Grown up bride
Robbie gently lifted the tile of drywall from its place as part of the partition that separated his closet from Mary's closet carefully opened a peephole through her hanging clothes. Their father had just finished building the new house and many things wwere not and would never be completely done. Like the partition. He had look at how small the closets were going to be anyway and decided not to put a stud wall in and waste another four inches fo space. Instead, he used lleft over pieces of drywall and put in an adequate barrier for the purpose. Once the closets were filled, what would it matter? It wasn't more than two weeks before Robbie found how easy it was to lift out the top piece and see over the hanging bar right onto Mary's bed. Mary was thirteen going on fourteen, and she had got into the habit of wearing loose shirts that gaped and even came right open to give a flash of little girl breasts that Rob soon wanted to see more of. If Mary had been aware of his spy-hole, she probably would have accomodated him, but as it was he seldom got more than a flash of skin as she climbed chastely into bed.
She was by no means prudish or unadventuresome. They were farm kids who rode the bus twenty miles to the city school, so they knew both about animal reproduction and the outright lust shown by both sexes in season, but they were exposed to big city attitudes toward what mom would call promiscuity. Actually, they did some amateurish experimenting in the year or two leading up to today. Robbie would be at his chinning bar and Mary would be impressed by his bicepts and want to touch. That would be granted in exchange for a hug. These exchanges grew to be somewhat more overt as time and familiarity grew. For the last half year Rob had been grabbing a cheek of bum or even a bare tummy and remarking what a sexy bunny she was getting to be. But he never had the balls to grope her ner litltle breasts, even though he was sure they were being flashed at him. Even on the rare occasions when they were alone in the house and they got more daring, he didn't touch, at least with hands. Once he had sauntered into her bedroom when she was reading, laid down her book, rolled her on her back and laid down on top of her! This was only a couple months ago, and he could still feel heer tummy pressing against his and the selicious realization that she wasn't going to ask him to get off. Instead she put her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter. By and by he contrived to get his knees between hers and they were in THE POSITIION. Rob still tried to not get a hardon that might spook Mary, as it sometimes did with the few girls he had necked with, but when he lost and ther could no doubt that she felt it and din't mind, he actually tried a few humps. Unfortunatley, time was short for them at the speed they were going and they had to part befor any real progress was made.
Now Rob was peeking at his sister's bed as she lay on it talking to another man. Herb was a guy who had helped them build the house and was at loose ends now. He was a semi-pro paddler in his off-season hammering nails to stay in shape untill to canoe came out again. For the last couple months he had been boarding and living in the basement in exchange for making it livable down there. He was perhaps twenty five, very muscular, very blonde, and by Mayr's standards, very wordly. Mom hoped that Rob would grow up like Herb, cheerfull, helpful even with the dishes, respectful, clean. So he really became more like another big brother to them both. Mary didn't flout her little body at him like she did her brother , though. Besides being old, he was so experienced, and she tried to be careful not to show her own inexperience by doing little girl giggly stuff. So it was a bit of a surprise when her bedroom door opened and it was Herb, not Robbie.
Mary had been half expecting Robbie, since she knew the folks were gone for the day and she had hopes that he would try to resume their petting sessiion of a couple months ago. The caresses and pats had doubled after that and she felt something had to come to a head. She still had the memory fresh of his boner pressed into her little crack as he pumped, and she knew that he could feel her pushing back and rocking her pussy up to meet him. When nothing beyond that had happened she was more than a bit put out that he would take her to that level and then drop her without finishing the job. So her juices were just a little primed knowing he was coming up to her and she did her moat languid turnover to welcome him, even letting her shirt fall open to show a breast. When she saw it was herb, a full grown experienced man, who sat beside her on her bed, her arms frew across her chest and she could feel the heat of her shame turning her crimson. She could only lie with her eyes scrinched shut and hope that something would happen to erase the moment. Instead, she had to open them to see Herb smiling genlty down at her. He reached out and took her hands and held them to his bare chest. When he released one Mary moved to close her shirt, but he intercepted and replaced it on his chest. Then with his free hand he exposed her other breast.
"You are very, very gorgeous." Mary heard him murmur. She had never been told that before, and the idea that Herb was talking about her little boobs while staring at them unashamedgave her a rush of pleasure she had not expected. They were really so tiny she didn't even need a bra yet, but she knew they would be along and even now they felt nice when she touched them just so. She was aware the nipple had hardened to little points llike they did when she played with them and it crossed her mind this is what it must be like when Robbie cant hide his hardon. She felt his big pecs moving under her hands and realized with another spurt of shame that she had been kneading them like she did with Robbie, but this was different.
