Evolution of a Brother and a Sister Love
Specific and detailed descriptions of the people mentioned in the story were left vague on purpose. This will allow the reader to imagine the characters in way most pleasurable to his or her tastes. Read, enjoy and please feel free to send comments. I enjoy hearing how my readers feel about my stories. I answer all emails.
The Evolution of a brother and sister Relationship
Let me introduce myself, my name is Kenneth Strong, but all my friends call me Ken. I have a wonderful sister, Sally, who is two years younger than I am. Since we are so close in age, we were playmates when we were young and friends when we grew older. We would do everything together. If I wanted to play baseball or basketball, Sally would play with my friends and me. She could play baseball and basketball better than most of the boys in the neighborhood. If she wanted to play dress up or dolls, I would play with her and her friends. Our parents were always amazed at how well we got along, not like a typical brother and sister
As we got older and entered adolescence, we still were close friends. As we got interested in the opposite sexes, Sally and I first tried things out with each other. When it came time for me to go out on my first date, I was fifteen years old, I practiced kissing with Sally so I would know how give a goodnight kiss. We practice how to act with our dates on each other. That way we would not seem to naïve when it came to making out.
When one of us would come home from a date, we would go to each other’s room and tell everything that happened on the date. We would get each other dates with our friends. We even doubled dated once or twice. You can see we were not the average brother and sister.
After high school, I went to a large college about 500 miles from home. I only got home for holidays. I tried dating a number of girls at college, but just like in high school, something was always missing in the relationship. Sally and I wrote letters to each other constantly, I would always look forward to the mail hoping that there was a letter from Sally. In her letters, I found out Sally was having similar problems with her relationships.
Christmas vacation was one of the happiest times of my life. I got to go home
and be with my family, especially Sally. I had a great time and was sorry to go
back to college. The second semester of my college year I came to the
realization that I was in love with Sally, not brother sister lover but man and
woman love. I did not know what to do. I was afraid if I told Sally and
she did not feel the same way I did, our relationship would change and I would
lose my best friend.
Finally, my first year was over, I could not wait to get home and see Sally. When I got home, the first one to greet me was Sally. She gave me a big hug and kiss. Our parents commented on how lonely Sally was with out me. I could not wait to be alone with her. That night after our parents went to bed, Sally and I talked for hours. It was then I found out she felt the same way about me as I felt about her. She had dated while I was away at college, with the same result that I experienced, no romance or sexual attraction. We still did not know what to do or maybe we were just afraid to admit the truth to ourselves. We knew what we wanted, but society viewed it as wrong and perverted.
We continued to talk for the next few days and we came to a decision. Because of society and our love of our parents, we decided not to take our relationship to the next and final level – as lovers, at least not yet. It was a difficult decision, but it was one we had to make. The agreement we decided upon was very simple; we would continue our relationship as before, as very close brother and sister. We would continue to date others; in fact, we would make it our quest – to find our perfect mates. This would continue through summer and the first semester of my sophomore year at college. We decided that by semester break, if our love life were still nonexistent, we would consider our last option – become lovers.
We spent the summer together, as brother and sister. That was not what I wanted, but it was the only action that made any sense. At least we were together. We both dated many different people that summer and the results were always the same; the sexual attraction was not there. As I prepared to go away to college, we promised each other we would continue our search for love and date a lot.
We wrote to each other constantly, so we both knew how the other’s love life was coming along. When one of Sally’s letters would arrive or I would get e-mail from her, it was always met with mixed emotions. I always was happy to hear from her, but at the same time I was half afraid she would find her soul mate and that would be the end of the chance of us being together. However, Sally’s results were the same, just like mine, nothing. We loved each other much more than anyone we dated.
Finally, the first semester was over and I was heading home to be with my love – my sister Sally. I will never forget the look on Sally’s face when I opened the door to our house. She had a big smile on her face. I am sure our parent’s thought it meant she was just happy to see me, but to me it said - tonight I am yours. It was a Friday night and that meant my parents went out with their best friends, the Hunts. It was dinner, a movie and then to one of the local watering holes. They did this ever Friday. Sally and I would have the house to ourselves until well after midnight, you could not ask for anything better than that. As soon as our parent’s car disappeared out of sight, we were in each other’s arms. We began to kiss, but we had done that before when we were practicing how to kiss in preparation for a date. This time it was different, this time it was not practicing for kissing someone else, it was for us!
It was early December and there was a chill in the air. I suggested I build a fire and snuggle together in front of it. Sally agreed, she thought it would be romantic. While I built the fire, she went upstairs to change into something she purchased especially for the occasion. In about fifteen minutes, I had the fire started and had placed some big pillows on the floor in front of the fire. I turned out the lights in the den, so that the only light was coming from the fire. I took off my clothes; lay down on one of the pillows and waited for Sally to reappear. I did not have to wait long before I heard here enter the room. I turned to face her and was greeted with a sight I shall always remember the rest of my life; Sally was dressed in a full length, white, negligee, that became see through as she stood in front of the fire. She looked as beautiful as I had ever seen her. I was dumbstruck by her beauty, all I managed to mumble was “you’re beautiful,” as I looked at her standing in front of me. I stood up, put my arms around her, and drew her close to me. I felt her body; separated by only a thin piece of cloth, press against me. We just held each other for several minutes; tears were running down both our faces, each of us saying how much we loved the other. It was the happiest moment of our lives. We had made our decision; we were going to spend the rest of our lives together and to hell with the consequences. We kissed each other, for the first time as lovers preparing to make love, it was the most sensuous kiss I had ever had. Our tongues played with each other’s, first in my mouth, then in hers and then in between. Our hands roamed over each other’s body, caressing, rubbing, grabbing, pinching, tickling, and messaging each other. Her body felt firm and soft under the white silk gown. I started to kiss her breasts through the fabric, but Sally stopped me. She held up one finger, telling me to wait. Sally turned her back toward me. She reached down, grabbed the hem of her gown and began to remove it. She asked me to close my eyes until she told me to open them. Moreover, being the obedient brother, I did as I was told. When I could open my eyes, there before me, stood the sexiest female I had ever seen. I had never seen a perfect body; she was so sensuous, even more than I had ever remembered.
She held out her arms, inviting me to embrace her naked body. I moved into her waiting embrace... I cannot describe the feeling of her naked breasts pressing against my chest or how firm her ass felt as my hands massaged it. Our hands roamed over each other’s body, caressing and massaging each other. I gently laid her down on to the pillows and laid down aside of her. I took her in my arms and pressed her tight against my body. My hard, erect cock was pressed flat against her stomach, just above her pubic area. The sensation of her hot flesh pressing against my cock was unbelievable. I began to place gentle kisses all over her face; first her temple, than her eyes, ears, ear lobes, cheeks, and finally her neck. When my lips reached her neck, Sally threw her hand back, exposing her neck to my kisses and even light love bites. I left a trail of kisses from her neck to her magnificent breasts. I kissed and nibbled all of her right breast with the exception of the nipple, and then I moved to the left breast and did the same thing there.
Her hand reached down between my legs and she began to feel me getting aroused through my trousers... |
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