Flight to the Past
Flight To The Past: Chapter 1:
Note. This story uses Oxford English Dictionary spelling. It has no relationship
to persons living or dead, to estates or titles. The name places are used for
convenience with no other reason.
It was a miserable morning in December, my marriage was in tatters and I was
stoney broke with only a few miserable possessions I had left in a case left at
the local Salvation Army. Someone had told my wife that I was having an affair
with my bosses daughter. She also told my boss, with the result that I was
homeless, penniless and out of work.
It was in this state of misery that I entered the art gallery and walking round
just killing time looking at the different items on display. Suddenly my eye was
caught by a coaching scene on the far wall. The scene showed a coach outside a
country inn called the Winslow Arms and a beautiful young black girl in a straw
hat and with a shawl round her shoulders carrying a small bag leaving a coach
and rushing towards a young aristocrat, both of them with their arms
outstretched in greeting. It said underneath circa 1600 and the artists name was
Andrew Brough.
I stood their for about five minutes staring at the picture, entranced and
absorbing every minute detail, when I became conscious of a young black lady
standing by my side. I looked down at her and immediately I looked back again at
the girl in the picture
"You are that girl." I said impetuously.
She gave a tinkling laugh "And you are the young man rushing to greet me"
I looked again and I admit I could see the resemblance if we allowed for the
change in the style of clothes and hair.
"Yes it is you and me and this scene goes back over 400 years to when we were
lovers. My name is Jammarree."
Then suddenly as though a switch had been turned on, the name meant something to
me, but what, I was not immediately sure.
Suddenly she said." Yes darling we were lovers in that life and now I want you
to come home with me my darling Anthony so that we can talk. It is not far and
we have much to discuss."
We took a cab and within a few minutes we pulled up outside a very unpretentious
terraced house. She opened the door with a key that she took from her handbag.
Once inside she turned and looked at me.
"Anthony dear I was your lover in a previous life and I have brought you here
today because I want you to go back to that time to exact vengeance on the man
who did us both terrible wrongs."
"In that life you were very rich and very successful, you were a rake and you
inherited the title of Lord Amesworth, you were one of the richest men in the
country and known as a serial womaniser. I was a slave of yours and you raised
me to be your mistress. Society would not approve you marrying a blackamoor like
me then, but you treated me with kindness and respect and I wanted for nothing.
There was however a man, another aristocrat like yourself who treated us both
badly and I want you, my darling to go back in time to exact revenge for us
All the time she was talking I had been watching the expressions on her face,
gradually I realised that what she was saying made sense and I remembered then
how much I had loved this beautiful lady. It was then that I broke into her
" The name the Hon Richard Winslow springs to mind"
I said and her face broke into a huge grin and she leapt on to my lap and
started kissing me.
"You are beginning to remember everything my darling."
To say I remembered everything was not true, but the more we talked the more
little flashes came to the forefront of my mind.
Jammarree had been kissing me furiously and now she stood up and dragged me to
the adjoining bedroom.
After a while she said "Darling Anthony lets make love again before you go back
in time, to avenge our common enemy."
As she was speaking she was shedding her clothes, it was then that I saw the
scars on her back. My memory came flooding back.
"Yes I remember now it was Winslow who did that to you."
"Yes darling and he raped me and raped and killed my mother and two sisters and
I would probably have gone the same way if you had not come to my aid."
I knew then, that I wanted her so badly and I knew also the feeling was mutual
as I looked at her beautiful black smiling face " Then I reached across and
gently stroked her cheek.
"You are still very beautiful."
A single tear floated down over her cheek and she smiled tenderly. She reached
out and stroked my face with her nails, then pulled me close to her. And then
suddenly we were kissing. Jammarree kissed me softly and lightly at first, her
lips barely touching mine. She pushed me back on the bed and she straddled me,
and the kisses stayed soft but became less tentative. I loved how soft her hands
were on my bare skin, how light her touch was. Her brown hands made a sexy
contrast with my white skin.
Suddenly she stopped and looked down at me, now her face was deadly serious.
"Anthony dear you know what you have to do - you have to destroy Winslow and if
you can make him suffer you will have my eternal gratitude. I want him to go to
hell, to pay for all the people he destroyed I will try to get you out if things
go wrong, but darling I will be there with you now and for always. If you do not
want to help me get revenge you can get up and go, but now if we go ahead and
renew our union you will be committed and you will wake up in the past. But you
will be endowed with the extra equipment and stamina that I can give you, as you
need to be a huge success with the ladies."
I did not care and I did not really take in what she was saying to me at the
time. I wanted my Jammarree I put my arms up and round to her back, softly
massaged lightly caressing those scars and when my hand brushed her buttocks,
she looked at me intently for a second, and resumed her kisses.
