Evelyn Blowing Snow

(Part 1 from 2)

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge, especially when they are said, in any context, by a sexy girl. Over the years, I’ve worked as a sound-man at a number of TV news stations and one of my biggest thrills has been when one of these gorgeous young weather girls so many stations now have talks about ‘blowing snow.” For me, there’s a particular reason for this. You see, my name is Snow... Charlie Snow.

Never in my 20-year career in TV have I ever longed for one of these sexy weather girls to say those two magical words than right now. The young woman they have reporting the weather at the station where I now work is so gorgeous, so sexy, and dresses so enticingly in tight tops, pants and skirts, that I dream of the day I’ll wake up to see snow swirling around crazily outside my window.

Unfortunately, though, that isn’t likely to happen... I live in a southern state, and at the southern end of it, where snow of any kind is as rare as a nun prostitute (at least, I assume that’s rare), and blowing snow seems damned near impossible.

The girl’s name (and I apologize for using the word ‘girl’ instead of woman; but, to me, any female I’d love to make passionate love to is a girl, because I still consider myself, in my late thirties, a boy)... anyway, the girl’s name is Evelyn, and she is average height, has an amazing figure (nice breasts and a sweet little ass), and has the most stunningly beautiful face I’ve seen on TV, along with long, silky blonde hair (Gawd! I love girls with silky, long blonde hair).

Every day, she wears tight sweaters or blouses that show off her wonderful breasts and either a sexy short skirt or nice tight pants to highlight an ass I long to fuck. That said, it is her mouth I’d MOST love to fuck... it is SOOOOOO sexy. Gawd! There are times when she says something and her mouth forms a little ‘O’ or just opens wide that I wish I could just rush onto the set and insert my already hard and swollen dick into it and down her throat, and start pumping.

I’d never do this, of course. In fact, around women I’m the perfect gentleman... I hold doors for them (though I do that for everyone, to be honest, because that’s how I was raise)... I’m always polite... I never make sexual innuendos. Hell! I’m a perfect little choir boy... around women. I’ve fucked the mouth of every single gorgeous woman I’ve ever met or seen... in my mind.

That said, one day in the summer, perhaps because it was summer, we were all feeling pretty casual after work and somehow everyone ended up sitting around talking about sex... and I admitted my fantasy about rushing onto the set, while still live, to fuck the mouth of any gorgeous weather girl who’d just said the words ‘blowing snow’. “After all,” I said, “my name IS Snow.”

“No offense, Evelyn,” I immediately said to the beautiful blonde sitting across from me. The last thing I wanted to do is make her, of all people, mad at me.

Luckily, though she was shaking her head in disbelief, she was laughing too. And then she said something that took my breath away.

“Okay, lover-boy,” she said. “The day I say ‘blowing snow’ on the air because there’s blowing snow right outside, you’ll get your wish.”

“You’d blow him live?” another cameraman said.

She laughed. “Okay... maybe I won’t be LIVE, but HE can be. I’ll kneel out of sight and blow him while HE gives the weather report. But it HAS to be blowing snow right here in town. It can’t be off in the mountains somewhere.”

“Okay,” the producer piped in. “But if there IS blowing snow outside, you have to use those words. No ‘swirling snow’ or ‘drifting snow’ type shit.”

“Okay,” Evelyn said, still smiling.

“And I want to be blown too,” the producer said. “I am, after all, the producer.”

“And me,” said the male news anchor. He was a bit of a pompous ass, but not terrible.

“Me too.” “Me too.” “Me too,” said the other three male members of the television crew who happened to be in on this conversation.

“Agreed,” Evelyn said, smiling confidently as she shook everyone’s hand. “The next time I say ‘blowing snow’ on the air because there’s blowing snow right outside, I’ll blow every one of you... LIVE!”

I grimaced. The likelihood of this ever coming to fruition was so miniscule I knew I’d never get my wish.

But then something highly unexpected, if not miraculous, happened and I didn’t have to wait long at all to have my fantasy fulfilled.

The very next January, I awoke pretty sleepy from a restless night, and didn’t even bother to look outside my window until a bit later. I was literally at the kitchen table of my apartment, drinking coffee, when I happened to glance outside.

I dropped my cup.

“Shit!” I gasped. It was snowing. And not just snowing, it was a real whiteout. The previous evening, Evelyn had predicted a below-average cold night and morning, but the mercury had obviously REALLY bottomed out. And it was snowing. Usually when it got cold around here, it was because the air was so dry it didn’t hold heat. It almost never even rained when it was cold, let alone snow. But it was snowing.

I slipped on a coat and hat and rushed down 5 flights of stairs, through the lobby and outside to see everything up close. The wind nearly knocked me over, and I had to close my eyes because of the... blowing snow.

