Flight to the Past
Chapter 6
I waited impatiently outside the Winslow Arms. It was a bright but very cold
morning and I wondered how Jammarree would fare in this bitter weather. I had
previously had two rooms set aside for Jammarree and myself with Jenny the
landlady. I did not think that Jammarree would wish to travel further this day.
I suspected we would use only one bed that night, but for the sake of
appearances I had taken the two rooms.
Eventually the coach came in sight round the corner and pulled to a stop.
Jammarree was the first to alight wearing a straw hat and carrying a small
bundle. She rushed towards me her arms outstretched as I took her in my arms and
hugged her close to me. There was a lot of pent up love in that hug we gave each
We entered the inn taking a table next to the roaring log fire and ordered food.
Jammarree was very hungry. She told me how as soon as I had gone Roger Winslow
had snatched her and told her she was no longer free, he had torn up her papers
and kept her locked up. She thought that he was now probably sterile as a result
of his various venereal illnesses as he had left her well alone sexually. On
getting his passage to England on the Mohammad 2, he obviously did not know that
the ship belonged to me. H had wanted to keep her with him, but the Captain had
imprisoned Roger Winslow in his cabin, knowing full well my hatred for Winslow,
and freed her in the custody of the Rev Hapgood who was returning home to
England after doing Missionary work in Africa.
I sat in silence as she told me her story, becoming even more enraged as it
unfolded. It was then that Jenny's husband who was the official tenant of the
Winslow Arms approached me and said in a very hostile voice.
"My Lord I can not have a blackamoor in the guest rooms, but she may if she
wishes bunk down in the stables."
I stood up and was about to hit him, when Jenny his wife who was just clearing
some dishes nearby intervened.
" She stays in the room reserved for her by her Lordship and that's final." She
told her husband.
I told him my voice cold with anger. "I own these premises and the tenancy is
given at my discretion I think you have just given me due cause to consider
reviewing your tenancy here."
Jenny was livid with her husband and set about him with a meat dish. After we
had gone to my room, Jenny came and apologised for her husband. I told her that
I was ending his tenancy and transferring it to her instead, a move which was
rather unusual in those days.
" Whether you employ him or not will be your problem Jenny "I told her.
The next day we travelled back home. Jammarree was made welcome by everyone
including my sister where she was treated as a guest and ate with the family. I
had a meeting with Rev Hapgood thanking him for looking after Jammarree, I then
explained the problem that we had relating to the ex vicar.
I offered the Rev Hapgood the living subject to the Bishops approval which
relieved me of one of my most pressing problems.
In the meantime I was being pressed by Mistress Roper to give some attention to
my properties in London. I felt that now would be a good time to call on Lord
Archer and tell him that I no longer wished to be affianced to his daughter
He almost had a heart attack at the prospect of having no saviour for his debts.
I did however assure him that I would appoint a manager who would report to me,
to bring his properties back into profit. I told him however he would have to
curb his outgoings and operate within a strict budget, or else I would
Anne-Marie was livid with rage and threatened to sue me for 'Breach of Contract'
which was of course allowed in those days. I then assured her that if she wished
to do so, then she should go ahead, but that my offer of help to her father
would be removed and we would foreclose on the estate forthwith. At this she
reconsidered her actions. Satisfied that Jammarree was now safe and with my
family and she had decided to act as companion to my sister I decided the time
was now ripe to travel to London.
I had previously made arrangements to have my arch enemy Roger Winslow followed,
as he made his way round London where he had many contacts. He had tried to get
access to the old Winslow home, but I had taken steps to ensure that the staff
their did not admit or befriend him in any way. I got weekly reports on his
movements and activities. He had, according to my reports been making vast use
of previous acquaintances and friends, he had borrowed money and scrounged
accommodation from a variety of sources. But in time these contacts began to
shut their doors to him encouraged by my agents who took great care in
blackening his character in any way possible.
He was fast wearing out his welcome from all these sources. He apparently had
been offered sanctuary by one of the new rich Northern Industrialists who
offered him funds to marry his overweight and very plain daughter. Winslow was
keen to accept this offer, until I deliberately spread the word that he had or
was suffering from several venereal diseases obtained in Zanzibar. The offer was
quickly withdrawn and he was back without hope.
