Fobidden weekend of nauti pleasure
As my day was about over, we fell asleep naked on the lounge seat until the full moon woke me up. Down in the cabin we then slept until shortly after 10: am. I awoke to warm lips on my mouth, and raging morning wood. As I came to I felt her slide down to my pole & then a warm, wet, heavenly place enveloped me. I started to thrust upward when a hard pinch at my nipple and “stay still” let me know it was her day to direct reading of the poems. Quickly I was brought to a climax as she shuttered her finish from my fingers.
Showers again and damm,,, a breakfast brunch would be really nice. As the windless hauled in the anchor, today‟s boss ordered me to set course to a marina in the next town to have breakfast with friends Don and Dennis. On the way I called the restaurant by radio to say we needed a slip and would like to order breakfast of Eggs Benedict. As I backed the “Nauti ******” in to slip #6 the dock boys quickly tied up the boat and said we were to wait on board for D&D.
We did not have to wait long as the chef and Dennis showed up with breakfast. Not just a breakfast but a feast. The sauce for the eggs Benedict was an original recipe by Dennis that included local oysters. The country fries were cooked in butter with green onions and a hint of fish roe. Orange juice fresh squeezed. As we sat down to enjoy the meal their 5yr old little girl (by Dennis‟s‟ previous marriage) came hollering and running down the dock to jump on the boat with hugs and kisses for us, followed by her other daddy, Don. Don looked puzzled that her hubby and my wifey were not with us but he didn‟t say anything, just, cast a look at Dennis who smiled with a slight shrug.
By now it was becoming afternoon and we needed to work off the food and I was not sure Big Boy could even rise from his overworked condition. The boss ordered course set to the Gulf and a wreck site, Black Bart, we had talked about diving on. Again we were the only ones at the site which is unusual. As we were getting ready to dive she pulled out the toy box and said bend over. I felt her finger working lube into my butt. That felt wonderful as she would rub my prostate and coo in my ear “good?” Immmmm was all I could say. Suddenly followed by a butt plug of medium size and a slap on my cheek to “suite up.” I protested, I can‟t dive with a plug in my ass! Which got me a very hard slap on the butt and a warning, I„m the boss today! …. So I made my first scuba dive ever with a butt plug in my ass.
I must admit this is why I like this lady so much; no holds bared, and is as kinky as I am. After very slowly getting in the water as she laughed, every time I kicked my legs I would feel the plug rub my special place. Damm,,, Big Boy did survive, but that tight dry suit was painful.
The wreck was teaming with fish but we mainly just swam for fun until our air was depleted. Back on the boat we felt the warm salt air on our bodies until we saw a boat approaching. Yep it was our coastie friends again. The Capt wanted to know if we had caught or shot any fish but I could tell the crew was not happy as we were in our robes and had not put on another show for them. They would have been surprised to know I was still plugged and did not really wish to get up. She just laughed at my predicament and said “too bad, boy toy.”
The boss said it was too crowded here and to head to Apalachicola for oysters and stone crabs. Across the Gulf we cruised for the next 2 hours until we arrived at the mouth of the river, then up the river to a place called “Up the creek oyster bar.” A radio call had the dock boys waiting with mooring line as “Nauti ******” easily backed into the slip. Upstairs the bar owner, originally from New York was waiting with two cold Guinness beers. Being from NY she just blurted out where were the other two? I quietly said they were working and should not find out we were playing while the cats were away. She replied, saying “Oh yea, on second thought, that boat looks just like someone else‟s” and off we went to the porch overlooking the river. We dined on fresh Apalachicola oysters, stone crab claws and a homemade desert I have only found there, Green Tea Ice Cream….These folks are the greatest.
Boss was impatient to head up-river to the ICW (Inter Coastal Waterway), and suggested a friends fishing camp for the evening. As we cruised the ICW and seeing all the natural wonders along the way we snuggled and enjoyed each others close company. Just past the Port St. Joe cut, we docked at the fish camp which thankfully was deserted but has a nice boat house to back into and connect to electric power so we did not have to run the generator all night. A call to our friend resulted in his approval and offer of the cabin, but he could not get down at such late notice. Hea Haw we‟re alone….
We laid on the deck until after sunset talking about really nothing until I started laughing. She asked what was so funny… I said you hang up first? She caught on and said “no you hang up first” “ no you”. Just like a couple of kids in high school. The wine ran out so we closed up and went below to fresh clean sheets and another bottle of wine…..
As we settled in I hear her say “strip, studley” Well it is her “Plan” today so I do as ordered. Standing there in my birthday attire Big Boy makes his full appearance in anticipation of things to come. All she said was “that thing will not be necessary for quite some time” Blindfolded and ordered to the bunk on my belly, ropes attached and pulled tight, I felt her soft gentle fingers part my ass cheeks and rub what I thought was Vaseline on my pulsing hole but suddenly I felt and smelled ..OH NO… VICKS,,, ohhhhh the burn & tingle… but at the same time I felt her rub my special spot.. Tingle tingle but ohhhh so good as I wiggle on the bunk then a slightly larger butt plug is slipped into me.
