Good things come to those who wait.
Everything is always so much better when your not suppose to have it! i thought to myself randomly in the middle of my economics class.
"Scarlett!" my teacher, mrs.dobson interrupted my daydreaming. "Can you
answer the question?"
"no" answered plainly then turned my attention back to the window.
Not surprisingly Mrs. Dobson never knows what to do when some actually answers
her questions. So with an exaggerated huff she turned her attention to the rest
of the class and continued her lecture.
The rest of the day went by the same way. I couldn’t pay attention to anything,
not even Marci with her always exciting sex stories about her boyfriends of the
We were sitting on the school steps waiting on the parking lot to clear so we
can leave without getting into a accident.
"Scarlett! What is the matter with you? You been spacing out on everything
today." she ask bringing me out yet another day dream.
"Your right. I don’t know, my minds been wondering all over the place."
"you need to get laid. that will help." Marci answers
"That’s your solution to everything." I say ending it with a laugh. Its the
truth Marci is nothing but a raging sex addict.
We were actually having a conversation with me paying attention when we were
intrupted by Zak blocking the sun out, casting a shadow over us.
"Zak." i greeted.
He took a long breath in from his cigarette and blew it out over our heads
before he answered.
"Scarlett. Marci."
"ok. Since we got saying each others names out the way, What do you want?" Marci
answered cutting through the bull.
Zak rolled his eyes at Marci like usual but only looked at me when he spoke.
They way his eyes grazed over my face made the very pit of my stomach flutter
just a bit.
"party at my place tonight."
"Today’s a Tuesday." Marci stated.
"Congrats you finally know the days of the week Einstein." he snapped at her.
It was Marci’s turn to roll her eyes which she did quite well. I smirk at the
two of them bickering but it was getting old. So i stood about to leave, when
Zak stepped in front of me blocking my way. He was close, close enough to smell
the faint trace of smoke coming from his clothes and see my slight reflection on
his small silver snake bites.
"you’ll be there." he stated not asking. The way he demand it and strength in
his voice made the pit of my stomach do a flip.
Marci was now at my side bored with our conversation, also ready to go.
"We'll be there." Marci said put extra emphasis on the 'we'll'.
With a quick dagger look towards Marci he walks past us not before giving my ass
a slight graze.
Two hours later, and me and Marci are dressed in our sexiest party outfits.
Me in a pair of short black shorts, hot pink heels, and a shirt that says 'peace
love and stilettos' in hot pink lettering.
Amazingly Zak didn’t live far so Marci and i walked from my house, that way we
could both drink and not worry about who has to drive home.
we arrived at his place with the party in full swing. We walked ready to get
our party on. The whole house was reeking of alcohol, a haze of smoke from both
cigarettes and weed, and to top it off the ear splitting heart throbbing music.
We made our way start to the kitchen for a drink and it was long before me and
Marci and I threw back a couple of shots, lost our shoes and dancing like it was
our jobs.
through the haze of smoke and crowds of people I spotted, Zak on the couch
making out with his girlfriend. It shouldn’t have been a shocker and it
shouldn’t have stung. i already knew that Zak and his sluttly as girlfriend,
Vicky, were dating, they were the 'it' couple of the school.
I wasn't realize i was staring until in the middle of the make out session Zak
opened his eyes and looked right at me. We started at each other for what felt
like two second to long, until he closed his eyes and picked Vicky up and on to
his lap. That move was pretty much a brutal slap in the face.
I pushed shimmy and squeezed my way through the crowd towards the steps.
Marci didn’t even notice i was gone, she was far to drunk and having to much fun
having dry sex with one of the guys from the basketball team.
i peeked behind door and door looking for the bathroom. I finally found it and
open the door to see a couple in the hottest parts of sex, so i just closed the
door. I turned around to head back down stairs to leave and literally ran into
the one person i would have died if i saw, Zak.
He was there hair all tousled and slightly tipsy.
"move." i simple said.
he simple shock his head 'no' and walked towards me. Making me back up and
eventually hitting the wall of the hallway.
"you where watching." he said.
i kept my mouth shut absolutely not admitting to it.
"where you jealous?" he asked with a smirk.
"get over yourself Zak." i placed my hands on his chest and tried my best a
he grabbed my wrist, his hands big enough to hold both of mine in one of his.
He held my wrist above my head pinning his body against mine.
"Zak-" I started but interrupted with his lips forced on to mine. no hesitation
and we had our mouths nsync. our tongues exploring each other, it wasn’t in my
control that i let out a exaggerated moan.
I tried to pull my hands back down just to have his grip tighten.
"no" he said.
his free hand explored every inch of me while his lips were working on giving me
a hickey.
His strong hand clasped around my boob squeezing it and slightly tugging it
at te nipple through my shirt.
i let a slightly hushed whine. A small wet patch started to develop in my thong,
my pussy getting wetter and wetter with every passing second.
i grinned my hips against his for a little unachieved relief. I felt Zak smirk
into my neck as he grinned against me.
