Gander, My brother earned the name,we used it.
Dad divorced her, that next day ,and took me to Fredia Blooms Finishing School for Girls in Maryland. He worked as the Maintaince Super and taught Home machanics 101 to young debutants that ATE HIM UP. They thought he was Very Brawny and smart, also, 'cause he was cute- for- an -older- guy.He got his Computer AACA certifacation and taught Maintainance of PC and Basic Programing. I helped him with study plans and rebuilding junk 'puters for classroom models with planned problems built in. His lady friend was a sweaty PhysEd assistant Rhodia Parks, We got along great. she was only eight years older than me .5 years older than "Gander" twenty years younger than Dad or Mom( 15 actually).
Mom had 'Gander' at Fourteen and eleven months,and me just exactly 10 months later. then 12 months ten days after me 'till Daulton got here. She turned 17 with us three under her or two of us hanging from her huge tits from 14 until Seventeen and a half. She had tried to get her tubes tied but the law would not allow it. So she had went to kinky shit to substitute for intercourse.
My sex problems were handled by my LIPSTICK VIBE ,and eight or ten good hot baths each week ,with a lufa that made a better lover than any I had known in the week of debauchery back with the others. I wrote Hoddy every week, sometimes twice. We 'called' for one hour each Sunday nite. Got on Computer chat -share and visually masturbated with web cams and audio playing our favorite songs. JD joined her sometimes ,to let me watch them make out. Several times they would have incestious coitus , JUST for me to learn their latest 'new' thing(LIKE OH YEAH for me). We never even tried to meet for holidays because we didn't like saying goodbye again. My brothers wrote short notes. Mom sent cards and paid child support to the court after she got out of eighteen months County jail and was put on house arrest by the State to serve five years for Child porn charges.She Went to Hoddies house on Final Graduation night to make a video of MOTHERLY advice.(for me to ignore). Gander(Hamilton) sent me a sweet BRO-SiSTERLY cartoon,and some Cascades of rose petals. Dalton sent me a picture of him and his new girl Friend. She looked so much like me I had to look twice to make sure they weren't doing the photo magic that they were now famous for. They all gave me their Email addys and Site info. They knew WE had them blocked from ours, even the schools Admin- class system had them blocked.Just as a lark Dalton remotely turned on MY WEB CAM from Hoddies Computer. and sent a huge overscreen " TAKE A GANDER AT THIS!!" we "ROFLAO" at that , and I flashed half of the 38C team at them. with a smile." BET YOU CAN"T EAT just ONE" if I wasn't carful I would be CYBERING with my "HOLE" jam family in a heart beat.Dad wasn't home yet from the cleaners with my 'Altered 'Gown for the Grad-Dance. I was so wet/wild/wanting I had to make an excuse to leave the chat/view and get ready for the BIG-EVENT.
Two weeks into my Eighteenth year and still no steady Beau, or even a prospect.I had the bra built into the strapless/backless/ deep V clevage viewer of a dress and my panties were all I needed on (IF I chose to wear them even) I jumped into the tub at 4;45 four hours before the first Dance. My lufa was in high gear when Dad knocked on the door"Got it , do you want to try it on now?" I threw a towel over the water and invited him in to leave the Graysilver sliver of cloth hanging on the back of the door.
"WoW, I got what I ask for huh Dad?" He was fidgeting as he sneaked a "gander"
into the water to see my dark spots under the white towel. I knew I was about to
do it and didn't stop my self, I just Stood up and stepped out of the tub, with
out towel or even wash cloth. " Put it on for me ,please" I was tucking lip and
pouting like an impish Vexen. He shook so bad he couldn't get it out of the
finesoft plastic cover." Dad,Save me some of that cleaners bag, I hear it makes
a very nice Condom." He was livid and suddenly erected as he held up the brief
SWACH of spandex cloth, for me to lace my arms into and hug him. I even kissed
him on the cheek as He zipped up the eight inches behind me and smoothed out the
twisted flouncy Skirt of organdy. "You have to wear Panties ,Ray-C I can see the
pubic hair when you move." I giggled to him that I liked to see him squirming
with a HANDLE sticking out. He made an attempt at the Door but I carjoled him
into sitting down on the padded "John" ,and giving Me Motherly advise on my
first Real Woman Date. Sweat rolled off of his brow and his shirt went from pale
grey to black-wet in three more minuets. He was aglow ,as I made sure he got IT
brushed on him at every angle. I sat on his KNEE to do my hair and let the slimy
"CUNT"heat burn his big leg muscle.We looked at each other once and I tried to
kiss his lip's but he deflected it to his forehead. I did get a mini-cum on his
leg, before he rose to leave, still dressed in the work clothes uniform.
