The professor.

Mz. Cranston wasn"t an unattractive woman, probably fifty years old or so, but Alan was a little puzzled by it all and asked, "Why me, and why this, you"re a good looking woman, you don"t have to do this to get a man!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
A friend in needs.

As her huge breasts closed around his blue steel erection, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have such an incredible wife, while only moments later his hard pecker spasmed, shooting a load of hot spunk all over her pretty nipples!!!...

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Home for a visit.

After giving her mom a big hug and kiss, she replied, "Well, I was going to go, but lately I"ve been having these feelings, if you know what I mean................" ...

Stephanie Sarg
The teacher: part one.

Now placing her hand on the young girl"s arm she said gently, "Don"t worry, dear, nothing can be as bad as all that, now come on now, tell me what"s bothering you!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
After school : part one.

"Come on in, Peter," Laura Rogers said with a big smile, "how was school today, dear!?!"...

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Ten inches of brutally thick cock flesh was now pointing straight up at her dripping pussy, and it was all she could do to keep from just plopping down hard on it, but even in her now lustful state, she realized that a cock this size could literally tear her apart, so patience was the rule of the moment, as she slowly lowered her twat onto his huge head and gently let her cunt inhale the gigantic invader!!!...

Stephanie Sarg

XXY, just three little insignificant letters in the English alphabet, that is unless that was your chromosome designation and not the normal XX or XY!!! XX equals girl, XY equals boy, while XXY equals what!?! For Sula it meant being caught in a permantent limbo between male and female, with oversized male genitalia and a woman"s breasts and hips with no discernable body facial or chest hair!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The amulet: part one.

She had a very cute pussy and it didn"t take her long at all to rub herself to a really hard orgasm!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The trainer.

"Yeah," she sighed, "I think every muscle in my body is screaming for mercy, even my eyelids hurt!!!" He playfully reached down into the water and grabbed a handful of her pussy and asked kiddingly, "Even this muscle!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg

The brunette waited patiently for Dani to continue, and just as she had hoped, the woman couldn"t take her eyes off of Don"s now bulging crotch!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The intruder.

Now climbing between her open legs, he rubbed his hard cock against her wet opening, while teasing her by making sure her clit was manipulated by his dick head!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
House call.

After Tom went to the kitchen to mix the drinks, Lincoln and Elena sat down on the couch, and much to Elena"s surprise a consternation, Lincoln gently leaned over and kissed her full on the lips while cupping her large breasts through her flimsy dress!!!...

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Dominant wife.

"Harold, get in here right now, I haven"t got all day," Miranda Davis snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening with several of her female friends, "do you hear me, you insignificant piece of crap, I said get your ass in here!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Lesbian needs.

Erin sat quietly on the bus reading the morning paper, but try as she might she couldn"t keep her mind on her reading as a gnawing ache which had been slowly building for weeks bubbled to the surface, dampening her vagina and flushing her cheeks to a bright shade of red!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The amulet: part two.

Another time, Drew was at the bank depositing his check, and being helped by a pretty dark haired teller with large boobs and very curvy figure!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Family fun 1.

A mortified Pearl Knight tried struggling to her feet, but one of Linc"s strong hands held her firmly in place while the other snaked out and caught Linda flush on the cheek while he ordered her, "you sit the fuck down and shut up, and watch a real cock sucker at work, you might learn somethin"!!!"...

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John"s head was already spinning, because for the past three years he had fantasized what Carolyn had looked like in the nude, and now he not only was getting a chance to see it for himself, she was also pleading with him to show her his cock!!!...

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The nubile nymph.

The two women had a drink of wine and made small talk while they were waiting for Mona! "I think you"re going to be especially please with her," Miranda stated, "she just turned eighteen and looks like a living doll!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The divining rod.

After another ten minutes of fucking Walter asked, "Have you ever been hung on a big cock!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The visit.

He was stunned into momentary silence, but his pretty wife mouthed the words, "I need you right now", and so figuring that arguing would get him nowhere, he took her by the arm and led her into his office, where before closing the door instructed Alice to hold all of his calls!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The photographer.

"You do understand the nature of the photographs we"ll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don"t have a problem!?!" "I understand," the matronly female replied, "most of them will be me by myself, but some will involve other people!!!" "And just to make it even more clear," Carl responded, "those pictures with the other people can involve both men and women and are of the x-rated variety!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The teacher: part one.

Now placing her hand on the young girl"s arm she said gently, "Don"t worry, dear, nothing can be as bad as all that, now come on now, tell me what"s bothering you!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Wrong turn.

"Uh oh," Rom replied with feigned fear in his voice, "I-I hope a cop doesn"t come in and arrest me, don"t you boys!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Mid afternoon break.

Her impatience was becoming palpable, when the door burst open and a pretty blonde nurse appeared and offered, "Please come in, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes!!!"Constance followed the nurse into and examining room replete with a table with stirrups and all of the necessary instruments for a gynecological examination!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The first day.

