Homework Part 3

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

"Now that definitely has possiblities, Di," Natalie remarked.
"I thought you'd like it," Diana replied with a smile.
"Hey, mom," Mark wondered, "should I leave the camera on?"
"Mark," Diana answered, "please do." Thinking a moment, she
asked, "You have a tripod?"
Jeff took it out of his backpack and extended it. "Yep, sure do, mother." Momentarily pausing the camera, to prevent blurring, he
mounted it. "There," he said as he placed the camera in a good
location, "that should be good for an overall shot."
"Hey, check me out," Di said as she danced about shaking her breasts at the camera. Suddenly she fell backwards, crab-like, and
did some air humping allowing all three of them to see her quivering
vaginal lips.

"Wow, Di, that's something," Natalie commented. While her friend was still on the floor, with her legs spread, she knelt down. "Don't move, Di," she said as she licked between Di's legs.
She quickly got up, helped up Di, and smiled. "Oh my god, Di, your pussy tastes great." Thinking a moment, she inquired, "Do your titties taste as good?"
"Gee, you're sure frisky," Diana remarked. Giggling she added,
"Go ahead and find out."
Natalie grabbed her friend's breasts and teased her tongue over their nipples. As they began to swell up she took the liberty to suck on them. "My my, Di, your nipples are huge."
Jeff was fascinated by what had transpired and couldn't help but
comment, "Go ahead, mother, why don't you taste Mrs. Evans?"
Natalie smiled at the thought as Diana licked and sucked on her nipples making them more erect. Natalie sighed as her vaginal mound
was licked by another woman's tongue. "Oh god, Di, you do that so

Diana stood back up and retreated to the couch to sit down. "I'm glad you enjoyed that. I know I sure did." As Mark and Jeff sat down she groped into their genitals stroking their now fully erect
penises. "Hey look, Natalie, this is great! Imagine I've got your son and my son by the cock."
Natalie watched for a few minutes but was interrupted by a knock at the back door. "Shit, I hate when that happens. And just when 
we're starting to have some fun, too." Crossing to the kitchen door
she mentioned, "I'll find out who it is."
"Ah, Natalie," Diana interjected, "maybe you should, well you know, cover up."
"It could be rather embarrassing if you get my drift."
"Well, if it's the cops I'm in deep shit aren't I. And if it's anybody else I could care less." Natalie grinned and pushed open the door.
"Your mother is sure sexy, Mark," she mentioned casually. "I could never answer the door in my birthday suit."
"Actually, Mrs. Weber, until tonight my mom wouldn't either."
"You mean that, seriously?" Diana asked smiling at him.
"Yeah. And get this too, until tonight I never saw her naked
"I can understand that. Afteall, Jeff never saw me naked either."

Meanwhile in the kitchen Natalie called through the door. "Who is it?"
"It's me, mom," Kim answered. "Can me and Tammy come in? We're freezing out here."
Natalie unbolted the door. "Yeah sure." As they stepped into the room she closed the door and asked, "What brings you home, sweetie?"
"There's this CD Tam wants to hear."
Meanwhile Tammy was checking out the naked woman standing in front of her. With a smile she asked, "Tell me, Mrs. Evans, do you always answer the door dressed like that?"
"Sure," Natalie smiled, adding, "why do you ask?"
"It's just that I never saw a lady answer a door like that before," Tammy giggled adding a smirk as her eyes feasted on the body displayed. "Know something, you're kinda sexy cute."

"Why thank you, Tammy, that was sweet," Natalie accepted the praise. Looking at the dark haired girl in front of her she added a
smiling thought, "I bet you're cute, too."
"Mom!" Kim blurted out, "She's my best friend."
"Oh, that's okay, Kim," Tammy replied, "I don't care. But, honestly, Mrs. Evans, I never really gave it much thought." Tammy couldn't keep her eyes off Natalie and giggling, added, "You got a
really nice coochie, you know that."
Grabbing a beer from the fridge she replied, "Thanks and I bet 
yours is nice, too." Taking a sip of the brew she smiled at Kim and
looking at Tammy, simply said, "Kim's got a really nice one."
Smiling at Kim, Tammy remarked, "I wouldn't know cause I've never seen it."
Kim was embarrassed at the conversation taking place as she removed her coat and hung it up. "Actually I can't for the life of me understand why this is damn important anyway. You answer the door naked as a jaybird and all of sudden we're talking about genital
attritubes. Geez."
"Well, sweetie, I happen to think your pussy is nice even if you don't think so."
"I'm going to check on your mother," Diana said as she got up.
"It sure has been a long time."
"Mother, aren't you gonna put something on?"