‘Double shit!’ The only issues (BIG issues) now were (1) if it would last long enough for Evelyn to need to report it... two minutes of snow and wind probably wouldn’t muster up much comment, especially since - hadn’t Evelyn said it had to be snowing at the time?; (2) would Evelyn use the words ‘blowing snow’?; and (3) would she, or anyone else, even remember our little agreement?

I got to work early, I was so excited. I literally was breathless all morning... it was hard breathing with my heart in my throat. And the snow kept falling. As it turns out, Evelyn showed up wearing one of my favorite outfits of hers: a V-neck sweater with various shades of browns and orange on it in a kind of wave-like pattern, her sexiest pair of tight brown dress pants, the color of light chocolate, and dark brown spike heels. Gawd! It was hard for me to keep my cock from busting right out of my pants.

She smiled at everyone so naturally, I was sure she’d forgotten. Given that no one else had mentioned the deal, maybe everyone else had too. But that’s when the producer piped in:

“What do you think of this weather, Evelyn?”

She chuckled. “Pretty crazy. The snow and the wind.”

“Blowing snow,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

She nodded. “Blowing snow,” she repeated, calmly.

Now, to be honest, we half expected Evelyn to just back out of the deal... to say she’d been joking. But she didn’t. With a look of resolve on her face, she stood up and walked over to where the rest of the crew were sitting, and asked:

“So… how are we going to do this?”

“Do what?” a couple of the crew asked innocently.

She shook her head in mock disgust, then looked towards the cameramen. “Can you set the cameras high enough that they won’t pick up what I’m doing?”

“What will you be doing, Evelyn?” one guy asked, playfully raising his eyebrows.

“Entertaining you guys,” she said.

“Sure,” the three cameramen nodded in synchrony.

“And can YOU give a weather report?” she looked right at me.

“Uh... sure.” I was still waiting desperately for her to say something about actually blowing me.”

“Okay,” she smiled. “Just be sure to cum in my mouth where I can swallow it, and NOT on my clothes.”

Bingo! I sighed with relief and nodded in disbelief. This was actually going to happen.

We agreed that her first weather update should be like her usual reports, so she could actually say those two magic words (“blowing snow”); and then we’d insert me for the second report.

“Obviously, you won’t be able to walk around,” the producer told me. “And Evelyn... all the cameras will be set about 3 inches above your head with the zoom on, so we just catch Snow from the chest up. But don’t go standing up or anything.”

She laughed. Of course not!

As usual, the show started with the male and female news anchors, Bill and Carol, sitting behind a desk chatting, then turning to Evelyn who had joined them. She calmly announced that she was breaking in a new guy “to take my place from time to time... don’t worry fans, I’m not going anywhere.”

I’m sure that about 3 million horny men across the basin gave a collective sigh at that. No guy in his right mind wanted to lose this girl!

It was the female anchor, in fact, who really set the stage for Evelyn.

“What do you think of all this wind and snow?” she asked the sexy blonde.

“It’s really blowing out there,” Evelyn answered with a smile.

“Sure leaves a bitter taste in your mouth,” the male anchor chimed in with a smirk.

Evelyn laughed. “It sure does,” she said.

Then it was Evelyn’s turn to stand up and give her first weather update. Only perhaps to those of us who’d seen her every day for over a year did she seem at all nervous as she reported on “the blowing snow” that had hit the area that day. “We had blowing snow this morning,” she said... “and blowing snow this afternoon... and there’s still blowing snow out there now.”

I nearly cum in my pants.

“The good news is that it should warm up a bit tomorrow, and we shouldn’t have any more snow blowing around... at least for a little while.” And then she gave her warmest and sexiest smile EVER.

Oh fuck!

And then she went on to describe the 5-day forecast.

“Back to you Bill and Carol,” she said finally, with a heart-melting smile.

“Thanks Evelyn.”

And that’s when the camera and set-up crew sprang into action.

I was dragged onto the set and told I’d have to stand to the side and angle sideways to the main camera so I could see the screen behind me and point as necessary, but also still see a big teleprompter screen that I’d basically just read; since, despite all my years watching weather reports 5 days a week, I didn’t REALLY know what I’d be talking about. I was a sound man... that didn’t mean I really listened.

“Which side would you prefer to be facing?” the producer asked me.

I told him I’d rather be on the right side facing left. I don’t know why. Maybe I was foreshadowing what was about to happen, because I later would come to feel that, as gorgeous as she was from any angle, Evelyn’s right side was a tad sexier than her left.

“No worries,” the producer said, and the teleprompter was slid into position.

Evelyn was given a cute little cushion to kneel on and took her place too.

