How Toby Willis Lost His Soul
Toby Willis stepped off the plain and padding his chest, he took a deep breath and smiling thought, "New Orleans, here I am at last" he managed to get through the busy airport and once out, he flaged down the first cab he saw and off he went. Toby Willis was a man on a mission. He owned his own business and had been long overdue for some R and R and was ready to make up for lost time. Toby Willis was a big man at 6’1” and he weighed in at a whopping 300lbs and counting, with fish belly white skin and thick red greasy hair, that he had a habit of running his meaty hands through and then carelessly wiping them off on his pants, leaving behind dirty smudges of whatever over the counter hair tonic that happen to be on sale that week. He had a nice well earned beer gut, that hung over his pants and his friend Charley Biggins’ was fond of saying, "Just don’t bend over there Toby, cause someone’ll mistake your fat ass for a big bulls eye and let you have it, "POW" slapping his knee and laughing hysterically, leaving Toby grumbling to himself and in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
Toby Willis was going to enjoy his vacation as far as he was concerned and while he was at it, he was going to do his best to stuff his face with as many crab cakes and as much spicy Jambalaya as he could get his hands on. "Oh and let’s not forget that sweet fine Creole pussy," he thought to himself with a huge shit eating grin on his face, as he checked in at the hotel desk. Just as he was about to go up to his room, he was startled by a small man who Toby might have mistaken for a child, if it had not been for the heavy bags under the man's eyes and the deep lines at the corners of his mouth, that gave away his age. "How do Sir, Smilin’ Dagger Dupree at your service," he said, with a big toothy grin that went from ear to ear, and seemed so forced, that Toby feared the man’s face would crack from the presure. Then before Toby could say a word, the man picked up his bags and headed to the elevator. Once inside the car, the small man just stared at Toby for moment and then abrubtly asked, "You here on business or pleasure?" the man asked, as they waited for the elevator car to reach the 5th floor.
"No I’m on vacation" Toby said, under his breath reluctantly and without looking at the other man. "Well Sir, you’ve come to the right place to forget about all your troubles, yes Sir, this here’s the place," the small man continued, as they finally reached the 5th floor. As the man opened the door to Toby’s room, Toby carefully studied his face and decided that there was something that he did not like about him. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but whatever it was, it made Toby very nervous and he couldn’t wait for old Smilin’ Dagger Dupree, to get the hell out of his room. "Yes Sir, you in the right place" the small man continued, setting Toby's bags down on the floor of the walk-in closet. He opened up the windows and shades to Toby’s room, letting in the hot sun, along with noise from the city streets down below. "Oh it's gon be a hot one taday, and that usually hard rains a comin'" Toby paid little attention to the man and was growing impatient for the man to leave. "How long you gon be here for Sir?" the man asked, as he ran his old callused hand over the top of the big king sized bed in the center of the room, smoothing out any wrinkles that might have been left behind by maid service. Toby thought this man talked too damn much and wasn’t in the mood to play "let’s get to know the tourist, so he can give me a big fat tip" and so Toby decided to set this guy straight right from the get go.