Jammarree closed her eyes when our lips touched. But she opened them widely
again when she felt my hands on her breasts. She looked down and my hands were
fondling her breasts, cupping and squeezing and stroking gently.
"Au Revoir baby" " Jammarree whispered.
I stared at her breasts as I caressed them. They were the colour of light
chocolate, the nipples like buds of hot cocoa. I gently licked at her nipples.
Jammarree moaned and arched her back, allowing me easier access, slipping her
hand around the back of his head. She took some hand lotion from a side table,
rubbed it on her hands, then began to lightly stroke my cock. It became hard
almost right away, quickly extending past her thumb. My cock was so erect it was
ready to burst. Slowly, Jammarree put her lips around the tip of my cock, and
sucked. Each time she went down, she went down a little more, until my entire
cock was inside her mouth, then back up slowly and back down.
At first she moved slowly, but speeded up as her confidence increased, and my
quiet moans and groans became louder, to let her know she was still good at
this. Then suddenly she stopped
"Darling it is time for you to go"
Her vagina muscles were like a pair of lips pressed together, but she was so wet
I went inside her like a whisper. She wiggled a little bit but soon I was inside
her up to the full length of my cock then she held on to me tight as she began
moving up and down on me. Jammarree started with her hands on my shoulders, but
soon I was holding on tight, My face in between her breasts.
"Au revoir my darling..." She said once again.
She cried out as I started to come in a long pumping action,, as I came back to
earth. I realised that it was not Jammarree riding me but a very buxom serving
wench. I was coming inside her in long spurts.
"Oh that be wonderful my Lord." she cried. "Thankee my lord"
I was instantly aware of the foulness of her breath and I knew that I was in
another bed and in another time. As she rolled off the bed I looked down at
myself and I realised that my cock had grown to an impressive size. It was much
bigger than anything I had ever seen on any other man before. Now I realised
what Jmmarree meant when she had made that cryptic remark.
"Thank you Dolly"
I murmured and I reached out for my purse and gave the girl half a guinea.
"Oh thankee my Lord, it were a real good fuck, anytime thee wants me, I be ready
for ee My Lord."
"She scurried from the bedroom slight bandy legged I thought. carrying her empty
coal bucket. I sat up and found I was encased in a long cotton night shirt and
that there was a roaring fire in the grate. All this was so familiar and yet I
remembered as if in a dream, my recent encounter with Jammarree and what my
mission was.
I remembered then that this had been my fathers room, with the big wardrobes and
thick carpets. I imagined even now that I could smell his very masculine odour.
I jumped out of bed making my way to the window looking out to an early morning
scene in a frosty farm yard. The scene was all too familiar, horses being led
from the stables to the fields and the milkmaids scurrying around with milking
pails on yokes across their shoulders and others making their way to start their
days work wherever that may be on the farm.
Their was a timid knock on the door and my valet Hudson slipped into the room
with some hot water which he placed carefully on the washstand.
"Her Ladyship is in the large dining room having breakfast my Lord. She has
expressed a wish to speak with you as soon as possible."
I recalled the frosty welcome from her the night before. In truth, I had little
affection for my mother, no it would be truer to say I had no affection for my
mother, as I remembered my childhood. As children, my sister Ethel and myself
were left to a string of Governesses. My mother engaged a wet nurse for us as
soon as we were born and we would be lucky if we saw her at any other time when
we were growing up other than the compulsory church attendance on a Sunday when
she made one of her rare appearances at this our country home. It was a
requirement that all the family, tenants and estate workers should attend the
local church. As the squire my father and our family sat at the front of the
church where old Rev Richmond gave his lengthy boring sermons.
After my valet Hudson had dressed me, I made my way to the dining room. My
mother sat at the head of the table in the place where I should now be sitting
as head of the household.
"I perceive mother in your usual arrogance you are sat in the wrong place now
that I am at home. I sit at the head of the table "
For the first time that I could ever remember she looked ill at ease.
"My Lord I shall be moving shortly to the Dower House as is the custom."
I replied " I presume that shortly means in the next few hours my Lady. The
sooner I see the back of you the better. I shall of course make you an annual
allowance, but there is no need whatsoever for us to have any other contact."
I sat at the bottom of the table in the place which my mother should have been
sat. The fare presented before me to eat was not of the best, but I ate to keep
my hunger under control.
" I hear that you are a very rich man by all accounts." My mother said quietly.
" No doubt the proceeds of slavery like that Winslow boy."