"is so one horny?" he asked then bit down on a thin piece of flesh.
i gasped at the pain but it only made me wetter and hornier.
"Zak." i whispered his name. he brought his lips back to mine where he teased
me only pecking my lips.
Zak brought my now blood drain hands back down but only to hold them both behind
my back and lead me to the nearest room. He opened the door to see the room
already occupied.
"Get out." he said sternly. The couple didn’t hesitate to separate and leave.
He let me go, and locked the door behind him.
"strip." something in his tone warned me not to object to his demand and the
way i was feeling i didn’t want to. So i did as i was told and took off on
article of clothing at a time until he told me to stop. leaving me in nothing
but my by pink bra and mix-matched thong.
"sit on the edge of the bed, legs spread." he said from leaning against the
following his directions i sat on the very edge of the bed and spread my legs
for all of him to see. He came slowly across the room and pecked me on the lips
before he kneeled between my legs.
"hands behind your back." he instructed, which i quickly followed. his hand
strong and deliberate he slowly started to pet my now dripping pussy.
I bit my lip to stop a moan, i couldn’t let on he was that good and knew
exactly what i wanted and needed. A smirk grew on his lips as he realized what i
was trying to do.
"stubborn are we." he said close to my thing panties so the air from his words
floated over my pussy.
i bit down harder.
He stopped rubbing my pussy, to just rubbing up and down my things then to my
stomach eventually making his way to my bra strap, skillfully undoing it.
immediately his hands were on my tits making a handful. he squeezed and pulled
again at my nipples, and watching my react. It took one into his mouth sucking
gently at first. i bitten down so hard on my bottom lip i swore i drew blood.
his hands slipped down back to the thin strap on my thong and slid them down and
off, so i was completely naked. While sucking on my tit his hand travelled back
to my soaked pussy rubbing and just barley probing it with his finger. Zak was
driving me insane.
"O fuck, Zak. Stop teasing me." i broke.
He drop my nipple from his mouth and lightly chuckled. "well you didn’t last
very long." he said a somewhat insult.
"fuck you." i said out of breath voice.
His hands immediately stopped in place leaving my pussy aching for attention.
"what was that? did you just said 'fuck you' to me? That’s no way to speak to
the person who has you by the pussy right now." he said with a slight ass-whole
smirk. his dominance over me was something the turned me on at the highest
"as an apology. beg me. beg me to let this pitiful little pussy of your cum." he
whispered in my er. every word that came out his mouth made my pussy ache and
beg on its own.
"Fuck. Zak please play with me. Please shove your fingers in my useless cunt."
the more i said the more he moved his fingers.
"Zak please!" i whined. his fingers were now going hard and strong into pussy.
He was going all the in and all the way out with every pump. he soon added
another finger, pumping inside of me.
"O shit." i groaned.
"Tell Scarlett. Do you like the way my fingers feel?" he teased. He knew he had
me, whatever he said i would do without a moment’s hesitation.
"O yes Zak. Your fingers are amazing sliding in and out my dripping pussy." i
said in totally ecstasy.
Zak pumped in hand faster and faster increasing the speed and strength to my
"O Zak, I’m about to cum." i moaned.
Zak got leveled with my pussy and started gently flicking my clit. Sending new
sensations shooting through every part of my body. My hands immediately reached
the back of his head intertwined in his hair. HE immediately stopped everything
he was do making me feel horrible.
"what did i say?" he asked looking up at me. I quickly put my hands back behind
me as he first introduced.
"im sorry Zak, please, please don’t stop." i pleaded.
to my surprise he continued starting off right back. He was now sucking hard
on my clit bringing me so close to Cumming. His fingers ramming hard home, and
his teeth gently grazing over my clit sent me over the top.
"O Fuck Zak." i whined and automatically arched my back.
"I-I Cumming." i shouted not worried if anyone heard.
Cum after cum gushed out of my spazing pussy and flooded Zaks mouth as he
continued to sooth and finger my pussy. I rode out the most amazing orgasm as
Zak licked up the last drops. HE then stood up and brought my lips to his. I
tasted my own cum in and on his mouth. I reached down to his zipper to feel his
major hard-on.
"mmm." i moaned into his mouth then travelled down to suck on his neck. "i need
you to fuck me now, Zak." i whispered as a pressed my naked body into his.
His hands traced my body feeling my breast down to my wet pussy then grabbing a
handful of my ass. He stopped with a hard grip on my arms pushing me away, to my
"no" he simple stated.
"what do you me no?" i asked getting angry at how he used me.
"Not now. good things come to those who wait." he said then quickly peeking me
on my lips before turning heading towards the door.
"Wait for how long?" my question went unanswered and he walked out the door
leaving me nake and wanting a hell of a lot more.
Fictional story, just for fun :) |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting