiment. “How do you want it? Maybe me on top like a cowgirl!”

Howie was startled by her question. She’d never permitted any other than the missionary position before and this was a big change. “If you like,” he replied.

With that Liz moved over him and proceeded to position herself to permit her to effect and entry of his cock into her vagina. Then, with all in readiness, their eyes met in perfect accord as she impaled herself on him. After a sensual entry of his cock into her completely, she leaned forward to massage her clit on his mound and afford Howie an opportunity to suckle and caress her breasts.

From her new position Liz felt a whole new range of sensual feeling along with power such as she’d never felt before. It was as if a whole new window of opportunity had opened for her.

Something had suddenly fired the passions of the formerly frigid wife as she worked herself on to him and sought him with a vigor such as he’d never seen before. At first she moved silently until she could contain her feelings no longer. She cried out, “OHH Mmmyyyy gggggoooooodddddddd” as she began a crescendo of chaotic movements that signaled her approaching orgasm.

“Do me good. . .!” she spat out from her now tense mouth.

Howie lay returning her thrusting on to him as best he could as he lay bewildered by her new found passions.

When her movements had reached a fever pitch she cried out again. . . “I’m gonna cum. fuck me hard.” Finally, with her culmination an release she cried out “OOOOHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” and fell limp onto Howie’s belly.

She lay limp as Howie continued to drive his still hard member into her. . .

As she slowly regained her senses, she rose up and tried to continue her thrusting as before. “I never came so hard before,” she said, “I don’t know if I can go on. . . .”

But she did go on and soon she was thrusting as violently as before. Her second peak came quickly and she was soon lying, exhausted, on Howie’s belly again, her strength entirely sapped. “Please Howie, I can’t go on. Just roll me over and do me. . . please!”
she said.

So it was that Howie found himself rolled over and in the classic position as he thrust his still very hard cock into the willing, if sore, vagina of his beautiful wife. He was feeling the incredible intimacy like he hadn’t felt in years and he looked into her eyes where he saw her very soul for the first time in a long time.

As he looked into her adoring eyes, he suddenly felt it. . .he was going to cum and soon. He started to cry out but it was too late as he deposited the first of a dozen spurts of semen into her.

With the last of his spurts subsiding, Howie pulled close to her in a tight lover’s embrace. He gripped her tight as he kissed her and waited for the incredible afterglow that was sure to follow.

Then, there in the envelope of peace and serenity that came with the afterglow, it was Liz who spoke first. “Was I as good as you’d hoped for?” she asked, “Did you like it?”

“You were incredible!” Howie said, “. . .everything I’d hoped for.”

“Then, You’re coming home with me?”

“No, we’re not ready for a reconciliation yet. Now, we have to spend the weekend together, just playing and screwing and messing around to see if you’re really into all this. Call your folks in the morning and tell them that we’re away and can’t be there until Sunday night.”

Saturday morning came late as Howie and Liz spooned together in sleep. When they awoke, the sun was high in the sky and they moved to kiss each other. It was a tender kiss that spoke of passion to come; yet, Liz was sore from the previous night and feared the pain.

She thought of ways to please him. . . She’d realized now what a terrible wrong she had done Howie by denying him over the past year and was determined to make up for her error. With that thought, she pulled back the covers and found his still flaccid cock which he caressed lightly with her fingers. In seconds it began to grow as blood moved into it and made it hard.

Then, when the cock had reached full erection, she began to slowly jack him off. Her hands were barely caressing his tool as he began to mutter little gutteral sounds; then, she began to increase the tempo of her jacking and the pressure of her hand on his tool.

Liz felt the power that she was exerting over him as she worked diligently to get him off. She also felt pride in this man she was manually manipulating. . . . new feelings to her!

There had been so many new feelings! She had formerly been opposed to doing so many of those things that she’d done last night; yet, she felt no remorse. In fact she felt pride in how she’d pleased her man! There was so much for her to learn, she thought.

When Liz felt the man-meat she was massaging stiffen even more and begin to throb, she recognized the inevitable ejaculation and looked for something to do with the sperm that was about to be ejected. Finding none, she slipped over Howie and impaled herself on to him to receive his load into her vagina. . . It would save the sheets and covers on the bed.

It was at this precise moment that Howie awoke and was surprised at the events occurring with and around him. He moved to participate and then it was over. . .

“Woman! You’re insatiable!” Howie said as he lay in his ecstasy on the bed with Liz on his belly and, still fully joined by his rapidly deflating cock.

Liz smiled as she took pride in how easily she had controlled her man. She lay with Howie’s cock fully embedded in her and waited till it grew smaller and she could remove it without the pain from the friction. It’d was a great beginning for a great day.

Having just had sex, Liz and Kowie were set to shower, dress and meet the day but iun the shower, Howie had become frisky and started a renewed desire. . . Of course, Liz had become ready for anything. . .

As they dried off and dashed for bed, Liz lay on her back expecting howie to move beside her and proceed with their usual loivemaking but I was not to be as he moved to the foot of the bed and up between her widely spread legs so that his mouth was just inches from her fresh, clean vagina. “I’m going to eat you. . . .” he said.

Having spoken and before Liz could react, she felt his thumbs spreading her labia to expose her soft inner flesh and kissed her there. Then, he attempted to insert his tongue into her orifice and familiarize himself with this first time act he was performing.

He noted the mild taste of her secretions and decided that they were pleasant as he hear Liz crying, “No! . . .No! . . . Please! . . . It’s dirty. . . .”

Oblivious to her pleas, he continued to explore this new facet of their love making and decided he liked it. As he worked diligently Liz’s pleas became softer and less demanding and finally stopped entirely. Then, as he began to explore her clit with his tongue, he heard her cries, “OH MY GOD. . . .YOU’RE DOIN’ IT . . .”

Then, in a first time ever occurrence, she felt an orgasm from cunnilingus and reveled in it.

It was as she felt her passions calm that she saw the pleased expression on Howie’s face and drew him to her for a kiss; then tasted her own secretions for the first time and reveled in that.

Having worked up a good sweat again, they returned to the shower, dressed and went out for breakfast. Like honeymooners, they walked close, touched and caressed and made covert love with their eyes and bodies.

Liz made the call to her parents and explained that Howie and her wouldn’t be returning for the kids until late Sunday night.

The day passed quickly as they walked by the lake, shopped and dined together.

So it was, roses for her; a quiet dinner for two at a local restaurant; brandy after dinner and early to bed.
Having exhausted themselves physically, Liz and Howie engaged in intimate talk. . .the kind that bares their very souls! Liz tried to explain her guilt at having neglected Howie and by denying him sex she had denied them both the good feelings they both deserve. She tried to explain her feelings - stupid feelings really! Howie tried to explain his frustration and needs. . . feelings that were gone! They talked about the future and agreed that they would give two nights a week just to each other.

On Sunday night, they picked up the kids, refreshed, restored and a close family again.

- - - - - - - - -

Just over a year had passed and it had been a busy year for Howie - one that had required long hours and working weekends and holidays. Gradually, fatigue had taken it’s toll and sex became a weekly occurrence; the, semi-weekly. Then, it was over. . . the crisis at work had passed and Howie was ready to relax and regain his strength. He arranged to play golf on Wednesday afternoon and then the kids to a school performance on Thursday.

On Friday morning he opened his messages on his computer to find one that read:

I’ve taken cabin number three at the Pine cove cabins at lake. I intend to fuck somebody there tonight and I’m hoping it’ll be you. If you’re not here by nine o’clock, I’ll assume you’re not interested and go over to the Casino and find me a man to suit my purposes.
I love you

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