Homework Part 6
Note : This story is completely fictional!
"Geez," Laurie admitted with a blush, "you sure are a trooper you
Getting off the floor Diana looked over at her, admiring the
voluptuously carved body still straddled in the chair, "Whatever do
you mean?"
"Let's just say I thought I was sexy." Getting up she came over to Mark. Putting her arm on his shoulder she inquired, "Mind filling me in on what the assignment was?"
"Actually we were supposed to get pictures of a naked girl," he
grinned. As he brushed a hand against her breast, he added, "I guess
we got more than we bargained for."
Natalie stepped in between them and glared at Mark. "Why don't you tell her the rest."
"The rest?"
"You know damn well what I'm talking about, young man!" After a few seconds of not hearing any response she spoke up. "Well, I guess since he ain't going to spill it, I will." All of them looked at her as she continued, "He was supposed to get movies of a girl jacking off."
"Oh wow," Tammy blurted out, "now that's far out." Rubbing her crotch she giggled, "Care to film this?"
Jeff aimed the video camera at her. "Yeah, sure Tammy, go ahead."
"Wait a minute, Jeff," Natalie butted in. "I don't know if that's such a great idea."
"Why not?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah, why not?" Tammy echoed.
"Well, it might be better if just us gals," she grabbed Diana and
Laurie to her side, "showed off for the camera."
Laurie looked at Natalie. "And they're gonna watch?"
"Oh yeah, they sure will, sweetie. And film it, too." She turned to Jeff. "Can you rewind that thing?"
"Sure, but what you gonna do, Mrs. Evans?"
"Just humor me, okay." As he rewound the camera Natalie beckoned the two others into the kitchen.
While they were in the kitchen Dave turned to Jeff. "I wonder what they have in mind?" He came over to him and winked, "You wonder?"
"Actually, sir," he said casually, "I do." Jeff couldnt help but look at the man's genitals. "Hey nice," he commented as his hand brushed against them.
"You're not to bad in that department either," he remarked groping a hand towards Jeff.
Tammy was the wild one in the bunch and winked at Kim. Then, without a second thought, advanced, "How about we touch the guys?"
"Wait a minute, Tammy," Kim objected, "I ain't about to do that."
"Oh, come on, Kimmy, it'll be fun."
"And what do we get in return, huh?" Mark couldn't help but wonder
as he stared at Tammy, eyeing every inch of her body.
"You want something in return?" Tammy eyed his genitals.
"Sure do," he answered.
Flaunting herself in his direction, allowing him to see her breasts
jutting out along with her erotic pelvic thrust, she questioned his
thoughts. "Oh, I get it." She giggled, and then laughed. Going over to her best friend she whispered in her ear. "I think I know what they wanna do."
"They wanna do this," and with that said Tammy goosed Kim's crotch.
"Oh wow," Kim blushed. Looking over at the three guys she asked,
"Anything else?"
"Well, young lady, now that you ask," Dave answered with a laugh,
"it might be nice to see your holes plugged."
"What!?" Kim blurted out. "That's gross!"
"Yeah maybe it is, Kimberly," he answered, "but I'd sure like to see that pussy of yours rammed."
"Oh you would, would you?" Kim advanced toward him. "And did you
decide who'd get that priviledge?"
Sitting down on the couch he smiled at her. "Sure have, missy." Looking at Tammy he admired her body. "As a matter of fact, I'd like to see her get rammed as well." He watched as both girls confronted him. As they stared at him he added, "And, I might add, I'd like to see each of you rammed twice."
Tammy glanced at Kim then at Mark and Jeff. "You don't mean?"
Rubbing his hands together, Dave Weber simply replied, "Oh yeah." Getting up from the couch he forced Mark and Jeff to sit down on it.
Slowly he worked his way over to the girls. Putting his arms around
both of them he took the liberty to fondle their young breasts. And, as he fondled their pubic thatches, he asked, "Wouldn't you guys like
to poke this?"
"Sure," they said in unison as they saw him bury fingers into them.
