Even Playas Reform
Cassandra breathed in the fresh summer morning air as she walked to the basketball court. Lee had invited her to come see the freestyle and she wasn't gonna miss it, especially since Omarion would be there.
Oh yea, Omarion, captain and quarter-back player on the basketball team, member of the school newspaper, most chased after guy in school, at the head of the top 3 list for THE MOST HANDSOME GUY and best of all ...Omarion The Black god, Cassandra’s' personal title to him.
Cassandra knew he'd never go for someone like her, Omarion was black through and through. Rumor was he never dated white girls and stuck to his own kind. Cassandra looked at her body and wondered if it was possible to change the pigments in her color, after all if Michael Jackson could do it, so could she...anything just to spend a few months....ok maybe days...or even hours in his arms ....and if possible in his bed screaming with unthinkable pleasure while his hands dipped low in side her very being and his mouth sucking her perky breast
She hugged her arms round her chest suddenly ashamed of her breast. They were a size A and definitely what African Americans guys weren't looking for in a girl. She had a tiny waist and thanks to all those sports she was doing, her body was real fit and great.
‘Cassy!' lee, Cassy's best friend and cheerleader, yelled from where she sat with her girls. 'ova here, I saved a sit for you.'
Cassy joined lee by the bench and took the booze offered to her. 'So who else is here?' she asked
'Basically everyone who's anyone...the jocks, cheerleaders, debonair, preppies, ordinaries...you name it...even your type is here.' she said eying her.
'My type?'
'You know what I mean. The ones who slide away from view and prefer to hide their heads in books and watch their crush from afar.' she winked.
Cassy was shocked to say the least, she'd never told lee about her feelings for Omarion 'what you talkin’ about?'
'Oh puh-lease you don't fool me one bit, I’ve seen the way you look at him...and don't try and deny it, it's so obvious. See? You’re even blushin’ as I speak Cassy...' she paused 'you do know Omarion’s a BIG time playa don'tcha?'
Cassy nodded. Lee took in a deep breath then continued 'I don't know what else to say but, be careful and don't let him break you heart iight?' I nodded again. 'Good' and she turned back to watch the game.
The thing is it's easy for lee; all she has to do is sit down like the queen she is and wait for her little subjects to come running to her. lee's the all american girl, apart from the fact that she's oriental, she’s about 5'8, same as Cassy, her long black hair went past her waist and her boobs were the kinds that cried out to the guys for a titty fuck. She was perfect and knew it, and made almost every guy's life a living hell because of it. Lee’s idea of a long term relationship was three weeks of pure heavenly bliss and then it was over for the miserable guy. At least she made it worth your time.
Cassy's eyes caught Omarion’s movement just as he was about to slam dunk into the basket. He was definitely all man and with his body language, it was obvious. Everything about him screamed PLAYER from his silver BMW6series to the timberlands’ on his feet. She signed and dreamily looked at his figure, what she wouldn't do to get with him. She just knew he was the type to take a girl out and treat her right and for dessert...even righter! She could feel her pussy getting all moist from the thought of what he would do if he ever noticed her.
Both of them in the woods, his chocolate body on top of her milky skin, his mouth on her breast teasing and biting, sucking and fondling. Her screams would definitely be proof of that, and right after he was done with her breast he'd enter her slowly and with enough effect to last a century. Sex would be like lighting clashing with thunder and the climax... the climax couldn't even be compared with the love making, the climax would be all burning consuming fire.
Cassy shivered with incredible delight and her eyes which she was about to close froze up, Omarion was staring right at her with a curious look on his face, then he grinned and his eyes told hers 'I know you're watchin’ me'. He winked and turned continuing with his game.
Hours later, the game was over 'damn, did you see that Cas?' lee cried as she touched her arm 'that game was excellent, those guys are real good. We’re definitely gonna win next season. And did you see Jordan staring at me, trust me girl he wants me. He wants me real bad; I could smell him smelling ma pussy all the way from the court...' Cassy smiled at her friend while debating her own demons. Did Omarion really see her? Or was it someone behind her? She was so scared it would actually be someone, she refused to turn around and see.
Next day she was awoken with a ring 'baby, it's me!!' cried lee on the other end, I’m coming over, so get dressed and get your sexy butt downstairs before I get there, got something interesting for you', bye sweetie' and the phone went dead.
Cassy was downstairs in fresh clothes by the time lee arrived, 'I have two things to tell you,' lee said as she banged the front door behind her 'I’ve got a date with Jordan, and...Wait a minute where's your shoes, cum on!! i don't have all day!!' she cried dragging Cassy back to her room and then out the front door in the next second.
'Where we off’ to?' Cassy asked
'Why’s that?'
'cos I got a date silly,'
'Yea but why you draggin’ me along? We hardly ever go shoppin’ together.’
Lee laughed her 'thas so funny and silly' laugh, 'you’re coming along cos’ It’s a double date.'
'leeeeee, you know I’m not good with this things.'
'It’s with Omarion, now stop whining.' she said and flashed a smile at Cassy.
Cassis' mouth widened in surprise. 'Omarion? You got me a date with Omarion? I don't know if I should kiss you or hit you.!! This is great! But...wait a minute, I ‘thought Omarion isn't into white chicks?'
'He isn't, but I got Jordan, my date, to coerce Omarion into coming along.'
'So he doesn’t know I’m his date?' she said, her hope going down
'Well he knows he's got a date.' lee said trying to be helpful. 'Oh baby,' she said as she saw the look of despair on her friends face 'cheer up, he won't bite if he find out it's you. In fact I think he'll be trilled.'
