Hanging Out With The In-Crowd
My fingers were shaking a little as Clare lowered her skirt over them. The first thing they found was the warm, smooth flesh of her thigh. I felt the skin beneath my fingertips instantly harden with tiny goose-bumps. I have no idea what the expression on my face was showing at this point but I know my heart was thumping. Clare's face was trying to keep calm but she looked every bit as anxious as I felt. Tracing my fingers along the soft flesh of her thigh, I moved my hand further between her legs until they reached their target.
I felt a strip of what seemed to be very neatly-trimmed pubic hair and a moment later touched the outer lips of her pussy. They were dry and felt cooler than the flesh on her leg. I was not intending to have any more than a quick feel before removing my hand - having completed the dare - but as I pressed my forefinger against the fleshly lips it suddenly and unexpectedly slid inbetween them. And before Clare or I could do anything about it, my finger was met with the hot, juiciest little cunt imaginable.
I don't know how I can be so sure when Clare's upper body and face remained so inanimate, but I felt certain she experienced a sharp sensation of pleasure when my finger slipped inside. I had been unsurprised at the apparently dry lips that originally met my touch - I mean, being placed in the embarrassing situation of being "abused" in public as part of a dare was hardly guaranteed to be turn-on of the year - but nothing could have prepared me for the shock of discovering that just beneath the surface, her pussy was every bit as slippery and juicy as Rebecca had advertised. (Although I still doubted Rebecca could have known this, because at the time Clare removed her panties, no moisture had seeped out). Now however, it was a different matter. By the time my finger slid back out again, the whole area was drenched. It was the wettest little crotch I have ever touched - although naturally I had little to compare it with at the time.
I hesitated as I returned my hand above the table, as to whether I should wipe my fingers first. I didn't want to provide further fuel for Clare to be tormented, but then I also didn't want Rebecca to think that Clare and I had simply "faked" it. As it happened, I had no time to think before Rebecca was making demands again:
"Show us your fingers", she said.
I held them in front of me and we all saw, quite unmistakably, they were lubricated with a clear oily liquid that was glistening in the dim light.
Rebbeca was delighted at this vindication. "You see", she squealed, "she is soaking down there!"
Todd and Russell cheered their approval of this new evidence of Rebecca's allegation and both congratulated Clare and I on our impressive carrying out of the dare.
"Now put the finger in your mouth", Rebecca ordered and I popped the wet forefinger between my lips. My taste buds were met with the distinctive salty taste of pussy. There were even more cheers from the boys.
"Right, its somebody else's go then", said Clare in an attempt to move the game on.
"No it isn't", Rebecca interrupted, "you guys haven't finished proving yourself yet". I don't know if she was getting off on the power of giving out orders or if, like the boys, she was simply getting off on the forbidden nature of the activity, but either way she wasn't ready for our ridicule to finish. "Next", she said, "Clare you have to flash Henry your pussy". I was starting to feel rather fondly towards Rebecca again. If I was going to continually benefit in this way from her orders to Clare, maybe the situation wasn't so fucked up after all. Clare also seemed more relaxed this time. Perhaps because the ice had now been broken, or maybe because this dare was comparitively weaker than the one we had just performed.
Clare sat back as far as she could against the wall and turned her legs fully towards me. We both scanned the immediate area to be sure no outsiders were watching and then looked down at her lap, which was still concealed by her long skirt. With her legs parted noticeably farther than the dare would have required, she lifted her skirt and held it aloft for what can have been no more than a three-second flash. It was enough time to afford me a delicious view of her beautiful naked thighs and little pink cunt, with its lips ever so slightly separated and glistening with sticky dew.
Once the skirt had come back down again I could see from Todd's expression that he was delighted by our collective nerve but also a little frustrated he hadn't got a better look himself. There was a vast round of applause for us from all three of the others at the table and even Rebecca seemed to have calmed down slightly and was acting more impressed with the guts we had shown. It was a good feeling. We were popular again.