"Well," he said as he grinned at both of them, "looks like they want ram those pussies. So how about if you sit on those dicks?"
"I've never done this before," Tammy whimpered.
"Neither have I, Mr. Weber," Kim sighed as she looked at the erect penises proudly displayed.
"Oh hey then, this'll be great," he replied slapping their butts.
"Never saw a virgin get fucked before." They both looked at him and
their were questions in their eyes. "Probably," he answered anticipating their fears, "but just ease yourself into it." Looking at the the guys sitting on the couch he wondered who should get dibs on what girl. Taking a moment to ponder the dilema he switched the
"Oh wow," Tammy blurted out, "Jeff gets to pluck my cherry!"
"Mr. Weber," Kim questioned as she turned to face him, "I have to let Mark do me?"
"Sure, you got a problem with that? Hey, then, young lady, Jeff gets you, too."
"Ah, sir, I have a problem?" Jeff looked up at him. Making sure he
had the man's attention he continued, "Do we gotta cum?"
Dave Weber laughed. "Yep, I want to see that goop of yours run out of their pussies."
"What about us, Mr. Weber?" Tammy couldn't help but ask as she came over to Jeff. Bending down over him she grabbed his dick and began to stroke it. She looked over at Kim. "Hey, Kimberly, get your brother nice and hot." Forcing his hand to rub her pubic mound she turned around and asked a second time, "What about us?"
"Sure, why not." Going behind the couch to see how they were doing he couldn't help but wonder. He smiled at Kim and Tammy. "Hey,
girls, mind if I check you out a moment?"
"For what?" Tammy asked.
"Oh," he rambled, "I was just wondering. Sit down next to them and let me find out something." As they sat down he came to the front of the couch. "Open up you two." He propped their legs open, resting them on the knees of Mark and Jeff, and, licking his fingers, rubbed his fingers against their slits. "My my, you two, you got some nice little clits." Turning to Mark he said, "Hey, Mark, check out your sister's clit."
Mark advanced a finger against his sister and felt the small nodule beginning to poke out. "Wow, Kim, you're sure horney." He felt moisture on his hand and, as he massaged her, couldn't help but comment, "Yeah, sis, a horney bitch that's for sure."
"What about you, sweet cheeks?" Jeff asked as he poked a finger towards Tammy. Gently he dabbed at her and felt her clitoris advance itself toward his finger. Feeling moisture emitting from her, and his precum as well, he decided to test the waters. Grabbing his penis he felt around below and, rimming her vaginal lips, slipped it in.
"Oh god, oh my god!" she screamed, tears pooling in her eyes, "It hurts! Oh god, it hurts so much."
Dave had anticipated that and calmly remarked, "It'll be okay, Tammy." He patted her shoulder and then, without warning, he shoved her down.
"Ow!" she screamed as a trickle of blood seeped from her vagina.
Kim looked over at Tammy and now she was afraid. She had seen her best friend cry, something she had never seen before, and wondered if
it really hurt that much. Now with her curiosity invoked she wondered if it really was that painful. Hoping to satisfy herself she
didn't hestitate and quickly impaled herself on her brother's cock.
With a whimpering sigh she shoved herself down, taking the whole of his hard dick within her. "Ooh," she cooed as she pumped herself, "this is fun." She looked over at Tammy and saw that she was enjoying it as well as a smile had enveloped her lips.
Dave insisted that the boys pump a bit as well and even had them
massage their bouncing breasts as well. Intently he watched and wondered how it would end. He would soon find out. As they had never done it before it wasn't long before all four were convulsing in
unison and, not only white goop, but clear liquid spurted out as well.
"That was fun." He cleaned them all up himself.
Natalie reentered the room with Laurie and Diana. "Hey, we were thinking of how we could make this an A assignment for both of you."
"How's that, mom?"
"You get to film me jacking off," she replied.
"And us as well," Laurie punted a grinning remark accompanied by a wink.
"And," Diana added, "we will give one hell of a show."
"What do you have in mind, Mrs. Evans?" Jeff asked as he began to
set up the camera.
"Oh, you'll see, Jeff."
