Fishing for Fisher : Part 1

(Part 2 from 2)

Conner squirmed but the other two skaters held him in place. Then the leader took Conner's bracelet off his wrist and put that in his pocket. Then he stole Conner's cell phone off of him. They were robbing him of everything he had!
"You son of a bitch!" Conner said, still trembling with fear and now anger. "Your a fucking thief!"

The head skater spit right in Conner's face and then rubbed it in with his hand. Then, he pulled Conner's head back with his hair, and got right in the helpless young man's face. "Son of a bitch, huh? You're the bitch. We're gonna humiliate you."
"Why? What did I do?" Conner asked, his eyes wide.
"You didn't do anything," the skinny punk sneered and slapped Conner in the mouth. "Let's show him, guys...."

The two boys on either side of Conner reached over and grabbed the collar of Conner's tight shirt. They pulled in unison, ripping the tee right down the center. Then, the lead skater unfastened Conner's belt and pulled it out of the loops on his jeans. Conner cringed seeing the belt. They are going to lash me with it, he realized. But it didn't happen right then. The two boys holding him by the arms, dragged Conner, who struggled and fought to get loose, to the shower room. They put his hands over his head, and using a piece of thick rope, they tied his wrists to one of the metal shower heads on the wall.

Now Conner was really helpless, his hands bound over his head to the shower head. Water dripped out of the nozzle and ran down the side of his cute face. The two skaters stood back to inspect their work and grinned deviously as the leader came walking into the room, smacking his hand with the belt.

"Well, well," the pompous skinny punk said, smirking. "Looks like my buddy is a bit tied up at the moment." The lame joke drew a laugh from the other boys.
"Fuck you," Conner said, without thinking. It just popped out of his mouth.
"You'd like that, Faggot," the head skater said. "Turn him, guys...." And with that, the two other boys spun Conner around to face the wall, his back to the trio of punks. "You're gonna learn some fuckin' respect, pretty boy."

Conner felt the two skaters pull down his jeans and then his undies. He was buck-naked now! Here it comes, Conner thought, tensing up his body. They are gonna paddle me with my own belt!
He heard the boys laughing. One of the skaters touched his left ass-cheek, running his hand all over it.
"So smooth," the kid remarked. "Damn. Must shave it."

"He's a queer!" one of the other boys said, then smacked Conner on his ass with the flat of their hand. It stung and sent a shiver up his spine.

The belt will be worse....I am going to pass out, Conner thought. "Please, guys, don't do this! Please!" he begged.
"Shut the fuck up, faggot!" the lead skater told him, anger in his voice. He was staring intently at Conner's bare ass.

Then the first lash from the leather strap came. It sent a searing pain all through Conner's body and he yelped. Then another lash! More pain. A third lash! Blinding pain. Conner gasped and started to shake and move left and right to break free of the knot that held him in place, but the rope was strong and it held.
"Please, no more!" Conner wailed. "I can't take it!"

Another lash. He could feel his flesh burning. He knew the strap was cutting into him - leaving bloody scars - it had to be! He had never taken a lashing like this before. It was inhuman!
Another crack of the belt across his tender and round posterior! Conner screamed and began to sob, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"More!" one of the kids said, and another snap of the leather caught Conner in the same spot that was already worn raw from the previous strikes. Conner kicked his legs in the air, dangling from the shower head as he did. Even letting the binds take his entire body weight didn't break the twine. He was trapped and completely at their mercy.

"Spin him back around," the leader said, and the other two boys obliged. Conner was now facing his disciplinarian. "Had enough?" the punk asked, squinting his dark eyes to peer into Conner's face.
"Please..." Conner croaked, tears running down his youthful face. "I beg more."

The head skater boy chuckled. "You fuckin' pussy. You're not a man, your a fuckin' baby." Then he nodded to his cohorts. The three skaters unzipped their trousers, whipped out their big limp dicks and started to piss all over Conner's crotch and legs, bathing him in yellow urine. Conner winced and recoiled but couldn't go very far. After the golden shower, the leader motioned to his friends to follow him. "Let's get outta here, guys....we got what we wanted." He patted Conner on the shoulder, mockingly. "You can just hang around awhile." With that, the three skaters left the shower room, leaving Conner tied to the nozzle protruding from the wall.

Conner struggled to get loose, but he was trapped. And he knew that within the next couple of hours, everyone would be flooding in to the public pool to take a swim. He'd be humiliated beyond repair. What if his younger brother and his friends came in there? What if Fisher came in there? Oh, no, he thought. I would never live it down! Conner tugged and pulled on the rope.