" No doubt mother, if that is what you have heard and care to believe." I
I realised that morning how much that I really hated my mother. She produced
children to please my father and having produced a daughter in my sister Ethel,
she was then obliged to produce a boy as an heir that my father needed. I am
sure that from that time on my father was encouraged to take his sexual needs
elsewhere, both from whores, local willing ladies, or from the female staff in
the house. This of course was not at all unusual. In these times men took their
pleasures where they wished and wives could do very little about it.
"Of course mother if as you suspect the proceeds are from slavery I should
suppose that my wealth is anathema to you and you would not wish to be tarnished
by my supporting you with the proceeds."
I could see that my comments had hit home and she was fearful that I would carry
out my threat.
"Not at all my Lord. I was jut making conversation."
The stream of governesses that we experienced as children saw to our education.
Most of them were quite good and did their best, but inevitably they could not,
or could not, accept the lack of interest from my mother and they came and went
in a steady stream. My sister Ethel and I were very much left to our own devices
and as we matured we became quite sexually active together. Being a very old
house it was riddled with secret passages and it was quite easy for Ethel and me
to peep into rooms where perhaps the butler, or our father, were having their
way with the female members of staff.
Soon the two of us were fucking regularly and most nights would see Ethel and
myself tucked up in bed together. At one stage we were aided by a willing
governess who much to Ethels dismay decided to take her place one night and give
me the benefit of her experience. Gradually I started taking advantage of one or
two of the household maids who were not only willing, but obliged for fear of
losing their jobs.
One day of course I was discovered in bed with my sister Ethel... My father gave
me a terrible thrashing and when I recovered I was sent away to the colonies in
disgrace with a small pittance of an allowance to cover my expenses. On arriving
in the colony of Zanzibar I fell in with Winslow. I knew him as a neighbour and
at that time we were tolerably friendly. He introduced me into the slavery
trade, however I was soon sickened by the unnecessary cruelty and brutality and
my heart was not in it. I had however, made a lot of money in a short time.
One night I saw a young Arab being assaulted by footpads and drawing my sword I
waded in and sent his assailants all packing. I gave him first aid and after a
time we became good friends. Mohammad advised me to venture my ill gained wealth
with him and his father in the spices and silks business and general
international trading. Their advice was good and I became extremely rich quite
quickly. In time we became partners and from then on we really prospered. We had
a fleet of twenty trading ships and a large number of dhows working for us.
That morning as I sat facing my mother, I realised that my mother had delighted
in believing the bad stories about me and who was I to disabuse her. I had to do
my duty and support her, but I did not have to like her or do anything else for
I instructed Ramsden the Butler to send the housekeeper and the estate manager
to me after breakfast and to instruct them to bring the books of account with
them. The butler advised me that Mrs Roper was in effect the estate manager and
she supervised the accounts of both the estate and the house, and that the
housekeeper worked under her guidance.
He said " His Lordship made the changes some three years ago and it has worked
This was indeed an unusual arrangement, in fact it was unknown for women to take
any responsible position. It was just not done in this time.
I said after a little thought "Very Good but I will still see Mrs Roper and send
the estate manager to me later. Tell him to be available."
After breakfast I made my way to my study, or rather what used to be my fathers
study. I was surprised to find that it was occupied by a very trim attractive
lady in her early thirties. She turned and smiled at me and curtsied and said.
"Good Morning your Lordship. I am Emily Roper and I have all the books of
accounts ready here for your inspection."
She immediately aroused my interest in every way, she sounded competent, she
looked competent and she also looked very sexy.
A brief scan showed the books were kept in a neat and tidy manner. It was very
unusual for ladies to be able to read or write yet to do sums or take part in
business in this age was unheard of...
"Sit down Mistress Roper."
I said standing politely until she was comfortably seated. She spoke rather
"I have been acting as estate manager for your father and also in the ten months
since his death. Your father made some very good investments, but you do need to
act quickly My Lord, especially regarding the Winslow estate and other overdue
"Why"? I asked.
"Well my Lord your father lent money to Lord Winslow against almost every asset
of the Winslows estate, over the years to cover his gambling debts, he has since
died and the loans and interest are now all well overdue."
"That is an easy decision, so foreclose and take possession immediately " I said
She looked slightly shocked at my decision.
"We are also owed much money on Lord Archers estate...
" How much?" I asked.
"Nearly fifty thousand guineas. My Lord, almost more than the estate is worth."
Thinking quickly, I remembered that his daughter the very attractive Hon Anne-
Marie Archer was betrothed to Roger Winslow and immediately the outline of a
very devious plan began to form in my mind.
"Ah well send and tell him that I shall wait on him shortly with a view to
discussing his indebtedness and how he proposes to repay me."