He met me back at the door, as MY DATE picked me up, and I kissed him on the lips as a 'Thank You' and Reassured him I would be home 11;00.or soon after. He told me 12 was fine then he grinned in to kiss me again, on the lipshotly, this time. As he pressed a condom into my palm." Hey'woman' your an adult now do as you please".
WE danced for an hour and I knew this' Podperson' was not for me.He was a " QUOTE,NuevuoRieche NERD EGO on a stupid stick" I was in the front door at ten fifty ,with a sloppy french kiss, tasteing like ONION ranch dressing ,fouling my sences. Dad was vegged out in the kitchen with a yard of spaghetti and Two forks. Parks had just left and he was still smoking his "after the act" cigarette. I lit one up and told him ,My smoke ,was just to give the moment some flavor. Then I told him what a BUST my date was. BUT!!! several CUTE guy's looked at me differently than before. I reached for his Coffee cup and my right breast fell free of the stiff cupped wire frame" OPPSIES, I done it again" Telling him how it had happened at the Punch bowl, but I had to try harder for it to get OUT. We had a good laugh at that. I stepped out of the gown, while he slipped His bathrobe around me, and stood in his boxers with the front tent poled up, almost covering his navel. I pointed at IT and told him "Parks-ie" forgot to take something home with her. He just pushed it flat to his right and took another sip of OUR coffee. I wanted him inside me so bad I was lubing up my thighs, just from the agitation of being in the room with him, so close to being naked.(my mind flashed back to the night I woke to sperm in my snuggley bed).
"DAD! I have a question you don't have to answer BUTTTTT? did you tuck me in one night back in seventh grade and have an ACCIDENT on my covers?" He fidgetted a moment"You were not asleep were you?" .I answered truthfully "YES but "Gander" would have screwed me , Dalton would have ate me , Mom would have spanked me. Instead I felt all warm and loved with semen smudges on my chest and bedding.It just now occoured to me that you had discovered the SECRET doors ,mini-cams and other stuff mom had fixed up to put us ONLINE live and in color. Thats why you took me the next day and we never went back." He was full of tears and so was I ,as we hugged for too long ,and kissed too deeply. "Dad,***It IS ok with me I want YOU inside me this time " He was shaking his head on my shoulder even as we positioned to get it started while I leaned him back against the sink and let it glide into me until he paused on the sinewy strands of my maidenhead. "I guess no one ever made it that far Daddy!" I rammed down taking us to the kitchen carpet with me sitting on his thighs looking into our union as fresh blood and my slimy goo pooled in the snug fit we made as we prepaired to finish the night right there on the floor . We woke to the quiet sounds of Rhodie Parks fixing coffee around us and trying not to disturbe our total entanglement on the rough textured floor. "Good morning sleepy heads It's 10 oclock are you gonna waste the day snoozing or can we get to the part where I am the root of your EVIL ways?." She brought our coffee to the floor with her and lit a Marlboro for us to pass around. It was a few long moments, before I tried to remove my self from the RE Erected father figure, BUT it was already prodding an Extream Orgasm from me in the CLOSE company of our guest who was mixed in with us some way too.I pissed on the floor due to being on the bottom where I didn't want to interrupt them, nor lose the returning glow in my belly.
Rhodie's first words as she rose to finish Breakfast for us was to look into my Thatch full of Father and Call out loudly to no one inparticuler"TAKE A GANDER AT THAT LOVING COUPLE" we broke down in gales of laughter while trying to explain it too her.
MF / F(strapon)M/ FFM / MF Japanese body idol fantasy affair... |
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