Helluva Party

(Part 1 from 2)

Karie looked around the party, it was definitly a lively Halloween party. There was booze, snacks and a thick sweet smoke hanging in the air from the stoners getting totally lit. The music was loud and the energy was high in the room, but she was bored to tears. She’d come with her boyfriend, Jim, but he was too busy getting stoned to notice her. Karie was secretly fuming about how crappy his costume was, they’d agreed to go to the party as Batman and Catwoman. While she’d spent almost $300 on her costume to get a tight latex catsuit, the perfect catwoman hood, a sexy whip and boots, he’d spent about $7.99 at a walmart on a crummy prefab that didn’t fit him well and made his already slightly flabby frame look even worse. She took her drink and went and fell on the couch, landing in something horrible. She was enclosed in latex so it didn’t stick, but she felt the coldness of a spilled drink or something worse and shot up.

“Fuck!” she shouted, barely getting the attention of the partygoers, but one did look up and she stared back at him.

He was wearing a perfect costume, he looked just like Batman from the good Batman movies, not those crappy ones from the 90’s. She shuttered for a moment wishing that’s how Jimmy had looked, but that dream faded as he walked over to her and he ordered her to turn around. She did so and he grabbed a roll of paper towels off a nearby end table, probably left there after someone had tried to clean up something else, and began to wipe her back and ass down with a gentle vigor.

“Hi”, she began, “I didn’t see you come in.”

He looked at her with his brilliant green eyes, “Nobody did, I’m Batman…” he joked.
She smiled and extended a hand to him, which he took and kissed like a chivalrous dark knight. “I’m Ka…Catwoman…” she said to him.

“I can see that Ms. Catwoman, are you here tonight with someone?”

“Yes, that loser over there in the crappy Batman costume. Yours is really good by the way, it looks like it’s from the movies and everything.”

“Thanks, care to step into the kitchen so I can get this clean?” he pointed to her back where there was some kind of film drying. “I’d hate for this costume to get ruined.”

“Yeah, sure. He won’t even notice I’m gone.” She motioned over to Jimmy and made a dismissive gesture. Together they wandered into the kitchen.

The kitchen was devoid of people and the sounds of the party were rather muted here. She doubted that anyone would be able to hear the two of them in here over the music and she began talking in a normal voice as the Batman began washing her latex off with a damp sponge and warm water.

“Stupid party eh?” she started wondering if he felt the same.

“Sure is.” He replied, “There’s only one sexy girl here and she’s with some loser.”

She perked up at the compliment and looked at him, “He has his good points, but lately he doesn’t really want to do anything. He just gets stoned and plays his video game with the stupid elves and stuff.” She stopped talking for a moment and caught her reflection in the glass in one of the cabinets. Reaching into her small hip purse, she grabbed her dark red lipstick and reapplied a new coat. “I just wish he’d go back to paying attention to me.”

Batman finished drying her off with paper towels and shining her butt with them. She sort of enjoyed the sensation of him groping her latex clad ass and smiled at him. “Well Miss, I’m sorry to hear that. Often I hear the girl will try to make her boyfriend jealous to get noticed again, have you tried that route?”

Katie thought for a moment, “No I don’t think I have, are you suggesting that I allow you to grope and kiss me in front of him to make him notice that he’s pissing me off?”

“If that’s what you want, but I have a more subtle way of making him notice you. You see, I happen to be a photographer, and you happen to be model worthy in that costume. Would you mind if I snapped a few shots? You could leave the pictures out for him to find and he’d wonder who took such sexy photos.”

“Hmm,” she pondered, “Well, even if you posted them on the internet there’s nothing to show that it’s me. Alright, I’m in.”

“Great, I’ll go get my camera, it’s in the car. Can you meet me on the back deck in five minutes?”

“Sure! Lemme go make sure Mr. Stoned-out-of-his-gourd is not going to come find us.”

Batman smiled and exited the kitchen out the back onto the deck while Katie went back to where she last had seen her boyfriend. He was where she’d left him, she made up something about having to use the restroom upstairs and it might take a while cause of the catsuit, but he was a too blasted to notice and just nodded and went back to discussing some videogame with his doofus friends. She slipped around the corner to where the stairs were, but continued past to the back door. Quiet as a whisper, she slipped out and made sure nobody was watching for her. Climbing the stairs to the back deck she looked around for the Batman. He was there, hiding in the shadows. She shivered in the cold night air and felt suddenly self conscious, as her nipples hardened and began to poke the latex. The Batman smiled in the darkness and asked her to sit in a lounge chair. He reached in the door and turned on the flood lights to the deck and bathed it in light.

Katie winced at the light, but went and sat down where he’d asked her to. He had a nice digital camera and began taking photos and sometimes showed her the pictures and asked her if she liked them. After a while she was getting into it and was posing and smiling and making all sorts of sexy gestures for him. He stopped shooting and sighed.

“What is it?” she asked him concerned, “Did the battery die on it?”

“No, it’s nothing, really.”

She feigned being hurt and replied, “No really, what is it, am I doing something wrong?”

Batman looked down at his camera and explained that he really wanted a picture of him and her together, but whenever Batman and Catwoman are in a shot together she’s usually in handcuffs being taken away.

She giggled, “What? You want to photograph me in handcuffs? Is that all? Okay I’m cool with that!”

“Oh, great.” He reached around behind him under his cape and pulled out some hand cuffs with a long chain attached to them. She dutifully held out her wrists and he snapped them on her and then wrapped the chain around her waist and clipped it back to the handcuffs, effectively binding her wrists to her waist.

