Home for the summer

(Part 1 from 1)

AJ was always like my best friend, actually he was one of my sister's best friends but since she had gone off to college she didn't really have much to do with anyone except her boyfriend! AJ was around a lot when I was little and all through when I was growing up but he graduated when I was only going into the 8th grade so of course he always considered me his little sister and I always considered him my big brother! 

It had been 2 yrs since he graduated high school and I hadn't seen him at all since he was at college up north and my sister was off at college too, so he never really had a reason to come around! I talked to him occasionally when he wasn't busy with football or whoever his current girlfriend was at the time! We stayed semi-close and enjoyed talking to each other when we had problems that we didn't want to tell our friends where we were! I started to feel a little bit closer to him than I had before he had left for college but didn't really think much of it since he was in college and I was still in high school!

This summer he came home in May without my knowledge until I was out with some friends one night and we ended up at the same party! I couldn't believe my eyes and obviously he couldn't either! I was dressed pretty good with tight jeans that showed off my butt and a cute tight tank with flip-flops on to match, and my hair down with the ends flipped different ways from being done with a curling iron! He was absolutely gorgeous! College football had certainly helped him even though he didn't really need any help! He was about 6'3 with short brown hair and the most gorgeous blue/brown eyes u had ever seen! His body was fit with a solid stomach and you could easily see the muscles in his arms and legs since he was wearing a semi-tight fitting t-shirt and plain old basketball shorts! On his left arm was a tatoo that read "psalms 27" that was barely noticeable but it looked great on his huge arms! 

We both sat down with a beer and started talking for a while and I noticed how his eyes kept glancing over me! I just figured he hadn't seen me in a while and I had changed a lot...i was no longer a lanky 7th grade cheerleader going into 8th....i was now a little taller, around 5'7 with legs for days that were fit from cheerleading, dancing, swimming, and lifting weights! My arms were pretty well toned for a girl and my stomach had incredible abs! I had pretty good sized boobs that were a 34c and my butt wasn't huge but complimented my figure perfectly! Not to mention my semi-long starwberry-blonde hair and my eyes that were usually an ocean blue but sometimes had a hint of green!

We sat and talked while we drank and since the party was pretty loud we got up and walked outside, me in front and him somewhat behind and beside me, not that I minded because he was just getting a better look at my ass! It was pretty warm outside, seeing that we lived in GA and to us it was basically summer in May, but it felt nice so we sat on the back porch and finished talking about school, his football, how things were going here, etc. A lot of our friends had died the past year from a lot of car wrecks, so we sat and talked about that since he wasn't able to be home for the funerals because most died during football season! He talked to me about his girlfriend whom he didn't really like, to me she sounded very obsessive and wanted all the attention! He told me how he had wanted to dump her but every time he had gone to do it she had cried and made him feel awful, so he just couldn't, but that was AJ for you, always cared more about others than himself! Maybe that's why he was such a great friend or in my case such a great brother! 

After about an hour of talking, some more of his and my sister's friends started to join the party, John, Tad, Ben, and Matt! They all knew me well as "Ashley's little sister" and they knew we were totally different! Somehow I was the party sister and Ashley was always quiet and into her school-work although she liked to have fun a little but not nearly as much as me! She wasn't as pretty as me according to other people and even herself! She had short thin brown hair, that she often dyed to an auburn color, and she was short and not nearly as thin as I or as built, although she did dance! She had plain brown eyes and a soft complexion all the time compared to my whiteness during the mid-winter and my dark tanned skin that usually came about at the end of march or spring break the first week in April! In their eyes I wasn't too much of a little girl anymore as I sat there drinking a beer and relaxing while they asked how ashley was and I told them about her and her new boyfriend and everything! 

A while later they got bored with the party as most college guys would do with a high school party and decided to leave! I was hesitant to go and told AJ I wasn't going to leave, so with a little kiss on my forehead he said bye and told me he'd see me later and headed out the door with john and ben! Tad wasn't really much into the drinking thing, or at least wasn't that night, so he went elsewhere and Matt was still behind at the party saying bye to a few people! I sat thinkin for a moment...i really wanted to spend time with AJ, should I go or not...i decided I should and quickly ran over to matt and told him I had changed my mind and asked if I could catch a ride to the rec with him, where they were about to go and all drink! He said I could so I gathered up my things and told my friends i'd catch a ride home with one of the guys and not to worry and that i'd see them later! As matt cranked up his truck I hopped in the passenger side and threw my junk in the back, and we sped off! The rec was only about 2 minutes away so we got there in a hurry! 