'And why would you think that?'
'cos anyone lucky enough to go out with you would be trilled. Look at you. You’re absolutely gorgeous, you face, your body, your hair. You know what? I think you should be a porn star. You’ll be just perfect!'
Cassy smiled 'you know, any other day I’d be insulted by what you said.'
'I know baby thas why I picked today. Now loosen up gurl, I’m beginning to feel yo tension too.' lee winked at her and smiled
For her date with Omarion, Cassy had decided to wear a baby blue mini dress with white high heels and matching purse. They were going to The Dope, a club just out of the neighborhood. Cassy wasn't used to going on double dates and she was dying to know how Omarion would react. He was going to come pick her up by a fountain which was near McDuckys and he'd been giving her phone number to call her when he was there. Which was were she was by 9, her blond hair was blowing in her face and she was afraid it would ruin her make-up and so she packed it up in a bun and hoped that the curls she'd rolled in weren't destroyed.
A dark blue Cadillac stopped in front of her and the passenger sit's door opened. Omarion whistled low 'damn gurl you lookin' fly tonight.'
Cassy smiled, as she got in her drew rolled up showing a bit of her naked thigh. She was about to cover up but decided to tease him a bit. 'How did you know you were suppose to pick me up?'
'yo gurlfriend told me what you'd be wearing. But I kinda figured out it was you anyway. Who else would lee want me to double date with?'
Cassy's smile widened. So he knew it would be her and didn't mind. She watched him as he eyed her. Taking in his out-fit. a blue bawla's hat with a white t-shirt with jeans. She loved the way he smelt real manly but clean at the same time. She looked up and saw he was still watching her.
He grinned 'like what you see?'
'Do you?'
'Damn straight. You like one of the fliest shawties in da school. Don’t know why you gotta wear all those baggies though. You suppose to be showing what you got not covering.'
Her eyes widened in shock. It was obvious he'd been watching her.
'You don't have to look amazed or sumpin' I mean it would be hard fo me not to notice you. Like I said you got the package...' and he winked at her 'you know what? Let’s go have our own date, is da iight with you?'
She nodded her head, still unable to speak.
'iight then.' he called Jordan to tell him what was up then told her to fasten her seat belts.
'Where we off to?' she asked
'Queen Bee.'
Queen Bee was their hang out joint; Cassy had never been there but knew about it from most kids in school. Mary-Jane’s was easily acquired there among other things and the music there was real classic with some freestyles or battleground raps' now and then.
As Cassy entered the place she could feel the bass coming from the music and the vibrations under her feet. 'This is nice.'
'It’s classic too, just da way we love It.' he said and led her to a couple of people.
'word 'marion.' jess, omarions friend and footballer called 'who the honey?'
'Cassy' she said and brought her hand out to shake
They all laughed 'nice hand' jess said, 'what am I gonna do with 'em?' obviously he was wasted
Omarion gave him a friendly push 'be nice dog, she ma date.'
'Yea and white too,' sneered a girl who walked towards them.
'sup Irish?' Omarion said
'What she doin’ here?' Irish asked her eyes glaring hard at Cassy 'thought you weren't fuckin’ no white bitches no mo.'
'Yea 'baby,' another said and put her hand on his shoulder 'when you start fucking white people?'
Omarion pulled away from her 'sup with ya'll? Trisha I def wasn't expecting this from you!' he said talking to the girl who was leaning on him 'it ain't none of ya'll bizz!' he said, his hand had slipped into Cassy's. 'Would you please be polite? This is Cassy... Cassy these are ma homies.'
'Sorry baby,' Trisha said and then looked at Cassy and smiled 'ma name’s Trisha.' and shook her hand. Omarion sat down and pulled Cassy on top on his lap.
'So baby,' Irish said 'when we gonna hook up again? you know I ain't used to being without a... hard, strong, dominating man.' she said across the table from where she sat, she licked her lips as she spoke and blew him a kiss.'
Irish was what you'd call a call-girl at night and had fucked almost every single guy in Witherson high. Her pussy at 18 was like a worn-out old jeans. Worn-out and torn to shreds. Omarion glanced away from her and turned to talk to his homies on his left.
'So,' Trisha began 'yo in our school rite?' she looked at Cassy
'Yep, I’ve seen her white ass a few times, hangin’ out with da bimbo cheerleader, watzaname, with the awesome titties, da Oriental gurl...' pepper, one of the girls at the table said.
'It’s lee and she's part American. From her mom's side'
'what...eva.' pepper rolled her eyes
Cassy put on a fake smile and turned to Trisha who seemed to be the only matured one in their group 'so how do you know Omarion?' she asked
'Me and 'marion go way back, since kindergarten, in short all of us girls go way back too, we used to live on the same street too, but I moved like 4 years ago...Omarion too. Moved in with his dad after his parents split. His mom's upstate now with her boo.' she paused for a minute as if wanting Cassy to absorb the information 'Marion’s really had a tough life ya know, only place this boi could feel at home was in school, where we were all there. he ain't no crybaby or anything, so peeps never know that tha boi's got it tough, but we like family herre, so it's our business to kno this kinda thing.' she paused again then said 'so you like 'em huh?' Cassy nodded
Trisha nodded back and smiled. 'but that ain't enough... what do yo parents think bout us?'
'"Us"? You mean like African Americans?' she asked 'it's the 21st century for Christ sake!' they couldn't careless, and if you mean about me and Omarion dating... they're more than happy. They were scared I was becoming a lesbian or something.'
The next day Jill & her daughter come to my room... |
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