“Oh wow, do you always carry those around?” she asked him, “Cause you know a girl could get a wrong idea about that.”

He smiled and replied, “Just part of the utility belt, standard issue.” He then continued taking pictures. She played up the ‘prisoner’ look and tried to look shocked and upset.

“Hmm, something is still missing,” he mused, and pulled out some more chains attached to leg cuffs. “Are these okay? So you can’t run Ms. Catwoman?”

“Ehh, I guess.” She started wondering why he had all this stuff on him, but maybe he was just used to interesting photo shoots. Maybe he was some bondage photographer or something.

He stepped forward and attached the cuffs to her legs and they fit perfectly over her sexy boots she’d bought. With them on she had about two inches of play in between her ankles and could hobble if she needed to get away.

“Besides,” she thought, “I could scream, there’s a whole party right there to rescue me.”

He went back to snapping some shots, still looking a bit disgruntled at the whole scene. He set his camera down on the table and adjusted it a bit so it was looking right at her. He popped a remote off of the camera and asked her to sit forward on the chair so she was thrusting her chest and face out. She did so and he stood behind her and she felt something wrap around her eyes, a padded blindfold.

“Hey!” she said, “What’s this?”

“Oh, just for the picture, to show I have Catwoman totally helpless, that’s all, I’ll take it off in a second.”

Her heart began to flutter, being bound and blind was really kind of interesting to her, and she was beginning to think of asking Jimmy if he might be interested in something like this for sex. “That’ll get him interested again!” She thought, “If his pot addled body can manage to get it up that is…”

She continued to hear the clicking of the camera and felt the Batman buckle the blindfold on tightly. “Okay, Catwoman,” his voice smooth in her ears, “I want you to open your mouth as wide as it’ll go like you’re screaming for help for this one, okay?”

“Uhh, alright…” She replied and opened her mouth.

“Wider, really big silent scream, like you’re a pissed off kitty whose screaming for release.”

She opened her mouth as wide as it would go and heard him say, “Perfect, now hold for a moment.” Shock hit her as a large rubber sphere intruded her mouth and got pulled deep inside her mouth. She felt him belt it on and tighten it and all the sound she could make was a pathetic “mmmph!”

“Ahhhh Perfect Catwoman, now let me take one more picture.”

“MmmmmMMmmph!” she grumbled into the ballgag. “He’d better take this thing off like right now.” She thought to herself. Another few clicks on his camera and she’d scream as hard as she could and then everyone would come out and save her. She listened carefully as the music died in the party and she heard someone on a microphone say, “It’s been requested that the music really get pumping!! Wooo!!” Then the thumping music came up louder than before and she screamed into her gag. Nobody in the party heard her cry for help.

“What’s wrong Catwoman? Ballgag got your tongue?” came the Batman’s smooth voice. Just sit right here for a moment and I’ll be right back for you.”

“MMmmMMMmmph!” she cried into her gag, squirming and trying to stand. He was gone for about a minute, she’d managed to hobble over to the sliding glass door and intended to bang on it with her head until someone heard her, but then he was behind her again. She felt something come down over her and realized it was a huge sack. Then he gently tipped her over and she heard a zipper as he closed the large duffel bag around her. She felt herself get hoisted up in the air and thrown over his shoulder, and she squirmed a bit and screamed in her gag for help, but all that came out was a muffled mess that didn’t really sound like anything. Then he was carefully placing her down somewhere soft and quiet. There was a soft thump and the sounds of the party died to a whisper.

The Batman looked around after closing the trunk and went to the driver’s seat. There he plugged his camera into his mobile printer and printed out the wonderful picture of Catwoman, bound, blind and gagged, complete with the wonderful line at the bottom of the page that he’d added that read, ‘Left the party with a stranger, See ya later!’ He went and left the picture on the table on the deck and walked back to his car. He heard a very quiet thump from the trunk and a very muffled scream and shook his head. He didn’t install enough sound proofing in there, and would have to correct that for next time.

“Course there might not be a next time,” he mused, “This girl might be the one.”

- * -

After a half an hour of driving he stopped by the side of the road. His captive had started kicking the interior of the trunk and he was concerned that she might hurt herself. He popped the trunk and wandered around to the back of the car. She started flailing her legs when he picked the duffel bag up out of the trunk and stood her upright. “Hold still or you’ll get hurt,” he yelled at her. He unzipped the duffel bag a bit and pulled her head out of opening. He unbuckled the blindfold and removed it so she could look around.

“See? We’re in the middle of nowhere, now stop spazzing before you get hurt.”

She looked around and realized they were indeed in the middle of nowhere. Tall pine trees rimmed the sides of the narrow road that looked like it hadn’t been painted this decade and his car was parked in a thin pull off area thick with pine needles. She moaned her dismay into her gag and looked at him with pleading eyes.

“What? You don’t like the trunk? Well, I guess it’s not safe, and I want you to be safe. Would you like to sit in the front seat?”

She nodded, hoping that perhaps some passerby might notice that he had a girl bound and gagged in the front seat and call the cops. He picked her up and carried her to the front of the car where he unzipped the duffel bag the whole way and slid it off her. He then sat her down in the front seat and she looked up at him with her big brown eyes, begging and pleading.

“You want that off?” he motioned to her head. She nodded emphatically and he reached forward and pulled the Catwoman mask off. She grumbled thinking he was talking about the ballgag and he snickered at her. Her brown hair tumbled out and perfectly framed her gorgeous face, perfect cheekbones, sexy eyes and perfect skin. He reached down and kissed her ballgag. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered.

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