First Time Sharing : Part Two

(Part 1 from 3)

I stood on the front porch of the house, the light from the single, glass covered bulb above my head illuminating everything in amber. My right arm was around my wife, Linda’s shoulder as I stared at the oak door in front of us. I have to admit; I was a little nervous and excited at this point. I suddenly sensed that Linda was too, and I could feel her shaking underneath her coat. I turned and looked into her eyes, and could see worry and apprehension in them. I gave her the best reassuring, confident smile that I could muster.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t be nervous. This will be great! I told you so. I’ll look after you; don’t worry. Just have fun.”
“Oh Tom. Stop it.” She answered with a nervous little smile.
I bent my head to hers, giving her a small kiss on her lips. I could almost feel them trembling. A thought then occurred to me.
“Is she really scared, or just excited?”

I really couldn’t believe that we had gotten to this point so soon. I had been toying with the idea of sharing my wife for a long while. Just the thought of her being ravaged by a stranger as I looked on got me very excited, and I didn’t even know why. I shared these thoughts with her during our lovemaking sessions, describing in great detail my fantasies. At first, she was not receptive at all, and scoffed at the idea of introducing others into our life. One of the things that she was most worried about was the prospect of seeing me with another woman. I constantly reassured her that she had nothing to worry about, and that I loved only her. This was just sex, and a great way to “expand our horizons”, so to speak. The truth of the matter was that I did not desire other women as much as I did seeing my wife with another man!

About a month previous, I had begun to search in computer chat rooms for suitable couple “candidates.” I had narrowed it down to four, then two, then one. I met Chuck and Mary in an erotic literature room, and had shared some writings with them. It just so happened that they lived in a town only two short hours away! They always came on together, which I thought was promising. We exchanged pictures, and they seemed to be happy with what they saw. I know I was! They seemed to be the ideal choice for us. Chuck was tall, dark haired, and a little on the heavy side, but quite handsome. When I showed Linda his picture, she seemed to be mildly interested, and gave a little “huh.”

Mary was a good deal shorter than Chuck, not stunningly beautiful, but very cute, with dark, long hair, a mischievous smile, and very large breasts. She had a very funny, flirty personality that turned me on immensely, as well as a set of piercing green eyes. She loved to have cyber sex, and it was obvious that she was not inhibited in any way. Plus, she seemed to be interested in me sexually, so I figured, what the hell. 
Chuck could barely conceal his interest in Linda; after all, she was very attractive. She had long, very thick, brown hair that cascaded down her back, and fair skin. She was very well proportioned, and the picture that I had sent him was of her in a tight dress; a side profile that showed off her perfectly formed breasts and small waist. Her smile was very wide, and it lit her whole face up. I loved this picture of her, and knew that it would do the trick.
I had shared my fantasy with them, and they had seemed very interested in fulfilling it! Basically, I liked them both, and had chosen them because they seemed stable, sexy, and in search of the same thing we were. We arranged a time, and made a confirmed date for our meeting. I constantly reassured Linda that it would be fun, and, I sensed that instead of just agreeing to “go through with it because she loved me,” she actually began to look forward to the meeting herself.
So, here we were, on a cold night in February, standing on Chuck and Mary’s porch. I reached out, and pressed the doorbell, hearing the faint buzzing from somewhere inside the house. I looked at Linda one more time, and winked at her, hoping to put her nervous mind at ease. She held my gaze for a moment, and then broke it away, looking at the door. At that moment I felt just a pang of guilt and regret, the reality of what I was subjecting her to becoming apparent to me. I immediately pushed these thoughts away, as I heard the clicking of the deadbolt.

The door swung open, and we were met with the wide, toothy smile of Chuck.
“Hey Tom! You guys made it! Come on in, it’s freezing out there!”
I smiled back at him, and rested my hand on Linda’s back, as if pushing her slightly into the doorway. We entered the house, the warm air hitting our faces as we stepped into the large living room.
“Well, we finally meet!” He said in a loud voice.
I could see his eyes moving up and down Linda’s body, and felt a surge of excitement.
“Come on in, Mary’s waiting!”
He helped us with our coats, hanging them in a closet, and we followed him down a small hallway, and into an equally large dining room. There she was, carrying a steaming dish from the kitchen, her wide, contagious smile spread across her face.
“Hello! Great to meet you two!”

She set the dish down, and walked around the large, old- fashioned dining room table to where we stood, her arms open in greeting. She wrapped them around Linda, and squeezed her, kissing her cheek. I was secretly very glad for this, because I could actually see some of the tension leaving Linda’s face at this warm reception. She then hugged me, her large breasts pressing against me, and her expensive perfume wafting into my nose, and I felt myself getting a little aroused.
The meal was wonderful; home cooked spaghetti and meatballs, fine wine, and very sexy conversation. Chuck had a great sense of humor, as did Mary, and we laughed through the entire meal. I looked at Linda, and I could see that she was definitely enjoying herself, smiling widely, the effects of the wine becoming evident by the flushed redness of her lovely face. She was not at all offended by Chuck’s bawdy sense of humor, and laughed aloud at his sexually suggestive jokes. Mary caught my glance whenever she could, smiling and flashing her green eyes. I could feel the excitement growing stronger as the evening progressed.
As Mary cleaned up the kitchen, I heard the doorbell ring. Chuck got up and left the room, and we found ourselves alone at the table. I smiled at Linda, and she smiled back. 
“Are you having a good time?” I asked.
“Yes, I am. I’m glad I came. Chuck is so funny!”
“I’m glad you like him. Linda,” I then paused.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Tom.”

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