"And, son, I guarantee you won't be disappointed."
Making sure Jeff had the camera ppositioned properly, and ready to
go, Natalie turned to his coharts. "You gals ready?" Seeing their nods she instructed the others to sit on the couch. "Now, Jeff," she advised, "be sure to get closeups."
"Yeah, really close closeups, Jeff," Laurie interjected.
Making sure their ideas were communicated and understood they faced the couch and stood shoulder to shoulder with Natalie in the middle. On the cued signal they began to fondle their genitals. After a few minutes of playing, individually, with themselves, Natalie
blurted out, "Switch!"
Laurie reached over and began fingering Natalie as she was poked by Diana's finger. They massaged each other for a few minutes and then switched partners much to the enjoyment of the couch gallery.
Suddenly Diana fell to her knees and, turning Natalie sideways, began licking the blonde forest. As her tongue slithered on the blonde hair she sucked her lips against it as well. Natalie cried out in pleasureable delight which caused Diana to suck on every inch of her vaginal mound.
Laurie stood there watching a few minutes and then she fell backwards to the floor. Sliding beneath Natalie she squirmed herself under. As she passed she drove a finger upward impaling Natalie upon it and glanced her tongue against Diana's dark sliver. Within seconds she was licking Diana and driving her tongue deep within her.
Diana reached over and began fondling the bald mound impaling it with her finger. Happening to glance towards the couch she noticed their wide-eyed grins. Dave had advanced his face towards his hands which topped kneed elbows and just stared.
After a few minutes they switched themselves again and Natalie not only licked, and sucked, on Diana but Laurie as well. She even allowed them to see Laurie lick her as well.
Laurie sucked with earnest and, pausing to take a breath, blurted out, "Let me eat that blonde pussy, baby!" And then enthused herself on it with more vigor.
After a long time of sheer ectasy they began to play with themselves again. As they fondled, and massaged themselves, it wasn't long before they all came in unsion, spurting liquid out, and
coupled with lowered angles, allowed a straight on shot of it emerging from within.
As they stood back up, Natalie replied, "That's a wrap."
"Not quite, Mrs. Evans," Tammy rebuked, "now we get to do it with
"Hey, wow," Laurie smiled, "I'd love to eat you baby. Come over
sweety." She watched Tammy walk over and as she came close enough she fell to her knees and began licking the black pubic hair trying to make her cum quickly.
Not to be outdone Kim advanced toward her mother. "Hey, mom, how about doing me?"
"Oh sweetie, I'd love too." Quickly she knelt down and glided her tongue over the blonde fuzz. "You're so sweet, Kim."
"Hey, Mark," Diana beckoned, "eat my pussy."
Mark was overjoyed at the thought and quickly began to lick Jeff's mother.
After a few minutes of allowing him to do so she beckoned her son
to her side. "Your turn, Jeff." She said and forced his head to her crotch.
Suddenly Natalie stepped backwards and fell to the floor. "Hey, sweetie, lick my pussy." As Kim knelt beside her mother she began to lick the thick blonde forest. "No, no, darling, sixtynine it." Realizing her daughter might not understand Natalie pulled her away forcing her to straddle her face and began licking her daughter in earnest. She was overjoyed when Kim joined in and again licked her as well.
Seeing the excited fun they were having Laurie forced Tammy to do
the same as did Diana with Mark and Jeff.
Diana wasn't one to trouble herself over petty things and gladly
sucked each of their dicks in earnest wondering which one she'd get to come first. Swallowing their dicks she darted her tongue against the thick heads as they each, in turn, licked her as well.
Meanwhile Dave looked on with pleasure in his eyes and a smile on his face. He began playing with himself as he watched stroking it in
quickened haste. With his maddened pace it wasn't long before he shot his whiz into the air.
Diana was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. She would never have thought it would be who it was. "Oh, wow, that tastes good," she said as it dripped from her lips.
Meanwhile Natalie got to taste as daughter's viginal liquid as she let her daughter taste hers as well. Not to be outdone Tammy advanced herself forward tasting Laurie as well and, much to her delight, seeped liquid from herself as well.