"Listen, ah, Smilin’ Dupree is it?" "Well, let’s get somethin’ straight, I’m not here to make friends, I’m on vacation and don’t want to be bothered or have to answer any of your stupid questions while I’m here." "Do I make myself clear?" he said, as he condescendinly straightened out the small man's lapel jacket and then ending by lightly patting him on the face. The man just stood there for a moment and then smiled that strange smile, that was really beginning to give Toby Willis the willies and said, "No problem Sir, I understand and if there is anything more that old Dagger can do for ya, you just hallar ya hear?" and then just as he was about to make his exit, Toby stopped him at the door and said, "Well, actually now that you mention it, there is something that you can do for me, Dagger old buddy" he said, patting the small man's head, as one might pat a child. "Yes Sir, anything at all, that's my job Mr. Willis Sir." Toby just looked down at the man, sizing him up and said, "Well, you can tell me where a man can get some good food and some good pussy around here." The man turned around to face Toby and Toby had to step back, because he read something in the man’s face that he didn’t like, something that gave him the unnerved him. The small man’s smile quickly returned and he said, "Well Sir, as a matter of fact, there is such a place that offers both of the items that you mentioned." "Now it’s not on the prettiest side of town mind you, but I think you'll find exactly what you need there." He had Toby's attention. "It’s a place called Maxine’s' he said, licking his old chapped lips and grinning now, more than smiling. "You go to Maxine’s and she’ll fix ya up real good." "Yes Sir, she’ll do you just fine and for the right right price, give you all the good pussy you can handle, patting Toby on his big heavy belly, as if answering Toby for the pat on the head earlier. As the small man was walking out the door he turned to Toby and said, "You tell er Smilin’ Dagger Dupree sent cha, ya hear?" "You make sure n tell Ms. Maxine that" he said, smiling and chuckling to himself as he shut the door behind him. Toby locked the door nodding his head in disbelief. "Oh man Toby, they sure do manage to pick you out of a crowd don’t they?" he said apprehensively to himself.
Toby was pretty tired and so he decided to take a short nap and shake some of that jet lag and old Smilin’ Dagger Dupree off, before heading out, so he stretched out on the big king sized bed, dressed in an ugly dark green comforter and passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Well, by the time Toby woke up from his short nap, it was nearly 10 o’clock at night and what woke him was what sounded like two people arguing way off in the distance and finally ending the argument, by somebody busting a bottle on a curve or maybe somebody’s head. Either way, Toby didn’t care, he wasn’t about to let anything or anyone get in the way of his first night in New Orleans and whatever wonderful delicacies awaited him. He quickly rose to his feet, well, as quickly as a 300lb man with bad knees can rise to his feet and went over to the window to get a better look at the town. He ran his fingers through his hair and then true to form, rubbed them on his pant leg, leaving behind a greasy trail of a mess. He went over to his closet and dug through his suit bag and picked out his favorite two piece powder blue polyester outfit. Yes, polyester. Toby was probably the last man on earth who actually loved polyester. He loved the fact that it stretched and that he could eat and gain as much weight as he wanted and magically with polyester, his clothes would always fit just right. Well, at least they did in Toby’s mind. Once he was completely dressed and ready to go, he headed for the elevator and as soon as it arrived and the doors swung open, who do suppose was there to greet him, but none other than Smilin Dagger Dupree himself. "Well, hello Sir, goin’ down?" Toby just stood there for a moment and then reluctantly stepped onto the elevator car. "You headin’ over to Maxine’s Sir?" "Yes that’s where you want to go alright." Toby just stared at the elevator door and the two men stood there in silence, for the rest of the ride. As Toby stepped off of the elevator and made his way to the front door of the hotel, the small man with the creepy grin, (Toby couldn’t quite decide whether it was a smile or a grin, but decided he didn’t care what it was, only that he didn’t much like it) waved his little callused hand at Toby and said, "You remember what I said now, you tell Ms. Maxine that old Dagger sent cha, ya hear? "You make sure n tell er that" he said, as the elevator doors slowly closed. Toby stood there in the door way watching as the elevator car went up and a chill ran up his spine like two icy cold fingers, causing him to shiver. He looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds gathering and knew that a storm was brewing, even though it was a sticky hot, 90 degrees out. He waved off his chill and walked off into the night ready to take it on.
