Evelyn Blowing Snow : Part 2
Evelyn’s heart-warming transition - from a sexy major local station weather girl who delivered 5-6 brief weather updates every hour, very well I might add... to a sexy weather girl who skillfully delivers weather updates while sucking one cock after another after another after another after another… updates that are now being broadcast on more than 500 stations around the world - all started about 6 months ago.
Clearly, things have REALLY taken off since she first kneeled to give what was supposed to be an on-the-air but off-camera, below the camera blowjob, but which turned out to be the most entertaining 2-minutes of reality TV EVER broadcast, with Evelyn as the gorgeous cock-sucking star.
To review: Evelyn was our station’s gorgeous blonde weather girl whose lovely face and sweet ass (in the nice tight dress pants and tight skirts she so often wore) had been making millions of male viewers’ cocks, and all the cocks of the male production crew hard for months, since she’d moved to the area.
One day, perhaps a little too relaxed while gathering for an after-work drink, I’d mentioned my fantasy of having some gorgeous weather girl blowing me on the air after reporting on blowing snow (note: my name is Charlie Snow); and since we lived in a warm southern climate where snow is as rare as a hooker in bowling shoes, Evelyn piped in that she WOULD blow me, on the air, if EVER she had to report on local blowing snow. To make a long story short, within a few months and to everyone’s surprise, it did (blow snow), and SHE did (blow me).
But our best-laid plans to have me deliver the weather report while she knelt to blow me unseen under the view of the camera went awry when the camera got bumped and the zoom out button got pushed instead of the zoom in... and gorgeous Evelyn was caught, her mouth unmistakably stuffed with cock, staring right out into the living rooms of over SEVEN MILLION VIEWERS.
We initially all assumed that the station would fire us all for this HUGE breach of television protocol... but when thousands of phone calls and tweets started pouring in revealing how much the viewing public, male and female, LOVED this new side of Evelyn, the station owners put their heads together and gave Evelyn an exciting new, cock-sucking component to her weather updates.
Initially, it was just to be once or twice or show. But then station did a bit of a call-in poll to confirm that viewers wanted this (and how much) and a whopping 97.8% of viewers called in to vote that they wanted Evelyn blowing some lucky stiff during each and EVERY weather update. And what could the station do but put Evelyn to work meeting customer demands?
And what could this do but have everyone at the station start coming up with new and even more fun ways to have their lovely weather girl’s mouth fucked on prime-time TV?
And this all has happened in such a fantastic way, for the show and especially Evelyn, who has become more famous than EVER. Since that meeting with the big cheese, the running gag has been that Evelyn’s initial report ALWAYS contains ‘blowing’ something. Since blowing snow probably won’t happen again for years, it’s blowing wind or, yes, blowing rain.
If the weather is really dull, Bob routinely baits his gorgeous blonde weather girl with questions like: “Can you believe this great weather we’re having everywhere?” to which Evelyn dutifully replies: “It beats blowing snow.”
And every so often, someone Twitters her about “blowing sun” or “blowing humidity”, which she thinks is very cute.
Evelyn still at least STARTS about half of the weather segments without a cock in her mouth... though that never lasts long. The remaining half of the time, she’s on her knees from the get-go. “How does she report the weather with her mouth being fucked?” you ask. Good question, but we at the station have thought of everything.
We have a host of ways we do this. Sometimes, the person she’s blowing is reporting on the weather. Usually, this is one of the production crew or a male weather reporter who knows what`s going on... but not necessarily. Some guys totally make things up... but who cares anyway?
Other times, we have a prerecorded inset of her in the top right of the screen describing the weather, which we’ve filmed earlier. This is really neat, because all the real-time cock-sucking Evelyn needs to do is suck and click that little clicker she holds to switch screens; you know the one – it’s kind of like the channel changer for your TV, but what it does is change the picture/map/whatever else is showing on the big screen behind her.
When we do this, Evelyn wears a tiny headset that no one else sees because its hidden under her beautiful long blonde hair. THAT way, she knows when to click. Evelyn loves the inset idea because she gets to focus entirely on giving head while LIVE, which means it’s more fun for her. Of course, sometimes she clicks and, instead of a map coming up, we throw in a slide show filled with pictures of Evelyn blowing various men she’s attended to in the past.