The girls deposited themselves on the couch and watched Diana.
"Come on, Diana," Natalie blurted out, "suck that dick!"
"Yeah, mom, make him cum," Jeff said as he began to actually finger her, pumping it deeper and deeper into her.
Diana was getting anxious and began to stroke Mark's hard shaft with ever-tightening lips. Within a few minutes, as she gushed forth herself, she felt the hot liquid swirl in her mouth. Getting up she swallowed their cum. "Oh, my, that sure is good stuff you guys got."
"I hate to put a damper on this," Natalie replied, "but I've got to watch the news."
As she hit the remote, switching channels as well, the newscast came on quickly. Wondering what would be said, concerning the weather, they all struggled together on the couch. As the newscast
continued, along with a few commercials, they fondled each other
"Well, it looks like a nice day for tomorrow," the weatherman preached. "The city's been out all night and, I got bad news for all you, school's on for Friday."
"Well, I guess it couldn't last," Jeff lamented.
"Yeah, and I thought we'd get a long weekend," Mark chimed in.
"So, I guess we'd better be going then, eh," Dave said as he exited towards the kitchen followed by Laurie. "Well, let's go you two."
Diana and Jeff got dressed as did the others. It had been a enjoyable evening for all concerned. Having said their goodbyes they all left. It had been agreed that Mark would take care of turning in the homework for both of them.
"Hey, Jeff," he called out as he was getting into his mother's car, "I'll write up the credits."
"You do that, guy, and be sure to spell my name right."
After everyone had gone Natalie turned to Mark. "You're not actually going to turn that in are you?"
Mark only smiled and, with a wink towrds Kim, mumbled, "You bet I am, mom."
"Okey-dokey then," Natalie answered blushing, "but let me do the credits." Snatching the camera from his hands she said, "Now get to bed."
As they walked up the stairs, Mark stopped. "Mom, he said turning towards her, "don't screw it up."
"Don't worry, honey, I won't." As she watched them exit up the stairs she went into the computer room and downloaded the video adding titles to it. She even took the time to enhance it.
Mark shoved the door open that next afternoon with a beaming smile on his face. "Hey, mom, I got an A!"
"Gee, Mark, that was quick. I thought you'd probably hear on Monday or something."
"Yeah, well, she said she reviewed them on her lunch hour."
"And she told you that?"
"No, not really, mom. She posted the results on the board."
Kim came into the room. "Hey, wow, Mark, got an A, huh? That's great!"
"Thanks, sis," he said as he looked into the pot heating up on the stove. Turning to his mother, he simply said, "Oh, one other thing, mom." He could see her questionable look and added, "teacher wants to see you."
"Oh shit, Mark, you mean that?"
"Yep, on Monday, in class."
"I guess you'll get to meet that old biddy then, mom?" Kim countered quickly.
"Yeah, I guess I will." As she dished out the chili she lamented, "Oh I do hope I won't be sent to the principal."
The weekend passed uneventfully and Natalie couldn't help but fret the entire time. On Monday she took the time to adrive both of them to school. It was lucky for her, as well as her daughter, that they both went to different schools. Afterall, if the video was played to the class it would cause no end of problems for Kimberly.
"Good morning class," Miss Davis said putting her attache case on the desk. "I must say you tried your best on that assignment. I knew when I gave it to you that it wouldn't be easy. And for some of you it sure wasn't."
"Hey, Miss Davis," Tom blurted out from the back, "anybody get a good grade?"
"Sure, some of you did. Mostly all of you got Cs and Ds but Mark got an A. His was by far the best of the lot."
"Hey, Teach," Gilbert called out, "we gonna get to see it?"
"Oh you'd probably like that wouldn't you, Mr. Travis? But, considering the type of film it is, I think not." Retrieving the videos and pictures from her case she handed them out to them. "Oh, I asked Mark's mother to come by." Stepping over to the door she opened it and asked Natalie to step in.
"Hi," Natalie said sheepishly as she entered the room. Turning towards Miss Davis, she shocked, "I would hae thought you'd be a lot older!"