The only point of saving grace and indeed the only asset he had was his title. I
knew that many families would willingly marry their daughters to him just for
the title. This possibility was a big danger to my plans, and I had to be sure
that this did not happen. The time was coming when I knew I had to act to end it
Friends were growing tired of his company and his continual sponging and society
at large had come to appreciate that he was indeed on a downward spiral. The
time was approaching when even I began to feel slightly sorry for him, but that
soon changed when I thought of the suffering he had inflicted on my Jammarree
and so many other people. The suffering he was experiencing was nothing to the
evil he had been responsible for and especially the evil he had done to my
beloved Jammarree and her family He had started visiting brothels and had been
ejected and beaten up for non payment, and for raucous and drunken behaviour.
This was good news for me, and now it was my intent to accelerate the downward
spiral in any way I could thus ensuring his eventual destruction. An outline
plan was forming in my mind, and to that end I sent orders to the captain to
bring the Mohammad 2 round to the port of London to await further instructions.
She had loaded in Bristol and was about to return to Zanzibar and was due to
berth within a few days...
On arriving in London Emily Roper and I, got settled into our London Home then
we decided to visit 35 Curzon street. We went without warning and found it was a
large spacious house, previously having belonged to a wealthy family who had
lost their fortune, through sheer neglect Large parts of the house were in decay
and unused. The house was dirty and the girls looked seedy and past the age when
customers would wish to be entertained by them. The Madam in charge a lady by
the name of Daisy Watling an ex whore was well sizzled on gin when we arrived,
she was filthy in appearance and it did not take us long to find out that she
had been helping herself to the profits.
Within an hour we had ejected her on to the streets and recovered over 250
guineas from her belongings We closed the premises, and told the girls to clean
the place up and themselves while we made a decision on the future of the
premises. I was convinced that this was the bottom end of the market. We would
need to implement much needed improvements as I was wishing to make our brothels
more efficient. Meanwhile we moved along the street to No 75 and there we found
that there was a considerable improvement both in the standard of the girls
employed and the cleanliness of the premises, but there was still much to be
Emily and I talked long into the night and we decided that we would improve
number 35 and bring it to a much higher standard, but with No 75 we would move
it up market to become a "Gentleman's Club". We planned to introduce bigger and
better gaming tables, a high class restaurant and one of the new sauna's from
Sweden that we had heard such a lot about. In addition their would be a number
of hostesses who would entertain members either for a short period and overnight
if required. They would be capable of providing members with a wide range of
sexual services. In this case, we decided to keep the present Madame to help
with recruitment of new younger girls and to train them where necessary.
The membership costs would be high enough to only attract only the upper class's
or wealthy industrialists. In addition, discretion would be the keyword in these
operations. The only problem we had would be who we could put in charge of all
these structural changes. Suddenly it occurred to me that probably the best
person would be the streetwise Annie, who I had met in the stables and had spent
a few relaxing nights with. Emily was firmly opposed to this idea, but I argued
she was street wise and knew London well, and we would let her monitor and
arrange all the building work. If she did a good job then we could consider
further responsibilities for her.
We sent for her as a matter of post haste, and despite her fears of arrest she
joined us five days later. In the meantime we had ascertained that she was not
wanted for murder or anything else. She arrived bright eyed and very curious as
to why she had been sent for. However when it was explained to her what was
required and gave her a budget to get the job done she could not believe her
We moved her into our new town house at Portland Square which previously was the
Winslow residence where Emily and I were both living and Emily set about
providing a new wardrobe for Annie in line with her new post and
responsibilities. She took to her new responsibilities with zest and vigour and
even Emily had to agree that she was indeed good choice.
I had recently decided to take my seat in the house of Lords, where I was
greeted enthusiastically by most of the peers. It was obvious to me that my
newly acquired wealth was a great source of discussion and before long I was
being approached by a number of needy causes.