At these times, Evelyn knows that there’s no point in her trying to get back to a map. She just shrugs, keeps sucking, and lets the viewing audience enjoy the slide show while WE take control of the show.
Some evenings now, she spends the entire 3 hours on her knees blowing dozens of guys who are gathered around the set... more on this later. She does her best to click her clicker at the right times. But she’s usually kept so busy popping from one cock to the next and so forth, she just gives up and hands the clicker up to one of the guys.
We’ve become very creative about presenting other fun new scenarios for her as well. Sometimes, we harken back to that very first show and PRETEND that we’re trying to ‘hide’ Evelyn while one of the production crew, usually me, gives the report. Of course, this is all just an act, and we always end up bumping the camera, or zooming out instead of in, or something. Sometimes, we make it seem like we’ve turned the camera on BEFORE everyone is ready, catching Evelyn ‘in the act’.
"Oh.... are we on?" the guy being sucked asks in a way so phony that everyone knows it's an act.
And Evelyn will act all panicked: "Hmm hmm? Hmm hmm?" she'll ask while purposefully staring straight into the camera with the guy’s cock still in her mouth for a flattering close-up.
Sometimes, Evelyn starts the report normally and all alone on the set, as if this is going to be a normal weather report for a change. But that never lasts. Typically, some clearly-agitated guy walks briskly onto the set, pushes her down to her knees, and aggressively thrusts his cock into her mouth to ‘shut her up’...
“Enough talking about all this bad weather... or boring weather... or hot weather...” she’s told as the guy pounds away at her throat.
Sometimes, she gives the report on her knees, her mouth alternating between speaking and sucking anywhere from one to 5 or 6 guys at a time:
“The predicted high for the region tomorrow is 76 degrees... hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... and the low will be around 50... hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...” These reports take anywhere from about twice as long to a full half-hour, but they’re fun and well worth the extra time.
And, in that continued spirit of fun, she occasionally does other playful things. We once dared her once to do a stand-up report without her pants… just a tight sweater, satin bikini panties and heels.
"Don't let the camera slip down," she warned us insincerely before the shoot started.
Of course, we purposefully leveled the camera so that her bright orange satin panties were in full view the WHOLE TIME. And by the time the next weather update came on, she was on all fours with one guy fucking her mouth and another pushing her panties gently aside to fuck her ass... the two guys chatting about the weather while ramming the weather girl’s ass and throat at the same time.
Best yet, the two men switched positions roughly every minute. This boy-girl-boy ass-to-mouth sandwich theme carried on for the rest of that show, with different guys filling in to fill Evelyn at both ends.
And, once again, the viewing audience had its say, with thousands of calls and tweets coming in unanimously and enthusiastically endorsing Evelyn’s new role as a continuous ass-to-mouth, blow-bang fuck toy. Now, every couple of weeks, we do another show just like that, or with Evelyn in just a bra (forget the sweater), bikini panties and heels.
We’ve even started doing her ‘Panty Shows’ outside on the sidewalk downtown, grabbing guys passing-by to fuck the blonde reporter’s two ends simultaneously after she’s knelt down on all fours on a towel to protect her knees and hands. Each new guy starts by fucking her ass (station A) and then moves to her mouth (station B) for a couple of minutes to finish up, while being replaced at station B (Evelyn’s cute little poop chute) by the next guy in line.
And the reaction of TV viewers has continued to be unanimously positive. A big local lingerie shop was so pleased that they now sponsor these events and supply Evelyn with seven new pairs of sexy satin bikini panties and a few matching bras every week, along with a shoe store that provides her with at least one or two new pairs of sexy spike heels each week too. At the end of every month, an auction is held for Evelyn’s used panties to raise money for charity, and hundreds of dollars are raised every time.
(Note #1: I’ve bought about 15 of Evelyn’s panties – all ones I thought looked especially sexy on her – and consider it money very well spent.)
(Note #2: panties that people REALLY love on her she’s given additional pairs
of to keep wearing on the show.)