I hear the toy box being opened, but I cannot see through the blindfold so I rub my face on the bed to get it up over one eye, I still cannot see much and my reward is a paddle across my ass several times as I hear, bad, bad toy boy, don‟t make me spank you again. I started fussing and complaining when suddenly a adult baby pacifier is pushed between my lips, I clamp my mouth to prevent entry but I hear a laugh as she painfully pushes the back corner of my jaws until I give in and open up accepting the huge baby pacifier which is tied with a pink ribbon so I can‟t spit it out. Back to darkness and quiet with a big pacifier stuck in my mouth, oh well, remember it‟s her “plan”
I hear what I think is the shower, wondering why now but then the water is shut off and I hear sloshing sounds. The plug is removed, more tingling Vicks, and then a nozzle is inserted, all I can do is shake my head and moan no no no before the very hot & soapy water begins flowing into my ass. I hear her say don‟t leak any… Tied face down I feel her soft hands reach under me to massage my swelling stomach as the first cramp hits, I try to holler but the sassy in my mouth drowns out most of the sounds, however she said” cramp?” I nodded as she shut the water off. More massage then the snap of the clip as water once again flows, this was repeated a couple of more times until the bag was empty. As the nozzle was removed I could hear plastic rustling then I felt something slip under me and pulled up in the back, A DIAPER…. I have never worn a diaper around anyone,, before now. Several pats on my padded butt along with a warning, “no way will that hold two quarts so you had better squeeze tightly…”
The ropes were removed and I was told not to move as I heard the hatch being opened, “OK now get up, remove only the blindfold and go to the swim platform.” I wanted to release so badly by now, I just wanted to get to the potty but she was standing at the doorway pointing to the back of the boat.. I ran up the steps in my diaper and my pacifier with one hand on my butt trying to hold everything in, trying to make it to the back of the boat until I hear, “don‟t you take that diaper off, but you might want to hang your ass over the edge!”
I did just that, and I filled the diaper to over capacity as it ran down my legs but off the edge of the boat. She thought that was the funniest sight ever…Snap and a camera flash… As relief set in I looked down in disbelief of what had just happened. Then I just slipped into the river and asked mistress if I could remove my diaper and pacifier? “Nope, just the diaper, then clean up with the swim shower and come back inside.” (Do you think some fisherman may have caught that huge diaper later as it floated down river?)
Clean and dry I went into the cabin to find she is dressed in a red & black Gothic corset, boots, stockings and a bright red wig and was sitting on the edge of the bed telling me to bend over her knees as another very hot enema is administered along with a paddling for whimpering. This is over the top for both of us however “Le plan se trame.” Diapered again but then pink plastic pants are added to my outfit, which really is an embarrassment & confuses me as we have never in my memory spoken of this. Now the camera comes out again and I must pose while holding in two quarts which is seeking freedom. Big Boy is no help as he obviously is enjoying every moment.
Finally I am ordered to the swim platform again but told to remain standing and let go. Now I have heard some awful sounds following an enema but this was something else as the diaper and plastic pants filled with the warm contents of my belly. But the relief was fantastic…. With permission, again I went over the side into the cold river but had to hold on to the plastic pants. Another trophy diaper swam down the river. This was repeated once more but the enema was given on the back of the boat almost out in the open.
Once dry and down stairs I am greeted with a warm towel and the sassy is removed from my lips and replaced with her warm wet mouth, warm hand on my dick, as she said “good?” Immmmmm
Then she says, ready for the main course? All I can do is nod…
Matching stockings are pulled up my legs, a corset is placed around my midriff
and laced up, I noticed not too tightly, as a bra with inserts comes out. I
started to protest and for my troubles I get the pacifier and several hard
strokes with the paddle, camera takes shots of my very red ass cheeks and red
face. But we are not done yet,,, Eye liner, clip-on earrings and a matching b
right red wig tops off the scene followed by more posing and photos… I am now
thinking I should get a masterful blowjob after all this. Big Boy shows his
Ordered to get on the bunk in doggie position, ropes tied again but before the blindfold is pulled down she sits down and shows me her new toy, A GAL PAL DILDO, as I squirm she explains that one end is designed to go inside her vegina and the other end goes in my ass. A strapless strapon that gives pleasure to both pitcher and catcher.. Although I am shaking my head NO, I am dripping pre cum in anticipation.
She applies lube to my tender hole and gives me a sample of a prostate rub as she climbs up behind and enters me so gently before beginning to thrust and rub against my butt. Now I have had a strapon used on me before but the wife was in a hurry to get it over with. Now I can see the difference between men screwing and women screwing. I look into the mirror at the front of the bed and I can see her face as she slowly pushes and pulls enjoying the new feelings as I go along for the ride. Soon I am struggling to stay on my knees as she says, “baby I am going to untie you so you can roll over on your back. As she pulls out I have an empty feeling that needs to be addressed immediately, I look down at the wet spots on the sheet from my dripping. My legs are quivering from the anticipation of what is about to happen.