Miss Davis laughed, "You mean like close to retirement? For heavens sake no." Closing the door, Miss Davis drew the shade down and flipped the lock. "Now class," she said as she turned to face them, "I've talked this over with Natalie before class and she's agreed to discuss her feelings with you."
"Discuss what, teach?" Gilbert called out eyeing the blonde standing in front of the room.
Natalie stepped in front of the desk and leaned against it sitting on its edge. "My feelings about this whole class is what." Having said that caused all eyes to glue themselves to her, watching her lip movements closely, as well as admiring her sexily clothed body. "Let
me just say that I had no idea I'll be here today."
"Sure, sure, lady," Gilbert teased, "and why the hell you here
"First, who are you anyway?" Gilbert mentioned his name and Natalie continued, "Okay, Gilbert, I'll tell you why. Miss Davis asked me to come today."
"For what?" asked another student.
"Let me finish, will you guys? I admit that I was a bit antsy at the assignment at first but figured why not. Afterall, isn't this an
art class?"
"Yeah, lady," Gilbert yelled out, "but we only done fruits."
Natalie was dumbfounded and Miss Davis came to the rescue. "Now let's behave class. Mrs. Evans agreed to come here today. So let's not give her the third degree. Okay?"
"Yeah okay teach," Gilbert called back, "so what's the thing?"
"The thing, young man, is this," Miss Davis explained, "this is an
art class. And, after three months of drawing fruits and stilllifes
we finally get to figure studies."
"Oh," he brightened up, eying the cute blonde, "you mean nudes?"
"That, Mr. Travis, is upto her."
"Well, lady," he glared at her, "gonna show your bod?"
"I might consider it." Turning to Miss Davis she said, "Can I see you privately, Miss Davis?"
"Sure, we can go in the hall," she said as she unlocked the door and stepped from the room. With the shade still drawn it was hard to see anything and with the whispering nothing could be heard.
"Hey, Markie," Gilbert slapped him on the shoulder, "we gonna see your mom buffy?"
"Give it a rest, Gil," Tom reprimanded. Teasing the smart aleck he quipped, "Shit, you're just a stillifer anyway."
Tossing back his long hair with a surfer swoosh, he replied sarcastically, "Yeah maybe, tweeb, but you's a fruiter."
Returning to the classroom Miss Davis rebuked the class. "Hey now,
let's not get testy in here. And sit down, Mr. Travis."
"Or what Teach? You gonna spank me?"
Miss Davis, though young herself, had no qualms about disciplining any of them. Advancing angrily she said, "Don't tempt me young man."
"Ooh, teach's pissed," he smartmouthed.
"Sit yourself down this instant young man," she said butting him
Gilbert Travis was a tough individual, not much caring for authority, and butted back crotching her with his crotch as his hands
latched on topside. "Hey, everyone, teacher's got nice cupcakes."
He looked past the teacher as he sat down and ventured a question,
"Hey, lady, you got nice cupcakes?"
"Maybe," Natalie answered.
Miss Davis returned to the front of the room. "Now, listen, like I said this is our first day of figure drawing. And I don't want any
lewd comments made."
"Oh, is teacher getting pissed again?"
"Mr. Travis, I'd appreciate if you kept your comments to yourself."
"Hey, okay, teach," he replied, realizing at last the authority she
actually had over him, "but I really'd like to see the lady's cupcakes."
"That's what we were discussing in the hall. Natalie has agreed to be our model."
"Mom," Mark blurted out, "you wouldn't! Not in front of the whole
"Give it a rest, Mark," Natalie rebuked, "I'm not going that far."
Mark was relieved. "Thanks, mom."
"Shit lady," Gilbert yelled out, "you got an ugly bod?"
"Mr. Travis," Miss Davis reprimanded but was cut off from further
reprimand by Natalie.
"Let me handle this." Sweeping through the room she stopped at Gilbert Travis' desk. "Hey, smart guy, bet you got a really pitiful
one though."
"Hey lady, wanna try it on for size?" He asked rubbing his crotch.