"W-what do you want," he stammered while unable to take his eyes off of Hannah Torrez" bulging shaved pussy!?!...

Stephanie Sarg
Video tape.

As his hands grew more insistent, she offered no resistance when he pulled her down on the bed and kissed her hard on the mouth, while letting his free hand roam over her voluptuous body!!!...

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While she had had a few dates in high school, and even a kiss or two, this was the first time that man had passionately treated her like a woman, and the feelings that roiled up inside of her almost frightened her, but she still managed to keep her head and reply, "How could you love me, Dale, you hardly even know me!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
A bad habit.

"What are we going to do with that girl," a very frustrated Marie Downs asked her husband, "she"s eighteen years old and still can"t stop touching herself in public!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Lessons in dominance part two.

"David, take off your pants, and I mean now," Miranda spat evily, "I want Peter to see your pretty purple panties!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Caught in the act : Mickey.

Mickey half stumbled and half climbed down the ladder while at the same time trying to shove his hard cock back into his jeans, but it was too late for that as he landed right at the feet of the meanest teacher in the whole school, Gwendolyn Hooks!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Movie stars.

It had been almost six months since Maggie"s last fuck and she was about to start climbing the walls if she didn"t get some cock in a hurry!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Dinner party.

"Oh, Carl," Nancy whispered after her husband had rung the doorbell, "I"m so nervous, I hope I don"t embarrass you, I know how important this dinner with Mr. Ford and his wife is, I hope I don"t screw it up for you!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg

The young woman nervously took a chair opposite Dr. Horton"s imposing desk and sat quietly with her arms folded on her lap while waiting for the doctor to continue!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The warden.

"Come along with me, Baker" prison guard Burt Ives ordered, "the new warden wants to see you in her office, pronto, so let"s step on it!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Wedding day.

"Mother," Pamela went on, "do you know what I wish?!?" "Tell me, dear," she replied!!! "I wish that Steve was here so that I could suck his cock, I really miss it!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Asian submissive.

"Mrs. Tate wishes to seed you in the bathroom, immediately," Gordon Tate said to the beautiful oriental submissive, "you may finish polishing the silverware later!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Milking machines.

The woman all lived in a dormitory type setting with maybe twenty cots to a room, and while breast sucking was certainly frowned upon (you don"t want to drink up the product),""oral genital contact was not only approved but encouraged, as it kept the woman happy and satisfied, and more often than not only half of the cots were used at night as the women were paired off and sleeping with their partners!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The disparate couple.

After gently pushing her back down on the bed, he casually reached out and tugged the tiny nylon thong off of Ari"s hips!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The salesman.

It only took him three seconds to find the matching panties, and much to his sheer delight, she stripped off her skirt and pantyhose leaving her totally naked below her waist!!!...

Stephanie Sarg

Gail Forst could see the look of shock on everyone"s faces, but in a stern forceful voice she admonished them, "Come on now ladies, the classic nude is one of art"s greatest challenges, so stop gawking and let"s start painting, and by the way, I"ll be circulating as usual and will offer you any assistance that I can!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
School for girls : part two.

The two naked girls(except for their belts), made their way up to where Harriett Taggert was standing, while some of the girls in the audience yelled out words of encouragment!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Ball breaker.

"These bitches are fuckin" slobs," Hank Edmonds mumbled while dumping another trash can containing a half full cup of coffee, "but I guess they could give a rats ass about a working stiff like me!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The patient.

Dana fidgeted nervously on the couch while Dr. Wallace studied the patient history form that she had filled out an hour earlier! "I see that you"ve been married for about three years now, is that right," the doctor asked casually?!?...

Stephanie Sarg
The first lady: part two.

Jennifer Boyle curled up in an easy chair, while watching the eleven o"clock from the second floor private residence of the White House!...

Stephanie Sarg
Like mother, like daughter.

Y-you"re just not gonna believe it mom," Wendy said sadly, "but he pulled out his penis and asked me to suck it for him!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Father o"reilly"s true confessions part two.

After my savings was depleted on the necessities of life, I found that the only way to make the money I needed to survive was to sell my body!!!...

Stephanie Sarg

"Good," the doctor said, "then how about right now!?!" "Y-you mean here, and now," Kurt stammered!?...

Stephanie Sarg
The urge.

"Oh, no," Belinda groaned to herself, "not now, please not now, I don"t have time for this right now!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The garbage man.

This was a moment she had been dreaming about for months, for just the opportunity to put this big black pecker into her mouth and suck it until it filled her mouth with cum!!!...

Stephanie Sarg

Less than a half hour before, Marie had had her first lesbian experience, albeit a more or less non participatory one, now here she was, staring at the neatly trimmed blonde pussy of Nurse Jordan!...

Stephanie Sarg
Black male.

"Marie," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I"m James Gobbel, you were expecting me!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
After school job.

"Well," she said softly, "let me be the first to tell you that you have a magnificent erection, and I"d guess it"s probably seven inches long and very very thick, just the way I like them!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
After school : part two.

