Girl party
I was so excited. I was turning eighteen and my parents would be gone for the weekend. They told me that I could have two friends over, but no boys. Luckly they didn’t know about my sexual preferences. I tried to decide who I was going to invite. But I had no idea who to invite. I didn’t know any single lesbians, and none who would cheat on their girls. Eventually I decided to invite andy and angel. They were single but I didn’t know if they were lesbians. they didn’t know I was one and but I had the suspicion that they were. Andy was tall dark and beautiful, with pale skin, and talk about bust! Angel was small and slim, with blonde hair and wide brown eyes that never failed in turning on anyone the looked at. Even if they were straight.
I called them and invited them. They both agreed to come, but they both asked if they could bring a friend. I let them, how would my parents even know the difference between three and five. But I kept one rule and told them no boys. They both told me not to worry.
I spent the rest of the day nervously straightening the house. I washed and got dressed. I heard the doorbell ring and I almost ran into it in my haste to open it. I was shocked to see both andy and angel standing there. I looked between them in disbelief. Andy started to introduce her `friend’ angel at the same time angel tried to do the same. When we all realized this odd coincidence we broke out laughing.
Both andy and angel handed me their presents. I decided to open them later. We ordered take out and sat in the living room watching movies, when we finished the take out we just threw it into the corner and continued watching the movie. it took me a little while to realize that both andy and angel had disappeared. I went in search of them. I was checking the upstairs when I heard hushed voices coming from my room.
"I think we should tell her about us, angel." Whispered andy
"but we don’t even know if she is a lesbo or not. I don’t want to lose a friend over this." replied angel.
"she’ll find out eventually, even if we don’t tell her. c’mon angel even you have to admit she is totally hot. I wish we could share her"
"we can, it would be kind of kinky but I think I can grow to like kinky" whispered angel.
"so its settled, we’ll share her." I heard andy say and then I heard them getting up and moving towards the door. I dashed as quietly as I could back downstairs. I was still having a hard time believing what I had just heard. I settled down and watched the movie, waiting for them to come down stairs.
I watched as they entered the room and sat down on either side of me. I saw them glance at each other and nod. They scooted closer to me on either side, effectively trapping me. I look between them.
Angel placed her hand on my leg and scooted closer, looking up at me with those big eyes. I felt a faint twinge between my legs just from looking at her. andy also scooted closer to me, I acted clueless just like I was supposed to.
"what’s up guys?" I asked in as innocent a voice as I could.
"diddy we have something to tell you" andy said, sounding nervous and almost terrified. I looked between them, andy was nervous and looked like she was thinking about running. Angel’s eyes were glancing around and her hand as unconsciously rubbing my leg.
"well?" I said
andy drew in a deep breath. Obviously working up the courage to say what she was about to say.
"diddy, we’re, well uh…" she stammered
"tell her" angel urged
" diddy we, me and angel, I mean, well we’re…lesbians! and we are both very attracted to you, but were friends and don’t want to fight over the same girl. so we’ve decided to share you, I mean if that’s alright with you?" she said hurridly, and then looked at me, horrified by what she had just said. Even though I knew what was coming I found it hard to answer them. I shifted nervously between them and opened my mouth to say something.
"come on angel, I told you she was straight, lets go, before we do anymore damage" said andy as she got up. But I grabbed her hand pulled her back down.
"wait" I told her I took a deep breath and said one of the hardest things I had ever said. "yes"
"what did you say?" said andy, her eyes bulging.
"I said yes!" I said to her. I sat there finding it hard not to laugh as andy and angel looked between each other in disbelief. I saw that they were both frozen with shock and put my arms around both of them. I took andy’s chin in my hand and tilted her face up to mine. then I kissed her, I felt her melt against me and whimper into my mouth as I cupped her mouth in my hands. Then I quite suddenly broke the kiss and jumped up and over the back of the couch.
"fem in the streets, fem in the sheets" I chanted tauntingly at them as I skipped out of the room.
"we’ll see who’s fem in the sheet!" I heard them shout in unison and scrabble after me. I saw them charging towards me and nimbly hopped backwards up the stairs, taunting them the whole way. This was a skill I had perfected at the age of
18. But they were faster than I thought they’d be and I saw I wasn’t going to escape this way. I turned around and darted down the hallway.