Once on my back the sassy is removed as she puts a pillow under my ass, my hands are tied, I feel helpless but wish her back inside me. My wish is granted as she slides so delicately inside my waiting hole while pushing my legs up. I think of all the times I have done this to her & others but not as gently and seductively. As we begin again she kisses me with full tongue as I taste her lips and feel her gently thrusting in and out, rubbing my special place. Her hands kneed my nipples, then an unsuspected tweek causes me to arch up. This makes me clench tightly to hold her inside. This causes her to moan as the GAL PAL tries to pull out of her, Ahhhh I have a weapon,, Now it is a game to make her cum first but then she reaches back , I hear a click then the vibrations have me lost in never, never land as my prostate gets rubbed at 90 miles an hour. Sensing total collapse on my part she lightly strokes Big Boy. Shortly I scream like a girl as my nuts spout fourth baby batter that would put the fountain at the Belliago in Vegas to shame, but I‟m quickly drowned out by her climax which produces three times the amount of hot liquid as she collapses on top of me panting and trying to catch her breath. Thankfully my weak, trembling legs are lowered & stretched back out. I am covered in her hot wetness, what a great feeling.
As we hugged for a few moments, I said “ usually about this time, the male, on top is supposed to ask where is the TV remote?” She started laughing and slowly began to hump my ass again. Women can recover so much quicker, I don‟t understand why they don‟t lead the sex charge.
I just put my hands in back of my head and let her go. I mentioned a little more lube, and she started to get up but I said no, just add lube… She was having so much fun and I was riding the wave. Shortly, amazingly I became aroused again and feeling the tingle of being screwed, I did not want it to ever end.
All too quickly for me, she had her usual several orgasms in a row and I managed a couple of dribbling cums. But by now we were exhausted and fell asleep right in place. She snuggled up a little later and I felt the GAL PAL still in place but she pulled it out of her before snuggling again.
When I woke up I still had on the stockings, corset, one earring, eyeliner and the pacifier hanging around my neck as I heard the click of the camera and more laughter. Is she going to sell me happy marriage insurance with those photos?
It was cold but we swam naked in the river enjoying our limited time remaining. Both of us were sore but very happy. I asked her how she thought up last night? She has been watching postings on a website and thought it would be fun to mix a few new things. What a Gal!
We had a brunch of sorts from the fridge cooked by me and enjoyed on the boat
minus clothing. I smeared strawberry jam on her nipples and of course had to
lick it off, she reciprocated but it got out of hand & we were a sticky mess so
we went back in the river for a final swim.
Snuggled together we surfed the ICW back to the Gulf and home port. Once at the
marina I kissed her goodbye as she returned to her vanilla husband and me to my
busy wife.
The cleaning lady (of 4 years now) that takes care of the boat looked at me very funny as I piled so many bed sheets on floor, making sure all cameras and toys were accounted for before turning the boat over to her discrete and very capable hands. She has seen the stained sheets before along with foot prints over the bed, and never said a word, the linen & towels always come back spotless.
The deck hands were just as quick to pump out the holding tanks and refuel for
the next adventure. If you were to ask any of them if the boat had left port, I
am very sure the answer would be NO.
The cleaning lady and dock boys always get a very nice tip for putting up with
me and Nauti T*******. I am sure they are thinking “That lucky bastard”
Now understand I would not trade my bride for anyone else but occasionally the forbidden fruit is very nice to enjoy.
PS. Wifey arrived home on time and said she had an OK time. I asked if she knew anyone there, she blushed and said ”well Mark showed up so we hung out together” I hugged her and rubbed her crotch but she flinched like she was sore, slapped my hand away and said” stop that, you‟re always horny, maybe later.” I knew we both had partaken of the forbidden fruit and were very satisfied. Not all the details are included here but the really good stuff is.
Later that evening still at home and kind of out of character, we sat quietly on the edge of the lake with a glass of wine, watching the sun set across the lake. With my arm around my sole-mate, I nibbled on her ear and asked if she had any regrets with our lives? That little shake, side to side of the head said volumes as she turned and gave me a big wet kiss. I guess we will settle back into our routines until the next time.
What happened on “Nauti ******” stays on the boat, what happened in New Orleans I don‟t need to know…. (but would like a video just to critique technique.)
SF if you are reading this, I hope you are not too mad. I had a wonderful time
and had to share this with the world. Love ya baby!
Like it, send me an email-- fire8743 at yahoo dot com
After Tom went to the kitchen to mix the drinks, Lincoln and Elena sat down on the couch, and much to Elena's surprise a consternation, Lincoln gently leaned over and kissed her full on the lips while cupping her large breasts through her flimsy dress!!!... |
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