The panty, bra and heel look is so alluring, it’s even become a local style. You can’t go ANYWHERE in the evening... a fancy restaurant, a show, a party, or just walking downtown... without seeing dozens of beautiful young women dressed that way.
And most of these women will end up doing the ass-to-mouth thing, right in public and usually with multiple partners, before the evening is even half way to midnight. One school near where I live even changed their cheerleader uniforms to just a yellow bra, baby blue satin bikini panties and yellow running shoes.
As another charity promoting event, very early we started having daily draws to bring men in our viewing audience in to be blown by Evelyn while either they or she does the weather report; just $5 per ticket. At least a dozen lucky men’s names are drawn, out of thousands, to enjoy the reporter’s mouth every day, either on or off the air.
At least 2 or 3 days each month we string her along for all three news hours, at 7, 9 and 11, by letting her blow local sports teams on the air. Usually, she starts out standing amid a semi-circle of anywhere from 30 to 60 men, gives the first weather report, and then kneels to progress around the semi-circle as the 5-hour series of shows progresses.
A split screen allows viewers to catch the two anchors reporting the news on the left side of the screen, while not missing even a second of Evelyn’s playful exploits on the right. The nearest football team gladly made the 2-hour trip up the highway to go deep with our Evelyn... over 60 of them, including coaches and trainers and even a couple of old janitors. Evelyn didn’t mind.
But being a huge professional basketball fan, especially of the local teams, you can guess whose athlete’s cock was her favorite. He and all his teammates and their cross-town rivals were all so tall, we had to have Evelyn kneel on her cushion placed on a sturdy wooden box just to reach him. Evelyn was so excited, the station even asked the big man to show up early so a professional portrait photographer could take dozens of pictures of Evelyn with him.
It took her several tries just to wrap her mouth around his massive cock-head, but it was WELL worth the effort, because she ultimately managed to stuff 12 inches of his meat down her throat and hold it for almost a half hour of pictures. She had purposefully worn those same brown pants of hers that everyone loves, along with a tight and sexy team t-shirt matching the player’s own, and sneakers.
Seeing her on her knees, stretching as tall as she could to reach the big man’s cock with her mouth while her eyes beamed with admiration was SO cute. As soon as she shot his load into her mouth and she’d swallowed it, she made him promise NOT to disappear. She wanted ALL of her fans worldwide to see her blow her basketball hero again live on TV.
He just laughed and promised that he would.
That same box she knelt on for him and his teammates would again come into play soon after this, in a very heart-warming way. It was only a few weeks into the daily draws that Evelyn got her first blind man, an elderly gentleman who’d arrived led by an enormous black male Labrador retriever. The dog was so beautiful and so friendly and so well behaved, Evelyn asked the man if she might try his dog too.
“Of course,” he said, smiling. “He’s very gentle.”
It was a bit of a trick, but it ended up working out great. We lifted the dog up onto that same wooden box Evelyn had used with all the basketball players to raise him up about 10 inches so he was at the right height for Evelyn to kneel comfortably, and then I stood directly behind Evelyn, my feet planted on either side of her sexy-heeled feet, and supported the dog’s front legs above her head to help him stand upright on his hind legs.
Instinctively, as soon as he was in this rutting position, Bailey started to pump his hips. Evelyn is such a professional; she had been giving the weather report flawlessly and seemingly without distraction while we got Bailey into position, but now that the dog was ready, I pulled him quickly but smoothly forward towards Evelyn’s face.
Evelyn had been looking into the camera while pointing back at the map behind her and didn’t initially notice the rapidly approaching furry black belly. Luckily, she noticed a big black furry thing coming directly towards her at just the last second and turned to look, mid-vowel... and the dog found Evelyn’s mouth without assistance, even before she could move on to the next consonant...
“Temperatures over the next few day.... hggghhhhkkkxxxx,” she said.
And then, feeling Evelyn’s soft moist mouth on him, 5 million years of canine instincts kicked in and Bailey REALLY revved up, starting to pump his hips like there was no tomorrow. Poor thing probably hadn’t fucked anything in years. Evelyn had to lean forward into him, so that the force of his belly repeatedly striking her forehead didn’t knock her off balance. Otherwise, all she had to do was keep her mouth and throat open and let Bailey ‘have at it’ while her eyes continued to watch the camera.