But I ended up dead ended at the end of the hall. Both of them were advancing on me menacingly. I saw there was no way out and was about to give up when I remembered a scene from Pirates Of The Carribean.
"parley" I said holding up my hands.
"we’ll parley you! You little…" andy growled and they lunged at me.
"eep" I squeaked
that was all I managed to say as they tackled me, and forced me to the floor. Then they began to tickle me until tears were streaming out of my eyes and I had nearly pissed my pants. I found myself lying in andy’s arms as she held me still so I couldn’t fight back. Angel was sitting on top of me know had her hands resting just above my breasts. Then she looked at andy. I felt andy nod and then angel bent down and kissed me hard on the lips. I suddenly remembered the reason this whole thing had started and I kissed her back. I felt angel’s hands on my breasts as andy slipped hers around me making sure I wouldn’t be going anywhere. It wasn’t as if I wanted to go anywhere but between their legs and between them on the bed. but the floor would make a perfect bed for now.
my breath was now coming in ragged gasps as they slid my shirt over my head and then angel buried her face between my breasts as she reached around behind me. she gently rubbed andy’s breasts, extracting a gasp from the busty brunette. Them angel unclasped my bra and pulled it off of me. she twirled it above her head and let out a little victorious whoop. Then she dived face first into my chest. She inhaled my tits causing me to gasp. I felt andy’s hands pulling at my belt she pulled it off and somehow managed to gently play whip angel’s rear. Angel sucked harder on my sensitive breasts as andy slid her hands down my pants. She slid them off of me and began sensously rubbing my thighs and then she gently rubbed at my soaked slit through my drenched panties.
"angel look how wet we’re making her. if you don’t do something about that she may leave a stain that’ll be hard to explain to her folks." Said andy.
"I’ll get it" angel said eccentrically as she pulled away from my tits. She kissed each one lovingly and then started kissing her way down my stomach and abdomen. I felt two pairs of hands rubbing my crotch for a moment then they nearly tore my panties off of me. I gasped and bucked against andy as angel blew gently on my soaked pussy. when she saw that I couldn’t stand her teasing anymore and she gently slid her tongue along my slit. I jumped again and moaned. My moans got louder and higher in pitch as she gently kissed my clit. She began sucking on my clit and I lost all control. I bucked wildly against andy. Andy wrapped herself tightly around me as I thrashed about. She had fortunetly wrapped her legs around angel as well, trapping her with her face in my pussy.
I remember screaming as my first orgasm hit, and my second, and my third. Eventually I reached the point at which my voice couldn’t go any higher. I remember laying there shaking in pleasure, my back arched, and my mouth open in a silent animal scream. I vaguely remember collapsing into andy’s warm and comfortable embrace. Then I blacked out.
I woke up to the feeling of someone kissing my forehead. Then I felt someone dabbing my forehead with a wet cloth.
"mom?" I asked weakly
"not quite" I heard andy say.
"I didn’t think it was possible to kill a person my eating them out. well now I lnow how to deal with my enemies." I heard angel utter. I smiled.
"if that’s murder than I want you murder me every morning, evening, night, and at least three times in between." I murmured and I heard them laughing.
"I could live with that" I heard angel say
"me too" said andy. I looked at them horrified. I hand meant for them to take it literally, but they had. I didn’t think my pussy could survive that much.
"she tasted SO good andy. You just have to try her. I’lll let you have her first." I heard angel whisper. I moaned in disbelief they honestly intended to not let me rest. I shuddered as I felt lips gently kissing my thighs. I realized after a second that it was two sets of lips kissing my thighs. I lifted my head and looked down at them weakly.
"on second thought, lets share her" they said in unison. My eyes widened and I fell back desperately seeking something to stifle the screams I would no doubt soon be emitting. I just then felt two pairs of lips clamping onto my already ravaged pussy. I gasped and jerked as two tongues began probing my swollen pussy. within a minute I had my first orgasm, and then another. They kept going until I passed out again.
when I woke up I heard angels laughter.
"look who’s the fem in the sheets now" andy said as she lay down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. angel laid down on the other side of me and did the same.
"remind me tomorrow, I’ll have to avenge my murder, ten fold!" I muttered as I drifted off again in the arms of these two beautiful women. And I did just that when I awoke the next morning, but that’s another story for another time.
Daughter flashes boob from bikini which leads to a great night... |
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