"OK", she said, retaining all the authority in her voice, but attempting a more conciliatory approach, "one final dare and Clare can get her underwear back and the two of you will have won the game". Neither of us had been aware it was a game with a possible winner, and I still couldn't see how all the other players but Clare and I had suddenly been made exempt from having to take part, but I was just delighted we seemed to have Rebecca's approval again. Moreover, that the whole table seemed to think we were pretty cool.
"The last dare...", she said, pausing either for effect or to decide quite how extreme she should make it, "is..."
The whole table waited with baited breath. Todd whispered something to Rebecca and she squealed with delight. "Clare", she finally said, "you have to wank Henry off". Clare and I were clearly quite shocked by the extremity of the dare but we tried to appear as casual about it as we could. Rebecca was bombarded with requests for clarification from the others: "For how long must she do it?", "Does it have to be more than a couple of strokes?", "Do they have to do it in the toilets?"
Rebecca cut through all the questions and stated the rules clearly and matter of factly, like an umpire at a tennis match. "She has to do it here and she has to do it right now. Under the table. And she has to do it for three minutes exactly". At this pronouncement Rebecca removed the watch from her wrist and placed it on the table. "I will be the time-keeper".
Nobody asked Clare and I if we were up for the dare, but then it wasn't presented to us as though we had any choice. It was quite a pleasant forfeit anyhow for me, although I would have far rathered it were to take place in private. Clare characteristically showed very little objection but hardly seemed enthused by the idea either. She began by rolling up the sleeve of the right arm on her shirt, like she was preparing to milk a cow or something. "Come on", she said to me, almost impatiently, "undo your trousers then". I felt a bit exposed. Even though this was going to be happening under the table, anyone to the right of me might look over and see what was going on. I voiced this concern in as casual and calm a way as I could. It was agreed that Todd would move seats and Rebecca would come over to sit on my right, so that I was in the centre and concealed by one of the girls on either side. Rebecca permitted this concession so she could be sure we were not cheating (or at least so she said). Everyone seemed nervous and excited - myself and Clare included.
So here we were, Rebecca and Clare on the bench with me sandwiched inbetween, all of us with our backs against the wall. Opposite us, and with their eyes virtually popping out of their heads were Todd and Russell, looking like a couple of kids on Christmas morning. Nervously I began to fiddle with my belt. Clare was impatient with the time I was taking and reached down to assist me. I unbuttoned my trousers and pulled the zipper down, all the while trying to calmly survey the crowded bar in case anybody suspected anything. Nobody appeared to have a clue. Lowering the waistband of my trousers and pants down beneath my sitting bone, I felt my bare backside sit back against the wood of the bench. I wasn't in an aroused state anymore - feeling more petrified now than anything else - and I suddenly worried what would happen if I didn't 'rise' to the ocassion. I would surely never live it down.
Rebecca glanced below the table and saw that I was ready. She made no comment about my flaccid state and neither did Clare, who could also see from where she was sitting on the opposite side of me.
Rebecca held her hand aloft and looked at the watch. "Right I am starting the three minutes... NOW".
An instant later I felt Clare's warm hand uncurl my limp penis and hold it in her hand. To my relief (as well as my unbridled fear) I felt it soon begin to stiffen in her hand. She started to work her fingers up and down on the shaft, gently tugging the foreskin up and down. I had so many mixed feelings at this point - the fact that I was in this very public place, that I was involved in a filthy dare, that four people’s eyes were fixed on my upper body in the knowledge of what was going on beneath the table - all these things were at once both terrifying and arousing. I felt myself getting harder by the second and as Clare's wanking motion became freer and more easy, I realised I was also getting quite well lubricated down there.
"One minute..." Rebecca suddenly announced. It made me jump as nobody around the table had said anything for the previous sixty seconds.
Clare continued the delicious movement of her hand up and down, and with every new stroke I felt the inhibition and fear drain away only to be replaced by an overwhelming sensation of pleasure. At that moment the bartender walked past our table with painfully close proximity, collecting glasses from some other customers nearby.
"Don't stop", Rebecca whispered. And Clare obeyed, although she did slow her wanking so it was not quite so visible in her shoulder movement until he had gone past.