For about ten seconds or so, though her left hand rested on one of Bailey’s hind legs, her other hand continued to wave at the map, as if she was STILL giving the weather report. But eventually she just shrugged and gave up, bringing her right hand down onto the dog’s other hind leg to just relax and have fun. Fuck the weather.
Her only job now was to continue to look as professional and sexy as possible for her millions and millions of rabid fans, including her parents, who always watched Evelyn’s broadcasts now, but now were both on their cell phones, proudly calling every other relative they had to make sure they turned their TVs on to watch their daughter in action.
“No really, Doris. Put your laundry DOWN right now and turn to Channel 6. You DON’T want to miss THIS,” Mom said, excitedly, to Evelyn’s favorite aunt.
What was REALLY fun about the whole thing was that, at the time, none of us knew that male dogs, once started, can fuck for hours and hours and cum multiple times in succession. Male dogs will sometimes fuck females in heat ALL DAY. It also takes about 20 minutes for a dog to cum once, and Bailey was a big boy with a big member that quickly grew to almost 8 inches long and was especially bulbous and thick... so poor Evelyn was in for the mouth-, or should I say, throat-fucking of her life.
Of course, she was gorgeous as usual, wearing a light grey pair of pants along with a light pink sweater and black spike heels, and looked utterly FANTASTIC leaning into Bailey like this, which, again, she had to do to avoid being knocked over by the force of his thrusts. Her head moved with every lunge of the dog’s pelvis, and this translated down to her little bum wiggling too... very, very cute.
After more than 20 minutes that seemed like forever, Evelyn received a massive load of semen and sperm, making her cough and sputter. The taste was different too, which made her gag and whimper a little bit. But she’d long since learned how to keep cum from leaking onto her nice clothes and managed to swallow all Bailey’s offering. But poor Bailey still was wildly thrashing his hips in front of her, wondering where his female had gone. What could kind-hearted Evelyn do but open her mouth up and lean forward again for him?
Bailey kept our lovely weather girl busy long after the 7 o’clock news show had ended. But every time Evelyn swallowed, she looked up to see Bailey still pumping away, felt sorry for him, and took him into her mouth yet again. The novelty of this had brought dozens of cameras out, besides the running video the cameramen continued to get. All Evelyn could do was turn her eyes towards whatever camera was about to click... otherwise, she just braced herself.
Finally, poor Bailey was done, pulled his front paws out of my hands, and hopped down from his box. Evelyn swallowed the big boy’s final load and then rested her bum back against her heels... shook her head, and laughed.
“I’m sorry for making you wait,” Evelyn told the dog’s owner, whom she hadn’t blown yet, after she’ caught her breath.
“That’s perfectly alright” he said kindly. And then we moved the box over to the side and Evelyn lovingly blew the kind, blind old man. Even though she had five other men waiting for her in the wings, and six more scheduled for the mid-evening news, she blew the old man calmly and without rush.
And that, in retrospect, is what doomed her.
Because she was just starting to bring the old man towards his climax, pumping her mouth a bit more quickly and forcefully, when Bailey sprang up again from lying down and came over and started licking her face, panting and drooling. It was clear to everyone that he wanted more.
Evelyn started laughing as soon as she popped her mouth off the old man’s cock and almost spilled the cum out of her mouth. Luckily, she caught it in time and was able to swallow it. By now, Bailey was panting like crazy and looking from her to the box and back and forth. Evelyn shook her head but continued to laugh as we moved the box and Bailey back into position.
“What about the twelve men waiting?” she asked, still laughing.
“We’ll take care of them,” the producer assured her as one of the assistants guided Bailey’s cock into Evelyn’s mouth again.
Bailey immediately started pumping away, even more aggressively than before, and Evelyn braced herself for more fun. It turns out that, though disappointed, the twelve men scheduled for Evelyn all were very gracious, willingly accepting the deal of ten extra blowjobs from Evelyn, each, for each hour Bailey kept them waiting. Evelyn was relieved when we told her this a few minutes later.
I Blackmailed Neelima for SEX! |
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