Soon he was there at the famous Maxine’s, and it was right where the little prick had said it would be, in the sleazy part of town. Toby thought that it looked like it should be on the city health inspectors hit list and righly so, it looked condemed and not fit for customers. Toby skeptically walked up the 3 creaky old steps to Maxine's, and walked in. He saw all of two people in the whole place and wondered where the hell all the action was and where everybody had gone? He decided that the night was still young and that there was probably something better on the other side of town and was about to take his leave, when he was struck by a vision of incredible beauty. There she was, Maxine Lafayette. Her body was sleek and voluptuous and when she walked, it was as if she was floating on air. She wore a long black, velvet strapless dress, that hugged her figure nicely and wrapped around tight in all the right places. Her breasts were so full and ripe looking, that they threatened to spill out of the top of her dress, which Toby Willis would have welcomed. She had big luscious lip stick covered lips that looked like two big black berries. Maxine licked her lips, making them wet, as she parted them to speak. "Bon jure monsieur, I yam Maxine, Maxine Lafayette, may I offer you ah some ting tu eat?" she said, with a low and sultry sexy voice, coated in a thick Creole accent, that reminded Toby of soft silk running smoothly over his rough skin. She looked like a sweet sinner and a beautiful dark Angel, all wrapped up in one smoldering, silky smooth package. Toby could only stand there speechless, as she repeated her question. "Can aye offer you some ting tu eat monsieur?" Finally, Toby managed to snap out of his trance long enough to respond, but not before giving her body a complete once over and then adjusting his crotch, emphasizing for her viewing pleasure, the huge flaccid bulge in his pants. He then said, "Well hello there little lady, you are some sight for sore eyes aren’t cha?" "Damn if you ain’t the finest little girl I’ve ever seen," he said, almost salivating, as he zoomed in on her huge healthy dark sweet melons. She did not take her eyes from his for a second and this made Toby both nervous and curious to see what was behind those eyes. She had dark mysterious eyes, that seemed to be looking right through him and try as he might, he couldn’t seem to pull himself away from her stare.
She stood over him and asked in an inviting tone, "Ooh sent chu monsuier?" "Ooh was it?" Toby found himself falling again into a trance, as her very presence seemed to hynotize him. "It was...Dagger Dupee...Smilin' Dagger Dupree" he finally maged to say. Maxine, reached out and took Toby's big hand in hers and guided him to his feet, instructing him to follow her. "Please mon amour, come with me," she said, practically gliding across the floor as she let him to the back of the restaurant, to a room that was almost hidden from view. Toby did not waste any time, as he happily followed her like a little puppy hoping for a tasty morsel, as he watched her ass from behind, move with her, swaying from side to side and begging to be fucked. He could clearly see the outline of the crack of her ass, through that soft velvety little number she was wearing and he imagined sliding his big, white 9 incher, right up between those nice firm black cheeks and soon he could feel himself respond to the thought, as his snake, began to twitch, gradually coming to life. God the visual alone of his creamy white cock against her dark and lovely skin, soon made his large balls start to swell. Toby took one last look at the only two people seated in the restaurant and they both just stared at him in queer silence, as Toby walked into the back room and shut the door behind him.
Toby opened his eyes to find her pouring him a big glass of whiskey, in what looked like an old tin cup. "Please monsieur, drink and then Maxine weal feed you, until you are completely satisfied" she said, with a new smile that for a moment, reminded Toby of the creep’s smile at the hotel, but he quickly dismissed the absurdity of the thought. "Toby shut the fuck up." "I can’t believe your gonna sit here and compare that little mushroom grinning fuck at the hotel, to this beautiful Nubian princes, with the biggest damn knockers that you’ve ever seen in your whole God forsaken natural life," he thought to himself, nodding his head from side to side in utter disgust, for even entertaining such a thought. He picked up the cup examining it and taking another whiff of that familiar sweet whiskey scent, he took a swig emptying the cup completely and then letting out a loud lip smacking sigh, he set the cup down motioning for a refill. "Well, well, little lady, that’s some fine whiskey you got there." "Say do you treat all of your customers this well?" he asked, studying her face for the truth. "Oh no, no monsieur not all, just de special wons," she said in a low and almost sinister, but sexy purr, as she touched his lips with her index finger.
Her birthday treat turns out to be a present to both of them... |
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