Home : Lesbian Stories : total 5 reviews.

Finding someone better reviews

Posted by Julie
I loved this!!! Firstly, she has your face, I can see your smile when I look at her. So sweet I love how you decribe what she does all day, pferectly happy to be doing her little 19 month old things, not requiring the go-and-do that we really do believe is necessary with our oldest! I laughed out loud at your description of the music teacher, especially noting her bra size. Isnt that the truth!!!I also loved hearing about how the ostrich has her NAME!! that is TOTALLY a reason to by as much as you can. My second daughter is Lily we have very many Lily clothes and Lily books because of that. Lilly and he Purple Plastic Purse and Lilly's Big Day are two of our favorites Always great to know a little more about the day to day at your house
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My wife Katie was a beautiful, young innocent angel. She had no idea just how gorgeous she actually was. And that men would constantly lust after her. Then she changed... And wow! She changed!!