He had to get himself free. He couldn't be seen like this! He just couldn't! He had to find a way to....Conner stopped moving as he heard a creaking noise. The locker-room door was opening! Somebody was coming in. He could hear foot-steps on the cement floor. He heard a gym bag being unzipped - clothing being rustled. Who could it be? He knew the skaters were gone....he had heard them leave and close the door behind them about five minutes earlier.

He heard a locker door opening and then shutting moments later. Then softer footsteps....someone now bare-footed walking. The door of the locker-room opened again and everything was quiet. Conner strained to listen. He heard the faint sounds of someone splashing in the pool. Whoever it was had gone out to the pool and was now swimming.

He still had time to get himself unbound. He turned his wrists left and right. He pulled. He shook. He yanked. It was hopeless. He was going to be found like this - bound by his wrists to a shower head in the boy's locker-room, with swollen red lashes all over his ass. How was he going to explain that to somebody?

Several minutes had passed. Conner was exhausted and in pain. He couldn't struggle with the rope any longer. He just dangled there like a worn on a hook, waiting for a big fish to come along and see him....and laugh at him before they cut him down. It was so humiliating.
The splashing in the pool had stopped. Conner looked up and listened carefully, but heard nothing. Then he heard the locker-room door creaking open on it's rustic hinges again.

The person was back! Maybe they won't shower, Conner told himself. Maybe they won't come in here and see me! I might still have time to get loose and...the door to the shower room began to creak open....Conner gulped hard. It was probably some poor old man that would have a stroke when he saw Conner tied up like that. Conner closed his eyes tightly, his face reddening with embarrassment. His life was over! Then, he heard a gasped and opened his eyes....

Chapter Four

Conner looked over at the doorway of the shower room and saw a young-looking boy of about nineteen standing there, completely nude, staring at him. The lad was thin, not much muscle to speak of, and sort of pale-complected. He had a long bony but cute face, thick black curly hair and dark brown eyes. The young man cocked his head quizzically at the tied boy hanging from the wall.

Conner sighed. This twink-like guy with the dark hair was adorable, Conner's type down to the bone marrow. Despite the fact that he was cold, wet and dangling off the shower nozzle, Conner's gay side came out and he took the time to check out the nude kid's package: a thick, very long but limp cock dangled between the boys legs, probably five or six inches flaccid, and he had a very low-hanging, hairy scrotum which visibly contained a set of big, robust testicles. The cock was shrouded in a thick and curly jet-black bush. Conner was feeling like he might get hard! This boy that had just entered was hot! Too bad Conner was helplessly shackled to the wall.

The kid hung in the doorway, eyeing Conner suspiciously, as if he was unsure of what to do or think. Then, the new arrival glanced around behind him at the empty locker-room. Without a word, the boy with the curly black hair walked cautiously into the shower room.
"Uh, I know this is really awkward," Conner said, blushing. "I got attacked by these guys and robbed. They took my wallet and phone and everything. Then, they tied me up here...and...well..."

The approaching boy didn't answer, he just glanced left and right like he was making sure the coast was clear. He slowly came up to Conner and looked the bound boy up and down.
"What's your deal?" Conner asked, confused. "Why are you looking at me like that? Help me get down from..."

But the boy on the floor cut Conner's words off by planting a big juicy kiss on his face. Conner's eyes went wide with surprise as the guy sucked on his lips. Conner pulled his mouth away by jerking his head back.
"Hey, what gives...?" Conner asked, with astonishment.

However, the new boy didn't say a word. He just nestled up close to Conner's left side and started to caress Conner's chest and stomach. Conner was taken aback by this action and even though he was gay, he didn't understand why this kid was feeling him up and not helping him down. "C'mon, dude!" Conner bucked and thrashed but couldn't get free. "Let me down! Please! My arms hurt! Please!"

The boy didn't care....he didn't listen. And Conner realized suddenly that he was about to be raped now! This kid that found him was going to molest him while he was tied there helplessly! You've got to be kidding me, Conner thought.

The naked boy started to lick and suck on Conner's left nipple, which was starting to get hard and stick out. Oh, no, I'm getting aroused, Conner realized. He could feel his limp cock starting to swell, too. The kid was really paying attention to Conner's nipple, and all the while, kept running his hand all over Conner's slim body, feeling every crevice of his chest, shoulders and abdominal region.

Conner was helpless and at this boy's mercy....he was going to be raped!

TO BE CONTINUED....(in Part Two)

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