Home : Group Sex Stories : total 14 reviews.

Honeymoon Cruise reviews

Posted by Krista
very good at the beginning, but look's like you got bored in the end. Too bad story was cumming along well. Until the end that is.
Posted by LucOuarm
TOO-BIG paragraphs made this hard to read. Each new speaker should generate a new paragraph. I agree with the previous review; I think you tried to do too much and ran out of non-repetive ideas.
Posted by followers exchange tool
Last a few years has been to Ibiza, so met a person there whose style of presentation is very similar to yours. But, unfortunately, that person is too far from the Internet!....
Posted by Marlton NJ personal trainer
Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....
Posted by Jimmy
nastropia sto aggelokastro????ti allo 8a auskooume...!!!!otan diavasa to ar8ro arxika skefthka pws kapoio la8os exei ginei me thn onomasia...!!!!dn 3erw poso vasimo einai to parapanw keimeno alla einai asxhmo na dhmosievontai tetoia pragmata an den yparxoun apodei3eis...!dn mporw h mallon dn 8elw na to pistepsw....!!!!!k na 8eloun na to ypova8misoun mporousan na mas "xtyphsoun" diaforetika...!!!!dn 3erw ti na pistepsw pia...!!!!!!!!!!
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How a daughter wants to go and see some real car park dogging action and ends up joining in with her mom and dad and a load of other people...