She looked relieved but rather puzzled at my leniency to Lord Archer.
We then went through a number of other outstanding debts and I decided to
foreclose on a large number whilst giving others time to repay. I decided to be
tough and get myself well known.
"How is it my father made so much money.?" I asked her.
" Well My Lord your father bought two brothels in Curzon St in London and seeing
the possibilities he added gambling rooms to the best one. He encouraged all his
cronies to visit and he became very rich through the profits of the brothels and
the winnings from the gambling rooms, despite his warnings, many stupid people
started to lose quite heavily and gave notes on their properties hence he was
able to take their land, houses and other assets as security. Many were sold and
others rented back to the original tenants at a profitable rent"
Mistress Roper was obviously very efficient and seemed to me to be very
trustworthy. My background in business allowed me to get a better understanding
of the estate accounts and I sensed that all was not well with some of the
tenant farmers. This was shown clearly by the vast amount of arrears in rent
payments and the lack of money spent on tenant repairs.
" I understand that your husband is the estate manager, he does not seem as
efficient as you are yourself Mistress Roper and that the tenant farms show a
lack of prosperity."
I looked closely at her and she was obviously embarrassed.
"Nay don't worry Mistress Roper I shall see for myself before the day is out."
I sat back and looked at her. "I have no doubt Mistress Roper that you were the
brains behind the whole of my fathers operation. Much as I loved and respected
him, I doubt my father had the ability to do this on his own. "
She blushed and said coyly. "My father was a banker sire. and I learned the
lessons well from him".
I suddenly had a thought and I looked carefully at her. "I dare say Mistress
Roper that you were also my fathers mistress.
Am I not right?"
She blushed and looked away. "My Lord I am a married woman."
"That is no answer." I replied cynically.
It was then that a knock on the door brought in her husband. My first thoughts
were right, he was a shifty looking man dressed in a dark green coat with his
tricorn hat tucked under his arm and had great trouble standing still. After he
had come forth with some groveling comments and small talk which did not impress
me I said.
"Roper saddle up my stallion Devil and we will tour as much of the estate as we
can before mid day."
We left the Manor with Roper following in my wake. The more I saw of the man,
the more I disliked him. Within the hour I knew that I had cause for concern. It
was obvious the tenant farmers had little love or respect for him and it was
clear that the tenants had been given little support following two bad harvests.
It was a mystery to me why my father had not intervened and then I realised that
probably some form of blackmail had probably been employed. In other words, he
allowed my father to sleep with his wife and in exchange he was allowed excess
freedom to milk the estate funds. I guessed somehow that he also imposed his
presence on some of the tenants farmers wives and daughters, a point which was
confirmed on my final farm visit.
I had at some point during that mornings inspection decided to dismiss the man
and on arriving at the last farm on our route. I sent him on back to the home
farm and rode down to an extremely dilapidated farm, a farm that I had
remembered as being extremely prosperous in my youth.
As I dismounted the door opened and I was confronted by a young lady with lovely
golden hair and I remembered too, that she had been called Joan a housemaid who
worked at the Manor house. I also remembered that I had before my departure
enjoyed her favours from time to time.
She curtsied and said "Welcome My Lord dost thou remember me?"
I replied "Aye Joan that I do and you are even more beautiful than I
remembered." I turned my attention to a young child of about four years of age
hanging on to her skirts.
"And this be Agnes your Lordship the offspring of one our nights of passion
For a moment I was stunned, and embarrassed somehow, I knew that she was right.
She opened the door wider and invited me inside the farmhouse. I observed.
"Things do not go well for you Mistress Joan?"
"Nay My Lord I am being evicted next quarter day, your steward will not give me
time to pay my dues. Unless I am prepared to lie with him, a thing that I will
not do My Lord. He assumes that because I am a widow woman that I will give
myself to any man."
"Fear not Mistress Joan you will not be evicted without my say so." I told her
as I gave her five guinea pieces which was all the money I had with me.
"This mistress is only part of what I owe thee, for the support of our child and
more will follow. l do however, believe that it is not possible for you to stay
on in this farm so I will ensure that you have adequate employment at the manor
and accommodation, but leave it with me and I will inform you of my decision in
the matter."
I was boiling with rage as I returned to the manor. I dismissed Roper on the
spot and gave him four hours to vacate his home.
He was not a happy man and swore vengeance on me, at which I had two labourers
throw him in the duck pond and gave him only an hour to be gone.
On entering the house I sent for Mistress Roper and told her what had
"You are not dismissed Mistress Roper, you still have employment, but I will
understand if you wish to follow your man.
Just let me know what your intentions are as soon as possible."
A mother and son come together - unexpectantly... |
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