Haressment Backlash Part One
Wendy followed Darlena down a set of stairs. They entered a room dimly lit from a red lamp on one wall. Darlena backed her into a strange contraption; pushing her back up against something that felt like a leather cushion. A belt was fitted around her waist strapping her to it. He wrists were clamped into something on both sides of her at shoulder level. Then Darlena took a hold of each of her feet placing them on footrest, strapping her ankles to them.
"Don't be afraid honey you're not going to be harmed. I'm just going to reposition your body." She began to notice her dim surrounding when a motor started humming and her body was slowly tilted into a near horizontal position. She was now lying on the leather pad which supported her body from the small of her back and up. Her head was resting in something with ear lugs that felt like when you were in a dentist chair. Darlena adjusted it and asked if she was comfortable. She just stared and then a strap was fitted around her forehead, leaving her unable to move her head. Her knees were lashed to something leaving her spread-eagled and completely immobile. Darlena made some adjustments moving whatever her ankles were tied too until her knees were bent slightly.
She heard the motor again and felt her body being elevated. She could make out a fuzzy image of her own body in a ceiling mirror. Suddenly she felt a wet cloth in her crotch. I'm sure you're clean honey but I just want to make sure." Her crotch and vagina got a good wash. Darlena spread her labia with two fingers of one hand and using the cloth with one finger, cleansing the valley of sexual exploration. Wendy jerked in her restraint as her clit was touched. Finally, she felt Darlene's tongue licking every part of her crotch including her clit. She moaned in disappointment as Darlena stopped and walked away. "Just testing honey; house rules."
She saw a red glow moving towards her and tried to raise her head. "Just a heat lamp honey I want to make sure your pussy is hot." She set up the lamp close to her crotch and placed a cord in her hand. "That's a switch, if it gets too hot you can turn if off. She heard the motor again and she felt herself being lowered. The lamp being somehow attached to the machine followed and with the extra light she could now see her shadowy self in the mirror. The movement stopped and Darlena kissed her. "Are you comfy dear?" She blinked being unable to nod; "good. I'll be leaving now if you have a problem just call."
"How long before you come back?" It was Wendy's first words after coming out of her trance.
"Just be patient dear, mystery is all part of your trial." She turned off the red lamp and left, closing the door behind her.
She stared of her ghoulish image in the ceiling. It appeared, as if she was being held by four legs of a giant spider, with a huge red monstrous eye staring at her vagina. It sent shivers through her body and she turned off the lamp. The glow of the lamp faded slowly and left her in total darkness, which unnerved her. She turned the lamp on again and closed her eyes, the warmth in her crotch turned almost erotic. She squinted trying not to look in the mirror when something began to flicker next it, revealing itself as a blank television screen.
There was more flickering and then a close up of Judy's face appeared. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply. The camera zoomed back, revealing her stretched out on a bed, squirming, twisting and caressing her body. She opened her eyes and blew a seductive kiss to the camera. "There is a microphone near you Wendy," She whispered in a vampish voice. "Can you hear me?"
"Yes Judy, I can hear and see you." Judy moaned as she fingered herself with one hand and fondled one breast with the other. Oooh Wendy I need to be loved, oooh I'm so horny. Is there, anybody there with you?"
"No I'm alone strapped into this monstrosity. I'm getting horny watching you; when will somebody come and do something for me?"
Two women joined Judy, stretching out on either side of her. It was Darlena and an Asian woman she hadn't seen before. They were rocking their hips and moaning, "oh Wendy," in unison looking directly at her. The camera zoomed in on Judy's face, then even closer until her lips filled the screen. Those lips made kissing motions as the camera zoomed back. The two other women were now on their knees on one side of Judy's massaging her. The camera zoomed in on a black thigh being massaged by white fingers. Judy's body squirmed slowly in response, as she moaned into the mike.
"Oh Wendy my flesh is tingling with anticipation, oh just think your fingers might caress my thighs soon. You love my shanks don't you Wendy?"
"Yes Judy I see the fingers" the camera closed in on one hand. "I see fingers groping your soft black flesh at the thickest part. I see them moving up, caressing close to your vagina still groping and clutching that beautiful skin. Oh, you are spreading your thighs rocking your pelvis. I can see your vagina now, it's filling the entire screen."
"You like my vagina Wendy? Does it turn you on? Would you like your tongue in it?"
"Yes. Yes. Yes right now please, you're driving me crazy."
"How does your vagina feel Wendy?"
