House of sweat and cum

(Part 1 from 1)

this is a work of fiction,nothing but my imagination here. if your good boys and give good feedback there might be

more on the way. ;)

The house was large and isolated it stood tall above the forest surrounding it. The guys had rented it so we could

study in piece before the final exams. At least that’s what we told people. The real reason was to get completely

wasted and high away from the authorities. Ok it sounded stupid but we liked to hike and drink and we reveled in any

opportunity to scare the crap out of each other.

Upon entering the house the first thing that hit them was the smell. It was a familiar smell. Colin was the first to

recognize it. It was the smell of cum and sweats. He took charge and told three the other guys to open the windows.

He’d bring in the cases with the other three. As he left the house he noticed the massive boner that the smell had

awakened in his pants.

The smell didn’t go away over the next few days the guys drank and smoked and went on the occasional hike but the

smell remained fresh. Sweat and cum. some of the guys used everything they could to get rid of the smell from

spraying deodorant around the house to washing every piece of cloth in the house. The smell seemed to offend them.

Colin though didn’t mind the smell it awakened something in him. He was more Horney then ever. Not a particurly safe

thing in a house of straight men some of whom where complete homophobes. Though Colin had noticed every other guy

there had a fairly constant boner as well. Colin wasn’t gay he was a committed bisexual. Basicly he'd shag whoever

turned him on. Though none of the other guys new this.

The rains came suddenly a torrential flood had blocked he guys in the house. Though they had food and porn but the

smell was driving them mad. Colin walked aimlessly around the house when Andrew called him. He was standing in front

of the bathroom looking up at a trap door. 'Give me a boost I wanna see what’s up there'
'No you’re stronger then me and heaver lift me up'
'Ok' andrew sighed’ as he cupped his hands.
Colin climbed up noticing for a brief moment crotch was centimeters from Andrew’s face.
Andrew through up a torch he was obviously prepaid for this. the first thing the light hit was a dusty camcorder it

was a good one he took it off the tripod and played it had a full charge it only took him a moment to realize what

it was. A tall dark-haired hunk with a goatee smiled from the little screen and stroked his 9 inch member. Colin

tore his eyes away from the screen to look around. Wips and chains hung from the rafters. Colin looked back to the

screen to see a boy his age being fucked by a toy in the hands of the hunk.
'You like it'
Colin jumped to see Andrew standing by the hole with his shirt off and member in hand. Colin couldn’t say a word.
'I’ve been so fucking Horney since I caught that smell it’s stronger up here.’ Colin backed away unsure what was

happining. Andrew stepped forward rubbing his abs teasing Colin.
'I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Ive never had cock before. I’ve never wanted it before. but now’ he

smiled’ I crave your member. And your ass of course.

Colin hit the wall and quick as lightning Andrew was on him forcing his tongue down colons throat. He hared the

shackle snap shut. He was trapped. But Colin was disgusted. He was bi because he found men attractive but the idea

of them kissing didn’t seem right. Sucking and fucking yes he was all for that but kissing didn’t feel right.

I’m going to enjoy this and I bet you will as well. Later well discipline the rest together. Andrew stepped back and

began to lube up his hand slowly and deliberately. He kicked the trapdoor closed and smiled.’ its sound proof no one

can hear a thing'
'Why are you doing this?'
'cause your a fucking cock tease'
Andrew knelt down and unzipped colons jeans with his teeth. Colin’s 8 inch member poked through a hole in the front

of his boxers. He pulled down Colin’s pants. You know the boy in the video; he’s my step-brother he recommended this

place looking at your cock has made me realize why. Andrew stood up and set up the camcorder. Lets make a little

video he then began to stroke his member with his lubed up hand. When he got close to Colin he forced him to turn


'I know I’ve got a big cock and I’m not unreasonable .I’m going to have to stretch your asshole a bit,' at that

moment Andrew slipped a finger into Colin’s ass. Colin tried to pull away but Andrew pushed him into the wall.

Pining him there he began to force all four fingers. As his hand entered Colin pain mixed with pleasure and Colin

began to relax into his situation.
'Holy fuck! Your ass just ate my hand. How does it feel? Can you feel it move inside of you?'
'Yes' Colin gasped as Andrew massaged the inside of Colin’s butt
'Are you ready for my cock?'
'Yes. I need it now'
Andrew removed his hand from the boys ass, and laughed at the final pop as his hand came free
'Colin. Turn around.'
Colin felt the pain in his wrists lessen as he gained some slack in his manacles.
'My you are enjoying this; your cock is as hard as a rock. You look about ready to blow your wad'
Andrew was toying with Colin’s turgid member with the hand he used to fist Colin. He petted the uncircumcised head

and gave the occasional stroke. Every muscle in Colin’s body cried out for release.
'From now on i’m your master. You will obey my every command agreed'
Colin squealed as his balls got crushed in Andrews muscular hand.’ yes' he cried
'Good’ Andrew released his grip 'lick my hand clean'
Colin did so without hesitation. He sucked each of Andrew’s fingers and ran his tounge over his palm. This was the

most arousing moment of Colin’s life he longed to cum .he could taste his ass and the precum from his cock.
Suddenly Andrew pulled away he turned a pulley and the chains tightened and lifted Colin up.
'It’ll hurt more if you don’t use me for support'
Colin quickly wrapped his legs around Andrew’s massive frame. After a moment Andrew adjusted himself. 'Let it in.'
Colin could feel Andrew’s massive cock-head at his backdoor. Colin eased himself onto it. Andrew had a nine and a

half inch cock; the shaft was one and a half inch thick. It was marginally less comfortable then Andrew’s hand.
Once Colin had impaled himself on the massive cock. Andrew kicked back. The chains unwound and landed on the floor

with an almighty crash. Andrew charged forward. Still wearing Colin like a condom. Colin held on and braced for

impact the chains where dragged across the floor.
He hit the wall sending pain down his back but then Andrew started pumping. A steady rhythm threatened to rip Colin

'You’re still tight, even after my hand was up your ass.'
Fifteen minutes of hard pumping followed this Colin could feel the blood in his ass. He could hear the slap of flesh

on flesh. He could smell the fresh sweat in the air. he felt his balls tighten a new pressure in his cock like

volcano erupting as it hit off andrew’s chest cum splashed his chest it sprayed onto his face some landed on Andrews

cheek he didn’t notice.
A moment later he said 'im going to cum'
Instinctively Colin squeezed his anal mussels and felt a massive torrent of cum in his ass. Six times he felt the

man-juice flow inside him. Only then did Andrew lie Colin down. He grabbed Colin’s legs and lifted them into the air

so he could watch his penis exit his slave. He waited a moment then cum ejected from Colin’s ass more pooled inside

the rim pf the raw hole. Andrew bent down and diped his tongue in that pool. only for a second. He undid Colin’s

'Clean me'
Colin sucked Andrew’s cock and licked all of the cum off the gods chest.
'I am your master, I am your god. From now on your ass is my willing pussey your cock is my toy. You will wear what

I tell you do as I command and grant my every desire.'
Colin nodded feeling his heart beat quicken and cock grow hard. And his stomach bubble. This was his destiny a

lifetime on his knees to the Adonis.
'Put this in keep my cum inside you as long as you can. Keep the butt plug in there longer sleep with it in. from

now on you will keep the sent of my sweat and cum on you. Youll fuck on command. You won’t wear boxers form now on

you wear this leather thong at all times. Now get dressed. There’s five more pussies down stairs for us fuck'

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