"Can you do that?" Herb asked with a mischevious grin, as he flexed his massive paddling muscles under her hands. She couldn't top herelf from digging her fingers deep to feel the hardness of him and imagine the strength there. She felt his hands straddle both breasts and pinch her little pectorals without actually touching anything naughty. She made herself try to flex what she had and succeded only in pushing her boobs up into his hands. Mary was unprepared with how intimately delicious it was to have a man fondling her lovelies, craddling the roundness and fingering the hard little nipples in a way that obviously was meant to feel erotice and tickly. The fact that Herb wanted her to have these feeelings made them all the more tingly. She even thought for a flash she would have to show Robbie how to do this.
From his perch Rob could see his little sister pushing her tits up into Herb's hands and hoped against hope he wouldn't make any noise to put them off. He didn't know what was going to happen, but it was already more than anything he had ever done. He watched fascinated as Herb bent forward to touch his tongue to each nipple in turn, then trace up Mary's neck to her ear, then across both eyes, a pause to getnly bite the nose, then a gentle kiis on the lips. Robbie had kissed Mary on that day, but her return kiss had been a little girl peck, with lips as hard as a little beak and positively sterile. Rob had some experience with this angle with several of the local girls, but was too awkward to teach a little sister who he felt he shouldn't be kissing anyway. He could see that Herb found her the same, and watched breathess as he gently pecked at her, encouraging her to peck back, parting her lips with his until they stopped pecking and gently kept their lips together for what seemed like minutes to Robbie. Then Herb swivelled himelf to lie beside Mary, gently pulled her chin down and lowered his lips onto her open mouth. Her eyes opened wide for a long moment, then closed again as her arms went around his neck. Robbie knew about French kissing, and made a promise to self to soon do what Herb was doing.
With his own mouth so dry, Robbie marvelled that Herb had the voice to ask
his sister if she had ever done this before. He couldn't make out her mumbled
reply, but kind of hoped she souldn't say anything about his playtime with her.
"What if I told you that in five minutes your going to be naked and hugging a
naked man?", he heard Harb say in a playful voice. Mary heard it too, and felt a
momentary panic at the thought of exposing how wet she got and how it would be
llike a boy trying hide his boner. Then she thought of a hardon pushing against
her naked crack and how much fun that might be. Everything was so nice right
now, better than she had imagined it could be. It could only get more fun as it
went with Herb leading her on her way. She let Herb lift her off the bed and
stand her on the floor, then stood rock still as he eased off her shirt, and
opened her top button. She could feel the jeans slide easily over her bum which
was still more little girl than her breasts. She wasn't a boy, but she had some
filling out to do. She stepped out of her jeans and stood with her eyes closed,
afraid that Herb might decide she was too little after all, and drop her from
this delightful high. But after a moment she felt his hands take hers and put
them on his belt buckle. 'Your turn now", he said quietly, " and your five
minutes is almost up."
When the couple left the bed, they left Robbies field of vision. But after only a moment his sister reappeared on the bed. It was the first time he had seen her naked, and he marvelled at the delights for his eyes. He was a llittle surprised to see she had pubic hair, what the guys called a bush. Herb was laughing softly at her, because she had flopped on her back, legs spread, ready to be fucked. "Are you sure you're ready?", he teased, " Don't you want me to make you more ready?" In truth Mary couldn't see how she could be more ready. She was still a little bothered by what Herb might think about how wet she was down there. She pulled Herb over her and hoped he would do it quickly, whatever it was he was going to do. She knew the mechanics, but she also knew how stupid a young heifer could be about it, even with an experienced bull.
"You know, littlel one, I came in hoping you would give me a back rub. Its a good thing I brought the right kind of oil. I think you might be glad of it too."..Herb reached over to his pants and found a tube of KY. Mary was fascinated as she watched him dab big globs of it on his cock and then felt the coolness as he also slicked down her pussy lips. She was startled to find that she had stopped being wet as she waited for his onslaught. Am I afraid, she thought? I don't feel afraid. I just feel sexy. She thought of the words she had used only very little in her life, but she heard often from her class mates. She knew that the opening there was her vagina, but everyone called it pussy and even cunt. She made herself think of Herb's boner as a cock that was soon going into her cunt and they were going to fuck, and he was going to cum in her!!!!! and as she thought she heard herself whisper, "hurry!!"