"It's burning Judy, but there's no one here." She jerked desperately in her restraints. The camera zoomed back and lowered as Judy turned over on her stomach giving her a view along her sculptured thighs terminating in her two bubble cheeks. The portion of Judy she had been lusting after for a year was now in full view, but unattainable for her. The camera moved closer, filling the screen with the two fleshy spheres while two pairs of hands began groping them. The camera then moved sideways, staying focused on the object being fondled giving her various angles, of what was to Wendy the most delectable and desirable morsel of Judy's anatomy.
Wendy squirmed, moaning fitfully as she saw Darlena's face close in on the dark orb, kissing it passionately then plying her tongue in circles, as its twin was being groped by the other woman.
"Oh Wendy my buttocks, oh my buttocks, do you like them? Do you think my butt is beautiful?"
"Yes, yes Judy oh, oh. You have the most beautiful shapely buns in the world. I've been waiting for a year to get my hands on them. Please don't torture me any more, I'll do anything to be there with you. Anything!"
The camera zoomed back as the women rearranged themselves in a triangular daisy chain. It zoomed in again on Judy lying on her side, with one thigh lifted high as Darlene's tongue began to play in the mound and eventually entered the sacred valley before submerging out of sight.
"Oh Wendy there is a tongue in my vagina, oh that feels good." Then she could hear a slurping sound as Judy's tongue began satisfying the Asian woman. Suddenly the monitor turned black.. She struggled to no avail in her bonds desperately trying to maintain the vision of Judy's beautiful body in her mind. Her entire body yearned for the touch of another female. She turned off the lamp attempting to gain some measure of satisfaction by turning it back on, letting the radiant heat titillate her vagina and inside thighs.
The sound came on again without the screen and louder this time. She could hear the three women moaning contentedly as they munched on each other. Then suddenly the sound was shut off. She clicked off the lamp and turned it right back on. There was no satisfaction in that however, because her skin did not get time to cool. She clicked it off squirming violently as her vagina turned in to a ferocious hunter searching for prey; any prey, anywhere! Anything! She stopped, breathing hard, realizing the futility of her desperation. There was nothing to satisfy her starving vagina, only air. A fan would be nice she thought. She turned on the lamp again giving her a slight sensation, barely better than nothing.
The sound and the monitor came back on, giving her the conclusion of the performance. She heard the long satisfied groans of one woman, the desperate quick moans of another just nearing her climax and the encouraging slurping of a third already satisfied, patiently encouraging her lover to reach that exhilarating moment of gratification. Another series of abating groans and the scene fell nearly silent only the deep breathing of total satisfaction.
The camera zoomed out showing all three women as they caressed each other gently, their thighs rising and lowering on each other's heads. Next, the camera zoomed in on Judy's face as a thigh lifted and moved back. She opened her eyes smiling dreamily at the camera, lips slightly parted, her lower face shining with the juices of female sexual satisfaction.
Wendy trembled in frustration at the sight of her ebony dreamboat, totally satisfied without her input. "Oh Wendy I feel so good. I hope you can satisfy me like this when the time comes." Judy said smiling sensually.
Wendy opened her mouth to answer but suddenly the door opened and someone entered, tearing the heat lamp out of the way and unceremoniously ramming his penis deep into her virginity. She shuddered at the realization that for the first time in her life a man had violated her body. She focused on the screen drinking in the delicious sight of Judy's enticing face and pretended that it was her ramming a strap-on into her body. She hated the male invasion but her sex starved vagina relished the friction and began to send stimulating vibrations throughout her body.
He grasped her breasts and squeezed them hard as he plowed his weapon repeatedly into her body. Men, she thought, they're animals just ramming their prey to attain ejaculation. None of the soft caring foreplay, that women share before eventually reaching an orgasm. Just the same, she was surprised when that same titillating feeling in her vagina announced its presence through her lips in the form of low soft moans. He began to groan louder and faster, letting her breast go and then clasping her hips for leverage. There was a loud single groan as he rammed her hard and then stopped for a second. Three more slams accompanied by short grunts and he pulled out, puffing like a pig she thought.
He left with out saying a word after giving her buttocks a couple of hand whacks and reinstalling the heat lamp. She closed her eyes and sighed disappointedly, her first man and no real climax. Hearing Judy's voice, she opened her eyes again blinking at the bright screen image.
"What happened to you down there Wendy?" She could tell from the knowing expression on her face that she already knew.
"I was penetrated by someone and just like a man he didn't wait for me to get my rocks off. Was that John?"
"Who knows who it was but Wendy you're not there to get satisfaction, only to provide it. He ejaculated I could hear that. You're on trial remember and while that lasts it's a one way street."
The screen went blank again leaving her in the dark. She turned the lamp on her ungratified vagina, squirming in a vain attempt to get even a slight sensation down there. Rubbing it against air however, had no pay off and she instead tried to relax. Strapped in as she was, she was at least comfortable and eventually fell to sleep.
To be continued....
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