“Let’s practice a little bit,” the main cameraman said.

Evelyn deftly unzipped me and, as I watched almost in horror (I was SO nervous), leaned forward to take my cock into her mouth, as non-hesitatingly and calmly as if she was about to suck on a Popsicle. Before it had grown to its full length, my dick seemed small and old and wrinkly to me, and I was suddenly embarrassed by it. But, as Evelyn slid her mouth back and forth a few times, her eyes aimed towards the camera, I rapidly grew.

By the time she paused, the cock in her mouth was shiny and thick and almost rock hard (and far from small). I was still a couple of inches inside her mouth when Evelyn’s beautiful eyes quickly glanced up at me... and I almost shot my load right there and then. Then her eyes found the cameraman.

“Hmm hmmm?” she asked him.

“That’s perfect, Evelyn,” he said. “Just stay in that position while we’re filming you and you’ll be hidden. Remember, though, that the camera is set roughly three inches above the top of your head right now.” Then he smiled. “Don’t worry. You’ll be hidden. Since it’s all recorded for the website, I’ll even show you the video afterwards so you can see for yourself.”

Evelyn popped off me, leaned back against her shoes, and nodded. Then she smiled up at me and winked. Gawd! Her eyes were amazing!

“Good luck,” she said.

“You too,” I sighed.

And then we heard Carol say... “And now our own Charlie Snow is going to tell us about all the blowing snow we’ve been having.”

And the producer gave the signal that we were on the air in 5 seconds, 4 seconds, three seconds...

‘2½ minutes’, I thought to myself. I’d just have to last 2½ minutes.


For about thirty seconds or so, everything went perfect. But then there was a series of unfortunate events that spelled Evelyn’s doom.

Even with Evelyn blowing me, I had remained pretty calm and focused. Reading the teleprompter wasn’t so bad, as I was a good reader; and I just sort of waved my arm around at the screen behind me like I’d seen Evelyn do. But then there was the first glitch... the teleprompter screen froze about 30 seconds into my update, and I along with it.

“Improvise!” the cameraman whispered loudly, suddenly straightening up to make sure I saw him... that’s when glitch #2 happened; because, while standing up straight, he’d accidentally knocked the camera a bit, angling it downwards.

“Shit!” he whispered a little louder.

Quickly, he grabbed the camera to correct the angle.

Throughout all this, Evelyn had kept slowly sliding her luscious mouth back and forth along my shaft; but when she heard the cameraman say “Shit” she instinctively leaned upright to see around the lights aimed our way and turned to face the camera, my cock still in her mouth (Glitch #3: when we watched the video later, not only did she stare right into a camera aimed right at her, leaving no doubt at all about who the girl blowing Charlie Snow was... but she’d also raised the top of her head about 6 inches, a mistake she never corrected).

“It’s okay,” the cameraman whispered, and Evelyn resumed the slow, rhythmic bobbing of her head.

The second “Shit” came when the cameraman glanced into the side screen to see what the camera was capturing and noticed that, with Evelyn kneeling more upright than she had been, the top of her head was now visible, her blonde hair bobbing to and fro. Not her face... just the top of her head. But there was no doubt at all as to what some girl was doing to lucky Charlie Snow.

“It’s okay. It’s okay,” he whispered when Evelyn paused and turned towards the camera again. He’d just hit the ZOOM IN button to close in on me and remove Evelyn’s head... or so he thought.

By the time he’d reassured Evelyn and me that all was okay and had time to glance down to see that little side-screen again, at least 10 more seconds had past.

“Oh shit!” he said a third time, so softly this time no one else heard it. He’d just made the biggest mistake of all (Glitch #4)... instead of hitting the ZOOM IN button, in his rush he’d unintentionally hit the ZOOM RESET button right next to it, which had returned the camera to the default, full ZOOM OUT position he usually started these weather updates with, meaning that Evelyn was fully visible now... every inch of her from her knees resting on that cute little cushion and her sexy high-heeled shoes to the top of her head, and she was obliviously sliding to and fro along my cock. Not only that, but the earlier gaffe had made her camera conscious, so she had angled her head a bit towards the camera.

It wasn’t even worth fixing now. All that the cameraman could do in a desperate attempt to salvage his and everyone else’s job was to try to make everything that had just happened look intentional. Evelyn and Carol had both mentioned blowing snow. My name was Snow. Maybe it’d just be perceived by the public and by management as a sick, racy joke. Or maybe the station could publicly claim that the show had been hacked and that this wasn’t the REAL Evelyn, but some superimposed fake video. Of course, probably not. Chances were that the entire crew, and Evelyn, would be fired. He might as well have a bit of fun.

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