"Mr. Travis, didn't I say to keep your comments to yourself?"
"Let me handle this Miss Davis," Natalie answered with a wink towards the teacher. Returning her gaze toward Gilbert Travis she stood her ground, defiantly answering, "You wouldn't happen to have a magnifying glass would you?"
"Oh, very funny, lady, very funny," he said as the others laughed.
"Hey, I'm serious," Natalie grinned, adding, "absolutely serious."
She smiled at him and returned to the front of the room. Facing them she couldn't help but blush. "Okay, how about if I go out for awhile and come back in a bit." She left the room.
"While Mrs. Evans is out of the room I want to make a few comments," Misss Davis advanced. "Though she has been kind enough to
be a model for us she hasn't said much other than that."
"You mean we might get a nude?" Tommy sheepishly asked.
"I don't know actually. She didn't really agree to it one way or
the other."
"Care to tell us what she did agree to?" Bryan asked.
"All I'll say right now is that she said it'd be okay with her."
"Yeah sure, teach," Gilbert called out, "that don't say shit."
"Do you mind if I finish?" She saw his waving hand and she continued, "Mrs. Evans has agreed to pose for us, maybe a bit provacatively, and has agreed to let you touch."
"Hey, Markie," Gilbert blurted out, "I'm going to feel your mom up good."
"Give it a rest, huh, Mr. Travis."
"Hey teach, I'm gonna grope her till she screams."
"Mr. Travis, if you don't shut up I'll shut you up."
"Ooh," he squealed, "Miss Davis is HTT."
"Mr. Travis, that's enough from you." She his wry grin she confronted him. "Mr. Travis, you have a disruption in this class from
day one. How would you like to be reassigned to remedial?"
"Ooh, threats now, eh, teach?" He looked up at her, sizing up her
breasts and continued his gaze downward towards her jeans. "You got nice cupcakes, teach, how about this?" He groped a hand against her crotch. "Ow," he quickly pulled back his hand, "I burned myself."
"Very funny, Mr. Travis," she said and returned to the front of the room.
Natalie returned to the room wearing a robe. Standing in front of the class she addressed them. "For the moment I'm not going to show
anything directly. But I will allow a look by each of you."
"Hey, lady," Gilbert teased, "you buff under that?"
"You'll just have to find out won't you, Gil?" Natalie teased back.
Further addressing them, she propositioned, "How about if all you guys
"Why would you want them to do that?" Miss Davis asked.
"Hey, why not? Afterall, Miss Davis," she said beckoning her in front of her, "I figure afterall." She opened her robe letting her see.
"Okay," she said and stepped past her. "Okay class, get undressed."
"All the way, teach?" Gilbert called out.
"Sure, that's a good idea, Mr. Travis."
"And what's in it for us anyway?"
"Oh, that Gilbert Travis, is what you don't know," Miss Davis responded.
Giving them a few minutes to comply with her request Natalie watched as they removed their clothes, some slower than others. Admiring the gathering of masculinity presenting itself to her she
further stated her ideas. "Now then, guys, though I'm allowing you to touch I don't want any ridiculous comments. And I want to add I sure as hell don't want anyone to tell what they see."
"Hey lady, why's that?" Gilbert wondered, a lustful tone to his voice.
"Well, Gil, why spoil it for everyone else?" Looking right at him she beckoned, "You're such a smartass, why don't you be first with me behind that curtain?" As he swaggered forward, allowing her to see his sevn incher sway, she put one more stipulation on her ideas.
"Oh yeah, I get to check you out as well."
Turning the curtain towards the wall, away from any view from the class, she stepped behind it. Tempting them she tossed her robe over the top. Just before he was going to step behind the curtain she peeked out, reguesting, "Just a minute, okay." Looking at Miss Davis she beckoned, "Can I see you for a minute?"
"I guess. Is something wrong?"
"No, not really. Just get in here will you."
The class watched their teacher step behind the dark curtain and heard whispering from behind the curtain but it was unintelligible.
My sister and I meet at the family lake house to meet my dad's new lady... |
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