"Two minutes", Rebecca announced. I noticed she was studying the watch-face with far less careful attention now than she had been. Instead she was sitting back and trying to get as good a view as she could of the activity beneath the table. There was probably not much she could see from where she was so, feeling more daring now as the lust began to consume me, and always one to give Rebecca what she wanted, I shuffled back on the bench myself. In doing so, my waist and thighs appeared more clearly from under the table and Rebecca was given a clear unhindered view of my stiff cock, getting slipperier by the second as Clare yanked it vigorously back and forth.
Todd and Russell were clearly finding the whole thing quite erotic because at the turn of this second minute, they each stole the opportunity to not-very-discreetly peer under the table and watch Clare tugging away on my now-huge erection.
"Oh my God", said Russell, having managed to even shock himself by the brazen audacity of it.
Knowing that the boys were stealing glances in this way, I decided to give them a more exciting show and reaching my own left arm under Clare's wanking-hand, I pulled her skirt up to expose her crotch and began playing with her juicy little pussy again. To my delight it was even messier and more slippery than before.
I was feeling so turned on by now that it suddenly occured to me I wasn't going to make the full three minutes without coming. This was something I hadn't even entertained as a possibility previously, when I'd been more concerned as to whether I would achieve an erection or not. In fact, I don't think it had occured to anyone that this might happen. The dare was not that Clare would wank me to an orgasm, just that she would play with me for three minutes. The thought that I might actually come in this circumstance was so fraught with potential complications that it felt even more exciting and even more forbidden, which in turn made the possibility all the more likely.
I wasn't quite sure what to do... Surely the three minutes was almost up. Could I hold off? I tried to slow Clare's hand a little with my own but she paid no attention and instead started to jack me off even harder. Should I announce what was going to happen? I had controlled my external appearance enough so that there was nothing to outwardly indicate to the others what I knew was about to happen.
"Ten seconds to go", Rebecca said, her eyes immediately returning to my cock as she began an audible countdown. "Ten...Nine...Eight...". But by the time it got to four seconds it was too late. A feeling of ecstasty overwhelmed me. Without anyone but myself having advance notice, a long stream of spunk suddenly shot out of my cock and up into the air a good foot or so above the level of the table. Should anyone have been watching from elsewhere in the bar, it would have been clearly visible as it came splashing down to rest in front of me on the table top.
"Fucking hell!", Todd exclaimed.
"He's cumming", Rebecca announced - as if anyone could have missed this obvious fact. Clare did not stop wanking me, despite the fact the three minute deadline had clearly past.
"Ahhh", I involuntarily gasped in pleasure as a second jet of sperm rocketed out, this time even higher, and landed right across my T-shirt.
Naturally this was all happening very quickly so I imagine Rebecca had little time for prior consideration when she unexpectedly leaned over so that her head was a few inches from my cock and Clare wanked a third powerful stream of sperm directly on to Rebecca's lips. A fourth and fifth ejaculation fired further missiles of spunk against her chin. After a couple more blissful eruptions, I was spent and Clare brought her masturbating to a close. Todd and Russell were now transfixed on Rebecca who had sat back up with a little pool of white liquid dripping from her lips. I can only guess that she had intervened in this way at the last minute to try and ensure the attention was back on her, rather than Clare. And it had definitely succeeded.
"You horny bitch", said Todd grinning, while Russell managed little more than a wide-eyed "wow!"
"Dare completed" declared Clare proudly, while I hurriedly pulled up my trousers and pants.
"OK, I'm impressed", said Rebecca wiping her mouth with a napkin. She was able to willingly acknowledge this perhaps because nobody, myself included, was more impressed than with her own behaviour.
Clare and I were considered cool and welcomed into Todd and Rebecca's clique for at least another three or four weeks after this event, until eventually they grew tired of us, and replaced us with a few other unsuspecting nobodys. We were both upset at the time but hey, didn't somebody once say it is better to be a 'celebrity' for five minutes than never to be one at all. And that night we were heroes amongst the coolest guys in school.
Julianna’s husband wishes to experience complete female domination, and she accommodates him... |
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