AJ, John, and Ben had picked up the beer earlier, so they had already torn into it by the time we got there! Matt jumped outta the truck and grabbed a beer...no one noticed I was sitting in the truck as I pulled my hair up! When I fixed my hair I hopped out of the truck and as I slammed the door it of course got everyones attention and AJ asked when I had gotten there! I told him shortly after they left I had a change of heart and felt like coming! He was open to that excuse and so were all the other guys and handed me a beer! Matt cranked up the radio in his truck and I climbed up and sat on the side and we all talked and listened and sang along with the music! About an hour later Ben's brothers and another friend came to get him, his 2 brothers were 2 of the hottest guys at our school...Tim was my age and one of my best friends while Drew was an upcoming senior, Mike was with them who was also an upcoming senior and we had known each other since we were little kids! Drew, Tim, and Mike had been at the party but I guessed hadn't noticed that I had left with the guys and were shocked to see me out there somewhat drunk with them and by that time me and AJ were hanging all over each other! Tim gave me an unknowing look, almost of dissapointment, but at that moment I didn't seem to care! 

As Ben left with Drew, Tim, and Mike, AJ asked what time I had to be home, I looked over and told him it didn't matter because my mom was going to be at work all night! I was not as drunk as I had been on other occassions and the alcohol that I had drank wasn't affecting me much and it hadn't phased AJ one bit or even Matt, but John was another story! After we finished off the box of beer AJ made up that he had to take me home so Matt agreed to take John back to his house! As I grabbed my purse out of Matt's truck AJ was already in his explorer! I opened the passenger door and threw my stuff in the back as I climbed in! 

Matt had already pulled out at this point so it was only me and AJ left in the darkness! We sat and talked a little more and he drove me home taking the long way back even though he knew the shorter way, I just figured he wanted some fresh air! When we got to my house I asked him in, seeing that I was alone and didn't really want to be! He accepted the invite and followed me to the door where I unlocked it and let us both in! It was dark since my mom had forgotten to leave on lights when she had left for work, so I flipped on the lamp by the couch! I told him to make himself comfortable, as he always did in my house, and I went and changed clothes! I didnt's want him assuming I was a slut or desperate, so I tried not to look over-done! I came back out wearing a pair of red cheer shorts with a UGA Gym Dog t-shirt...he had turned on the tv to the country music channel and had grabbed a water out of the fridge! 

We sat and talked while we watched the music videos and he decided to play some stupid game called "truth or truth"...i playfully told him he was an idiot but went along with the game! We went back and forth with questions, each one getting more and more personal! There was one question that had been in my mind ever since the game had started but I hesitated from asking! As it got to me he said ok that was my last question so what is your's going to be! I knew I had to ask that question for this night to go further, so I did it! "AJ, would you ever kiss me?" He looked at me for a second with a face almost saying "did she really say that?" He said nothing and almost immediately leaned over and kissed me! I was in heaven! Never in my life had I been kissed the way he kissed me! We sat and kissed for what seemed like forever with his hands wrapped around my waist and mine around his broad shoulders! After a few moments I felt his hands slip up my shirt and up the side of my boobs, he slowly inched his hands around every part of my upper body down to my hips! It was so great! I slowly brought my hands down his back and he broke the kiss! I felt as if I had done something wrong or if he was having second thoughts since I was a lot younger! He sat and looked at me with his hands still resting on my hips and said that he was sorry and knew if he kissed me it would lead to other things but he just couldn't help himself! I told him not to be sorry and that I loved it! I told him that I felt stupid calling him my big brother when I wanted it to be more and he said he felt the same way about calling me his little sis! 