Robbie heard the "hurry!!!" , and saw Mary's tummy suck in as she rocked her pelvis up to Herb and he knew it was the same thing she had doen to him but with clothes on, and he wondered how he could have been so stupid to not have felt the invitation. But now he could just see Herb's bum as he held himself over Mary and tried to find her little opening. After a couple falsse jabs, he had Mary reach down and guide his shaft to her hole. He wanted to be able to see the penitration that he knew had to be happening. Herb was gently thrusting now and Mary had replaced her hands on his shoulders, looking up at him with a wondrous look on her face. Sometime she would wince, but when he stopped she would push against him and make him start again. There was a very quiet question asked, she nodded, closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. Then Robbie could see her tense up as Herb gently pushed and then the lovers lay quietly for several minutes.
Mary was ready to ripped open by Herb's big engine, and wa surpised to find it didn't seem to be able to find its own way, the way a horses big cock could. She reached down with both hands grasped it and found the opening by rubbing it up and down. Soon she felt the lips part as Herb pushed at just the right time and with all the slippery goo he entered her rather easily. He felt even bigger now, and she could feel him butting up against what she supposed was her cherry. She didn't really know what a cherry was, but the girls talked of losing it. She just knew that it Herb pushed too hard it could hurt a bit. When Hreb whispered that it might hurt abit the first time but he would try not to make it bad, she nodded and made herself ready. It wasn't really that bad, and she marvelled at haw big he felt in her and how big she must be to be able take him all. He had lowered himself onto her and again she marvelled at how this grownup man was a perfict fit for her, with his cock fully inide her cunt his lips were perfect for kissing, which they were now doing while his wonderfull cock filled her pussy. When he did begin again to pump he was very gentle, and while she was tender, she could live with the discomfort just for the look of rapture on his face. She thought about how many of the girls had really done it, and knew none had been fucked like this. She relished thinking in the crude terms, being fucked, with a cock in her cunt, and getting ready to have a orgasm, sorry, cum. AS she thought she soon found there was a warmth amid the pain and soon overriding the pain and it was just like the feeling she got from her fingers but way better because it was bigger and she could feel it way inside like she never had before.
Robbie could see Herb become more aggressive only moments before he came. Mary's legs were making spastic kicks, sometimes trying to encircle Herb's bum and pull him in, sometimes just extended and straight. Once, just once, he could see between Herb's leg and see the litle pink flash of cunt lips before Herb slammed back in and smacked Mary's bum with his balls. He had cummed many times himself, of course, but it was always with his own devices, and it was generally wise the keep the noise down, so he was a bit amused at the rapture shown by Hreb in the magic moment, when all his muscles went tight, and he held himelf high over Mary, only touching her where his and her pubics ground into each other. He felt a little jealousy when he saw the obvious pleasure on her face, wanting it to be him who was giviing it to her, but that went away as he realized he had cum in his own pants. He backed out of his hiding place and went quietly out his window, afraid the lovers might discover he had been in the house all along.
After what seemed like a long time, Robbie felt bold enough to go to the house again, this time the back door. The folks might be back at any time anyway. He entered to find a smiling Mary lounging watching TV, no sign of Herb, and no sign of carrousing. Mary uncoiled herself, slunk over to where he stood, circled his neck with her arms, gave him the nicest french kiss he had ever dreamed possible, and said"I kew were watching, you know."
It was well the folks were a bit late getting back. They wouldn't have found their daughter getting her first fuck, but they might have caught their son getting his.
My little wife is such a big girl now. She wasn't a couple weeks ago. We have
been married two years, almost, with her just out of highschool. There was a bit
of flack from her family, most old aunts thinking I must have knocked her up,
but that had died down now with no baby and both of us still happy with each
other. Besides, we had moved to another town and had little contact with the
family. I was almost ten years older and when the ages are 18 and 28, thats
quite a spread, not so much in the years themselves, but in life experiences.
Grizzled old vereran and virginal young debutante.
A lot of the little town attitudes went with us to the city. Karen was the
romantic who very much liked the idea of being 'in love' and while I did too, I
found it actually cramped our personal life. To illustrate, Karen didn't like to
call it fuck, we made love. Pussy was OK, but not cunt. That sort of thing. Not
a big thing, and I could live with it, but it just indicated a rigidity of
upbringing that I found a bit stifling. I really did love her, but I had been
around a bit and didn't want to be strangled.
Ted had once been a porn star before he became a producer. He was known for his stamina. His signature ending after fucking a woman for a long time was his ejaculation of large qualities of sperm on a woman breasts and face. He looked at Beebee and knew he would have to get her wet and excited before he broke her cherry... |
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- fuck
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- facesitting