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Friends Sister's Smelly Feet reviews

Posted by Raj
Supr story
Posted by Zaki
I just gave myself my first ever enema and it was very silmpe. I bought one at rite aid, it came in a twin pack and I used one. It is a disposable bottle made of soft plastic filled with a saline solution and comes with a lubricated tip. I added some almond oil to my anus because it is natural and it's safe to use oil based lube in the anus but I'm sure you could use whatever lube works best for you and followed the instructions on the package. It said to lean over on my elbows and provided an illustration, and it said to stay there until I felt a strong urge for elimination, and that is what I did.I took a bath beforehand because I was nervous and wanted to relax, then after I was finished eliminating and I waited until I was absolutely sure I was done I took another bath to relax and clean up any lube, etc. The purpose of the enema in this case was to feel clean before engaging in anal play, and it worked very well. And it was very silmpe and standardized! This video, on the other hand, is unclear and therefore I would deem it unsafe and would hope that those in charge of KinkAcademy will watch this and consider the possibility of removing it. And also, using laxatives for weight control is a form of eating disorder and should not be promoted on this site.
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