After our confession he kissed me again this time with even more passion! His hands felt every inch of my body down to my ass and thighs covered by my jeans! I could feel every part of my body tense up when he drifted his hands across me! He then broke the kiss again and asked me if I was sure about this! I told him I was and lead him to my bedroom! We lay on the bed and kissed for what again seemed like forever! I could feel my body temperature rising and I could feel his hands getting more anxious as the they ventured around under my top and over my bra! I slowly lifted my arms off of his shoulders and he took this as a sign to slip my top right over my head and up my arms! After it was shed and thrown somewhere into my room he quickly shed his and undid the button and zipper to my jeans and slid them off and caught his shorts on the way down! I was left lying there with him in his boxers and me in my bra and lace boy-short underware that I knew were soaked! As we kissed more he reached his hands around to my back and unhooked my bra and threw it off! 

He backed off from our kiss and started playing with my boobs, kissing, and biting the nipples! He then ran his hand down my side and over the inside of my thigh! He pulled my underware down and I could feel my body shake and tense in anticipation! He felt my clit and rubbed his fingers over my lips realizing how wet I was! I moaned in ecstasy and he started to lick and suck my clit! "GOD" I screamed as I felt my body tense and shake, knowing I was about to cum, "shit that feels so good" "oh my fucking god!" I came all in his mouth and I was in heaven! A few moments after he resurfaced and kissed me, allowing me to taste my juices! "good, huh?" he asked as he lay on top of me, all I could do was smile! 

I could feel his dick pressing into my side and I told him it was my turn to have some fun! I stripped his boxers off and threw them across the room to complete the pile with the other clothes! What greeted me was no more than what I had expeted from him! A long thick cock, that had to be at least 9 inches, dripping with pre-cum! I went down and licked his head ever so teasingly and started to suck a little at a time, teasing with every inch I gave! He was starting to move around and I knew I was doing a good job teasing him but I knew he loved it! I didn't want to seem childish in any way so after teasing for a moment or 2 I started sucking harder and faster! By the time he was about to cum I had deep-throated him more than once and he loved every second of it! I didn't want him to cum all over me because I wanted to fuck him so bad! I stopped before he exploded and crawled back up his body and kissed him! He looked at me somewhat dissapointingly and I knew why so I told him, "why waste ur cum all over my face when you can have it in me?" He seemed to agree with that fact, knowing that I was on the pill and that he didn't have to worry about getting me pregnant, and with that, flipped me over where he was on top of me and my legs were stretched across the bed, one on each side (i had to love being a cheerleader and dancer, it made me so flexible!) 

He knew I was a virgin although I had come close many times! He softly explained that it would hurt but only for a minute, but if I couldn't take it I could tell him! I figured I could take it and I could feel his head touch my opening! I closed my eyes as he went inch by inch into me! He got a little more than half way and I knew he had reached my hymen...he knew it as well and came half-way out and in one hard thrust burst through! I winced for a second but soon relaxed! It felt so good! He went slow at first getting me used to the feeling and then increased! With him still inside of me he flipped me on top of him and instructed me to ride him! Oh boy did i! I rode him with all I had! I soon came and I could feel he was about to! I rode him even harder and the more I did, the harder I could feel his balls get! I felt his body tense and felt his hot liquid shoot through my body! We both screamed with ecstasy! After we had both climaxed I leaned down and kissed him! Our tongues swirled around and explored each others mouths once more and then we both fell asleep! The next morning I awoke and found AJ lying right beside me! It was such a great feeling to have him lying right there! I slightly turned and kissed him waking him up! he kissed back and told me he loved me, but not as a little sis! I giggled and said that was a good thing because brothers and sisters shouldn't do what we had! He laughed and we both fell back asleep!

~~Me and AJ continued hanging out with friends and I kinda replaced ashley in all of their lives (except AJ...i was my own person to him!) They all left for college a few weeks ago right before my trip to europe! Me and AJ had a lot of "fun" between May and when they left! We still stay in touch a lot more than we did for the past 2 yrs! We talk every night and we are looking forward to him being home for christmas!

Pages : 1 | More First_Time_Stories, check also erotic stories or adult stories.
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A college couple that is obsessed with vampires go for a walk after watching Underworld: Evolution. They get caught in the storm and sitting in the graveyard soaking wet leads to a bit of a fantasy...