It almost seemed odd that Holly and Jenna were best friends, because to look at them you couldn"t find two more incogruous looking women!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The picture.

Mr. Merrill nodded his head as she spoke, and when she was finished he offered, "Your point is well taken, Miss Autry, but in this case we don"t want experience we want amateur like freshness, and from the looks of you two you will do splendidly!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Lessons learned.

"I have questions for you, Tom," his mother asked softly, "have you ever taken the time to see what the different levels of excitement a woman"s vagina goes through!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The gym teacher: part two.

The black man calmly looked over at Samantha and in a voice that left no doubt who was in charge said evenly, "Take of your clothes and be quick about it!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The teacher: part three.

Leaning forward and taking hold of Giana"s hands, Ellyn said softly, "She said that you"re just like me, and that when you need it she takes care of you, but what you really need is a fem to be your everyday partner, is that about right!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg

"You have a beautiful body," he whispered after taking her into his arms and holding her close to him, "making love to you will be like making love to a goddess!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Grandmother"s house.

The young woman returned her tongue to Emma"s dripping vagina while her mother replied, "Your father and I always had an arrangement, he let me bring pretty young girls home and he sat and watched us, just like you"re doing right now, and believe me, it brings back very nice memories!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
A position available.

"A very intersting resume", Mr. Dancer, "very interesting indeed, but I"m afraid that ""the job you"re applying for has very specific requirements, and unforturnately there"s nothing here that will tell me if you"re qualified for this position!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The dancer 1.

A week ago he was working in a bar for four bucks and hour and tips, and now he was on his way to a bachelorette party as the main attraction for a two hundred dollar minimum!!! Was he nervous, you bet, since he had never taken his clothes off in front of more than one female at a time, this was definitely going to be a new experience for him!!!...

Stephanie Sarg

David was all ready under the covers and waiting, when the door to the bath room slowly swung open and Betty Lou called out, "Ready or not, here I come!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
School for girls : part three.

The ring also contained a micro chip that can be activated from another remote that almost instanteously inducing vicious orgasms to its subject!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Heart to heart.

The two women had been gabbing about Katie"s new apartment and Jack"s new job as a civil engineer when Katie cleared her throat, and in a low voice said, "Uh mom, can I ask you a question!?!" "Sure, dear," Fay replied, "ask away!!!" "Well this is really personal,"""Katie said softly!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The favor.

Brandy hadn"t expected this kind of luck, and even if Chad wasn"t too up for it, she wasn"t about to let a chance like this slip away, so quickly she tore of her jeans and panties and lay down on the bed with her legs spread wide apart!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Mama does daddy.

"Shush up," Morgan whispered, "she"s saying something else!?!" Both girls quieted right down just in time to hear Morgan"s mother say, "If you stop spanking me I can be a very good little girl!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg

Ellyn unlocked her office door and entered the semi dark room, flipped on the light, and plopped down exhausted into her chair, and was about to close her eyes for a little cat nap when from the far corner of her office a sultry feminine voice offered, "Congratulations on a job well done, Mz. Perkins, I"m here to help you celebrate!!!" "I"m really too tired for much celebrating," Ellyn replied quickly, "and by the way, how did you get into my office, I"m pretty sure you don"t have a key!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The teacher: part two.

His teacher Miss Gray touched her on the arm and responded, "There"s no conflict there, dear, most fems tend to group together while satisfying each other"s sexual needs, but after a while the urge to be dominated becomes so great, that without fail each fem will search out a dyke to be taken and used hard!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
Vacation 1.

As hard as she was trying, it was almost impossible for Ingrid to keep her eyes on Krista"s face, not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just that Krista had the body of a Playboy centerfold, with blonde hair, perfect breasts, long slim legs, and a bottom that no woman in the world could ever have complained about!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The hostess.

Over in the big easy chair, Minerva had slipped one finger into her own pussy, as well as one from her other hand into Mia"s tight little snatch, while drool ran out of the corner of her mouth as she watched Julia fucking Roni"s fat cunt!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The masseuse.

As his fingers pressed firmly into her lower spine, she flinched a little as a small stab of pain shot through her lower back, but almost immediately the pain was replaced by a nice soothing warm sensation that seemed to radiate all around the painful area!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
The fitting 1.

Was it better than her boy friends cock, now that was a very good question, but there was no doubt that this sales clerk had a real affinity for eating pussy, and at that very moment she was doing an incredible number on Molly"s distended little clitoris!!!...

Stephanie Sarg
Card game.

"Who wants to start," Paige asked excitedly as she shuffled the cards!?! "This was your idea, Page," Anna replied nervously, "I think you should lead it off, don"t you girls!?!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The stock boy.

"My goodness," she gasped, "eight and a quarter inches, I"ve never seen one this large, it"s fantastic!!!" "Are you a virgin," she asked softly?!? "Y-yes," he replied with a shaky voice, "I"m ashamed to say!!!"...

Stephanie Sarg
The doctor is in.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of the most popular radio call in sex advice program in America, The Doctor Is In!!!...

Stephanie Sarg


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