"Oh why bother. Besides it's not the cops anyway." Diana entered the kitchen. "Oh hi, Kim."
"Hey, wait a minute," Kim said, "what's going on anyway?"
"It's really quite simple, sweetie. You see your brother has this
homework assignment and . . . ."
"Oh I get it," Tammy cut her off, "and they had to take pictures of naked girls. I had that last year. Flunked though since I couldn't get pictures of a boy."
"Hey, here's an idea," Diana suggested with a smile, "how would you two like to join us?"
Though Kim was reluctant of the idea Tammy spoke up right away.
"What's in it for me?"
"Well, for one thing, Tammy," Natalie answered, "two naked guys."
"Oh, I sure as hell can't pass that up," Tammy smirked. Just happening to look at Diana she giggled, simply saying, "You're kinda nice looking, too. Though you got less hair on your coochie."
"Is that so, young lady? And how much you got?"
"Well, why don't you just stick your hand in my panties and find
out, smarty?"
"Don't tempt me, Tammy, 'cause you know I would."
"I'm not, Mrs. Weber. Go ahead and find out if you have the guts." Removing her coat she unzipped her tight jeans. "Go ahead and touch my coochie."
"Hey, why don't you check out Kim, too, Di?" Natalie suggested.
"I'd love too, Natalie." Thinking a minute, giggling at her thoughts, added, "Why not we all check out each other?"
"This is ridiculous," Kim commented. "What's with you gals anyway?"
"Don't you understand, Kim?" Tammy asked, adding with a giggle,
"They wanna grope our coochies."
"Is that all?" Kim looked at the others and saw their nodding smiles. "Why not just strip so they can see it all," Kim suggested. Removing her t-shirt, she looked at Tammy, "Care to join me?"
"Oh yeah sure," Tammy smiled and started a race with Kim to see who can strip first.
"Hey, that's not fair," Diana protested as she watched them remove their clothes. "You're depriving me, Tammy. And so are you,

"No we're not," Tammy rebuked quickly. "Just think of it as an
added bonus." Slipping out of her tight jeans she couldn't help but suggest, "And we can touch yours, too?"
"Absolutely," Diana answered. "As a matter of fact you can touch me anyway you want." Laughing she continued, "And I get the priviledge of it also."
"Yeah, me too," Natalie chimed in with a smile as she saw the two girls naked. "And, maybe even let the guys check it out, too."
"Oh wow," was all Tammy could muster.
"Now wait just a minute here," Kim protested. "I'm all for letting you guys see me like this but surely not some guy, especially my brother."
"Why not, sweetie," Natalie commented. "You've got a cute body.
Besides he's naked, too."
"Yeah, Kim," Tammy added as seh admired her naked friend's body,
"you're very pretty so let him." Thinking a moment she continued,
"Besides I don't care why should you?"
"Well, they're probably wondering what the hell is going on in here," Diana remarked. "So, lets touch each other and get in there." She reached out and groped into Tammy's crotch. "My my, honey, you do have a nice bush." Fondling her generously she added with a grin, "Let's see how you fit this."
As her finger penetrated Tammy she squirmed as a finger pentrated her vagina as well. "Damn, Tammy," Diana said loudly, "you sure are one fucking tight bitch." Feeling a bit of moisture, she couldn't help but comment as she withdrew her finger, "And wet as well." Turning to Natalie she commented, "Hey, Natalie, check out Tammy's wet cunny while I check on Kim."
"Be careful with Kim, Di," Natalie advised, "she's really tight."
As Natalie and Tammy groped and fingered each other Diana went over to check on Kim. "Kim, are you okay with this? I mean you don't mind, do you?"
"Well, I. Oh, why the fuck not. Go ahead."

As Diana rubbed her she commented, "You got a really nice soft pussy, Kim." Probbing a finger into her, as Kim rubbed her pussy inserting a finger, Diana commented, "Fucking hell, girl, you sure are tight! And you're fucking wetter than Tammy."
"Hey, you two, let's not do that," Natalie butted in. "Let's get back into the living room."
"Yeah, lets do," Diana added, "and let the girls check out those dicks."
Together they entered the living room, arm-in-arm. Well, almost anyway, since the kitchen door was only so wide. "Hey guys," Natalie said as they entered, "look who came home."

The boys jumped up, allowing them to see their erect penises bounce violently, and looked at the group of girls gathered. "Oh, Kim," Mark couldn't help but comment, "you sure are one pretty sister."
"Go ahead and give them a kiss," Diana suggested, adding with a smile, "a good french kiss."
"Sure, do that," Natalie giggled, "and check out those hardons as well."
As Kim kissed her brother his penis jammed against her mound as did Jeff's when he french-kissed Tammy. Both checked out each other's sexual attributes and then changed partners.
"Damn Natalie," Diana commented as she surveyed the scene, 
"those girls are fucking hot."

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