I soon became bored with the City of London and both Emily and were longing to
get back home. I spent a lot of time with Annie and each day she increasingly
she impressed me with her astute observations and the way in which she handled
both the builders and the recruitment of new girls. Both clubs were now due to
open well ahead of time and Annie was the person who must take all the credit
for this. The builders did not like being ordered around by a young attractive
girl, but they soon realised that she had my backing, and knew which side their
bread was buttered.
Meanwhile I had met the Mohammad II when she docked and I had a long conference
with the captain. I made it clear that Winslow would be signed on as an ordinary
seaman and he was not to arrive alive in Zanzibar. He was to be employed on the
most demeaning and soul destroying jobs and the captain and crew were allowed to
treat him in the most soul destroying ways they could devise. Above all if he
survived, he was to be thrown alive to the sharks in the Red Sea as a
retribution to the way in which he had treated Jammarree and her family.
I was on the dock side when Winslow was brought to the ship by my agents. He was
sozzled with drink and was really not aware of what was happening to him. The
captain received him and he was quickly stripped of his clothes and washed by
the hands from the deck water pump. As he was taken below to await his fate, the
captain ordered sails to be set and the Mohammad II turned seaward. I stood and
watched her go, but nowhere in my heart could I find any form of remorse for my
In the following week I returned to Wiltshire and my home in time to hear that
Lady Hammond was now a widow. I attended her husbands funeral, but I knew that
it would be at least a year before we could marry as she had to go through the
official period of mourning. We did however agree that at the end of the
official mourning period we would announce our engagement.
Anne Marie quite quickly found another fiancù with money and on her marriage the
debts on her fathers estate were paid in full.
It was one evening about four weeks after I had finished my business with
Winslow that I was making love to Jammarree. She had arrived at my bedroom
unexpectedly, but as always I was glad to see her. She was particularly excited
and we were soon in the bed. I held her close and kissed her gently wrapping my
arms round her. Her eyes were closed as we kissed her tongue swirling around
mine. Her lips were soft and wet and her body was warm and pressed hard against
mine. Her perfume I recognised as one that Emily had bought for me to give to
her whilst I was in London it was very erotic and I could feel my arousal come
to its full size Jammarree was extremely passionate as always, but tonight
somehow was different from before.
We had always enjoyed our love making but tonight had an extra quality to it.
She kissed my neck my throat and ears, leaving no area unkissed. She had lovely
firm breasts and as I fondled them I knew from her responses that tonight they
were extra sensitive to my fondling.
I had always admired Jammarree's breasts, they were beautifully firm, with huge
dark nipples that sat right in the centre. I fondled them reverently and
Jammarree's body responded with a shiver and a gasp My darling "I love you so
much you will always be mine for all time" she whispered.
I took as much of each nipple in my mouth as I could and sucked hard on each
nipple in turn. Jammarree was her usual sensuous sex loving self, but all the
time tonight seemed very special, her breathing was eratic and her body twisting
and turning and her moans were long and loud.
She lay back on the bed and spread her legs. "Sire its time -come to me now
I lay back on the bed and she straddled me, as we started moving and within
seconds that she went over the edge with the most intense, longest orgasm that I
had ever experienced from any woman before.
I gradually came round as my juices flooded up into her and I knew that
something had somehow changed.I looked up to see her beautiful smiling black
face leaning down to kiss me.
"Thank you my darling, for everything"
She kissed me fondly and we drifted off to sleep with her held closely in my
arms. I awoke later and Jammarree was still asleep. I wrapped my arms closely
around her to hold her tight. Then I realised that she had a lovely smooth back,
her scars had disappeared. I sat up and rolled her over on to her stomach and I
could see that her back was free of all those horrible deforming scars.
She rolled over on to her back and smiled up at me. She spoke quietly and
lovingly." My darling Anthony now we can be together for the rest of our life,
and now we can have that family that we used to talk about."
"But your scars - have I been dreaming. She just smiled enigmatically at me, and
she took hold of both my hands and showed them to me and I realised that the
three rings I had purchased as Lord Amesworth were still there on my fingers.'
Yes my darling you still have those, but this is the most precious jewel of all
and this is ours to keep." As she spoke she was playing with my cock.
I threw a condom at Josh. "I've only got one of these, make it last"... |
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